#i just loooove to talk about books <3333
kentopedia · 3 months
i’m so nosy when people bring books into the coffee shop i work at
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fearcicada · 1 year
Geyser by mitski is suuuch an avatars to their entities song. Like. It can be viewed from the perspective of so many different avatars and how they view their relationship with their entity in different ways. Like literally could be about anybody's worship of a specific entity. But I sort of view it from a vast perspective the most. I think the ""worshipping a giant entity you cannot even fathom"" thing, while applying to all the TMA entities, does feel like it fits the most with the vast as an entity. Makes me think of Mike Crew and how he just seemed to loooove his fear God. Like
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(the entity)
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(Other entities)
when it comes to Mike Crew I mostly think of him being chased by the spiral for most of his life, and him searching for different Leitners like The Boneturners Tale until he finds the one that saves him, like. He chose the vast <3333 I mean applies to all avatars in that they chose their entities (directly or not) but ..I'm talking about Mike Crew rn I love him
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AGHGH hear it call hear it call hear it call to me constantly .....(a lot of avatars having traits of that entity since childhood. Jon as a child wouldn't read books that feel like something he's already read before because he wants something NEW he wants new knowledge new information. I sort of simultaneously think that people with connections to the entities have been connected to them their whole lives even before entity related events happened to them. Just a matter of the continuous choices and patterns you make. But at the same time. Running into an entity (in one way or another) was just bad luck for most people and completely out of control. Both at the same time)
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The way that by serving the entities, avatars aren't so much as being given power themselves as they are just becoming conduits through which the entities can act upon the world (like Leitners). And still can be hurt by their entities. If they don't feed their gods their gods will feed on them etc
""It's not real it's not real it's not real enough "" so I need to make a giant ritual to fundamentally change the fabric of our reality allowing you to enter our world 😊😊
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Oh God the way avatars are transformed through their relationship with their fear gods as they choose to go down that route is so 💞💗💓
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scattered-winter · 1 year
BOOK ASKS!!!! 1, 4, 7, 11, 17, 20 <3333
book you’ve reread the most times?
ooh...probably either the six of crows duology by leigh bardugo (I have the whole thing practically memorized at this point...) or pjo/hoo.....theyre sooo <33
4. what sections of a bookstore do you browse?
YA, usually, just because that's generally where the authors I like are, but I'm SUPER picky about which YA books I actually read because well. *gestures at most of them*
7. is there a series/book that got you into reading?
I've been an eager reader for LITERALLY as long as I can remember (the way my mom tells it, I literally taught myself to read which tbh I don't remember enough to dispute that fact and it makes me sound cool so I'll take it) HOWEVER as a kid I was a huge fan of the magic treehouse and bailey school kids series. idk if they were the first ones I ever read tho
11. what non-fiction books do you like if any?
oooh ok ok so when I was a kid my parents had a whole STACK of these nonfiction books for kids called "I wonder why" and each one had like. a different theme. my favorite one was "I wonder why triceratops had horns (and other questions about dinosaurs)" and the whole book was about dinosaurs and answering different "questions" that kids might ask about them. and bro I ate that shit UP. I think my family had about 15 to 20 of these books, in a range of topics from extinct animals to ancient egypt to reptiles to plants, and I used to stack them all in a big pile on my bedroom floor and just read each one, cover to cover, one by one. I must've read those books at LEAST 7 times each, and I loved them soooo much. a lot of the topics are STILL interesting to me (like dinosaurs and extinct animals and ecosystems) and it was so funny because the other day my mom was talking about all the old books the family used to have and she offhandedly mentioned those ones and said something like "yeah none of the kids liked them so they just sat on the shelf :(" and I had to tell her that I actually had them mostly memorized at one point lmao
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the series had a revamp pretty recently so most of the search results are the new covers but here's one of the old ones that I used to have :]
17. top 5 children’s books?
the "I wonder why" series (as seen above, because autistic kids deserve a fun little treat :]), magic treehouse (fun historic adventures !!! ALSO a fun lil autistic treat :]), the bailey school kids (THEE OG DETECTIVE GANG), animorphs (war crimes <3), and warriors (more war crimes <3)
20. what are things you look for in a book?
mostly I just look for a good time !!! I loooove complicated/fascinating worldbuilding, like with six of crows, and I also want to be reading about characters who I like/connect with !! if the book is romance-centric I'm less inclined to want to read it UNLESS it's very well written (six of crows is largely about romance but they're all sooooo well crafted that I just ??? love them all ???? and it's also balanced out by the platonic dynamics and overall worldbuilding and plot so they're very enjoyable to me even though the romance plays a big part in it) BUT OVERALL I just wanna have a good time yknow
book asks!!
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