#i hope im not the only one who longs for dc fanfics that are purely about vigilante life
someoneimsure · 2 years
I do not like this overwhelming narrative in fanon that certain vigilante characters are weak woobies that must be protected by their fans. These characters are fictional, and they are also heroes. Vigilanteism is effectively their lifestyle, their culture, and should be respected instead of ignored.
These guys are fighters that feel like they must protect humanity because of a sense of duty either instilled into them at a young age or because of various circumstances that led to them waking up to the realities of their particular universe.
Getting angry and getting into fights is also a normal part of that very same culture. Characters should not be demonized because they punched each other that one time due to difference of opinions (and also because the writers hated that one character a little too much).
Now, when the fighting is ridiculously drawn out, when one side is clearly not fighting back while the other side beats them to a pulp, then the conflict should be called out, especially if the narrative continues to hold to this ridiculous idea that the one who is still fighting a battle he’s already won is somehow still a hero.
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