#i just dont understabd. can we make 'u should have diversity w ur trans chars bcuz as ppl all look different that is also true for ppl'
matoitech · 1 year
i do not understand the posts from ppl who complain abt how ‘cis ppl always headcanon gender conforming characters as trans’ bcuz first thats just literally not true like at all and second please help me understand how in this fantasy reality where cis ppl if they ever think anyone or any fictional character is trans at all anyway, if they ever think anyone but characters who fit their transphobic stereotypes r trans, u think they should stereotype.. more? like yes absolutely irl gnc trans ppl exist and need and deserve characters that r like them that are not like, transphobic and r actually respected and represented well, but i just want u to name 1 time a cis person said a masculine male character was a trans man. just once
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