#i kind of imagine the first verse zira to crowley and then the second in the reverse
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- Judith Wright
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bluerosewrites · 5 years
Rewrite the Stars
Guys I DID THE THING! It’s a Good Omens AU with some Greatest Showman inspiration. Check it out? Either here or it’s also on AO3
Pairing: Aziraphale/Crowley
Genre: Fluff
Words: 2355
Summary: This is a drabble involving an AU of my own creation, one where Antonia Crowley is a badass viola player in a punk band, and Zira Fell is one of her best friends. They’re both obviously pining for each other but neither is brave enough to act on those feelings. Until now.This is a oneshot that may turn into more, I’m not sure where it’s going yet. I definitely at least plan on writing a few more songfics using Queen songs and songs from Greatest Showman.
Notes:So Zira and Toni are probably equal parts my own creation and equal parts canon Aziraphale and Crowley. I’ve left it fairly vague in terms of age and description. You can decide if this was merely after the apocanope, or if this is an entirely new universe with human Zira and Toni.If I decide to continue writing this AU those things will need to be figured out, but until then, feel free to imagine them as you wish. :)
Zira loved going to Toni’s shows. It was one of the highlights of her week. They were usually late at night and could stretch into the wee hours of the morning, but Zira didn’t mind. She didn’t sleep much anyway, and had a love/hate relationship with the concept.
Tonight, however, she was so nervous that she could barely stay conscious of the songs’ beginnings and ends, so she could applaud and cheer at the appropriate times. Forget listening to the lyrics.
She found her eyes drifting to Toni more often than she wanted to admit. Sometimes she would catch her eye and they’d hold each other’s gaze for a brief moment before one of them broke it. Toni had the best smiles when she was performing. And Zira thought at least a small percentage of them were directed at, even caused by, her.
“Alright, thank you so much, everyone, we’re going to take a brief break and then we’ll be back for our final set!” called out Mags, the lead singer of the band as well as a close friend to Zira and Toni. The band waved to the cheering crowd and made their way offstage. Most of the band headed to the bar for a refreshment on their drinks. One of the perks of playing these smaller bars was the free, or at least discounted, alcohol. Mags and Jamie found Zira in the crowd.
“You ready?” inquired Jamie, clapping a hand on Zira’s shoulder. She dried her increasingly sweaty hands on her plaid skirt before answering him.
“I mean….no?” she replied honestly, tucking her short, bleached blonde curls behind her ear. “But I have to do this.”
“Yeah, I can understand that,” said Mags with a smile, running her hand comfortingly over Zira’s denim-jacket covered arm. “Before Jamie asked me out he was so nervous he threw up,” she laughs, playfully punching Jamie on the arm.
“Hey!” he cries, throwing his arms up in mock surrender before picking up Mags around her waist.
“Put me doooown,” Mags manages between laughs as Jamie swings her around in a semicircle. He finally complies, and the couple devolves into laughter. After a moment, their attention turns back to Zira, who has been watching this all unfold with a hand to her mouth, suppressing chuckles of her own. They really were a cute couple.
“So back to you,” Mags begins, clasping her hands together in front of her.
Zira sighs. “Back to me,” she says morosely.
“Hey, now, none of that,” Jamie croons, pulling Zira into a hug. She tucks her head under his chin, arms folded as his own encircle her. “You’ve got this,” he says, releasing her from the hug. One of his hands stays on her left shoulder while the other gently lifts her chin and encourages her to look him in the eyes, “We believe in you.”
Mags nods affirmatively, “We really do, Zir. And you know this song inside and out, you’ve been practicing.”
“Yeah,” says Jamie, and then confirms the plan, “So after our first encore, we’ll come back onstage and I’ll start the chords on my keytar for the song and to give you your starting note. The band knows to follow me once I start, and then we’ll follow you when you start singing. Okay?”
Zira nods, and does a few cleansing breaths to help release some of her nervous energy. She waves her friends off and they rush to get their drinks before jumping back onstage.
She’s sure the band performs well for their last set, but she’s too nervous to care that she’s missing it in the midst of her anxiety. Come on, Zira, get it together, she thinks to herself, trying to will her way through this. Before she knows it, she sees the band clear the stage. Shit. Encore already?
Far too quickly than should be possible, and certainly sooner than Zira would wish, she hears the final notes of the first song of the encore. That’s me, she thinks to herself. Jamie plays the chord, as promised. Zira takes a deep breath as the band starts the intro, but can’t bring herself to start the song. She catches Mags’ eye and pleads  for an assist.  
Only a couple measures late, Mags begins,
You know I want you
It’s not a secret I tried to hide
The band redoes a riff and meets Mags where she’s singing. Toni is playing her viola, but she has a very confused look on her face. She wasn’t part of the briefing Jamie did, as it’s her Zira wanted to pour her heart out to.
Our hero still can’t get enough air in her lungs, it seems to have been stolen by the room. Her heart pounds like it intends to leave her chest. Welp, this is it, this is how I go, she thinks.
Mags continues,
I know you want me So don’t keep saying our hands are tied You claim it’s not in the cards Fate is pulling you miles away And out of reach from me
Mags looks at Zira. She’s kind of worried now. Is this going to work? They lock eyes. Zira nods, closing her eyes and attempting to recompose herself.
Mags finishes the first verse,
But you’re here in my heart So who can stop me if I decide That you’re my destiny?
Zira finally finds the strength within herself to begin singing. She and Mags have a beautiful harmony going, with Zira’s alto voice melding with Mags’ soprano one. Zira doesn’t trust herself to look at Toni yet, though she knows she will need to. Instead, she stares straight at Mags and walks forward as they sing,
What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine Nothing could keep us apart You’d be the one I was meant to find It’s up to you, and it’s up to me No one can say what we get to be So why don’t we rewrite the stars? Maybe the world could be ours Tonight
The moment Zira started to sing, the crowd began to whoop and clap. They hadn’t seen anything like this before. They didn’t know what  was happening, but they liked it. Zira and Mags finished the first chorus and exchanged gleeful grins. Zira reached the stage and stretched up to grasp Mags’ hand. Mags gave her a reassuring squeeze. Zira turned, and locked eyes with Jamie. He gave her a nod, indicating he was soon to play the chord for her to come in with the second verse. She nodded back her understanding.
Slightly early due to nerves, she began singing,
You think it’s easy You think I don’t want to run to you But there are mountains And there are doors that we can’t walk through
She makes her way over to where Toni is standing. Toni slowly has stopped playing her viola, and her hands hang at her sides holding the viola in one hand and her bow in the other.
Zira doesn’t have the courage to look at her face yet, but vows to do so as she continues singing the verse,
I know you’re wondering why Because we’re able to be Just you and me Within these walls But when we go outside You’re going to wake up and see that it was hopeless after all
Before she begins the chorus, Zira wipes her still-sweaty hands on her jacket and looks at the ground. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She delivers the next lines while staring into Toni’s eyes,
No one can rewrite the stars How can you say you’ll be mine? Everything keeps us apart And I’m not the one you were meant to find It’s not up to you It’s not up to me When everyone tells us what we can be How can we rewrite the stars? Say that the world can be ours Tonight
During this interlude, Toni has hung up her viola on the wall and jumped off the stage. With tear-filled eyes, she grabs Zira’s hands and joins her as she sings,
All I want is to fly with you All I want is to fall with you So just give me all of you
Zira is slightly shocked by Toni’s response but carries on,
It feels impossible
Toni releases Zira’s left hand to grasp her chin, singing,
It’s not impossible
Zira snakes her other arm around Toni’s waist and pulls her closer, continuing,
Is it impossible?
The pair breaks apart but for one hand, turning to face the audience, together singing,
How do we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine? Nothing can keep us apart
Neither one knows who started it, but their joined hands raise and their free hands punch the sky, emphasizing their words,
‘Cause you are the one I was meant to find It’s up to you And it’s up to me
They turn and face each other, each grasping for the other as they rejoin their other set of hands,
No one can say what we get to be And why don’t we rewrite the stars? Changing the world to be ours
As the band begins the outro, Zira bites her lip and casts her eyes downward. Toni lifts her chin with one hand and cards the fingers of her other hand through Zira’s curls.
Toni smiles, and begins,
You know I want you
It’s not a secret I try to hide
Zira shyly returns the smile, and continues
But can I have you?
We’re bound to break and my hands—
Toni brings a finger to Zira’s lips and cuts off the last line with words of her own, softly spoken with soft eyes, “They’re mine,”
Zira gasps softly and blushes slightly.
“So…” she begins, “This was a good idea?” Her voice lilts up at the end, leaving no doubt to those listening of her nerves. “Because I wasn’t sure if…” She quickly devolves into anxious ramblings, pulling her hands from Toni in order to gesture. Toni smiles.
“Oh, angel, it was perfect,” she breathes, taking both of Zira’s hands between her own.
“Really? Oh, good, because I–” Zira began.
“Oh, hush,” scolded Toni gently, not really meaning it. She could listen to Zira ramble for hours. Had in fact.
Mags, Jamie, and the band hopped off the stage to surround the pair for a group hug. The group was beginning to discuss the plan and how it had all come about when a shout came out from the crowd.
It was quickly followed by similar cries.
“Yeah, kiss her!”
“Come on!”
Soon enough a chant had started amongst the audience and bar patrons. “Kiss. Her. Kiss. Her. Kiss. Her. KISS HER!”
Toni turned to Zira, whose hands covered her tomato-red face. “Well, angel, what say you?”
Zira turned to Toni,  dropping her hands to her sides. “Oh, my dear, I don’t know…” she trailed off.
Not willing to admit defeat quite yet (but still respecting the rights of her angel), Toni tried again, “Pretty please?”
Zira turned to Toni with a crooked smile. “Awww. I thought you would never ask.” She winked as Toni let out a laugh.
“Oof!” She managed as Toni drew her close with a long arm around her middle. She smiled as Toni brought their faces closer, but still waited for confirmation. “Oh, my dear, have I ever told you how gorgeous your eyes are?” she breathed, and took advantage of the slight moment of shock  as Toni absorbed the compliment to finish closing the distance between them and pressed her lips to Toni’s.
And for a time, it was like they were the only two beings in the universe, like time stood still. Zira’s hands explored Toni’s back, and Toni’s fingers were tangled in Zira’s hair. Eventually, they needed to breathe and reluctantly broke apart.
The crowd whooped and the couple turned aside from each other for a moment to blush and smile.
“Well, angel, that was a thing,” Toni was the first to speak when the pair turned back to each other once more.
“Hmm. Indeed it was,” hummed Zira happily, “Meant the thing ‘bout your eyes though.”
Toni scoffed but a blush of her own was creeping up her neck.
“Alright, show’s over, shoo!” declared Mags, “We gotta pack up and get out of here!”
Zira chuckled and started helping the band tear down their equipment. She had barely starting coiling a cable when Mags took it out of her hand.
“Nuh-uh, not you two. You two go….off somewhere. I don’t need to know where you go or what you’re doing.”
Zira blushed a deeper shade of crimson as Toni grabbed her hand, saying “Well, come on, then, you heard her.”
“But—I–” Zira started to argue.
“No buts!” Mags exclaimed, wagging her finger at the two, “Well, a couple of butts, but I don’t wanna know.” She winked at Zira’s embarrassment as Toni starting dragging her from the bar. They were almost out the door when they heard “Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” called out from their friend.
Once they reached the alley, Toni checked to see that they were alone before pulling Zira to face her. They stood, hand in hand, foreheads touching, for what seemed like forever.
“So….?” began Toni.
“So.” Breathed Zira.
“You could stay at my place. If you like,” Toni choked out, feeling the tension in the air. “And there’s no pressure to, do anything…”
Zira cut Toni off with a finger to her lips and smiled. “I know, no matter what we do or don’t do tonight, I know how I feel. And you,” she punctuated these next few words with a finger to Toni’s collarbone, “you make me feel safe. So.”
Toni smiled, breathing out all her tension, “Alright, angel, I hear you. Back to mine, then?”
“I’d go to Alpha Centauri right now with you, if you asked,” said Zira breezily, “But for now, yes, back to yours.”
They walked off, hand in hand, discussing everything and nothing in the universe.
There you have it! Please let me know what you think! And also let me know if you want to be tagged in future updates.
@victoriagebo you’re tagged because your request for Crowley and Aziraphale to sing “Rewrite the Stars” semi-inspired this fic.
  @alinnsurana you’re tagged because you asked to be. :) 
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