#i hear mr honda does car commericals
slowjamastan · 2 years
its modern day in the canon hetalia universe. by now its common knowledge that there's 200~400 immortal vampire-like beings of dubious origin and morality in the world. this is not interesting to you. allegedly there are government organizations keeping tabs on them so you dont need to worry about it, probably. they're not causing any trouble. most of them seem to be productive members of society
several of these human adjacent things were driven off twitter recently after being exposed for committing war crimes in the past. the ones that are still there decline to comment, which is not a good look for anyone involved. oh well. its not like anyone would have had the power to stop them if you think about it. did you see that viral video where one was juggling military tanks? he posted it to his own youtube channel like some kind of power play. fucked up.
and every so often people start collectively asking questions like how much involvement did they have in xyz war? did they own slaves personally? is it true they need to eat humans to survive?
an interview drops given by some guy who claims to be one of these dudes (its hard to tell if he's legit) "personally i just want to be left alone. i have more productive hobbies now, dont worry about all that from 500 years ago or 100 years ago or whenever. thats not me anymore. btw i dont condone cannibalism its not fun for anyone"
you talked to one of them once but you didn't know it until days later when you recognized him on tv, dressed in ceremonial clothing. you still dont know how to feel when you see him swinging a sword to cut the ribbon in front of a new government building. but he looks like he wishes he was anywhere else
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