#i just dont want to step my foot on the wrong plank and end on the sane side of life. killing all my possibilities of being fucking free.
honeyed-disgraceful · 6 months
The fucking dramatics
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Ships and Shells (Pt.2)
Virgil was already aware he wasnt the best tracker of time, but this was getting ridiculous. How long had he been trapped here? Two? Maybe three weeks? Was it more? Was it less? He couldnt tell, all he could count on to tell time was the appearance of Roman with trays of food at exactly six in the morning, noon, and six at night.
"So I take it we're still not close to land hm?" Virgil growled as he heard footsteps yet again.
But then he realized, these were different, these were heavier.
"Ah, Mr. Duke." Virgil said with a smirk and a snarl.
"Now your highness I know you dont like me but downgrading my title so harshly? Have you no heart?"Remus said, faking hurt.
"Nope, not one," Virgil responded, which, oddly enough, earned him a laugh from Remus' end.
"Aaawwweee, you poor thing, it must be so hard to breathe," Remus purred, Virgil rolled his eyes.
"What do you want." Virgil said lowly.
"We're almost to the next town, so we need to establish some rules," at this, Virgil straightened up slightly, this could be it, his chance at escape.
"There will be guards on all exit points, and no other ropes will be far enough down to reach, so dont plan anything stupid," Remus said, Virgil smirked slightly, pitiful, he thinks ropes being a little high up is going to stop me he thought.
"You will only be allowed in the main part of the ship, not the cabins, those are reserved for crew members," Remus continued, that was probably a given, but Virgil would find a way to break that rule to.
"And finally, Don't. Touch. Anything." This last rule was said with such aggressiveness that it nearly caused a shiver down Virgil's spine, he felt mildly betrayed by that.
"Is this understood?" Remus said coolly, Virgil merely nodded in response.
"I meant for you to respond verbally, your highness," Remus said.
"Understood." Virgil said, slowly regaining his composure.
"But, I do have one question," Virgil said, turning slowly.
"And that is?" Remus raised an eyebrow.
"If I cant touch anything," Virgil wrapped his hands around the bars of his cell, "then I've broken rule three every day since ive been here," Virgil smirked.
Remus stared at him for a few moments, dumbstruck, or at least, Virgil hoped he was.
"I meant, dont touch any items outside of your cell, floor and walls are fine, but no papers, books, ropes, wheels, candles, none of it," Remus said. Virgil ran the phrase over and over again in his head to try and find some type of loophole, but when none presented itself, he went quiet. He watched as Remus produced a key from his pocket and began working the lock on Virgil's cell.
Virgil rushed out nearly immediately after the gate swung open, half expecting Remus to grab him and shove him back. But no such moment came, soon he was out in the open air, the scent of salt water enveloping him, the feel of the breeze on his skin was almost comforting now.
"Keep him alive, please." Remus stated to the guards. Virgil watched as he, Roman, and Janus, jumped off the boat, each dragging something behind them.
And then Virgil was left with two guards on each side of the boat, standing beside the openings that would allow for Virgil to rush off onto the mainland. But he'd worry about that later, the twins and the snake were still all to close for him to run for it now, so it was unsafe for him to attempt anything just yet.
So he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
For what seemed like years, he waited.
And finally, he noticed a slip up, and once he did, it was showtime. He knocked the closest desk over and waited for the guards to attempt to restrain him, only to sneak under their arms and rush out through the now open exit.
He landed with a thud on the harbor, and ran into the town as fast as his legs could carry him. He ignored the shouts from his captors, ignored the staring, ignored everything that was keeping him trapped in that ship.
The buildings in this town were a lot smaller, and there was no wall around the outside. The docks were lined with shops, jewelry and clothing and all sorts of other things hung from booths and lay on counters. It was then that Virgil realized, he didnt have money. Lucky for him, most of the people in the crowd were nearly a foot taller than him, which made it much easier to snag a cloak and an apple from the booths on which they lay.
This was alright for a while, until he ran into other people. Though in this case, the couple seemed far to focused on each other to even realize he was there, until the shorter man, dressed in light blues, with a grey scarf and cap on his head, broke away from his partner and turned in Virgil's direction.
"Oh dear- my apologies- didnt see you there-" said the shorter of the two.
"That's the idea," Virgil said quietly, this earned a worried expression from the first boy, the second, dressed in a blue long sleeved shirt with a black bandana around his neck, merely seemed intrigued.
"Are you hiding from someone? Is everything alright?" The first man stepped forward a little, cautiously.
"Oh yeah it's great, been stuck in a pirate ship cell for like two weeks with nothing to go off of but cryptic messages but its fine!" Virgil exclaimed with a sigh, barely caring about the fact that he didnt even know these people.
"Oh dear- that must've been awful," said the first boy.
"You'll have to excuse him, hes never actually interacted with pirates before," said the second boy, fixing his glasses.
"And you have?" Virgil said, looking him up and down.
The boy quirked his mouth slightly, into a sort of half-smirk that he couldnt quite finish.
"Former Lord Admiral Logan Sanders, at your service," Logan said, bowing slightly. Virgil's eyes widened slightly, he pulled the cloak further over himself. If Logan had been in charge of ships at one point, he likely knew about Virgil, and he had no plans to go back to the castle either.
"Nice to meet you," Virgil replied.
"And this is my fiance, Patton Boleyn," Logan said, gesturing to Patton, who gave Virgil a wave and a nod.
"Nyx," Virgil said plainly, though the word felt like bile as he tossed it out, it was the safest thing he had for now, but he certainly didnt want it.
"Oh have I been getting it wrong then? I couldve sworn the queen called out for a Virgil when we brought you on the ship," Virgil froze as he heard Remus' voice, and then he ran. He didnt care where he was going or how long it took to get there, but he wasnt staying on that ship, nor in that castle. He could hear footsteps racing after him, the sound swinging and wind blowing through the air.
And then again, cold metal pressed against flesh.
And then he woke up back where he'd started, a cell with wet wooden planks and a falsely comfortable looking bed.
Only this time he wasnt alone, this time he heard crying, and yells, fury like he'd never heard before.
"Oh quit whining, we're not going to hurt any of you, but we cant have you running off to tattle on us, now be a good prisoner and shut it," Virgil snarled as he heard Remus' voice, he was beginning to hate it, hate every joke that fell from his lips, hate the way he twirled that stupid mustache of his when they talked, all the flirting and the compliments, it was like the captain thought he was to foolish to see what was really going on!
"Ah! Our perfect prince has awoken from his slumber, now tell me Virgie, did you really think it would be that easy to escape?" Remus said, leaning on his morningstar and flashing a grin.
Virgil was about to open his mouth so he could tell Remus where to stuff it, when suddenly, he began to feel sick. Not just a fleeting sickness, either, no, this was like someone had set his insides on fire. He held back the screams for a few seconds, and was surprised to find a worried expression make it's way up Remus' face when he let loose.
"JANUS! MEDIC!" Remus turned and rushed out of the cell room.
Virgil couldn't tell what happened next, because one second, he was curled in a corner and clutching his sides from pain worse than anything he'd ever experienced before, and the next, everything was swirling away into a deep blue and black, almost like a dream.
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backtobackbakubabe · 4 years
I’m Gonna Make This Place Your Home (Part 9)
Bakugo X Reader
Runaway reader finds a home with Bakugo. But will trouble follow?
Words: 4550
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“What do you mean she lied to you?” Ora gave Bakugo a baffled look.
Bakugo gripped his head in an attempt to keep calm, “I mean she fucking lied to me... You yourself said Puppeteer would never let her give up their location. She was acting weird, she said she loved me... but it sounded more like she was saying goodbye...” He picked up the bedside lamp and threw it at the wall before he threw his head in his hands and growled.
Moments later Kirishima was kicking the door in and rushing in. He had expected to see some kind of fight going on but instead all he saw was his best friend currently losing his sanity.
Kirishima knelt next to the bed and placed his hand on Bakugos shoulder, “We will get her back. I promise.
Bakugo’s hand reached up and found Kirishima’s. “I saw her... I saw her and I asked her where she was... but I don’t know if I believe her. It looks like we’re going to need to split up after all.
Puppeteer waisted no time snapping his fingers and having his goons drag you from your bed. “I thought we could trust each other Y/n. You have no idea how much it saddens me to do this... but naughty girls must be punished.”
You struggled against their hold, doing your best to dig your heels in. “What... what are you going to do to me?”
Puppeteer flashed a cruel smirk at you, “Well it seems you swallowed something you shouldn't have and well, we really need to retrieve it as soon as possible. Dont worry we have some of the best doctors here.”
Your eyes widened as you began to panic. “No! NO! Please! I told him it was the other tracker! He thinks this one was randomly tossed from the helicopter!”
Puppeteer chuckled, “Oh but I think we both know he’s a lot smarter than that isn't he? Hmm yes I think no matter what they will be dividing their forces to check both locations... but I think he will be coming to this one. I saw the look on his face in your little dream. He looked devastated, because he knew you had deceived him.”
You had to think quickly. Under no circumstances could you let them put you under anesthesia. Puppeteer’s threat of making you a vegetable still rang in your ears. If they put you to sleep there would be a chance you would never wake up again...
Bakugo in the short time you lived together had taught you some basic self defense and combat skills. But now as you wracked your brain you were finding it hard to remember any of it. Fuck. If he doesn’t kill me for lying to him then he’ll definitely beat my ass for this... Come on think! Your eyes darted around for anything useful as they dragged you down hall after hall. You probably should have paid closer attention to where you were going but you were in full panic mode and you need to calm your shit down.
You could see that up ahead there was a plank in the floor that was slightly higher than the rest. It might not be the best plan but it was the only one you had.
You knew Puppeteer’s quirk had a time limit but you couldn’t remember the last time he had touched you. He had just used your quirk only a little while ago so the chances were pretty high that he could still control your quirk. Maybe though, if you did it fast enough you could use it just long enough to get away.
You started to truly drag your feet and let yourself go limp right as your foot caught the lip of the raised plank. It jerked you from the goons grasp as you crashed to the floor.  You tried to use your quirk to take the goons sight away but you didn’t wait to see if it worked. You scrambled to your feet and sprinted in the opposite direction. This is where is would have been handy to have paid attention to where you were going.
“Hey what the fuck?!” You could hear scuffling behind you as turned a corner.
“Well what are you doing? Go after her you fucking idiots!” screamed Puppeteer. You assumed that you had succeeded in taking away their sight for however long it took to get away but you didn’t want to assume it was permanent. Bakugo had once told you something about assuming ... something about being an ass... You tried to be as quiet as possible as you slipped into empty room. All you needed to do was hide until Bakugo got here. If Puppeteer was right then he shouldn't be too long. Right?
“Ok so let me get this straight she told you she was with the tracker that was still moving and so that means you want to go to coordinates of the tracker that isn’t moving?” Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck while he tried to figure out the plan. “And you want the rest of us to track the other tracker... the one she said was her..? But you don’t think it is her. Do I have that right?”
Bakugo nodded as he clipped on the rest of his costume. “I’m going in alone. If I have to blow the whole fucking place up I will and I’m not bringing ya’ll down with me. Puppeteer can control anyones quirk that he touches. I’m not giving him any extra pieces to his stupid fucking game. I need to do this alone.” He took a deep sigh and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “Last time I saw him he could have made me kill you if he had wanted to and I wouldn't have been able to stop it. That’s not happening. I’m taking you out of the equation.”
He walked over and did something Kirishima wasn’t expecting. Bakugo gripped him in a tight hug, “And if by chance my instincts are wrong and she is where she said she is...I don’t trust anyone other than you to bring her home.”
Kirishima closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I got you man. I’ll do everything I can to get her back. But please... please dont do anything stupid. And the SECOND you confirm she’s there please let me know. I know you think you need to do this alone, but I would never be able to live with myself if something happened to you.”
Ora waited for their little bromance moment to end before she approached Bakugo and nudged him. “Hey... you realize I’m going with you right? Like there’s no chance in hell you’re going alone. I haven't seen my sister in almost twenty years. Puppeteer has ruined my entire life and hers. I’m going to make that fucker pay.”
Bakugo narrowed his eyes at her. Recognizing the same stubborn gleam in her eyes that he had seen in yours time and time again, he immediately knew he wasn’t going to win this argument. “Dont make me regret this.”
Ora straightened her posture to square him off, “Dont make me regret letting you try it your way first. We either kill Puppeteer today, or we do it my way and we go back in time and kill him before any of this shit even happens.”
Bakugo nodded, “Lets hope it doesn't come to that. Its not that I dont trust you... but you said yourself you've never used your quirk like that before. It’s a huge risk. But that being said, its worth taking if it gets the job done.”
Ora stuck her hand out to shake his, “Let’s fucking do this.”
It had to have been over an hour now. There’s no way Puppeteer’s quirk was still working on you. You could potentially walk out of the house. You were terrified though. Your quirk only works on a few people at a time. If you ran into a large group of people you were screwed. You couldn’t sit here forever though. You had to do something. You were not some helpless damsel. You had broken out once and you could do it again.
Your biggest concern right now was sound. Sure you could make them see whatever. You would just edit yourself out of what they see, but you couldn’t do anything about the sound.
You slowly opened the door leading back out into the hallway. At first you didnt see anyone so you tip toed out. Your first step was followed by a quiet moan from the wood beneath your foot. You froze as your heart leapt into your thought. You had to remind yourself to stay calm and keep your breathing in check. The last thing you needed was to give yourself away by being a mouth breathing idiot.
When you were sure no one was coming for you, you slowly reached down and took your shoes off. You cradled them in your hands as you started your painfully slow walk down the hallway.
You had made so much progress but none at the same time. You made at least six turns by now but you still had no idea where you were or how to get the fuck out. This place really needed a fucking map. Your legs growing fatigued from the strain of taking slow and careful steps. You felt like you had been walking forever when you finally ran into another person. This had to be a good sign right? With limited people here Puppeteer would put them close to the exits right? To keep you in and more importantly keep Bakugo out.
There were only three of them. You could handle that. They were quietly muttering amongst themselves. Every so often one of their radios would sound off as one of their comrades would reach out for an update. “No sign here. She has to still be on the premises though. None of the doors or windows have been opened. We would have heard the alarm go off.” Shit... of course theres a fucking alarm system.
You got a bit closer before you threw one of your shoes as hard as you could down the hallway. It made a loud noise as it knocked what looked to be like a rather expensive painting off the wall.
“What the fuck was that?” Two of the goons left to investigate the noise while the third stayed put and radioed to the others. “We have some commotion on the second floor, West wing, Hallway C.”
How fucking big was this place?
Puppeteers voice came out loud through the speaker of the radio. “I’m coming and I’m going to do this myself you fucking idiots. How hard is it to catch one fucking girl. You’ve been at this for hours now!”
You could see the goon roll his eyes, obviously annoyed with his boss. You had no sympathy for him though. He chose this life. You could see a tazer hanging from his belt. Of course Puppeteer wouldn't want you killed so they would have to use non-lethals. If you could just quickly...
You lunged for the taser and ripped it from his belt. His eyes went wide for a second as a put two and two together. He didn’t try and fight it, he just yelled to his friends, “SHE’S HERE!”
You tazed him before he could do anything else and sprinted towards a set of stairs. The man had said you were on the second floor which meant you needed to go down to get out.
You practically jumped down the stairs, skipping as many as you could. Your intensity got the best of you though because as soon as you saw the door that lead to the first floor you flung it open. And guess what was on the other side? Fucking Puppeteer. His head whipped in the direction of the door that you just slammed open like a dumbass. His eyes narrowed and his lips turned up in an evil smirk, “Ah Y/N darling. Nice of you to finally join us.”
Your heart was pounding and you just kept reminding yourself that he couldnt see you. You started to sidestep away from the door and to what looked like a library. You could feel yourself sweating from the exertion of using your quirk for so long. It was rare that you ever used it for more than a few minutes at a time and even then it wasn’t very often.
You threw your other shoe in the opposite direction you wanted to go while simultaneously taking away his vision completely. You expected him to get angry, to yell. But what he did was much worse and stopped you in your tracks. He started laughing. “You think I dont have any tricks up my sleeve? I have a man here who's quirk is a super strong sense of smell. Once he’s leaned someone smell he can track them from miles away...” Your blood ran cold. “And Y/N... if his nose is correct, which it always is... your only a few feet away...NOW!”
Out of nowhere you were being grabbed from behind. How the hell had you not seen him sneaking up on you. “I got her! Now what?!”
Puppeteer snarled in frustration, “Bring her to me! I need to touch her so I can stop her from using her quirk!”
You struggled against him. This was not how this was going to end. You worked so hard to get this far. You were going to fucking leave if it was the last thing you did.
Your elbow caught the man in the jaw and his grip slacked just enough for you slip away temporarily. “Bitch hit me!”
Puppeteer screamed in anger, “Of course she did! I told you she wouldn’t come easily now go and get her! Sniff her out!”
You had only made it a few yards when you were being thrown to the floor. His sense of smell lead him right to you. You turned around and with all the strength you had left kicked him in the face, breaking his nose. Blood splattered everywhere and the man fell forward on top of you pinning you to the ground. “You fucking broke my nose!”
Puppeteer ran over to you, “Hold her down! Backup is coming!” He reached out and touched you and it was all over.
Tears sprung to your eyes as you made eye contact with the disgusting man who stopped you from using your quirk. “Please! I’ll behave! I’ll do anything! Please don't kill me.”
Puppeteer backed away as some of his goons filed into the room and surrounded you. “Oh sweet Y/n. I’m not going to kill you. I need you alive so I can utilize your quirk... But like I said before that doesn't mean I need you awake.”
Just like that you were being yanked over someones shoulder. You hit their back and screamed at the top of you lungs. You sent a silent prayer out that Bakugo would get here before its too late.
Your throat was raw by the time you were slammed onto a very hard and uncomfortable bed. With tears in your eyes you continued to beg the people who were currently strapping you down to let you go.
Puppeteer came and sat down in a chair next to you. “My dear you waist your breath. They only listen to me. I’m sorry it has to be this way but you left me no choice. We need to get that tracker out of your stomach and we cant have you helping that boyfriend of yours who is sure to rampage through here soon enough.” He reached out and took your hand. You would have pulled away but your hand was strapped down. “I’m not heartless though so I will at least give you the courtesy of letting you know what will become of you once we put under.”
He stood up and began to pace the room like the villain always did in the movies you had watched with Bakugo. “We will put you under anesthesia and cut you open and take out the tracker. Then once you’re all stitched up we will administer a drug that renders you basically brain dead. It’ll keep you in an endless sleep that you will never wake up from. But you’ll have just enough brain activity left so I can use your quirk when I need it. You will only be aware when I want you to be and you will only be able to use your quirk when I want you to. It’s not much of a life... but alas you brought this upon yourself.”
Your face was soaked with tears now and you couldnt stop the sobs that wracked your body. Your whole body was shaking now. This was it. There was no coming back from this. You’ll never get to say goodbye to Bakugo. Puppeteer signaled for the doctor to proceed. The doctor came closer to you with a needle and you heart began to race. You looked him in the eye and quieter than you had been all day, you whispered, “Please....”
The doctor schooled his features before bringing the needle to your arm, “You might feel a light pi-”
Then the most glorious noise you had ever heard sounded. The alarm was gong off. You were here so that must mean that someone broke in... “BAKUGO!!!!!!”
Puppeteer threw a glass against the wall before he ran his fingers through his hair. “Looks like we can skip the surgery and just go straight to the brain dead vegetable phase.”
The doctor sputtered a bit, “Sir I don’t have the necessary equipment for that here. I would have to move her upstairs.”
Puppeteer threw the door open, “Well why are you still here? Fucking move her! I’ll take care of her brat of a boyfriend....”
He wasnt going to be subtle. He was charging in guns blazing and taking out every single person who got in his way. The more people he took out the less pawns at Puppeteers disposal. He blasted the front door right off of its hinges. Immediately an alarm started blaring. Because that wasnt annoying at all.
He ran down the first hallway and saw a man sitting on the floor with blood all over his shirt. “OI! Who the FUCK are you? And where is Y/N?!”
The man spat blood on to the floor next to him, “I can smell her on you.. that cunt you call your girlfriend broke my fucking nose!”
Bakugo took a calm step towards him before taking him by the hair and slamming his face into the ground, “And I will break your fucking face if you dont tell me where she is!”
The man pointed down the hallway. They took her down that hallway. After that I dont know this house is a fucking maze man!”
Bakugo slammed his head into the ground again, “You can fucking do better than that!”
His face now covered in blood, “Two lefts then a right and straight to the end of the hall...”
Bakugo smirked before standing up and giving the man a swift kick to the head, knocking him out. He looked to Ora next to him who didnt seem phased at all by his display of violence. “Let’s go.”
She nodded, “You're going to have to do most of the heavy lifting here. I dont want to waist any energy. If we have to go with Plan B it’s going to take everything I have.”
Bakugo stalked forward into the hallway, “Works for me. I’d prefer for you to stay out of the blast zone anyways.”
Bakugo can only describe what happened next as a rampage of epic proportions. No one stood a chance. He fired first and didnt even bother to ask questions after. He left a trail of burnt and broken people in his wake and he didnt feel even an ounce of remorse. He knew this wasnt healthy. The amount of anger that was pushing him right now. But he also knew he couldnt afford to let go of that anger, because once he did all that was left was fear. Fear of failure, fear of losing her, fear of the unknown.
He finally reached his destination after following the mans directions exactly, but the room was empty. There was a hospital bed with leather straps on it and a lot of blood smeared on the sheets. He just prayed it wasn't yours.
Ora yelled from the hallway, “Bakugo! Hurry he's here!”
He left the room and came face to face with Puppeteer. The disgusting man had the nerve to smile at him, “It seems you’ve put a real dent in my security. No matter there's more where that came from.” He looked over to Ora and his smile grew, “And would you look at that you’ve brought me a present. Who would have thought the secret to getting my crown jewels back was Ground Zero. So nice of you to personally deliver them both.”
Bakugo sent a huge explosion towards him but he dove into a nearby hallway just in time. “WHERE IS SHE?”
Puppeteer stayed hidden around the corner, “The longer you fight me the less time you’ll have to say goodbye to her. Soon enough there won’t be anything left to say goodbye to!”
Bakugo sent another blast his way, letting all his anger, his rage, his fear leak into it. But all he got in return was a chuckle, “Is that all you got boy?”
He was about to blast him again when he heard someone running up behind him. Without turning to look he asked Ora, “Who is it?”
With a little relief in her voice, “It’s Kirishima! They must have realized you were right about the other coordinates!”
Kirisima stepped up next to Bakugo, “Hey man go find her... we’ll take it from here.”
Bakugo looked between the corner Puppeteer was hiding behind and Ora. He wanted to personally make the man suffer, but he would leave that to Ora. She deserved that much. He settled on Ora, “Make him fucking pay...”
She nodded, “You already know I will. Now hurry!”
Bakugo took off, that guy was right.. this place really was a fucking maze. He was running around kicking every single door in. Calling out for you. He didnt care who heard him. He’d cut them down just like he did the rest of them.
He sprinted around a corner and there you were. You were simply standing there. Calmly waiting for him as he approached. His hands found purchase on either side of your face as he wiped the silent tears that now slid down your face. “You found me....”
He leaned his forehead against your, “Of course I did.. I told you I’d protect you.”
You smiled as you ran your fingers through his hair, “We need to go.” You took his hand and led him down the hallways to a set of stairs.
When you started to go up he pulled back, “Where are you going?”
More silent tears slid down your face, “I need to show you something before we go.”
Bakugo gave you a concerted look, “Y/n we really need to get you out of here! Puppeteer is still on the loose.”
You nodded, “I understand but this is really important.”
You led him up the stairs, down a few halls and to a room. You opened the door to a room and led him inside. The bed looked like a hospital bed but it was empty. There was a weird beeping noise but he couldnt find where it was coming from. “Y/N what is going on? What was so important that you needed to show me?”
You didnt answer him, but instead you reached up on your tip toes and gave him a passionate kiss. “I love you Bakugo. I love you so much. You taught me what it was like to truly live life, trust wholly, and love deeply and I am so thankful for that...”
“Y/N why are you talking like that? I love you too but you already know that... you’re making me nervous...”
You gave him a sad smile, “It’s getting harder to focus so I need to do this quickly. Bakugo.... Puppeteer did something to me... I’m not really alive anymore.”
Bakugo grew cold as his hands clutched you, “What the fuck do you mean you're not alive? You’re standing right in front of me. I can see you, I can feel you!”
You wiped a tear from your cheek, “My body is still alive, my heart is till pumping... but that’s all he needed to use my quirk... My brain... its shutting down as we speak. You're not really holding me... I’m just in your head...”
Bakugo fell to his knees as his heart began to pound in his eyes, “NO! IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO END THIS WAY!”
You sat down next to him and pulled him to your chest and let him sob. “It’s going to be okay. You’re going to make it through this. I need you to do that for me do you understand? You can’t give up. You have to promise me.”
Bakugo picked his head up and saw that stubborn expression in your eyes that he had seen in Ora’s earlier that day. “You have an older sister... she's here. She came to help free you...”
You pushed your hand through his hair, “It would have been nice to meet her, but right now all I care about is you.” You kissed his forehead, “I’m losing my grip Bakugo... I know its a lot to ask but can you stay with me...”
It was his turn hold you while he kissed your head over and over again. He rocked you back and forth, “You can’t leave me. Please!”
You held back your tears as you cupped his cheek, “Remember when you were teaching me to ride the bike? And you said you would never let go. Not until I was ready... We’ll I’m telling you, you need to let go... it’s time.” You gave him one last kiss, “I love you.”
When Bakugo opened his eyes you weren't there anymore. He looked up and he saw you strapped to the bed, hooked up to a monitor. Your heart was still beating. You were still alive... but you were gone.
He was completely numb as he gently began undoing the straps and he took your hand in his. This was his fault.
He didnt think it could get any worse but then Ora stepped up next to him. He hadn't even heard her come in.
She had been there for quite some time and it didnt take her long to figure out what had happened. She put a hand on his shoulder, “He got away.... looks like its time for Plan B.... Do you think you’re ready?”
Bakugo took a deep breath and wiped his cheeks, “Let’s go kill the fucking son of a bitch...”
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conordakidd · 5 years
I’m en route to Fort Benning and I guess it’s a good time to write down everything that happened at Basic Combat Training (BCT). On my first attempt I tried writing everything that happened from the very first day of leaving and realized that a large percentage of it wasn’t interesting and it was taking too much time. So I guess I’ll just condense it and try to jot down the important stuff.
So after waiting , delays at the airport and more waiting I arrived at Fort Jackson and taken to Reception which is a certain place on the base for incoming recruits where we were assigned to dormitories and given our PT uniform and camelbacks. The first five days we woke up super early -around 0330/0400- and proceeded to get shots, uniforms and our first buzz cut. Most of the time we would march around in groups getting issued gear and then at certain parts of the day go to the DFAC for food. It wasn’t really that hot where we were and I was like hey, It’s not that bad. Finally we were done with Reception and boarded a bus with all our issued stuff in a laundry bag that we carried onto the bus and our duffel that was stowed onto another truck. A drill sergeant was on the bus, started screaming at us to put our head into our laundry bag when we sat down and to shut up. You are thinking a million thoughts with the first one being, what is going on? All of a sudden you pull up,the drill sergeant starts screaming at you to get off with your bag and you run down this long street with everybody in your face yelling at you and it is complete pandemonium as everybody is trying to get down the street. The drill sergeants were completely on you foreverything you did wrong. And it was like the entire Red phase where they were on top of you and all sorts of rules were enforced. It definitely sucked in the sense that you got treated like a dumbass 18 year old -which there were plenty of- and had to dumb stuff like run to a place right after lunch and get a pinecone and bring it back. We dove into things pretty quick, probably one of the first few days at basic we picked up the remaining gear we needed and couldn’t bring from reception such as IOTV (bulletproof vest) MOPP gear (chemical top and bottom) rucksack and got issued a gas mask that we would have to carry on us for FTX (Field Training Exercises ( {Anvil,Hammer, Forge} ) and daily training. In our company, which I was in Charlie 3-60th, we split into four platoons in alphabetical order and I wound up in 3rd platoon with “R”. We originally had 3 Drill Sergeants assigned to the daily management of our platoon, SDS Connelango, DS Deck and DS Allen. Connelango was a Ranger who was making his way up the NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) pipeline and would leave less than halfway to take a First Sergeant position, Deck was a Sergeant First Class and was originally was Infantry/Ranger and DS Allen, well to be honest I don’t know much about her since she changed platoons in about the first week but she seemed nice. Our platoon was about 50/50 guys and girls, the majority 18-22 who were doing National Guard or trying to do this as a 20 year career. It definitely was a different dynamic having a lot of girls because it definitely changes the mindset or thought process of why you are going into the military. I never expected to meet someone in the service, and still dont, which delayed me from committing 3.5 years to the military. But it definitely changes things as it goes to being “this is your job.focus.” To social hour mindset which people noticeably followed victim to.
Week 1
First week was a rough introduction to basic. The first three days consisted of endless correction training aka getting “smoked” where you did all these exercises in a row that at times went on for more than an hour. PT which was something different all together, began at 0530 lasted about 1 hour depending on the activity, and would rotate between pull-up exercises on a bar to running on a track. You have to do all these cool exercises like the prone row where you had lie prone on your bellyand push your hands back before the main event exercises of pull-ups or running. If it was a running day good lord. That meant you were doing the stretches on a black track with topographical features. Others would call it a parking lot with rubble and a major depression in it blocked off, but #perspective .
We didn’t take a shower the first night we were there which definitely made me worried and very sweaty, but we eventually got to shower and privileges to the laundry machine which made an interesting time when all we had was sweaty gear. I didn’t think it was fun, maybe other people did I didnt. we got our gear and got tutorials on how to install it and put it all together. I’m terrible with small basic technical stuff like putting together an army bed so it definitely was a struggle and a lot of peer review from the people next to me. We got our gear set and it was ready to go.
Week 2
The second week we pretty much dove into things, which I guess is to be expected with a program that has only 9/10 weeks in it. First we went to the Gas Chamber which was a about 2 miles from barracks with a ruck and some weight on our back. We learned some fundamentals about a chemical attack and what not to do and then went into a gas chamber that had CS gas on the room with our gas mask. Mine really didn’t seal all the way or was too large because the moment I stepped in starting messing with my eyes just a little but there wasn’t really anything I could do about it. We did some exercises once we got into the chamber including wallsits and foot fires where you jumped up and down just trying to get some cardio going. We ended up taking off our mask for a couple seconds and immediately you could barely breath, the gas filling up your lungs and making your eyes tear. You had to wait in line to get out and it took a couple minutes outside with fresh air for everything to get back to normal. Everybody was like o yeah that was so easy but I personally thought it was challenging.
Next that weekend was Victory Tower which was this giant fortress looking contraption that had all these ropes and walls that you shimmied up and down in various manners and eventually did one of those rappel type things down a wooden wall. All of it was doable and everybody had to do as a graduation requirement, it was the waiting, anticipation and waiting in line that made it anxiety inducing. You would laugh and be like really if you saw the Tower but it becomes bigger and harder from below the longer you wait and then you realize it wasn’t that bad or bad at all it was the buildup or thinking that made it that much worse.
The last thing we did worth mentioning that week was Fit to Win, which was an obstacle course. It wasn’t that far from battalion so we had to walk there with our rucksacks and it looked like it was about to rain and to me, rain=cool so I was hoping and praying that it was going to rain and it would be somewhat of an interesting walk. Let me tell you this. When it looks like it’s going to rain in South Carolina it’s not. I take that back but there’s a 90% chance that the sun is going to break through and it’s going to be fucking hot. That’s exactly what happened that day where we covered our rucksacks with the tarp we brought and then maybe 30 minutes after we put it down the sun started to come through and try to murder us with intensive UV rays for the entire day. The obstacle course wasn’t bad it had kind of what you would expect to a elementary school to have. Monkey bars where I popped something in my shoulder, a waking balance beam, a cargo net and some other little obstacles that made it vaguely interesting to go through. And again, it was hot.
Week 3
It was either week 3 or week 4 things started to get a little more psychologically challenging. It really wasn’t the activities that started to get to me but the heat and being stuck with a group of people talking in formation about things that either you didn’t care for or didn’t want to talk about and realizing that there was a nice chunk of time at basic. Someone actually made a countdown timer in SECONDS of when graduation was gonna happen. Things like I just didn’t want to hear. But it was finally time to embark on our first Field Training Exercise (FTX) “The Hammer”. Basically we would march 5 miles with a rucksack & M4 to a campsite, dig what would amount to a liveable hole in the ground, and basically practiced simulations of drills we would later conduct. We were in a shaded area most of the time so it really wasn’t that bad. At night, everybody else’s drill sergeants would fuck with them by making them amounted to stop drop and roll type drills😬. Our platoon was let’s just say in flux as our Senior Drill Sergeant got promoted, DS Deck and DS Allen were on “training leave” for a week and a half and DS Shimer who would eventually be our DS had all of 1 day underneath his belt. So all night long we just chilled, some of us with the anticipation of getting fucked with. We didn’t and probably should of just went to bed. When you went to get water in the middle of the night all you heard in the distance was all the stop/drop commands and you were like ooooh. In the real early part of the morning they got us up and smoked us all. I was the back dogging it because I was hungry and I was like can we stop this dumb shit and all of sudden the DS comes starts yelling behind me so I’m like ooh maybe I should start planking for real but apparently she was going after this girl who was like crumpling next me and I was just like ooh the sight and sounds of basic.
Additionally, we started to go to the ranges with our M4 and started to zero our weapons “on ironsights”. Zeroing is the process of aligning your weapon to shoot straight and “on ironsights” is the method of optics your going to aim. Theres a straight tip at the end of your weapon that you used and try to get a straight shot. There’s a lot of corrections and feedback that comes through the whole process and it’s a long day of just shooting and trying to get a weapon that you know is aiming straight on qualification day. It was a super frustrating process there was a limited of time and instruction and you were just thrown in the fire. At the range it was definitely anxiety inducting that I wasn’t gonna get it. But what bothered most was not really having a way to fix it. Because we were a big class, the majority of us didn’t get individualized attention and it wasn’t like we could go on YouTube or call a pro in to help ourselves. In a lot of ways, we were at the mercy at our level of preparation coming in or just good luck.
Week 4
Week 4 picked up pretty much where it ended, trying to zero+group for our M4. This week tho we spent one day at LOMA Range which had actual targets 300 meters away instead of the shooting at pieces of papers that had a super small target in the middle and was proportional sized to represent 300 meters. While I had my hopes up that I would finally zero as this was allegedly easier, I was still super worried that it wasn’t gonna happen. I didn’t know or remember all of the techniques they were talking about and it wasn’t like I was really being helped. O well. On my first attempt it was still a mess and didn’t zero. It was a good range though in terms of shade and temperature and I was trying to pry tips from drill sergeants, so things were working in my favor and I was trying to make it happen. The problem though was that every round of shooting was followed by a 2-3 hour break as other people went to shoot. It was insanely frustrating and not a good feeling. The waiting and sucking wasn’t a good combination. Finally, on the second round I finally zeroed. The coach I had gave me some useful corrections and I somehow managed to get it together. It was a relief because this would be the hardest section of shooting and to get it off my shoulders was big. The second thing we did that of importance was prequalify on ironsights were we went to a range where little signs popped up and we shot them from three different positions. The prone supported, where we lied on our stomach and had the weapon resting on sandbags for 20 shots, the prone unsupported where we lied on our stomach and shot with a sandbag on the magazine for 10 shots and the kneeling where we took a knee and shot for 10. The whole idea behind prequalify was to determine the position you would go during qualifying, even though it didn’t really matter as everybody was going to go, just the people most likely to qualify first would get it out of the way. I didn’t do as bad as I thought I was going to but still didnt qualify. I even had to suffer through a smoke session a very hot one I might add where we had to point, squat down with the weapon still pointing straight and then get in the prone over and over again but I wasn’t worried as I was before. I had a little more breathing room and had a lot of time to qualify.
Week 5
This was the week of qualifying and the anxiety -whether real or imagined- was back. Qualifying would entail going to a range and having to hit targets at different distances 300,250,200,150,100 and 50 and would pop up at different times, sometimes two at a times. Same deal as pre-qual, but this time it counted in order to check the graduation requirement list of qualifying on a M4. It was a long day and to make a long boring story it played out pretty much like the zeroing process went. Didn’t make it-anxiety-waiting-anxiety-last go around make it. It was a good feeling and while the range broke down on the last time I went, and I probably got passed through on a technical error, it still felt good to get it done. After that, we attached a giant scope on top of the M4 called a CCO and began to zero on that later in the week. A CCO is different than ironsights in the sense that it aimed with a red dot in middle and the whole purpose of zeroing was to make sure that that red dot was aligned correctly. Even for me this was not a problem as all you had to do was point the red dot straight and you would hit the target. Instead of being stressed out about making it through, my partner discussed Lamar Jackson and how he was doing in the NFL. It felt good to finally to have non stress day.
Week 6
Week 6 was were it started picking up as we well past being halfway done and there stuff in our immediate future that I didn’t want to do. First there was prequalification and qualification on CCO’s which I’m not going to bore anybody with and “The Anvil” which to me was the hardest thing we did as a platoon. It was three days and two nights and it’s was basically a longer version of “the hammer” but this time our Drill Sergeants straight up smoked us at the most random times of the night and had us doing high crawls and low crawls (look it up, it sucks) on both Asphalt and sand. The MRE’s that I was getting to eat were not filling me up and I was operating on straight will, as I was soo hungry. We had to do land navigation the last full day of the FTX and I was in straight zombie-mail it in mode as I was hungry and in no mood or condition to be a explorer at that very moment. Where there is a will there is way. And actually, on our way to land navigation this young looking guy in a drill sergeants uniform starts yelling at us as we (perhaps just me) are trekking on water and maybe an energy bar and we are like who is this guy. It turns out it’s our new Drill Sergeant Vork whose taglinw through basic who would be “ Cheese + Rice” whenever somebody did something ridiculous. Interesting guy. But I got through it and somehow made it back to the CTA in one piece. Uncomfortable but I did it.
Things got really fun but at the same time really hot. It was early October but the sun was still beaming. The week before we got a preview for our FTX that it was going to be 98 at The ANvil and while It wasn’t that hot for it, Week 7 was definitely hotter so it was inthe 90’s at the very least. We had two events on the calendar for the week as usual being Buddy Team Live Fire and Omaha, both of which turned out to be really fun and totally worth sitting in the heat (at times) for. Buddy Team Live Fire was essentially a quick 2v2 paintball in your neighbors backyard with 🌲 ‘s, some barrels, a mini Bunker with rocks and we were shooting with specialized ammo that exploded upon impact and generally left a black and blue . Offense would start out on patrol and take fire from an dug defense team and the whole point was to practice the cover/fire drills we did on the FTX, just now simulated with actual fire. It didn’t go as smoothly when I went on offense as one of the people on defense failed to retreat so my partner basically surrounded her and then we opened fire and then when we were on defense my opponent’s cover was this skinny tree with no branches and I was behind this giant cement wall just waiting and let’s just say I won that battle as well 🤣.
Omaha was basically the structured version of Buddy Team as you were practicing covering and moving but this time there moving targets instead of people, your were using real ammo and had to follow a strict protocol of movement while lying in the prone being behind small wooden walls. Basically you covered your partner by returning fire, he moved up and then started firing, and then at that point you got up and moved to the next stage. There was some stuff to remember as you always had to have your weapon on safe as you ran and there were proper routes and positions to take, but for the most part it was pretty simple. At the very end you got to throw a grenade and then duck and take cover. It was pretty fun and glad to complete a graduation requirement without a hitch or stress.
Week 8
Week 8 was the week of the big Kahuna, the granddaddy of em all, the Mountain 🏔 of Mountains, “The Forge”. I’m not completely positive of what the Forge was intended to be other than a culminating event which I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ what that even means but it was the last graduation requirement and probably viewed as the hardest. We were going to do our night programs/exercises at night and sleep for part of the day which ended up making a lot of sense because of the level of conditioning/exercise involved. We left the first day at around mmm I want to say 330 in the morning and did a 10 mile rucks with breaks in then middle to campsite where made our Hastings, ate breakfast and I took a little nap to get some rest. We did some FTX’s which were awful as they were FTX’s and I really wasn’t interested in doing them. After that, we got ready for the Night Interval Course (NIC) where we were going to low crawl underneath barbed wire with a machine gun firing above us. While it turned out not to be that bad, as I just low crawled the entire way it had gotten a lot of hype and seemed to be really tough. We had heard the M240B going off during the Hammer 🔨 and that thing was loud. So after a really quick walk we get there and have to wait for a decent while, and then finally we start moving. We walk along this fence for a while where we end up at the entrance of an obstacle course which we ended up going through in the darkness of night. It finally came to an end after just lowing through a tonnage of sand and you come out to this area after running through dark foliage and there’s all these IOTV vests laid out and second platoon who had finished the course just before us. We put on the vests, line up and are lead to this trench where we line up and there’s no official start to NIC, people just start climbing the wall after they hear machine gun fire. After climbing the wall and low crawling 💯 meters in which I see nothing but sand and barbed wire, I emerge from the pit. It’s a crazy metabolic workout as you go 100 meters under barbed wire as fast as you can with a 20lb weight vest and all your tactical gear. While everybody wants the first night to be over, it’s not. We have to team carry a 175lb (it said it was that heavy, it wasn’t but it still was heavy) two boxes and water jugs 2 miles to our next campsite. It was a struggle to say the least. But we finally get there and we just go to 🛌. Over the next two days it followed that same routine of doing FTX in the mid dayish and then doing our traveling with our boxes. We did combatives, pugle stick fighting, relay races and other stuff during the night which finally culminated in a soldier ceremony where we got our berets and removed this blue patch on our left ocp top with the “US ARMY” patch showing that barring us doing something really dumb between then and graduation 👩‍🎓 we were going to be soldiers.
Week 9&10
After the Forge, there was a massive drop in activity and intensity. There wasn’t really more for us to do or requirements to get so we ended up doing a whole lot of nothing. We unceremoniously handed in our M4’s (not like I expected a little bugle boy to accompany us when we did but still) and 6.49 lbs of weight that had to accompany us practically everywhere was gone. The day before graduation, one of the DS makes us all grab sand bags and start doing workouts and running back and forth to the cattle gate with it in our ha. Tough.At the very end of my time at basic, my parents showed up for Family Day and Graduation and it was nice to see them. We went out to dinner, among other things and begrudgingly had to go to in my ASU uniform, which was my nice dress gear that made use wear for graduation. On the last day we spent the entire day and I mean the entire day packing and cleaning and then got rounded up on to coach buses headed to all our perspective places.
I don’t have a romantic view of BCT because the whole experience was butt, BUT you felt like you did something to earn that US Patch. Funny way to put it because I was constantly being accused of not doing anything by 18 year girls. (Untrue)
By the time I finished this, I am no longer en route to Fort Benning but rather in my second week at Fort Benning waiting to “class up” trying to get into a class. So many people, not enough slots. Gotta work on my pushups. And sit-ups. Working on land navigation and trying not to completely get lost when the time comes. also excuse the run on sentences, and punctuation etc. written on iPhone notes while on the go. Let’s gooo
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