#i just think based on his comments on sterek the idea he didnt want thiam in HIS movie is a little too plausible
steoxthiles · 2 years
*gently pats back* Much like with Sterek being more popular than any ship they tried giving Scott, with Thiam also pulling away from whatever Scott's doing...instead of writing Theo back into the story, they just added another random Hale that'll probably be a Deus ex machina, whose age already confuses the fuck out of people and the time line....and hey, they're bringing back a canonly killed off character in Allison... God, I hate Jeff even more after writing this. THEY'RE BRINGING BACK A DEAD CHARACTER instead of asking Cody back and having a living character that'll be more natural to ease into the story.......
Ok i didn’t want to say anything bc i dont want to be too mean… but i instantly came to the conclusion he wasn’t asked bc tyler posey hates being upstaged. HEAR ME OUT and this is also just based on my personal observations… tyler posey is so obviously the one who’s made this all happen, he is the star and lets face it i think tw was his biggest roll and he hasnt been in anything to great since, so like I feel like he would have say in the script/casting/story and we all know he actively hated sterek SO there is a chance he has something to do with this
Now not to hate on him bc whatever i dont know him or his intentions, and maybe its JEFF actually who wants Scott to be the center of the show with no other characters/ships stealing the spotlight IDK
regardless, cody not being asked is INSANE and tbh maybe i wont even watch this stupid thing bc what is the point without him (for me) - i was resigned to dob not being in it, yk? Hes busy, so i kinda knew in my heart he wouldn’t be in it, but i was SO EXCITED for more Theo.. to think he wants to do it but simply wasnt asked is absolutely INSANE and to me, honestly hurtful as a loyal fan of this stupid show since I was 11 (yes i was one of those people who started watching when only the first season was on netflix lmao you see why i am so invested)
On another note, i am actually kind of (very apprehensively) happy that allison is coming back lol! I thought her death was done well, but also kind of the turning point of quality for the show in my opinion.. stiles and later theo was the shining light in a confusing, unintelligible storyline that was season 4 5 and 6b. So like Allison returning is a little bit like the glimmer of light in this pile of grabage (again, in my opinion)
I am so so so disappointed and hurt by this insane decision… if he was just busy or didnt want to be in it i would be sad but id get it, but not even being asked?? This feels like a purposeful, egotistical choice on someone’s part, be it tyler jeff or the other producers. I truly hope they get over themselves and get cody involved, bc by the way he’s spoke about tw since it ended and in the interview, i really really think he wants to play Theo again
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