#i hope you guys find the little details i put into my renfields...
nezu3kun · 1 year
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in which renfield comes across a weird looking plant...
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bloomblitz · 2 years
Dracula Daily October 3
The longest email we’ll ever get, so I’ve heard? Under the cut it goes then!
Let me put down with exactness all that happened, as well as I can remember it, since last I made an entry. Not a detail that I can recall must be forgotten; in all calmness I must proceed. Didn’t....didn’t we start an entry with basically these same lines some months ago? It sounds familiar...
The patient was now breathing stertorously and it was easy to see that he had suffered some terrible injury. My god he’s still alive!
I thought that, somehow, Mrs. Harker had come into the room. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!OOOOOOOO!!!!O!O!!O!O!OO!!O!O!O!!!!!!!!!!!
"I didn't know that she was here till she spoke; and she didn't look the same. I don't care for the pale people; I like them with lots of blood in them, and hers had all seemed to have run out. I didn't think of it at the time; but when she went away I began to think, and it made me mad to know that He had been taking the life out of her." NOOOO! NOT MINA!!!! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!
"Dr. Van Helsing, you love Mina, I know. Oh, do something to save her. It cannot have gone too far yet. Guard her while I look for him!" get yourself somebody who loves you as much as Jonathan Harker loves Mina
All the manuscript had been burned, and the blue flames were flickering amongst the white ashes; the cylinders of your phonograph too were thrown on the fire, and the wax had helped the flames. You’re too late Drac, everyone’s read those and between them all could easily recount every detail.
"Thank God there is the other copy in the safe!" ...that too. Take that, you damn vampire!
"except that the poor fellow is dead." Dammit I really wanted Renfield to eat Dracula
'First, a little refreshment to reward my exertions. You may as well be quiet; it is not the first time, or the second, that your veins have appeased my thirst!' Honestly by this point, between that mother back at the castle, the babies and Lucy, I thought Drac just killed people, and that Hollywood made up the whole ‘talking with his victims’ thing (Jonathan was a special case).
And so you, like the others, would play your brains against mine. You would help these men to hunt me and frustrate me in my designs! Even Drac admits Mina’s a smart woman
the whitening hair I know its to be expected, what with all he went through, but dammit he’s too young!
the very first thing we decided was that Mina should be in full confidence; that nothing of any sort—no matter how painful—should be kept from her. SEE?! If she had stayed with you guys that night none of this would have happened!
Now, Madam Mina, you are in any case _quite_ safe here until the sunset; and before then we shall return—if—— We shall return! Don’t doubt yourself Helsing
As he had placed the Wafer on Mina's forehead, it had seared it—had burned into the flesh as though it had been a piece of white-hot metal. !!!! Why?! Why is Mina affected so strongly while Lucy was fine with a crucifix?! Is there a quicker way to turn people, and Drac was acting fast as a way to get back at the Drac Attack Pack?
To one thing I have made up my mind: if we find out that Mina must be a vampire in the end, then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone. ...are you saying you’d rather become a vampire in order to stay with Mina forever, instead of killing her as they did Lucy?
The last I saw, she was waving her hand in farewell. I really hope this isn’t foreboding in some way
Look out for D. He has just now, 12:45, come from Carfax hurriedly and hastened towards the South. Damn telegraphs are faster than vampires! (at least those in their weakened daylight state.)
It was just an ordinary knock, such as is given hourly by thousands of gentlemen, but it made the Professor's heart and mine beat loudly. Now why would Drac knock on the door of his own house?
He held up a warning hand as he spoke, for we all could hear a key softly inserted in the lock of the hall door. Now that’s terror!
The first to act was Harker GO JOHN GO! FOR MINA! FOR LUCY! FOR YOURSELF!
The expression of the Count's face was so hellish, that for a moment I feared for Harker, though I saw him throw the terrible knife aloft again for another stroke. GO JOHN GO!
My revenge is just begun! I spread it over centuries, and time is on my side. Your girls that you all love are mine already; and through them you and others shall yet be mine Damn Drac can hold a grudge
True to our promise, we told Mrs. Harker everything which had passed Good, good!
That poor soul who has wrought all this misery is the saddest case of all. Oh Mina
assured Mrs. Harker that she might rest in peace ...poor choice of words, Helsing
there is no rest for me until.... Later.—I must have fallen asleep Falling asleep mid-sentence. Been there.
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