#i just won't be able to tag them as part of the book club that's all.
iwritenarrativesandstuff ยท 7 months
i don't think i can get all these analyses done by tonight for the trigun book club... at least not to the quality that i would like them to be done at. low mood and energy hit me bad this past month unfortunately. :(
i'll see how many i can get done, but i also wanted to do a quick doodle for halloween too... i mean, i'll get the analyses done eventually (they're all started of course) but i just think finishing 8 of them in one day when they take me forever to proofread is just not feasible. and i want to do them justice. i guess i just won't be using the book club tag is all.
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The Reaper and The Death Angel Part 31
This will be the second last to the last chapter where the sexual violence of season two will be a large part of the story, as always triggers will be put between XX. Happy's getting a lot more back story, there's also a lot of highly unrealistic change to the canon, if I give the reasons it will spoil future plans.
Series Masterlist
Part 30 Snippet 4 - The Charming Gazette
Contains: Brief discussions of sexual assault and past domestic violence, angst, hurt/comfort, smut (fingering, P in V), murder involving a child, forensics. Follows the plot of 2x11 and 2x12.
6.3K words
Comment if you want to be tagged.
The only good Nazi is a dead one
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"I wanted to tell you, but I'm not going to apologise for keeping her confidence."
Jax nodded, "you did the right thing, keeping her secret. You had no choice."
You nodded, "I would have kept it even if I had the choice, it's not my place to tell her story. What are you going to do about Zobelle? I don't think your dad's book covered something like this."
Jax shook his head, "if Gemma had been beaten and almost gang-raped on John's watch, he'd have written a whole different book."
Knock knock knock.
Jax took his gun out of his kutte, you both went to get up but Jax put a hand on your shoulder, "it's alright, I've got it." Clay and leaning on the wall when Jax opened the door.
"Sorry, I know it's late."
Abel was crying, "he needs food, I'll get him." Jax shook his head, "I've got it, just bring the bottle in." You nodded and went to the kitchen while Clay and Jax went into the nursery.
You waited a little while before going in, it seemed they had worked something out. You knocked on the door and handed the bottle to Jax, turning on your heel and walking away, "stay, please."
You were shocked that Clay asked. "I'm sure you know a lot more than we do."
You nodded, "I have the files in my car, some of the Anvil guys and I have been doing surveillance and recon since it happened, I know everything there is to know about all of them."
Upon seeing the file, they decided to wait till tomorrow at church to go over it. Clay left with another apology and a promise to do better by both of you.
"I'm sorry y/n."
You tilted your head, "why are you saying sorry?"
His eyes were downcast, "you've been doing everything these last few months, raising Abel, working, doing all of this, your book. I feel like I've been neglecting you."
You shook your head, "I like to stay busy Jax, it keeps me sane."
He closed his eyes, "Iโ€ฆ.I."
You cut him off, "it's done Jax, I knew what I was getting into when I started this. Things will slow down and go back to the way they used to be and you can make it up then if you feel the need. Until then, I need sleep, I have a very big day tomorrow."
"Good morning beloved." You were already up and dressed when you woke Jax up, "I won't be at the Clubhouse for long, I have another thing tonight so I'll be home early morning."
Jax blinked the sleep out of his eyes, "I'll meet you there."
You waited outside the Chaple while Jax and Clay told the Club what was done to Gemma, about twenty minutes after they went in, Sam came out and got you.
"Over the last two months, I've collected enough evidence for you to be able to bring Zobelle down." You handed each of them a file.
"Zobelle and Weston get most of their muscle for a faction of the Aryan Brotherhood. Weeks before this started, I got a call from a shot caller who I met when I did my thesis, all he said was that I needed to watch my back, when I asked for clarification, he said it would take me calling in my favour." They were all listening intently.
"I saved his life, I didn't even mean to do it and I told him as a much but he went on a rant about being an honourable white man and while I never planned to cashing it in, I had to."
You continued, "I spoke to him just after Gemma was attacked, he didn't tell me much, only that Weston was on a short leash and most shot callers hated him because he had no problems recruiting sex offenders into his ranks which goes against the AB by-laws." You shrugged, "he won't cause problems for you if you kill Weston, and he'll make sure no one else does."
You took a deep breath, "Zobelle has sanctioned gang rapes in every place he's landed, Weston has always been the leader but it's different men everytime." There was a sharp inhale from someone.
"Two of the men who assaulted Gemma are already dead, one of them was one of the men that attacked me, the one I didn't allow to speak, and the other the was the one that died from that bee sting that was in the paper. Before you go off, this was done to Gemma, I asked her if she wanted him dead and she said yes."
No one protested, "another thing before I leave, I think Zobelle might be working with the feds. I can't do too much looking because it will set off alarm bells but I'm willing to bet he is."
Clay smiled, "any way we can prove that?"
You nodded, "if Zobelle is arrested they will have to intervene."
A resolve came over the table, "thank you."
The sentiment was shared by everyone, "as much as I would like to stay and help, I got a call while I was waiting outside, hikers found a child's body in the woods, I need to get to the scene."
The little girl had gone missing in Texas, when you talked to the mother, she insisted it was the father that did it. She wasn't really coherent after that. You were filing the paperwork for the cops when Happy arrived.
"Umm, Mr Lowman at the door for you."
Poor Travis, that man was a saint, "thanks T, let him in." A few seconds later, Happy was at your office door.
"Hello, you don't normally come for a visit, is everything ok?"
He didn't say anything, "is it your mum or aunt?"
He shook his head, "you doing ok?"
You nodded, "as ok as I can be. It's you I'm worried about, you have been very quiet these last few weeks, even Sam brought it up."
He rubbed his face, "it's a lot to deal with."
You sat down next to him, "I imagine this is bringing up some very unpleasant memories." There was a flash of surprise on his face.
"I did a pretty extensive background check before I moved. I know you're father, if you could call him that lived with you on and off. I also know that your mother had multiple trips to the hospital when he was living with you. However, each time something happened to you, he left." Happy swallowed.
"I also know that he was killed in what appeared to be a gang shooting when you were sixteen. But I don't believe that for one bit, the way he went indicates that it was very personal, broken fingers, shot multiple times after death, whoever killed him was filled with rage." His head dropped.
"I don't blame you for protecting your mother, and I know there's a very deep, dark part of you that worries you're just like him. But I also know you've never killed a woman, and all the women at CaraCara and the Club hang arounds love you. None of this is your fault and you can't blame yourself for what's happened." His head fell against your shoulder and you reached up to rub his scalp.
"I know it comes from a good place, and the anger you're feeling now seems righteous but it will just cloud your judgement." He was too far into his own head to listen.
"The reason I'm so hardcore on inmates' rights is because of what I experienced when I wrote that paper. I worked in the three gang units most of the time, but when it came time to write a clinical sexology paper on sex offenders, I went to a different pod. It was in the same building as the gang pods just down a long hallway." He seemed to be listening a little more now.
"Whenever I would go back to the gang pods, I would get questions, my answers would often be followed by some violent fantasy one of them had about getting inside the unit."
He nodded, "then a riot broke out and they did get inside. I've never seen so many rival gangs working together, I could hear the screams for the other end of the building. I thought the violence would stay in the pod but I was wrong, I went to get something for the commissary which had been broken into, on the way I walked by a bathroom." Happy had an idea about what you were going to say.
"When I looked in, four men were skinning a child molester alive. I locked eyes with one of them and kept walking, it felt good, I felt vindication for the victims that monster had left behind."
He swallowed, "what I'm trying to say is that I understand why you've been feeling so off, but there's a reason they say revenge is a dish best served cold. Your anger won't help, calm calculation is far more terrifying than rage."
He sat up, "thank you."
You smiled, "feeling better now?"
He nodded, "yeah, Jax is lucky to have you."
He stood up with you and you gave him a hug, "you know my number, if you want to talk about anything, I'm here."
Without another word, he left.
It was later in the day when you got home, Jax jumping as you walked into his bedroom. There were some boxes already stacked in the corner but he was busying himself gathering his guns.
"Hey, I thought you were at work."
You shrugged, "it seems pretty open and shut. A father kidnapped his little girl, she had a medical episode and died. The cops already suspected him so my work's done until the test are back."
He nodded, "did you see my mum?"
You shook your head, "no Happy stopped by to talk about some things but I talked to her over then phone, she's pretty numb. I'll keep an eye on her until I have to leave for the other thing."
Jax smiled softly, "thank you."
Jax walked up to you, picking up your hand and bringing it to his lips, "I love you."
You smiled, "I love you too." Jax walked away, you stopping him before he could get out of inside voice range, "do you want me to take these boxes to my place?"
"Please Darlin."
You went to T-M to see your brother, only to be greeted by Tig, "hello, is Sam here?"
He shook his head, "out with Jax looking for Weston."
You nodded, "thank you." You were about to leave when Tig pulled you into the garage then into the Clubhouse.
"You don't like me very much, do you?"
You took a deep breath, "I will not lie to you, the answer is no."
He crossed his arms over his chest, "why?"
You straightened up, "because you're a disloyal coward. Not only did you go after a member without the Club's approval but you killed his wife because you couldn't stand to look your friend in the face before you shot him in cold blood."
You put up a hand when he went to defend himself, "Stahl didn't pull the trigger, Stahl didn't choose to not identify the target before firing the gun, Stahl didn't keep the truth from Opie, you did." He was taken aback by your frankness.
"I imagine Clay let you know that I knew?"
He nodded, "I found your hair, it popped on the database. All I can say to you is that I betrayed my most sacred morals on your behalf and now you are indebted to me. I'm not going to tell you to tell Opie, you need to come to that on your own." He looked lost in thought.
"Do you know the fable of the scorpion and the frog?"
He nodded, "I can't fault you for what you did because I believe it's in your nature, you didn't kill Donna by mistake because you loved Opie, you killed Donna by mistake because it's in your nature to be weak spined."
You turned when you heard Opie's bike, "speaking of the frog."
He stopped you from walking away. "I wanted to talk to you because I'm going to tell him, now in fact, I just wanted to know if you thought of me the way I think you do."
You nodded, "I probably think far worse of you than you know, Mr Tragger, but perhaps if you choose to take full responsibility for your actions, you will change my mind. If part of me didn't think there was some good in you, we wouldn't be having this conversation." With one last look, you left.
Tig swallowed and took a deep breath, walking over to Opie as he was fixing the old bike he found on the highway. Tig didn't know where to start, after a brief mention of Gemma he asked Opie why Donna was driving the car that night.
Opie clued in pretty quickly, then Tig fully admitted it. He thought back to what you said about Stahl not being the one to pull the trigger but there was a part of him that didn't want to admit that it was his fault so he went for the middle ground.
"Stahl put bugs in your car, made you look like a rat. Clay and I didn't want to bring it to the Club, we were worried about it ruining the charter so we decided to deal with it ourselves."
Opie didn't care, he was punching Tig like he was trying to kill him. Tig for his part, did the honourable thing and took each blow. Jax pulled into the lot and stopped it before it could get worse.
Once Opie had walked away Tig went into explaining what had happened, "I had to tell him."
Clay was mad, "tell him what?"
Tig was looking at the grey sky, "that I killed Donna."
There was a charge in the air, Jax ran off to stop Opie from killing Stahl and the rest of them stood around staring at Tig and Clay. Chibs out a firm hand on Tig's arm, "I'll clean you up."
Sam had turned up at your office just after you did, "'Tig said you were looking for me?"
He nodded, "yeah, after what just went down, everyone's staying away from T-M."
He sat on the couch, "that's understandable, have you seen Ope?"
He nodded, "he just got back, he went after Stahl but he didn't do anything." You breathe a sigh of relief.
"I don't blame him if he hates us, we did keep it from him."
Sam nodded, "I know, why did you want to see me?"
You smiled, "I need you to keep the Club distracted tonight, nothing serious I just want them away from Mainstreet for a few hours around midnight."
Sam nodded, "I can do that easy, I'll just say you're doing more recon on Zobelle and don't want to spook him."
You clapped your hands, "great."
Sam shook his head, "what are you planning?"
You smiled again, messing around with the papers on your desk, "all will be revealed."
Sam shook his head, "how did it go with church?"
Sam took a deep breath, "Opie doesn't want it to escalate, he says he's staying."
You rubbed your face, "he's a better man than me, I would have shot both of them the moment I had the proof. He has every right to hate us for keeping this from him."
Sam nodded, "I know."
You titled your head, "are you hiding something?"
He smirked, "Piney almost killed Clay."
You could hold back the smile, "good for Piney."
Sam went over to the table and got himself a cup of coffee, "Your recon panned out, it looks like Zobelle might be looking to work with another Club."
Sam handed you a cup, "who?"
"Calaveras MC, Alvarez hates the guy but he isn't willing to do much more than voice his support for the Club to be gotten rid of."
You waved your arm "this is too much for me, I can't put out that fire too."
Sam nodded, "yeah, this is Clay's bed, he's going to have to lay in it."
Sam had put dinner on the table, it was pretty quiet for most of the meal, "how was work today?"
You shrugged, "the case was rough but the father confessed just after he was arrested, I'll be into the next one in two days once the paperwork clears."
"Did you and Lyla get the distribution contract?"
Ima nodded, "yeah, four more paid porn sites are taking on the Saffron Sisters."
Sam smiled, "what about the underwear line?"
She shook her head, "it's been put on hold because of a problem with the fabric production, we're trying to secure another American manufacturer."
"Have you asked Francine? She might be able to hook you up with someone."
Ima nodded, "good idea, I'll go with Luanne tomorrow."
Sam chimed in, "if she does give you the option, it's a bonus that you can say it's all small business based."
Jax laughed, "since when did you all become business people?"
Sam chuckled, "nah, I think that's just y/n and Ima." The rest of the night was very much the same until Derek's car horn sounded outside your front door.
"Well lovelies, that's my ride, I'll be back at around three. Don't wait up."
"Oh hello."
Aden was in the backseat waiting for Derek to talk to you, "I thought we could use the extra pair of hands."
You drove Jacob Hale's office under darkness, waiting until the street was empty to get out and start. It took a matter of minutes for it to be done. There was no need to worry about cameras, small chips on your shirts caused CCTV within a certain range to show nothing but static.
You got home just after two-thirty, Jax was awake rocking Abel back and forth when you went into the shower, "I thought I told you not to wait up."
He chuckled, "I didn't want to but Abel did, he's such a momma's boy." You towelled off your hair and took him from Jax's arms.
"Don't listen to him little one, he's just jealous because you're a cool baby and he's a boring adult."
Jax shook his head, "did you do what you needed to do."
You nodded, "yeah, you might want to take Mainstreet to work tomorrow, there's a surprise along the way." Once Abel had calmed down, you put him back into his crib and went to bed.
"Good night y/n."
"Good night beloved."
Jax was a little excited when he woke up, running downstairs to shove breakfast into his mouth while Sam chastised him about getting the hiccups. Ima was glued to the paper, reading it with an increasingly angry expression.
"What is it Darlin?" She shook her head and closed the paper and passed it to him, the front-page story was pretty to the point.
"Fascists at our door."
Jax sped through the article, he had read enough of your books to know that you at least wrote the draft.
"On the second of September 1945 World War Two ended and the world celebrated as the Nazi scourge was wiped off the face of the planet, but this is not the case in our small town. A place where there are people from all different walks of life, including a Holocaust survivor and his decedents, come to live a quiet, small-town life, Charming is now host to a group of violence Neo-Nazi and their supporters."
There were four photos of Ethan Zobelle and his men, surrounded by Nazi propaganda.
"Worse still, one of Charming's most promising sons is leading the charge, Jacob Hale." Another photo of Hale shaking hands with more than one of the men.
"Is this the man you want as our Mayor?"
Jax smiled, yelling a quick goodbye and kissing Ima on the cheek before getting on his bike and driving up Mainstreet. When he drove past Hale's office there was a huge crowd gathered out front, he parked his bike and got off, the group moving aside at the sight of his kutte.
He didn't know whether to smile or jump for joy, the whole front of the office was covered in blown-up photos. Jacob shaking hands with Zobelle and his men, pictures of the men next to their rap sheet filled with hate crime convictions and violent offences. Close-ups of their racist tattoos and photos of Zobelle and his men throwing up the Fascist salute with Hale in the crowd.
The last few photos really took his eyes, David Hale punching his brother, David Hale arresting some of Zobelle's men and two of him leaving Weston's place waiting for CPS to arrive.
At the top of the door, in messing red spray paint, was a statement that really hammered it home.
"A Nazi collaborator works here."
The people were enraged, he could overhear some of them talking about going to Impeccable Smokes to send a message. Jax got on his bike and headed to T-M, when he got there, everyone was reading The Charming Gazette and talking about what they saw at Hale's office.
Clay came up smiling, "I guess we'll never have to worry about Hale developing Charming."
Jax shook his head with a smile, "no, we won't." Jax went into the dorm and called you.
"Did you see it, did you see it?"
He laughed at your childish tone, "yeah Darlin, I saw it."
He could hear a soft squeak over the line, "yay! As much as I would love to brag, I'd rather do it in person tonight."
Jax shook his head, "alright, keep your secrets. I love you, I hope you know that."
"I love you too Jackson, now get out there and have fun, I'm sure Hale will come crawling for PR some time today."
The whole incident was the talk of the town, Jacob Hale started his day by being greeted at his door by his brother and some deputies, "something has happened at the office, we're here to take you there safely."
When he got there, the people milling around started jeering and spitting. David raised his voice, "we're not going to stop you from exercising your first amendment rights but you need to clear a path."
It was the same story with Zobelle but he had his goons standing outside four abreast, he pulled Weston aside, angrily ranting in the back.
"Do we know who did this?"
Weston shook his head, "no but I know what happened to the two men we sent to Teller's bitch's house." He pulled an envelope out of his pocket, opening it to show a tanned tattoo, a Norse symbol. There was a note along with it.
"The only good Nazi is a dead one."
Zobelle shook his head, "I thought we tracked their phone to the Mexico border?"
Weston nodded, "we did, there was traffic footage of them in the car at the border."
Zobelle rubbed his face, "it seems we underestimated all of SAMCRO's women. We need to change plans, the people of Charming no longer want us here."
Weston left without another word.
Jacob Hale's day only got worse, when it was clear the photos weren't just going to come off, he went to hire the local pressure washing company but was turned down. His lawyer said suing The Gazette would just make him look even worse since they had proof which meant it wasn't deformation and half his investors had cancelled by midday.
David, on the other hand, had already been thanked more than once. One person even asked if he and his brother were really related. Unser had pulled him aside and asked if he knew who did it, he had an idea after thinking back to your comment about handling his brother in public, he was sure it was you, but he wasn't going to say that.
There was no way he wouldn't make sheriff now, no matter what his brother did.
"Nazi scum at the door for you y/n."
You weren't surprised, "Hale?" Travis gave an affirmative grunt, "check him for weapons, thoroughly, then send him in." It took a little longer for Hale to arrive at your door.
"What do you want?"
He walked in, doing his best to ignore the death stares from the other staff, "Iโ€ฆ.I. Did you have anything to do with this?"
He showed you the newspaper, and you shook your head, "no, nor did I have anything to do with what happened at your office."
He took in your nasty smile, "again, what do you want?"
He shook his head, "stop wasting my time, I warned you what would happen and you didn't listen. What happened is your fault, now get lost or I will be responsible for what happens next. I'm sure the Feds would love to know where your money is going."
You pressed the intercom, "please come and remove this man from my office, I can't stand to look at him one moment longer."
The second Jax got in the door, you were being picked up and kissed, "you are a genius woman, I think that was the most amazing thing I've seen in years."
You smiled and returned the kiss, "which Hale showed up first?"
Jax rubbed your nose with his, "David, he just came to ask if we knew anything, then he apologised again for even thinking about working with them."
"What did Jacob turn up for?"
Jax smirked, "he wanted to borrow detailing equipment, half of Charming were there bringing their grievances about him to Clay so it didn't go over well." You put a hand on his arm, gesturing for him to help you get dinner ready.
"It won't matter, he'll need a special solvent to get both the paint a glue off. Did Jerry call Clay?"
He nodded, 'yeah, Clay and some of the other guys made comments, they're going to be published tomorrow. Did you make one?"
You nodded, "yep, I even mentioned that I brought my concerns about Zobelle and the League to both Hale's and only David listened. I can't wait to read the story." Jax wrapped his arms around your waist while you made the sauce, "it will help with the charges too, I imagine the people of Charming are far more supportive of the Club's actions now?"
Jax kissed your neck, "yep, we got it all day long, some people are going to write letters of support to the court." As you got dinner on the table and Sam and Ima wandered in, Jax whispered in your ear, "I hope you're not planning on any more fun tonight, because I need to thank you for all your hard work."
The night was enjoyable, Ima had to leave the table more than once to talk to Luanne about more movie requests "sorry about that, we've been getting a lot of requests since we expaned."
They cleaned the dishes while you fed Abel and put him to bed. Jax was waiting for you when you got to the bedroom, pulling you into his lap as you climbed into bed.
"I missed you."
You giggled, "it's been like a week."
He leaned down and kissed your neck, one of his hands coming up to stroke your nipple through your shirt, "you know I can't get enough of you."
You shifted further into his lap, pressing your chest closer to his, "you're very warm."
Jax lifted his eyebrows, "yes, and your hands are very cold." You smiled and ran them over his belly under his shirt, Jax twitching away from you before taking his shirt off and bringing your hands to kiss his lips to kiss them.
You leaned back slightly so Jax could pull your top off, his lips wrapping around one nipple while his fingers brushed the other, you sat and on your knees for a moment to pull your underpants off, Jax's free hand going to your centre.
"Shit, you're wet, I guess you missed me too."
You giggled and kissed his cheek, "truth? Last night kind of got me going, I forgot how intoxicating adrenalin can be" Jax smirked against your skin, his middle and index fingers making lazy circles around your clit.
He slid two fingers inside you as you wrapped your arms around his torso, his fingertips were rubbing your G-spot with practised expertise, his lips never leaving your skin.
"Jax please, I want you inside me."
He smirked against your skin, his fingers rubbing a little harder, "I am inside you Darlin."
You turned your head a bite his skin, "I want your cock inside me." He pulled his fingers out, sucking them into his mouth before shifting so he could take off his boxers.
"I can do that." Jax wrapped his arm around your lower back and helped you lift yourself up while his other hand held his cock in place. You pressed your lips to him as you slid down, the hand on his cock moving to your clit.
"That's it." Jax hands never left your skin, his lips moving from yours to your neck at random, your chests were pressed together and your hands clutched his back.
One of his hands moved over your crow, his fingertips rubbing gently. "I love you so much."
You were holding onto him like a koala, your hips moving in time with his, "I love you too Jackson."
The fingers on your clit sped up and you tighten your arms around him, "fuck you feel so good."
"Jax, please."
He buried his head in your neck, "I know Darlin, I'm right behind you." You moaned into his ear, Jax grunted as the sweet sound reached his brain.
His breath caught in his throat as you contracted around him, "fuck."
His fingers sped up further, "come on, give me one more." You were powerless to deny him, your nails digging into this skin as you peeked again.
His teeth met your neck as he came inside you, he was breathing heavily, his forehead pressed to yours. "Shit I missed you."
You lifted your hand, brushing hair off his face, "I missed you too." You rubbed your noses together, Jax smiling softly, "I love you."
"I love you too beloved." Jax got up and got a cloth to clean you up, throwing the blanket over you once you returned from the bathroom.
"Are you packed for the lockdown tomorrow?"
You nodded, "all packed, I've basically got an OR in my bag."
He laughed softly, "it will all be over soon and things will calm down. Nothing else is going to happen to you, I promise."
You nodded and kissed his neck, rolling over to lay your head on his chest, "I know, we're all going to be ok."
There was a rush to get to the Clubhouse; you, Lyla and Ima arrived a little early to help with the food and drink. Soon enough, the Clubhouse was full of people and music was playing over the speakers.
Jax signalled for the music to be cut off and Tig yelled out, "EVERYBODY, LISTEN UP." Clay walked to the middle of the room and cleared his throat, "I wanted to welcome you all to Club Reaper, I'm glad you made your reservations early because as you can see, we're all full."
He continued talking up the Club and after the show with Jacob Hale's office, everyone was supportive. With a shout and a round of applause, they left for the chapel.
The plan was simple, convince the Irish that Hayes and his kid were the rats and not Chibs. Next was talking to Weston, it took all of Jax's self-control not to kill the man the moment he saw him.
"It seems your great white hope only cares about one colour, green. He's dealing heroin with the Calaveras."
Weston screwed his face up after Opie made a comment about the guns, "you're talking out of your ass."
Jac shook his head, "I followed Zobelle and some of his guys, they met with Salazar and left with a duffle of heroin." The conversation went on, becoming more and more heated, then Opie was pulling Jax away.
"Say hi to your kids for me."
To say O'Phelan was unimpressed was an understatement, he was already in shit with the kings but his right-hand man turning rat was just the time of the iceberg. Needless to say, he caved to SAMCRO's demands without protest.
He had to come up with a plan so he didn't face the same wrath that Hayes was going to, it was just a matter of how he was going to swing it.
"Hey Kip, how are you feeling."
He had stopped by the Clubhouse to get something to eat with his medication, "disappointed."
You put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry it turned out like that, medical technology is always adapting and advancing soon enough, the VA will be signing you up for another kind of implant. It's just a matter of waiting."
He nodded, "I don't know if I want one, I thought it would change how I felt about getting blown up but other than looking differnt, I felt the same."
You nodded, "all that matters is that you're happy."
To your surprise he hugged you, "thank you, for you know, always being nice to me."
You returned the hug in earnest "no worries Eddie."
To Weston's rage, they were right. After killing everyone at the warehouse, he went off to get revenge for all the lies he was told. But Polly pointed a gun at his face and he didn't get his righteous vengeance.
To make matters worse, he was called to the station, his children were being taken from him.
Jax was there when he arrived, standing off the side smugly. "I see your kids are taking that little trip I arranged."
Weston managed to keep his anger under control, "son of a bitch, you wanna kill me, time and place."
Jax smirked, "access road, timberland, eight o'clock, your ten best against mine."
Jax got within breathing distance of him, "either you or me, goes home in a bag."
"I'll be there."
Jax breathed a sigh of relief, even after Chibs and Jimmy'o butted heads, they still got their guns and went to put the rest of their plan in motion. ATF showed up right on time, looking around for the Irish and their guns, they found nothing but two deads rat in a crate.
"Can we go now?"
Bobby snarked, "maybe we should wait for gold PD, file some assault charges."
Just before they left, Chibs sat a bloody mouthful on the floor, "you hit like a girl."
Everyone was standing in the lot, you were talking to Jax in a hushed tone, "do whatever you need to do to come back to me my love."
He nodded, kissing you softly, "everything's going to be ok." With one last kiss, he left you a climbed on his bike, your brother giving you a soft nod as if to say, I'll look after him.
Gemma pulled you, Lyla and Ima into her arms, kissing Lyla and Ima on the cheek, "it will be alright. Let's get everyone inside."
The sun had set by the time they got out there, the air was buzzing with tension so thick it could be cut with a knife. It was just like they had expected with the Ayrayns pulled up, there was way more than ten of them and they were armed to the teeth.
"Whatever happened to ten on ten, no weapons?"
Weston snarled, "fair is for losers, I'd like to win."
Jax smirked, "yeah me too." He waved his head and Tig whistled, then Niners, Mayans and the triads were coming out of the bushes just as armed.
"Put your weapons down."
Weston signalled and the guns were dropped, "let's just stick to the plan."
With a war cry, the two sides met. It was a bloody fight, blows were traded back and forth and the sound of fists hitting flesh filled the air. Jax considered snapping Weston's neck, Sam had shown him how to do it with speed and precision but he thought back to what he had added on at the end.
"I don't like to do it that often."
"Why?" Sam smiled.
"Because it's very quick."
Just as Jax felt some kind of relief from his burning rage, the cops showed up, "this isn't finshed." Weston took the shove, "I'm not going anywhere."
Hale was angry but let them go, so they put the second part of their plan in motion and headed to Zobelle's. The place was a bit of a mess when they got there, Unser was already waiting in the store, the windows having been broken by angry residents.
It didn't seem like Zobelle was there at first but after Clay put a gun to his daughter's neck, he came from the back, "Poly, Poly." Tig grabbed his and Opie pulled him in front of Clay.
"What do you want?"
Clay sounded calm, "to talk, outside Charming."
But Zobelle wasn't having it, "if you want to kill me, do it here on Mainstreet." Clay was fine with that, shoving Zobelle to his knees.
Then Hale showed up, his chest puffed out. "I got this deputy, there's been no crime here." Hale looked over the scene, after a moment of thought, he turned on his heel and started to leave.
"Officer, my daughter and I are in possession of illegal narcotics. There's a load of them under that cash register in the centre drawer." The officer looked under the drawer and pulled out a foil-wrapped block.
"It's here."
Zobelle yelled his demand, "there arrest us, do it." Hale hauled Zobelle onto his feet, the other snarling at him as they were walked out. Jax leaned in close just before they left.
"We're going to kill you." He meant it with every fibre of his being.
Part 33
I hope everyone liked it, it's another chapter that's a bit all over the place but if I included every plot point in each episode, it would will a million words long. Season 2 concludes next chapter.
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mrsedmercer ยท 5 years
Steamy Love (A Tom Hiddleston x Reader) Part 23:~A Night to Remember~
Summary: As your final days with Tom are counting down, Tom sets up a wonderful date, one you'll truly never forget.
Warnings: 'Nother slight negative mention of one of Tom's ex's at the beginning. Mentions of medication.
Read it on my Wattpad: Wattpad.com/HiddlesStar
Word count: 2202
Tags: @theoneanna @midnightdragonzero @drakesfiance @kcd15 @ihthr @deviantsendbyreallife @bookgirlunicorn @cherrygeek86
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Now it's January. It's the last month you and Tom are going to have together in this house, possibly for the last time in general. You knew this, but you weren't sure if Tom knew. Maybe he assumed you'd try a semi-permanent long distance relationship. Maybe he never expected this to last. You really weren't sure. You haven't really talked about it with him. Truthfully, you've been avoiding it. Part of you hoped the problem would solve itself, but it's just made you more and more anxious as time has gone on. You really need to talk about it soon, before it's too late.
You were just nearing the end of the first week of January, currently home alone as the evening rolled in. It was getting really cold outdoors so you were basically walking around the house with the same sweater and the same sweatpants every week. You washed them, of course. They were just the warmest pairs of clothing you had. You didn't like being cold.
Tom wasn't home at the moment. He had left just before the afternoon to take care of things 'for later on in the evening', as he told you. You weren't sure what that meant, but you were eager to find out. You were just scrolling through social media while you waited for him to come home. People were still losing it about your diss at Taylor Swift during one of the many interviews you've done for your movie. You were surprised that whoever had edited the interview had decided to leave that part in, but they made it seem like the interviewer wasn't as offended as she originally was. Most fans of Tom had learned to really appreciate you after that interview, though there were the select few fans of Taylor Swift that had practically flooded your Twitter replies with hate for a couple days. It didn't get to you. You've dealt with worse hate than that, far before you met Tom. You are a female Twitch streamer, after all.
Later in the evening, Tom finally came home. You hopped out of bed and out into the living room to greet him, seeing him with a couple large clothing bags and some tickets in his pockets.
"What's all that for?" You asked, raising a brow.
"Our date tonight.." Tom smiled, moving past you to go to your room. He gestured you to follow, so you did, a soft blush on your cheeks.
"Tonight? I haven't even showered--" You winced with a slight chuckle.
"Then go shower. I can lay out your outfit and such for you while you're bathing.." Tom spoke. "We have an hour to get ready.."
"A-Alright." You shrugged. You really weren't sure where this was coming from. He's never pulled a surprise date like this.
"You'll love what I have in store, trust me." He smiled at you, gently kissing your forehead before gesturing you to head for your shower. You gave a slight chuckle as you exited your room, heading to the bathroom. Your showers aren't long, but you hoped you'd have time to put on makeup afterwards.
After a couple minutes, you came out of your shower with a towel wrapped around your body and one in your hair. You turned off the light and everything and moved back to your room, seeing a long red gown with sleeves that would rest just past your shoulders. It looked similar to classic Cinderella's blue dress, but in red. You and Tom have been binge watching some of the old Disney Princess movies. Tom was surprised that you knew most of the words to the songs from Snow White and Cinderella. You both really enjoy these old movies. He's excited for you guys to watch The Jungle Book next. You know he won't be able to hold back singing 'Bear Necessites'. He sings it any chance he gets.
You did your makeup and hair before putting the dress on. You looked in the standing mirror you had and honestly, it fit you perfectly. It hugged your curves in all the right ways, and the sleeves resting past your shoulders looked a lot better than other shirts with lazy sleeves that you've worn in the past. You really liked it. You looked amazing.
You hear Tom step into the room, turning around to see him in a clean navy blue suit with a black bowtie. It made him look really good. It brought out his blue eyes.
He was looking at you practically the same way you were looking at him.
"You look...astonishingly stunning." Tom spoke with a lovesick smile, taking the time to slowly look over you.
"Oh, come on.." You chuckled a bit, looking down at the dress. "I'm surprised you didn't go with green.."
"Don't want to become too predictable now.." Tom chuckled before fixing his jacket, holding his one hand out to you.
"Are you ready?"
"For what? The date?" You blushed, stepping up to him. "Where are we even going?"
"That's a surprise, darling.." Tom spoke, smiling at you. "I can't spoil it now. There are many surprises to come.."
You shook your head some with a chuckle, taking his hand.
"Alright. I trust you.."
Next thing you knew, you were headed out for the night, getting in Tom's car and driving off. Wherever you were going, you hoped paparazzi didn't hound you. Tom seemed pretty confident that they wouldn't, thankfully.
You looked around as you traveled more into the city. It wasn't a big city, but the stuff around downtown was nice. The lights were pretty to look at. After a moment, the car came to a stop.
"We're here." Tom spoke. You turned to look over to his side, seeing the large building, the large museum. Tom smiled at you before getting out of the car, moving around to open your door for you and help you out. Once you stepped out of the vehicle, you got a good look at the museum. You and Tom walked up the small stairs, your eyes never leaving the large marble building, the only thing lighting it being the small lights below.
"You're bringing me to a museum? Isn't it closed?" You asked, a light blush on your face.
"To the public, maybe.." Tom smirked at you, taking your hand as you moved closer to the door, managing to open it with ease. "I know some people that gave me this opportunity.."
You walked into the museum with Tom, surprised to see some of the stuff on display was still lit up in view, despite no one being in here to view them. This was just like Tom's dream of taking you to a museum on a date. He remembered it.
You looked around together, viewing the different kinds of art and monuments on display. You could only stay in the main hall, but what was shown was still fascinating, and you're normally not really a history kind of person. It was just interesting to see all the different types of work, reading the history behind them. Tom loved it, too. His love for old history shines through as he explained the different pieces you came across. You listened to every explanation he gave. There was something deep down in your heart telling you that your days being able to hear him ramble were numbered. In Feburary, he'd be heading back home to the UK. You'd have to separate. You wanted to enjoy your limited time with him while you still can.
After about an hour of exploring the different sights, you exited the building with Tom.
"This was...really amazing, Tom.." You spoke with a soft smile. "It was a really eye opening experience. Thank you so much for bringing me here.."
"The night isn't over yet, my dear.." Tom spoke with a warm smile, moving back to the car with you. "There's one more place I'd like to take you.."
"Oh?" You blushed and he helped you get back in the car before getting in the driver side, starting the car.
"You're in that dress for a reason." He spoke with a little wink before driving off, getting back on the road.
The next location was a little harder to figure out. The building you parked in front of was deeper downtown, and loud music was coming from it. It didn't seem to be some sort of generic American nightclub. It looked a little old school. That got you a little excited.
You got out of the passenger side on your own this time, meeting up with Tom at his side as he got out from the drivers side. He noticed your eager smile, gently taking your hand.
"You're really going to like this one.." Tom spoke, giving you a smile before opening the door, walking in with you. You walked downstairs a bit, hearing the music get louder and louder the closer you got to the larger door. Before's you'd go in, you were stopped by a security man, who asked for your passes. That's when Tom took out the tickets and handed it to the man. The man let you through the next door after examining the tickets, politely telling you to enjoy your time.
Once you stepped through, you finally got to view the large underground diner. On one side were little diner tables where you could eat and listen to the live folk band on the stage nearby. On the other side was the dance floor, where you could dance with friends and family along to the music. Some couples were already dancing. It really reminded you of the dance scene from Snow White. You had mentioned during your time watching it that you've always wanted to goto a dance like that. You definitely preferred it over the bland pop/techno beats you hear on a loop at night clubs.
"Th-This is amazing!.." You grinned, looking around like an excited child at an amusement park. "Th-That's a real band!"
"Would you like to dance, darling?" Tom gave you a smile, kissing the back of your hand. Your cheeks went pink, giving a little giggle.
"It would be an honour.."
You smiled at him, seeing him grin as he kept your hand in his, leading you to the dance floor. You've seen Tom dance in some clips, but you've always wanted to experience that thrill in person, and tonight was the perfect night for it. You were able to keep up with all of Tom's steps, even holding your dress up like a princess as you tapped and pranced around the room. At some point, you and Tom had the whole dance floor to yourselves. You had the whole diner clapping along with you, as if you really were Snow and Prince Charming. He really was your charming. You had this big grin on your face the entire time. Tom was the same way. He hasn't danced like this in ages.
Eventually, exhaustion had hit the both of you. After one final jig, you moved to the tables to have a little snack before you'd head home for the night. Some of the diner's customers applauded you, which felt amazing, and the live band was now playing relaxing music. It was nice.
By this time, however, you realised you hadn't taken your medication. It's been quite a few hours since you were supposed to take it, but you were just having too much fun to have it slow you down now. You didn't want to end the night off being sluggish. So, despite 12am rolling by, you chose not to take it. Not until you'd go home. Tom hadn't mentioned it, either. He probably figured you had taken it before you left.
You got to have some tea and biscuits at the table, deciding to take this time to thank him for such a wonderful night. This really all meant a lot to you.
"Tom, this was...this was amazing.." You smiled warmly at her. "The dress, the museum, the dance. I-I never thought I'd get to do anything like this in my life.."
"Would you say this was quite a successful date, then?" Tom asked you, returning the smile.
"It's definitely been the perfect date." You replied, gently taking his hand. "I-I'll remember this day for the rest of my life."
"I'd like to have more times like this with you.." Tom admitted, gently caressing the back of your hand with his thumb. "In the future.."
Your smile faded some. You would really like that, too, but he's going back to the UK in less than a month. You'll be separating.
"I wish we had that time.." You admitted, looking down some.
"Why can't we?" He asked, tilting his head with slight confusion.
"You're going back to the UK in a month.." You replied, looking back at him. "For your play. After this month, you're leaving the country.."
Tom gave a little smile, looking down at your joined hands for a moment before looking back up at you, looking into your eyes.
"And what if I said I'd like for you to come with me?.."
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existentialstatesofmind ยท 7 years
Never A Dull Morning
Clare: didn't let boys see her undergarments. Even though she'd starting buying more interesting bras and panties last year, it was for herself not them. Of course Dakota hadn't actually done anything wrong. "It's just private." She explained. "Thank you for understanding." Her cheeks were still pink as she got dressed. Clare wasn't going to explain her weird logic in front of Emi. How she could go without wearing a bra in front of him but wasn't ready for him to see it. Clare was a little shocked after she succesfully beat up Bren. She'd learned how to do that after the whole Fitz threatening her and Eli with a knife incident because it was important to be able to defend herself. Had she gone too far? Bren hadn't actually touched her. Emi was here though and she needed to know it wasn't okay for boys to talk to girls like that even ones who weren't strangers. (Although to Clare, Bren was.) Bren didn't get a free pass. Especially after behaving like that in front of a five year old! He should be ashamed of himself! Besides Clare knew she couldn't hurt Bren badly, she didn't know how to do more than (hopefully) get him to leave her alone from now on. She stepped outside with Kota and slowly breathed in and out trying to calm down. "Is he always like that?" Clare asked. "No problem. I don't want to confuse her. Foreign languages aren't easy for me. I always want to pronounce words exactly how they are written. But in Spanish a J is prounced like an H, in Russian an I is pronounced like an E. So on and so forth. I guess that's why I like French, it's the same alaphabet as English so it's slightly less confusing for me. The difference is the French use diacritics." Clare shrugged. She didn't give up easily and at least she had been right about how to say sushi after all. She felt better by the time they went back inside. Clare smiled at Ash and Emi. "Emi did a good job. He's still down." She knew that wouldn't last much longer so she gladly escaped to the living room with Kota and Emi. Clare sat down on the couch. She bit her lip when Emi asked about purity rings. This was part of the reason why she felt like it was necessary to shut Bren up. Emi didn't need to hear about anything that pretained to sex. Of course she had questions now. Kota was lucky she only asked that one and didn't seem to care that he didn't give her a real answer. Clare winced soon as she heard the name Jenna. Maybe it was a different Jenna? No, soon as Kota got to the part about her trashy short shorts and her purposedly bending over (so everyone could see her buttcrack), Clare knew Dakota was referring to the her former friend. Who stole K.C from her using that exact tactic. He wasn't worth keeping and neither was Jenna's friendship. "I didn't know big mouth already told you all of that before we started hanging out." Clare said softly. "I guess she's still bragging about it. She's been trying to get with every guy since K.C got sick of her. Alli's brother, Sav, turned her down too. She's going to get the baby taken away from her because she won't stay home with him and there's no one else to watch him. I'd feel bad for Jenna but Owen threw my best friend Adam through a glass door for being transgender so...if that's who she wants to be with her baby deserves better." She squeezed Dakota's hand as he confessed to Kelly about his false reputation. Clare knew people might get the wrong idea when they found out she was dating Dakota especially if someone learned about their sleepover(s) but she didn't care. Anyone who mattered wouldn't believe a rumor over the truth. If Jesus Club did to her what they did to her sister, she didn't need to be part of it. However, she hoped they'd changed along with their name. Clare smiled back at him and chuckled because she'd always been able to take care of herself and now she could stand up for herself too. Well, by doing more than slapping boys and making a scene by yelling at them. The other girls at school needed to learn how too instead of relying on Kota to play superman. "I like you just the way you are even if you're reckless. There are some situations you can't get out of alone, she needed a friend." Clare reassurred him after Kelly left. "Just give them the card from now on. Kelly's right. Her dad could've killed you." She shuddered. Clare scooted closer to Dakota when Bren came in. "Do you even realize that was sexual harassment and if you keep doing it, someday a women will press charges against you and you'll go to jail." She said seriously. "You can't grope girls because you like the way we look, just like we can't do it to you. Or each other. Or a guy to another guy." She shook her head. Bren had Genesis all wrong. They were still living with the consequences of Adam and Eve's betrayal. The bible also said that outside of marriage sex was a sin. Even if you didn't believe that, there were other reasons to wait and she didn't plan to do something she'd regret. "Yeah! Let's go after breakfast before it gets too hot. Outside." She frowned. "The only problem is I don't have any exercise clothes here." Clare didn't want to wear her new outfit to the park. She supposed she could make do with what she'd worn over to Kota's in the first place.
Kota: nodded when Clare reassured him after Kelly left and kissed her cheek. "Thank you." he whispered and listened to her chide Bren. He knew that they've been there with him. "Yea, I know. That's why I ask to touch a girl's breasts. They taught me about sexual harassment in school and as long as I don't touch her without permission the most the girl will do is beat the crap out of me. So much easier in Bristol." Bren whined. "Yea, he's got a hard head. He went to Bristol and into a night club where he made a friend. She took a pill, made out with him for about ten minutes, then her boyfriend came and we got a call from the hospital. Bren had to get stitches and had a broken arm. We just sort of gave up after that." he explained to Clare. "The guy had a hard punch, once the girl realized he was beating me up, she called the cops, grabbed him and ran. I'm friends with her on facebook, she asked when I'm going back to Bristol." Bren explained to Clare. "And didn't her boyfriend threaten to kill you if you ever touched her a fourth time since you had to go find her after you go out of the hospital?" Kota asked looking at him. "Yea, but that's just a threat." Bren stated and Kota rolled his eyes. "I wish I could just beat the shit out of you right now, but it'll be futile. I only continued to help because I thought you were done with that girl and could actually change. She's fucking strung out on drugs. That night you were in the hospital she was too, an hour later she tried to kill herself because of the drugs she took. Does that really mean nothing to you, do you not see how much she's calling for help?" Kota asked. "So what she just needs to stop taking whatever drug made her want to die. If she were mine and came to me every night I'd be the happiest man alive regardless if she's strung out or not. They can help the suicide thing." Bren shrugged and Kota got up seeing the headphones still on Emi. "Bren, sex isn't worth your life nor is a girl. Who cares if she got strung out and made out with you, she's fuck-" "I don't care." Bren yelled back and Kota felt a hand on his shoulder to see his mom. "From the first time I held you, I knew you'd be trouble. You acted out more than any of your brothers and never wanted to stay. You were always trying to leave to go wherever, soon that changed and you started going after girls not caring about anyone, but you. I had these papers printed out and money put aside. They're emancipation papers, if you really want this I won't stop you anymore." She said holding his suitcase in hand and he took the papers. "I know you don't care what happens to you, but we do. I think you may need this, to go on your own for a bit and come home to us. Maybe this will help you be a better man." she said as she signed the papers after him and handed him his suitcase and passport. "There's money in there with an address book to friends I've made and keep in touch with in various countries." she said. "And I can be with Iona?" he asked curiously. "This was only an act to be with her?" Kota asked. "Well yea." Bren answered. "If that's what you want." His mom said and Bren took his things and left. "He never unpacked his things. I knew he didn't want to stay." his mom explained and he sat back down. "Maybe this will open his eyes." Kota breathed and laid his head on Clare's shoulder. After she mentioned going to the park after breakfast, he watched as Kelly bought out a plate of pancakes while Dallas carried the plates, Stacy carried sets of silverware wrapped in napkins and Ash and Dom carried sides. Without a word, Kota went to the kitchen and grabbed bottles of juice for everyone, then sat next to Clare and Emi. "Kelly, do you still have those yoga shorts that were too small?" he asked looking at her. "Yea." she answered. "I need them for Clare." He said honestly. "They're in the same place in my room. Also you're on wash duty later after Dallas does the basics. I have Victoria's Secret lingerie that needs to be washed and you're the only one who doesn't shrink them besides Stacy and she has to go home. I also have work." Kelly said and he nodded. "Ok, Stacy do you need your Victoria's Secret lingerie washed?" he asked looking at her. "Yea. Dallas will get them for you when you're ready to do the laundry. Dallas cut some of the tags off mine so that should help a bit. My bras and other items have tags." Stacy explained and he nodded as he ate. "Dom is helping me separate the Victoria's Secret from everything." Dallas stated. "Ash and I will do the dishes then." Stacy stated honestly. "Ok, that leaves Kota and Clare to the floors after dinner." Kelly said. "I wanna help." Emi stated. "We just pick up big items and leave the rest to the roomba." he informed Clare as he continued to eat. After breakfast was done, Kota went and got the shorts for Clare and one of his shirts too. "I'll go change in Dom's bathroom." he smiled at her as he handed her the clothing and kissed her chastely before going to change.
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