#i know i liked the time quintet and inkheart series and his dark materials
noisytenant · 11 months
The article has got me trying to remember which books I liked reading as a kid. I can't remember many picture books but I know I started reading independently really early and read a lot of nonfiction so i think that explains much of it. i think i got into graphic novels and comics for fiction pretty early.
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elwingflight · 6 years
you should be working but also 2, 15, 30
2. have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
None that’s immediately coming to mind? I’d like to think Terry Pratchett is not-dissimilar, although that’s being far to kind to myself. I’ve read a couple of Silmarillion fanfics that were pretty amazing in their portrayal of life and love and reality and that I really vibed with headspace-wise.
15. five most influential books over your lifetime.
The Lord of the Rings/The Silmarillion (both but counting as one) and the Harry Potter series are sort of top tier. A few books but especially The Beak of the Finch really influenced my choice of career path. And then there are a few others that were especially meaningful to me- Good Omens, the Time Quintet (Wrinkle In Time series), the Inkheart trilogy, the His Dark Materials trilogy.
30. pick one of your favorite quotes.
My current favorite biology quote is “I would gladly lay down my life for two brothers or eight cousins.” -J.B.S. Haldane (its about kin selection and is, somehow, A Mood)
My normal-person and slightly more serious response to this question is that I’ve been thinking about how I really need to read Oathbringer lately, so ““you were right, father. you can’t save men by killing others. we should all be surgeons.” -Kaladin
Thanks dude! You sure know how to pick torturous questions for me to try and answer.
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