#i havent edited these two in a long time i missed em
neopuff · 1 year
mike/julie // heart to heart
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inkcaviness · 6 years
all the mcr asks, your emo heart wants it
well tbh......true.......(i edited a couple out where i didnt fully get the questions tbh)
I brought you my bullets, You brought me your love
Romance: Who was your first love?
a mistake
Honey, this mirror isn’t big enough for the two of us: Is there a side of yourself that no one knows about?
not really, im pretty sure im an open book
Vampires will never hurt you: Vampires or angry men?
vampires always
Drowning Lessons: Plan on getting married?
not really
Our Lady of Sorrows: Are you religious?
Headfirst for Halos: Are you hopeful? If so, what for?
lmao right now im hopeful for graduation(and for actually making it and not failing) and what comes afterwards
Skylines and Turnstiles: An important event that changed your life or perspective?
going to america. just deciding to change schools in general i think
Early Sunsets Over Monroeville: What’s your favorite horror movie?
tbh im not big on horror movies
This Is the Best Day Ever: Ever been to the hospital?
Cubicles: Where would you be without My Chem?
i mean? probably generally not much wouldve gone different but they definitely helped me feel better ín a shitty time
Demolition Lovers: Would you die for your current lover?
dont have one
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
Helena: Have you lost a family member or friend?
Give ‘Em Hell, Kid: Have you ever considered committing murder?
To The End: Corpse Bride. Yay or nay?
big confession: i havent watched it.....yea i know im a fake emo....
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison: Ever committed a crime?
I’m Not Okay (I Promise): Ever felt out of place?
The Ghost of You: Ever cried while watching a movie?
The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You: Ever been cheated on or have cheated?
Interlude: Favorite My Chem song?
hnghhhh difficult, rn probably either F.T.W.W.W. or the sharpest lives....but for nostalgia’s sake also blood so....
Thank You for the Venom: Ever wrote something stupid on a t-shirt?
actually? not i think? 
Hang 'Em High: Ever shot a gun?
It’s Not a Fashion Statement, It’s a Fucking Deathwish: Who’s your best friend?
The Black Parade
The End: Ever thought it’d be the end for you?
Dead!: Ever wanted to die?
This Is How I Disappear: Ever done something to someone that you can’t forgive yourself for?
i had to think about that one for too long so im gonna go with no bc if there was something id have probably answered yes quicker
The Sharpest Lives: Are you anxious?
YES actually very much today bc i have an important exam tomorrow
Welcome to the Black Parade: What’s your favorite memory?
uhhhh tbh i dont have a specific one
I Don’t Love You: Have you ever stopped loving them?
House of Wolves: What is your favorite era?
i dont even wanna choose one okay i love all
Mama: Ever disappointed your parents?
24/7 (well maybe 20/7)
Sleep: Any bad dreams?
Teenagers: Are you scared of people your own age?
Disenchanted: What changed your life for the better?
leaving my old school
Famous Last Words: What changed your mind about things?
i think just? meeting new people and learning more stuff?
Blood: Any hidden secrets no one knows?
maybe a few little ones? but barely anything that absolutely no one knows
Danger Days: The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys
Look Alive, Sunshine: What time do you wake up?
well rn im still used to my school schedule so around 7:30-8am but give me two more weeks and ill turn nocturnal
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na): What gives you strength?
my friends tbh. and looking back and seeing how things have changed
Bulletproof Heart: Do you miss anyone right now?
SING: Who is your idol?
kinda...no one tbh
Planetary (GO!): Biggest accomplishment?
MAN if it was next week already i might be able to say “graduating high school” but i havent actually accomplished that yet.... but tbh just....i know ive already said that like 5 times but pulling myself together and getting myself out of my old school and applying to a new school and actually making it to 18 and being in a far better place than i thought i would be
The Only Hope for Me Is: Do you consider yourself hopeless?
sometimes but not always 
Jet Star and The Kobra Kid/Traffic Report: What’s your favorite go-to outfit?
jeans and like a sweater or a tshirt with a plaid shirt over it
Party Poison: Do you speak different languages?
Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back: What is your biggest wish?
dont really have one. finding my way i guess
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W: Biggest regrets?
too many
Summertime: Who’s got you excited for the summer?
well! im probably gonna go to paris with charlie and maybe see my godmother again and also summer is con season so im gonna see most of my friends!
DESTROYA: If you could save anyone in the world from danger/poverty/war/etc. Who would it be?
i really cant decide on one person
The Kids From Yesterday: What do you wish you could tell your past self?
everything gets better at some point. also please start filling in your eyebrows and just cut your damn hair
Goodnite, Dr. Death: Opinions on standing for the National Anthem?
i dont
Vampire Money: What is your catchphrase irl?
does “mood” count
thank you for asking!!! sorry to everyone who has to scroll past this
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@ The anon
Well, for collecting, I cant really help you in finding dead things, they kinda just find YOU. Although water sources in the woods and along main roads is always a good bet if you want to pick up your own deads. If you’re ok with buying from trappers and hunters there is an array of sites to order from. Heres a useful link for buying furs Alternatively, you can go hunt the things yourself - but that seems to be…an unpopular opinion. Its really just up to you.
Collecting Things you will need with you in the car at all times (if possible)
Trash bags\plastic bags\or even a plastic bin, whatever floats your boat. Be aware that corpses left in plastic bags in anything over 70F or 21c (I think) for more than a couple hours will begin to literally melt. I cannot tell you how long an individual corpse will last in a plastic bag in your car trunk, but if its hot, probably not more than two or three hours before it is ruined. Its gonna be gross, man. Do not be alarmed if the pelt gets damp, you only need to worry if the fur starts coming out in huge clumps when gently tugged on.
Gardening or latex gloves I don’t personally believe in using gloves, because there are very few things you can catch from the dead. BUT there ARE things you can catch - especially from raccoons, so, if you want 100 percent safety, and also maybe to feel less grossed out, bring these.
Knife\scalpel Vulture or not, I think its wise to keep a knife on you at all times   regardless, but you will definitely want one in the car in case you find something pancaked into the road but with bits you want. (IE: the top half might be gone but the tail is good, or the back half is gone but the head is good.). The knife should be sharp….derp.
Hedge clippers In case the knife doesn’t cut it or you find  deer or coyote you cant fit in your car. Pro tip - try to find the joints to make chopping less of a hassle
Air fresheners\febreeze\ anything you want to keep the car fresh Even if you keep it in a bin or bag - the smell WILL linger. I didn’t notice it, but other people sure as shit did - and they didn’t like it.
Theres probably more things Im missing, but this is just my personal list.
If you want the skin - I recommend watching some skinning videos , not only will it prep you for the gore, but in general they are very helpful.
Key words for vids you WILL need at some point - Fleshing. Fleshing is very important. This will probably take up a lot of your time tbh. It does mine anyway…
Once skinned and fleshed you need to put a generous amount of salt on the skin…like..an entire layer. Make it look like Christmas morning. The salt will get all mushy and eventually hrden as it dries the skin out. Replace the salt daily. When the skin is dry and kinda stiff - and the salt isnt getting mushy anymore. You’re done with salting phase.
Tumblr Skinning links
Skinning out a coyote foot
Tumblr Taxidermy tips
Prepping a face for taxidermy
Reshaping  face
Mounting a face
Tumblr Tanning links
Brain tanning
Processing for bones
Maceration: When you put the corpse in a plastic bag in the sun - or in a bucket or bin of warm water to melt down for bones. In either case you will want t make sure it is somewhere dogs will not get it. If you use a bucket, make sure to put a lid on top of it. This is the most effective way, but also the most smelly…Like…its bad. Its terrible. Chew some gum or a mint or just dont breathe around it, because its the worst thing ever.
Burial - You can just wrap it in a sheet or whatever and bury it outside, or in a pot. May take a while, but its the least smelly, most discreet and you can care for flowers while the corpse rots down =3 If you want articulate the bones - or put them back together to form a complete skeleton later. Cut the corpse into sections and wrap them individually (again a sheet is best, but certain wire works too)
Open pit - This was my preferred method - Some bones get stolen but, eh. You just dig a hole and pile your body in there on top of a sheet or trash bag. Make sure to secure it by putting wire on top and weighing it down with dirt on the edges, or rocks. You can put leaves over top of this if you want to help the smell.
simmering or boiling - NOT RECOMMENDED. You put the parts in a pan or crock pot of water you will never be using outside of gross stuff ever again.I hear this is easier with a crock pot. Supposedly this is by far the fastest way - but youre very likely to ruin  the bones. You just…set the crock pot to simmer or boil the bones
Dermestids - You can get yourself an aquarium and fill it with corpse eating beetles! They require some basic tips and care sheets, but they dont seem difficult. The most worrisome thing is - that if they escape they may eat your collection…This is the most effective and safe way imo, but it can take time - and also you have to care for beetles.
If you have bones but they're a little dirty (dirt, grease, stains) and you ant them pearly white, you will want to soak them in a tin can, glass jar, or plastic tub with peroxide. Skulls will float, find a way to weigh them down (stuff em with beads, rocks, whatever. Tie a string to a rock then to the skull and let it sink. Arrange ther bones in a teepee or wedge to make them hold the skull down.
If you mess up, its ok, this might help.
I advise cleaning the skull separate from other bones. ANd I recommend cleaning the teeth separate so you risk losing them less.
Dying bones
You can dye bones by boiling various plant leaves and berries with salt. Pokeberries make a deep purple-red, rose petals vary - the red makes a sort of maroon....ect - just experiment.
How to tell if the plant\berry can be boiled of its color - take a petal or part and rub it between your thumb and fore-finger, if it bleeds on you - it can make a dye. (at least in my experience.)
Crystalizing bones
Dry preserving
Much like  wet preservation, but you drop the body part \ small animal into formalin or alcohol for a month or two and then take it out and let it mummify. Idk a terrible bunch about this - I just stuck things in a box and forgot abut them for months on end...probably not the best idea...I have some regrets.
Example and some tips:
Uuuuuh, I feel like im missing stuff, but, I did my best. Here have some ref links.
Misc Ref so you can see how traps work in case thats something you worry about
Making rawhide
Reshaping a face
The MBTA in case you live in the US
All birds UNPROTECTED by the MBTA in the US
How to tell if a skull is bleached
How to pack frozen deads to ship to others
Sorry this got kind of lenghty, and linked to a lot of other posts rather than TLDR giving my own takes, but all of these links have been insanely helpful to me at some point or other and they do a great job of walking through the processes imo =3. I hope this helps.
Feel free to IM me if you have a link you want added to this post
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