#i just finished c2e140
candelasobscura · 11 months
(stumbles out in shambles, panting, drenched in sweat, tears running down my face) hi
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nat1nonsense · 2 years
The way I’ve been sobbing over c2e140 for the last hour and a half, I’m lightheaded but also feeling way too hot and way too cold at the same time, I don’t know if I’m happy or sad right now, what the fuck?? Anyways. Gonna go start c2e141. Might not finish it today but I can’t just stop now
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My brother just walked in after I finished the second to last episode of critical role and saw me with red eyes and a runny nose and thought I had covid ghfgfjdhs
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uta-makura · 3 years
just finished watching c2e140 for the first time and no matter how many gifsets and art works I have seen, I have cried so much still. I love this story
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inkofamethyst · 3 years
June 4, 2021
[June 3, 2021]
Oof okay so first of all I wrote out a pretty long tumblr post that I’ve just about scared myself into not posting.  It might come out later this week?  It’s another one of those unstructured, barely comprehensible essay-like entries.  @/Future!Nina, take a guess on what the main topic is lol (and if you’re reading through these... I cannot bring myself to recommend that you read that post.  as a matter of fact, skip it altogether,, thank (I assure you, there is nothing to learn about my current mental state in that entry.  It’s just me talking in circles.  Starts out, you think there’s going to be a plan, but there is no plan, I just keep going though)).  The plan had been to post it yesterday, then today, but ehhhhhh.  I keep going back in to edit and add and remove.
Anyway I got my floral fake tattoos!!  I put a few of them on last night (one on my wrist, one next to my collarbone, and one on the back of my shoulder) and the one on my wrist is already, like 1/4 rubbed off lol.  Lowkeyyyy kinda feelin pretty swanky tho.  Can’t wait to do my sleeve!
Meant to post that yesterday, but it’s okay!  Updates: the long essay thing will probably be posted some other time soon idk.  Most of the tattoos had rubbed off so I just went and took them all off.  Sleeve up next sometime soon!
Okay!  Today was a really cool day!!  This was a really cool week!!!!!
So I started by watching Critical Role C2E140 with my dnd-friend over the course of Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, then we watched the first half of e141 (the c2 finale!!!!!) live on Thursday night and the second half during the rebroadcast today.  It was a total of 7 hours and 15 minutes and it was all so great and I loved the ending a lot.  I’m really really glad I got to watch it live with my dnd-friend.  Definitely one of our best ideas yet.  Hopefully C3(!!) starts during the summer so we could at least watch e1 together, but not at the expense of Matt feeling like he needs to rush out an all new campaign or the other cast members feeling like they need to move on so quickly from characters they’ve known and loved for three years.  A bittersweet ending, but emphasis on the sweet because [spoilers] THEY TOOK DOWN ICKY THONG AND IVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER.
Then directly after watching the end of the rebroadcast, I decided to join the Discord group for a powerpoint night where of course I put a ton of effort into what very well could have been a low-effort thing, but I had a ton of fun making it super special and it seemed like everyone enjoyed it!  (Also,,, everyone else’s were so much fun?  11/10 do want to powerpoint again)  Then we just chatted for two hours or so and screwed around with Zoom filters (Discord’s screenshare is a bit less robust) which was also fun!
So, yeah.  Yeah.  We’ll get back.  I’ll make it back.  I’m not going to scrutinize what I did because there was no visual indication that I did anything wrong, much the opposite, actually.
So, as far as social encounters for the week: extremely positive!!
Also!  Tried out my AirPods over the past few days and they’re a joy I tell ya.  No more shall I feel as though I want to break a plate every time my headphone wires get caught on a handle somewhere.  I am free.  Now I need to find a nice case for them lol.
Finally, finished out my first week of my internship, and wow.
Alright.  I’m going to come out and say it: a huge part of me is upset that I’m not in [redacted: major US city] for the internship this summer.  It legitimately sucks.  I am actually super unhappy over it, and I don’t want to pretend or ever give off the impression that this situation is in any way fine by me.
That said.
Found out the statistics for the program overall: 500 applicants for ~20 spots.  Inflated my ego, that did.
Anyway, on Thursday (yesterday), I had separate lecture meetings with my two project leads, and I felt so in my element????  Like, with the Male PI, I got a lecture (somewhat interactive) which was mostly a reintroduction to hominins and bipedal anatomy stuff which I’m super into already, and the Female PI lectured me on anatomical terms as well as some specific stuff about bone structure and bipedal musculature and that was also building on some stuff I’d learned almost two years ago now, so it was nice to have a refresher.
Then today, I (well, first, there was an introductory session about the graduate school which was hosted by the dean for all the program participants and it actually sounds kinda cool lol) had a meeting with both PIs and we talked a bit more about the project in-depth and our next steps and such.  We skimmed some papers about the subject matter and they mentioned that if we (I) were able to complete enough, I would almost definitely be able to publish a paper on it which would probably be cited a ton and I really had to keep my excitement in check about that because, I mean, WHAT that is so COOL?!  ALSO they then were like “yeah and if all goes really well, maybe we can bring you out to the big professional conference next year and you could present the findings there :)” LIKE AHHHHH!!!  THE WAY MY RESUME WOULD BE BUILT??
but but but but but but but I gotta get through the next nine weeks first.  I’m excited though, like way more excited.  I mean, take away all the stuff about publication and presentation and the conference which was all mentioned to me at the very end of the meeting, because that only increased my excitement.  I was excited by the way they were describing why the research I was going to be doing was important.  I was excited by the fact that a ton of the stuff I’d learned in my 200-level bio and anth classes were actually super applicable to the lectures from yesterday.  I was excited because I felt like I was in my element.  Like I was learning cool things and would be able to apply cool things and I would be gaining to many skills and so much knowledge and they were like “haha by the end of the summer you’ll be able to look at a bone and say exactly which carnivore it came from won’t that be fun?” and I had to keep myself from screaming and smiling real wide because like, yeah??? NICHE KNOWLEDGE IS MY THING AHHHHH!!
The fact that I might co-author a paper and present on it was just the icing on the cake.
Never felt that way when thinking about pharmacy or biochemistry lol.
I am so glad to be-- hold up.
Today I’m thankful that I changed my major.  Remember back in Fall 2019 where I was all “Imma get me this degree and everyone will know how smart I am if it kills me”?  Yeah.  Glad I’m out of there bro.  I’m right where I need to be.
Character development for the win!!
I’m also thankful (bonus thank!!  lots of these to go around recently, apparently lol) that my PIs actually are super nice and supportive and are willing to take all of my questions and are providing so many resources for me to be successful??  Ugh I can only dream of having a PhD advisior so supportive.
Oh, oh!  Also thankful (...double bonus thank??) for my AirPods.  Got them as a gift to myself for getting through my sophomore year, my fourth semester of college, these past few months of awfulness.
Now I need to get out this dang room once in a while, and I’ll be set to go.  And maybe I should eat a sandwich.  Actually Imma grab me a personal pizza bc I ain’t eaten all day lol cept some Ritz crackers and a banana. 
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nat1nonsense · 2 years
Wanting to watch c2e140 this afternoon because I know I’ll be able to finish it before I have to leave for work versus not wanting to watch c2e140 just yet because I know it’s gonna be an emotionally distressing episode and I kinda need to be able to do my job tonight </3
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