#i know mules work different than a horse dont @ me
sweater-equestrian · 2 years
i will say. i have no idea what horse i want next (assuming i can afford to have another horse). Romeo is no longer rideable for me, and most lesson barns are just not going to have a horse big enough for me to ride. For wiggle room / insurance that I won't outgrow another horse, I am genuinely wondering if draft or draft mule isnt my best bet? the only other option imo is to pick out whatever the chunkiest quarter horse is and cross my fingers.
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ohdobertell · 6 years
I hope SnK ends with all the history/lore being cleared up. Isayama is kinda in dangerous territory with implying that only a certain race with certain blood can do X, Y, Z (because blood and race don’t work like that bruh the eldians are straight up a different species if that’s all true). Even if he does something like...idk...having some non-eldians turn into titans and some eldians being unable to turn into titans..... that’ll be good. I know The curse of Ymir is supposed to be a supernatural phenomena or whatever and so perhaps the curse overrides our understanding of genetics and blood....but....idk....it’s such a dangerous subject to play with and while I think he’s handled himself so far....I’d just be so much more comfortable if turns out the blood thing was a myth made up by Marley or something lmao. I guess maybe Isayama wants to ask us what do we think of different subspecies of humans existing, the same way different subspecies of cats and dogs exist (!!) which I guess is a question we should ask ourselves but at the same time!!! Maybe not!!!
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ihavenoside · 5 years
((Just some random joke rp on disc.ord that needs to be on my blog because I can’t breathe. It’s about Connor’s 52′s date.)) @9th-in-a-line @rkmodelseries
((Connor 52 asking 51 to borrow/raid his closet, which he doesn’t have much of either.))
52: I need to borrow one of your work suits for my date. 51: okay... Why don't you go buy yourself a suit? you work at the DPD don't you? 52: your clothes are nicer than mine. PLEASE, I want to impress her! 51: ... fine. 52: oh, and I'm borrowing the car. 51: over my dead body you are. 52: that can be arranged. 51: 52, you're going to become 53 if you take my car. 52: IT'S MY CAR TOO?! 51: no, it's not. it's registered under my code. not yours and if you take it, I will report it stolen and arrest you myself. 52: you're no fun. 51: you can impress her with a taxi service. 52: fine. I'll go ask Caleb to borrow his bike. it's CoOlEr anyway. 51: by all means. try but stay away from my car. Red: (petty sibling squabbling lol.) ((I started this off so most of the time the perspective rper is now rping their own muse.))
52: -spends the last hour before his date to just stare at connor's car, contemplating-  51: -safeguarding the keys because he always has them on him-
52: -sighs, because he can't hack an old model car- 52: -calls gen- Is it possible for me to borrow your car? rkmodel: (lmao)  
Caleb: ....I have a few extra helmets, just take the bike. 52: But, what if it rains???? I can't have my date be rained on! 51: your date can wear the cat ears helmet. Caleb: Then it's a cute story to tell your grandkids Red: (lol)
52: What???????? Caleb: A first date, caught in the rain? Maybe sharing your first kiss? It's romantic. Her hair and make up will be fine, and that's all that matters. 52: Rain? Romantic? Oh. I was an idiot for this date. Maybe I should just call and cancel. Say that something came up. RKModel: (lol) 
Caleb: Shut up. Out of all of us I have the most dating experience. Go. If she can't accept our shared innate awkwardness then this is the time to find out, and you can move on to someone who will,. Caleb: Markus knew I was awkward the moment he looked at me and somehow still managed to find me attractive
52: But you both just kind of fell into the swing of things. I don't even have my own vehicle to take someone on a date, or my own clothes. I should stop while I'm ahead. These sort of things don't go well for me. I'll just message her, and say that one of my brother's got into an accident and that it's really important. Then, maybe she won't feel like I ditched her? Because I'm not ditching her. It's just that I don't know what I'm doing. 52: ...Maybe if Connor let me borrow his car, I can think about it on my way to her place? 52: Maybe?
Caleb: I offered my bike....Good to know it's not good enough for your steamy date. 52: .... Your bike is nice, but Connor's car is awesome. 52: Ah! I'll find another car to borrow.
Caleb: My bike is fucking rad!
52: Your bike.. is okay...
Caleb: Pull up on a bike in one of my jackets and she'll think you have a sexy bad boy side.
52: That requires so much documentation, Connor 52: Help a brother out here!
Red: (just Markus in the back round. 'fucking hell, these are my successors... and I love one of them.')
Caleb: Don't complain, I'm right about the badboy vibes, you love my leather pants.
52: She won't think I have a bad boy side! She'd probably think I'm a poser, and trying way too hard!
Caleb: Because you're already trying too hard....
52: Ah, so you agree with me that I should cancel the date?
Caleb: You want the fancy car and I offered you the bike, don't dish everything out on the first date, make her earn something -he says as he was the one who proceeded to sleep with Markus before they had any kind of real date-
51: your not guilting me into lending you my car.
52: But, I'm practically you! Let yourself borrow your car?
Caleb: he doesn't even let himself borrow a good night of sleep
51: no. I don't need to lend myself my car, ITS MY CAR. Red: (Caleb's going hard lol) RKModel: (lmaooo) 9thinaline: Sass master Caleb, Dropping truth bombs, spiting hard facts. Red: 51 doesn't have a come back yet lol
52: Neither of you are helping. Things were easier when I didn't exist. What kind of brothers are you?
51: and you're being a brat.
Caleb: I am doing everything in my power! What do you want me to do, suplex the keys off him??? Caleb: Don't. Say. yes....
52: Yes.
Caleb: I'm going to mule kick you into oblivion.
52: ???? Try me, bitchhhhh.
Markus: I stuck my dick in crazy, and I let crazy stick his dick in me. Caleb: I'm not crazy, I'm the reasonable one here. I offered my bike and helmets, which is all I can do and he's acting like I'm a bad brother!
52: Your bike is a death trap! I could have compromised with Connor by now and successfully obtained his keys from him if it wasn't for your "offer"! Markus: -facepalms-
Caleb: I guess I'll go fuck myself then since I'm such a piece of shit for offering. Caleb: Y'know what no, go fuck yourself, take a taxi!   
51: you wish. I already said no.
52: -mocks- Oh, look at me! I'm big man Connor, and I have my own car that really isn't even mine, because Cyberlife bought it, and I pretty much stole it, but I won't people use it because I'm a jerk. And look at me!  I'm big man Caleb, and I have my own bike, and it's super new because I totaled the other one because it's a death trap, but look, I'll still offer it for someone's date, and I'll talk about how I'm successfully dating someone else in the meantime!
Caleb: A car would also be totaled if another, larger caar barreled into it going 30 mph....but go off I guess
52: Leave me alone, Caleb.
Caleb: Have you tried dating a guy? They seem to be way less stressful... Markus: I beg to differ. Caleb: Then beg.
52: And you sound SEXIST!
Caleb: I mean...a guy has treated me better than most of the women I know...so there's that.
52: Well, good for you and you love life that I really don't care about. 52: Anything else you want to share????
Caleb: I feel like a good masturbation session would release A LOT of your tension...since you're asking what else I have to share.
52: Well, since I have the same face as you, maybe Markus could give me a handy instead? 52: What about that? 52: Sounds good?
Caleb: I have a few traits over you, like height, eye color, humor, not lOOKING A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH YOU UNGRAATEFUL LITTLE SHIT.
52: Those are some big fucking words coming from someone WHO FELL FOR THE FIRST GUY WHO GAVE THEM ATTENTION  AFTER BEING DEVIATED! 52: Who are you to judge me, Caleb! 52: I told you to leave me alone!
Caleb: When you know you know, and clearly you don't know, Caleb: Markus and I knew, and we thoroughly enjoy ourselves because we can relax around each other, this girl has you so nervous you're tearing a family apart over a car that isn't even yours??
52: I think she's doing me a favor, because right now? This "family" sucks. Because, oh? I'm sorry? I'm sorry that I didn't come equip with a program that makes me well-prepared for dates-- or for anything else than working in law enforcement? I'm sorry that you're so much more advanced than me that you don't become nervous about things being perfect and exact? I told you, Caleb-- I didn't want your offer in the first place. This was a conversation between Connor and I, and you interrupted.
Caleb: I was trying to help you and I'm the one being attacked like I'm a bad person and I reaslly don't appreciate it. I'm trying to be a good brother and it's okay if you don't want it but don't act like I'm a bad brother for offering.... -scene: Caleb's eyes welling up because he was honestly just trying to help-
52: Whaaaat a bitch. -Reaches his hand to his ear and takes out his audio processor- RKModel: lmaooo, this is awful
51: -talks telepathically- did you forget we can talk this way? 51: but good job. have fun on your date, or lack thereof if you going to be this bull-headed.
52, to Connor: -talking telepathically- I'm blocking you, now. Bye, now~ Thanks for nothing!
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nobuckingway · 6 years
We both really enjoyed our first lesson with Christa Dillion from Blackhill Eventing, so much so that we got her out for a second! Lessons where you get pushed and challenged to the best of your ability are definitely the kind of lessons that we need at the minute. We both feel we need something or someone to push us forward. 
Have a read below about what we tackled in our lesson along with a short Q&A with Christa herself.
The 3 Exercises We Tackled
Exercise #1 – Related Distance Canter Poles
Our first exercise was a basic set of 2 canter poles with a distance of four strides in between. Trying to maintain a steady forward rhythm & focus on a good approach to the first pole was key in hitting this exercise correctly. 
Exercise #2 – Bounce Poles
To begin with,  this exercise was set up with 5 bounce/canter poles. As we progressed through  (after a lot of time spent putting poles back in place by Christa!) the 5 canter poles became 4 with a cross pole jump put in place of the 5th pole at the end. Talk about challenging!
Exercise #3 – Double with Trot Poles and Bounce Poles
Finishing up the lesson Christa set up a small grid. This consisted of an approach of 3 trot poles into a cross pole, two bounce ground poles then into an upright, which then progressed into a spread. Both horses surprisingly rode this exercise spot on each time. I think all the pole work above definitely helped set them up for it.
How Did Coco & Dante Get On? 
Orla & Coco
My focus for this lesson was getting Coco to stop tanking me into fences. She has started rushing into fences and then dropping at the last second causing her to jump like a donkey. So the exercises Christa set out were perfect! 
My first issue however was Coco’s irritating spooking in her least favourite corner of the arena. Trying to get her to concentrate was difficult but after a while I decided I just needed to ignore it and try to get on with things. 
After a quick warm up we started over the related distance canter poles. Well..you’d swear I had put a 1.20 spread in front of her the way she bombed at it. When she did this my focus had to be on correcting her but not letting the correction kill all of her impulsion. That is something I need to find the balance with. Coco’s a very eager jumper who tends to do a few leaps before jumps so I sometimes struggle to control that energy without killing it and having to build it back up again. The way to do this was to compress the canter by half halting while also applying leg to keep your impulsion. Needless to say I was quite nackered by the end of this lesson!
Funnily enough she took to the other two exercises extremely well. She was quite consistent with the bounce poles and our only issue with the grid was that she kept trying to pop into canter over the trot poles so I needed to contain her energy and not let it explode too soon. At the end of the grid was the scary corner so we had a few silly moments down there when we put all three exercises together but thankfully it wasn’t anything that stopped her from jumping (which has been the case before)!
All in all I was delighted with how well Coco did. I feel like our confidence is improving so the plan is to gradually start increasing the height of fences at home and getting ourselves out to do some schooling in new environments. 
Darielle & Dante
For this lesson I went in not really expecting much from Dante. I have found in the past that if I do it all tends to flip & go backwards. 
Working on Dante accepting the contact more from my leg up into my hand is still a major issue we are tackling, some days he’s fantastic, soft & subtle then some days hes a stubborn mule. He is a horse that likes to be in control of his own self, and when I step in and interfere or try get him to listen to me he kicks up a fuss… this at times is frustrating, but it is something I am dealing with & learning to correct myself, all whilst still trying to ignore his ratty behaviour. 
As we progressed into the lesson, Getting Dante to listen to my leg aids became quite difficult that in turn with trying to half halt him, he blatantly just ignored me & continued to try do what he wanted to do, blasting forward at times or not wanting to move forward at all.  This sounds dreadful, but picture an octopus trying to run… this is Dante…but he is a massive horse that still doesn’t know how much body he actually has, and to be fair to him he has come a very long way with managing it to the best of his ability & mine! 
The most beneficial exercise to us were the canter poles into the cross pole. There were a few moments where I had to pull him out of his approach as he’d cock the jaw and try run off with control, there were moments that I had to circle to get a good balanced canter on our approach. There were some good moments in there too, dont get me wrong but most of our work consisted of compressing his canter & keeping a firm leg on him all whilst trying to keep a flowing moving canter. 
It was god dam difficult let me tell you, but we got there in the end! 
We had some great positive moments in our lesson too, his approach to fences was a lot more relaxed, he waited and listened to me more than he did in our previous lesson, so over all great progress is being made & I am quite content with that & delighted!
Moving forward a LOT more work is needed in his canter, within the different paces pushing him forward and out of his comfort zone, getting him moving rather than letting him stick to the same consistant pace, but hey, perfection takes time!! 
Q&A with Christa Dillon of Blackhill Eventing
How did you get into coaching, tell us about yourself?
Answer: I am a 37 year old farmer’s wife and mother of one small, flame haired and feral four year old boy. I am a professional lorry driver in my spare time, and I am staunchly proud of my Artic license!  I competed in eventing until 2012, when a lack of horses forced a change of direction into producing youngsters. I adore showjumping, especially the training-we are so lucky in Ireland to be able to learn with some truly exceptional riders and coaches, enabling us to produce confident, well educated young horses capable of good success in any sport.  During the winter, I gave a friend a hand with her horse. To my great surprise, my advice actually worked. I generally always know what to do when I’m in the saddle, but watching from the ground is a whole other ball game. My friend is extremely persuasive, and she encouraged/demanded that I took out insurance to teach. The same friend then twice over arranged training clinics for me, and thanks to her I now have a good client base. I really enjoy helping others, and I’m very grateful to those who have helped to make coaching a reality.
What is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Answer: ‘Hot horses are always lazy’, from Paul O’Shea. It can be taken literally, but it’s more to make you remember that if a horse is throwing a ton of attitude at you to avoid actually working, there is pretty well always a reason. It’s up to you to figure the reason out! Also, ‘The best place for four year old horses is often the field’, from Trevor Breen. This has proven to be true a million times over for me
What’s your favourite part about producing horses?
Answer: Oh everything! Learning about who they are, how they need to be ridden, what they find easy and difficult. It’s so satisfying when they suddenly understand something, or make a big jump forward in their training. To quote Piggy French, ‘I’m just addicted to working with horses’. 
Do Coco or Dante remind you of any horses you’ve owned or worked with in the past?
Answer: Coco reminds me a lot of my own 4 yr old mare-both very willing and absolute workaholics, supremely intelligent and genuine, but both with their own boundaries of acceptance-find the key, and you have the horse of a lifetime. Dante reminds me-in looks at least-of a very cool KWPN gelding I had a few years ago called Vector M2S. He went on to jump 1m40 in Ireland, before being sold to Italy. I am in contact with his owner which makes me so happy as I adored the horse. He is stabled at Luca Maria Moneta’s yard, near Lake Como.
What tips would you give to anyone producing a young horse to keep their confidence levels up?
Answer: Be patient. Find the most experienced person you can, and learn as much as you can. A young horse needs a wide foundation of education to maintain confidence throughout his training, so work hard to put that in place. Never rush or overface a young horse, praise him always-especially if he’s struggling with something-and never be afraid to take a step back or take a break. Avoid the pressure of age classes and the ‘your horse should be doing X Y Z at 4,5,6’ brigade. Train each horse as an individual, at a pace that best suits him.
Finally, in your opinion what types of exercises should we be doing with both horses to keep progressing forward? 
Dante: Dante has made huge progress since I saw him a month ago. He’s a difficult horse who ultimately needs to learn to compress his frame and listen to his rider. He currently alternates between listening almost too much, or not listening at all when Darielle asks him to come to work, but I would take this as a huge positive as it shows that he’s trying so hard to work it out and very close to a more permanent and consistent way of going. Lots of canter poles so that horse and rider can work on a more consistent stride pattern. Rows of bounces can be helpful, as can gridwork with ground poles. Anything to get Dante to look at what he’s doing, and begin to learn to balance himself in a more ‘together’ canter. He’s a fabulous horse and this is a very nice, progressive partnership. 
Coco: Coco is the coolest. She’s so willing and interested in work. She’s quite consistent now in her way of going, and like Dante I see a huge improvement on how she was going a month ago. With a horse like her, I would use loads of poles in trot and canter to keep her thinking. I would give her enough to do, without pushing her too hard. I imagine that variety would suit her, so I would encourage plenty of hacking, shows, trips away schooling, a spin up the gallops, lunging etc. Make every day fun for her. Coco and Orla look like best friends hanging out together, having the craic.
Well there you have it, our lesson with Christa. We are having another lesson tomorrow so hopefully we will see even more progress with both horses and continue to grow and move forward. 
If you do want to try out the exercises we did in our lesson above, head over to our Instagram page to have a look at how we got on & how they were set up!
Darielle & Orla
NBW Meets Christa Dillon of Blackhill Eventing #schoolingexercises #riderhour #247equestrian #nobuckingway #horsebloggers #Horses #horsehour #equestrians #equestrianbloggers We both really enjoyed our first lesson with Christa Dillion from Blackhill Eventing, so much so that we got her out for a second!
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