#i know i said id respond to this tomorrow but LOL i couldn't resist
satelliteduster · 3 years
hi tone. if you were given full script and directing control with an unlimited budget for a horror movie what would you make it about? what kind of themes would you explore?
my entire brain and gut immediately went "WEREWOLF MOVIE" to this BUT i would specifically make it a movie about finding utter pleasure and joy in the experience. so many werewolf flicks make the whole schtick out to be an intense and unpleasant curse like "oh no every full moon i can turn into a giant buff wolf woe is me" FUCK THAT i would have the main character strive to love their status as a werewolf and everything that comes with it: the agility, the adrenaline rush, the heightened senses, the "euphoria of change" (im quoting that one tumblr comic that was like "your memory fails" or smth. that one ruled) and ofc the insatiable hunger & bloodlust <3 werewolf's gotta eat
as for theming i would absolutely love to focus on the double-life aspect of it; the role a werewolf feels that they have to play on both sides of the equation. ive always felt like the subjugation and shame that a werewolf would feel in their day-to-day life would be from the regular people who fear them/demean them/comment on their strange behavior & newfound energy/want them to subdue themselves. and yet, what about when they become a wolf? say they're a pacifist or a naturally caring and conscientious person -- what happens when they deal with that bloodlust, with that desire to consume flesh? they'd be torn between having to play that role of the gruesome, grotesque monster that nobody can control and the weak loner that nobody respects for one reason or another. also also id love adding a sort of recurring "stage-play" motif (kinda like the shadow girls from utena) to accentuate the "playing the role of the monster vs the helpless damsel" motif
"tone this sounds ok but where's the horror" idk maybe its a horror comedy. the scary parts could be when the protagonist gets mauled by a werewolf & transforms for the first time. maybe there's a scene where the og werewolf comes back for revenge and stalks the protagonist, making them paranoid. maybe the protagonist can't sleep at night and they end up seeing the creature out of the corners of their eyes. maybe there's an "under the school" final confrontation between the mc and the beast where they have to navigate a bunch of damp, dark, pipe-laden hallways. maybe
anyway tl;dr "what if you mixed danny phantom with american werewolf in london and made tucker the main protagonist. and also made him a quirky scene girl. or something"
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