#i have therapy in an hour and I'm putting off preparing by taking photos of 10 year old cuddly toys 😌
chloelouygo ¡ 30 days
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I said the other day that she's my favourite and here is my proof, have a pony picture as thanks for enjoying my niche feeling interests alongside me 😌😌💜💜
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Isn't she beautiful-
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liesyousoldme ¡ 2 years
6.02 coda (kind of)
Buck and Eddie don't share a locker anymore, and I am having a lot of feelings about that. Obviously this happens pre-season 6, but since we didn't know about the situation until 6.02, I'm considering it a coda to this episode.
Eddie hadn't given a second thought to the locker situation upon his return to the 118. Before, things had been simple - from the time they pulled a live grenade out of a man's leg together, they shared a locker. It was convenient, and it meant double the photos of Christopher because Eddie came with a stack prepared and Buck collected his own over the years. Sure, sometimes it meant accidentally wearing a shirt that said BUCKLEY on it, but Eddie never minded the jabs from their friends. Honestly, they were right; they did kind of act married.
The Eddie that returns to the 118 after his stint at dispatch and freshly therapized, however, comes with a much better understanding of his emotions, and one of those emotions is mushy, gooey, quite frankly disgusting amounts of love for his best friend. And he's got a handle on it; seriously, he does, he's getting along perfectly well with this new information and totally not spiraling about it because he's able to talk it out in therapy. And because he really thinks Buck is going to get there. Eventually. And he can be patient.
But when he walks into the locker room on day 1 of his return and looks at the row of lockers, a pit settles in his stomach. Buck grins at him (Buck grinned the entire car ride to the station, the grin had not left his face since they left Eddie's house this morning) and throws open the locker, their locker, and holds his hands out as if to say "ta-da!" and Eddie stares nervously and bites his lip.
He's bombarded with an image of him accidentally wearing a shirt with BUCKLEY on it and it makes him turn red all the way down his chest. He imagines Buck in a shirt that says DIAZ on it and has to take a few deep breaths to keep calm.
(He's handling it.)
"Actually, I think I'm going to use my own locker," Eddie says, and somehow he manages to keep his voice calm and steady. He glances away when he catches the flash of hurt on Buck's face. "It's nothing personal, seriously, just… New start, and all that."
"Right," Buck says, and the grin is gone. Eddie opens the locker between Hen and Chim's and hangs his bag on the hook. He doesn't have any photos to put up, because he left them all in the locker with Buck. The silence is loud as Eddie takes off his flannel and undershirt and switches into his LAFD shirt, and then he hears little noises, one after another, like a scratch or a rip. He glances up toward Buck, but the locker door is open and he can't see him.
And then Buck takes a step back into Eddie's view, and he's holding all of the photos of Chris that Eddie had brought. A baby photo, of Eddie holding Chris for the first time, a photo of a toddler Chris with Shannon, one from Chris' first time at the beach at seven years old. A few of Eddie himself with Chris, added over the years Eddie's been here. And one that he knows he didn't print; himself, Christopher, and Buck, smiling over cups of Dippin' Dots at the LA Zoo. They all still have the tape attached to the top, so all Eddie has to do is stick them up on the inside of the locker.
He doesn't even realize there are tears gathering in his eyes until he goes to talk and has to clear his throat. "Thank you."
"No problem," Buck says, and he smiles but it's not as big as before. Eddie promises himself he'll do what he can to bring that grin back, even if it takes every minute of this 48 hour shift.
He can be patient. He's got time.
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LT1 Startalk Interview at the Bristol Hotel 25/01/20
with Petra Stumpf
That was back then, Tom Neuwirth alias Conchita Wurst, a diva who won the Eurovision Song Contest for Austria in 2014.
And this is nowadays. Wurst, fetish look and electro pop. With his third album Tom has freed himself. We meet the Upper Austrian in his adoptive home Vienna at the hotel bar in the Bristol next to the Opera. What hasn't changed is that the star is punctual to the minute.
Petra Stumpf: Welcome to LT1 startalk, my guest today - how do I address you Conchita, Tom or Wurst, which do you prefer?
Tom: It's up to you, I use to say at the end of the day it's always Wurst (it's all the same to me). With a certain look I feel more like a woman, whatever that means and in certain looks I am more masculine, whatever that means and at the end of the day I don't care. One cannot generalise, of course for many people their identity is important and how they see themselves. I realize more and more that gender should be completely irrelevant in a society.
P: I was very curious in which look you would turn up today, blond, bald, long hair, short hair, at the moment everything is possible when it comes to you. Does it depend on your current mood or is it calculative if you turn up as a male or female?
T: There are concerts and events where I know I want to wear an evening gown and release my inner Mariah Carey, on other days I have no concept at all and put up what I fancy at the moment. Some things need a certain preparation, when I want to bleach my hair, I can't decide it on the spot and two hours later I'm blond and the story about the bald head was, that I wanted to express - I did't want to express anything with the bald head per se - but I had joined the Opera Ball to advertise the EU elections and when I shaved my head, I hadn't even known yet that I would go to the Opera Ball. In retrospect it had been destiny and was supposed to happen exactly like that and to answer the question, I seldom reflect, sometimes I fancy something but if something else comes up that is more in line, then I change my mind.
P: Your impact on me is that you feel very liberated since this transformation, is that true?
T: I started to reconsider rules I don't even know who made them and to discard them and find out what makes me happy instead of saying: I have to be the president's wife, that's what people expect and what sells, I'm also in the priviliged situation to say, I don't care, I do what I want and feel but during the process I develop and reconsider so many things and I don't know if everyone thinks it's funny, but I always say it's essential to learn how to read and write. It's important for communication, but how needs spelling?
P: Seriously?
T: If I understand what you want to tell me, for example if you write an essay in German full of blooming imagination and there are twists in the story and it's interesting to read, and then you have 5 spelling errors and fail to pass the exam.
P: I agree about that, but it repels me if someone writes to me on Whatsapp and there are 1000 spelling errors. That's awful.
T: It doesn't matter to me, as long as I understand what you mean.
P: Since you say it is Wurst to you, you recorded your new album as Wurst, finest electro pop, it is autobiographic and was a kind of therapy for you, is that true?
T: Yes, the lyrics and music were written by Eva Klampfer, Lylit, an Upper Austrian and it was produced by Albin Janoska, who is the electro guru in this country. In this triad we made this great album. Eva spent many hours with me and learned a lot about me and I often repeat it, I'm not sure if she wanted to know all of it. But when one doesn't write the lyrics oneself, one can only achieve an authentic piece of music when I'm candid and all of these titles are of course metaphors of all the things I experienced and I know what each song is about and considered if I should explain it or write it into the booklet but then I thought, it's nobody's business and I want to keep it to myself and don't want to impose to the audience what to interpret into those songs. I love to make music videos, I can't write songs, but I hear music and see pictures and I can convert that, that's my essential part and I love to do it but with it I already open a world that indicates a certain direction and emotions, but it's too much fun to miss out on it.
P: I have to show the booklet and for example this picture, videos and booklet are very revealing, very erotic with fetish outfits, did it take you a lot of effort, because your parents and your granny see it too.
T: I'm a very sensual person and I'm not shy with my family, they know me so well, they have known me when I still wet my pants. I don't have to pretend what I am and sometimes I think it will not be her favourite topic for my granny in her crochet round but I am what I am and that's the result of their upbringing. My parents have no reason for complaining about my liberalness or that I live my life in the public, I am the person I am because they raised me that way.
P: Did your parents teach you the facts of life or was it your grandmother, sometimes the grandparents do that.
T: Funny that you address this topic. No, it was my aunt, she's awesome and during Christmas one discusses everything. My aunt is responsible or was a good deal involved in my fashion aesthetics. Listen, my aunt took me to the first musical I have ever seen, Rocky Horror Picture Show, imagine I was about - when is one admitted into such a show, I think 12, and I remember my aunt asked me: "Do you know what a virgin is?" and I replied: "My Mum was born in August, so she's a Virgo." and then there was a talk with my mother if she was allowed to explain it to me and she did and then I came into this show as a 12 year old gay boy and was amazed. What, one can do this, this is allowed? And everyone thinks it's awesome, she revealed a whole new world to me and I still remember what she wore, a transparent Woolford body that only covered the breasts in the shape of a lava lamp and Yoko Ono flares with slits at the sides that where overlapping, so when she walked her bare legs were displayed. My aunt is a fashion icon and that's where my liberty comes from, I think nobody was surprised.
P: You don't often come to Upper Austria, where your family is, but on 12th March you will come to the Posthof in Linz because you are on tour with the new songs. This home game in Linz is something special for you?
T: I'm totally looking forward to it. Linz is always special for me. I have a tour, there will be some concerts in Germany, I'll be in Poland and will also be in Austria and Linz is magic, I can't describe it, it's also the audience that likes to experience music and there are people who are not my fans per se, but who are interested in new music. That's so cool, I'm not always that open-minded, I think rock is not my cup of tea, but okay I'm going to listen to it. People in Linz are totally relaxed and I'm looking forward. And it will be different with my live band and it will be awesome.
P: You are a fantastic live performer, I've often seen you and take my hat off to you. Back then in Linz, international fans had come completely dressed in Conchita outfit. How do they deal with the transformation, do they go along with it and come now with short hair?
T: It's exciting you mention this, I love my fans and they are crazy in an affectionate way and travel from everywhere around the world and then sit there and listen to this concert for the 14th time and are still enthusiastic and have fun to ponder, ah there he didn't know the lyrics, he has forgotten them again and that's so cool, because it's simply the truth. Without those fans who come regularly, I wouldn't exist and without them I wouldn't be able to shine in certain situations, because sometimes you come to an event and notice, ah maybe they don't find me that awesome but there are always people present I can rely on and who say I don't care what happens behind my back, I'm here because of you and I celebrate you so much and then it spreads. It's exciting how such a relationship we have after all develops, particularly because of the different look and music and there are many who sighingly say, I want to hear the ballads and I understand that, I also love the ballads, but there's a time for everything.
P:  Variety is that extra something.
T: Absolutely. It's a challenge for me and a whole different vocal field, suddenly it's about voice colours and textures and not how long can I scream this note, and I can hold it for a long time.
P: Will you play none of your ballads on this tour?
T: Not at the moment. I have the occasional concerts with an orchestra, the next ones will be in Sydney and I'm thrilled to go back to Australia after many years, the current situation there is everything else but delightful but I'm very content not to let this orchestra programme die either, because it's so much fun. Also From Vienna With Love I recorded with the symphonic orchestra is a gift for me and then retrieve it a year later and say: I still can do it! That's cool, you know.
P: We are in Vienna today and not in Upper Austria, as you hardly come to us anymore.
T: Don't emphasize it that much, it's like that at the moment, I will come back.
P: On 12th March at the latest he'll be there at the concert. But we are now at the hotel Bristol in Vienna and you also have a special connection to this place.
T: I have a deep attachment to this hotel, one of my all-time favourite photos was taken by Mrs ZiegelbĂśck, who also comes from Upper Austria. There was a fashion photo shoot for Rondo and we are often here and everytime I give interviews we get support from the staff and they provide us with these awesome suites and catering and we are pleased to see each other, there's appreciation and it's such a traditional building, rich in history and I was allowed to work abroad, but when I come back home, I love Austria, I love Vienna so much, in my opinion it's the coolest city in the world.
P: It was ranked the most livably city too. And the most unfriendly one.
T: If you allow to be insulted, I'm above that.
P: I continue with the word rap.
Question: Do you prefer to be man or woman?
T: We already discussed, I don't care.
Question: I can imagine having children one day.
T: That's tough. I've considered how I would raise a child, what values I would convey and what it would mean. But I'm not ready to have children, because I'm so egocentric and have some interhuman deficits. You wanted a short reply. I have no idea.
Question: I like to sleep...
T: For a long period of time and you want something provocative. I sleep in the nude.
Question: What are you not able to do?
T: I'm bad at waiting and I sometimes get bitchy. My friends who work with me know me well enough to know that when I start giving curt replies.
Question: Your favourite place?
T: My apartment, my nest. After a period of travelling a lot, one's own bed is priceless.
Question: I learned most things from...
T: All people I meet. I recognise afterwards when one sits together during the holidays, I have it from you that I always run around half naked.
Question: The inscription on my tombstone should read.
T: I hope I won't have a tombstone. I'll be cremated.
P: But there has also to be a place for the urn. Maybe in someone's cupboard at home.
T: If I want to annoy them I'll write into my will: You have to place me beside your television. I want it to be stagy, get cremated and scatter the ash around.
P: Then one cannot visit you anymore.
T: You don't have to. That's overrated, everyone shall carry me inside their hearts.
P: No grave of honour in Vienna?
T: The dress from the Eurovision inside a showcase is sufficient.
P: Thank you, it was very funny.
T: What a great interview.
0 notes
poldeyber ¡ 4 years
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I apologize to those people who bother with my content, they must understand that I am crazy
The next day Eddie gets up very early to organize everything to go to work, Karla has taken care of Cristofer while he takes a good shower
A constant stream of cold water runs through his naked body, Eddie makes the water pressure fall on his neck, he just wants to relax a little forget everything, he is tired of so much thinking,
Frank's voice does not come out of his head instructing what he should do regarding his feelings to Buck
Buck damn Buck, !!!
What have you done to me?
why do you have me like that ??
Eddy wonders with a sigh closes his eyes, he doesn't want to think, it's inevitable not to do it, his mind and body want to do it
his heart rate increases, Eddie completely forgets that cold water is running through his body and there was Buck staring at Eddie as his hands on his hips push him forward ,
Buck's lips and tongue fell on Eddie's skin wanting to look for something, Eddie sighs loudly and groans in pleasure, Eddie brings his fingers to Buck's red lips and gently strokes them, pushes Buck against the bathroom wall and kisses him like the world is going to end,
both bite their lips while their fingers run between their bodies,
They hug tightly as if they wanted to merge,
as if they wanted to be a single being,. not even the icy water can turn off the heat there
But there is Eddie again returning to his reality surprised at what his imagination can do ...
his disgusting imagination ... !!!!
Eddie gets out of the shower before going crazy
Buck: I'm so glad to meet you Athena !!!
your hands make my palate have many orgasms,
Buck savor a little of what Athena prepared
Athena: I can't say the same!
you spend trying my food and do not help at all
Buck: I'm so sorry !!!
I have always been very clumsy in everything related to the kitchen so I prefer to make way for professionals like you
Athena: It's never too late to learn Buck ... !!!
It takes some things to complete breakfast,
could you call eddie ???
I need you to buy them at the supermarket on the way to the station
Buck nods, takes out his cell phone,
Unlock it!
Athena can see that in the background there is a photo of Eddie, Christopher and Buck, so he stares at it
Buck calls his friend and instructs him on what to buy, Eddie decides to go to a supermarket near the station
While Athena and Buck are in the kitchen Bobby and the others finish organizing some equipment at the station !!!
It's a splendid morning!
minutes later Eddie arrives at the station with what was needed for breakfast, greets all his colleagues, delivers the order to Athena and goes to the changing room to change
Athena gives the last touches to breakfast while Bomuck organizes the dining room.
Athena: Buckey !!!!
A while ago I wanted to ask you a question !!!
Buck is approaching a little curious
Athena: Do you like Eddie?
Buck: what are you talking about ??
Athena: you don't have to hide anything Buck !!!
stares and adds!
You can trust me ...!!!
Buck: is that obvious?
Athena: We only put the people that really matter to us on the wallpaper of our cell phone!
Buck smiles And answers:
I guess you discovered me !!!!
yes !!!
I like Eddie !!!
I like very much !!!
Athena: you must keep in mind that all your love relationships after sex end badly !!!
wants to throw Eddie in the trash
Buck: no, no !!!
This I feel for Eddie is more real!
in the previous cases it was only sexual attraction, I got what I wanted and everything changed
with Eddie it's different, I want to protect him, take care of him
well, there is also sexual attraction !!!
but all this goes to another plane ...
I think about him all the time and my days are completely different when I am with him.
Also, her son is lovely!
Thanks to him I can see life from another point of view!
I have learned a lot from
I really love Christopher
Athena: you have me a little baffled
I never imagined a Buck like that, you've always been a bit unstably sentimentally
I like that change !!!
Look Buck !!!
What beautiful feelings you have but I think that before taking the next step you should give Eddie a little more time I feel that he has not yet overcome the death of his wife is in therapy and maybe all this can confuse him a little
If you receive this advice, I may have the hope that they can correspond to you!
Buck took a few seconds to think, bites his lip with his eyes lost, then gives Athena a big hug and adds:
Buck: You're absolutely right about that and much more I feel so fortunate to have met you thank you very much.
Athena: you are a great Buck boy !!!
You deserve to be happy and I know you will be very soon !!! ( both laugh )
Everyone is in the dining room Eddie climbs the stairs to join the group.
Hen: here comes our hero.
Chim: Thank you for saving us from this Eddie!
that's why we love you
Hen: And who doesn't love Eddie?
Who doesn't love his huge ass?
by God Eddie !!! You look good in those pants
Chim: yes !!! we love your ass !!
Athena: I agree with them.
Chim: and you Buck!
Don't you love Eddie's ass?
Eddie blushed a little in the middle of laughter
Buck gets a little nervous.
Buck: I like Bobby's butt better !!!
(everyone looks a bit surprised)
I do not like so large but also formed butts do not call me so much attention !!!
Buck Look Athena to show him that he is following his advice
Athena: I also agree with Buck !!
My husband has a phenomenal butt and best of all is that only mine!
( everyone laughs )
Hen: Eddie if I didn't know you, I would think that you have had cosmetic surgery or you work very hard down there.
Eddie: when I was in the army any of my platoon that committed a foul We all paid the consequences so they were many hours doing squats with weight on our back
also in special operations by land they were very long days climbing mountains with some weight !! Food rations, equipment, weapons !!!
that strengthen my legs I think that influenced a lot !!
Hen: Now you have your results !!
We all love your butt except Buck
Eddie looks at Buck a bit disappointed !!!
Buck doesn't even look at him
the alarms sound !!!!
Bobby: well guys it's time to go to work !!!
Everything says goodbye to Athena grateful for such a delicious breakfast.
Buck: cap !! What do we have ?
Bobby: a car with two passengers has fallen through this small chasm, one of them is unconscious
Bobby: Chim enlists the team !!! Hen, Buck and Eddie epreparamesen to get off !!
Hen and Eddie are the first to go down to provide first aid !!
Eddie : Hello what's your name?
My name is Catalina !!
Eddie: Okay Catalina !!!
you're good ??
can you move ??
Catalina: Yes, yes !!!
I'm fine !!
My friend is the one who is unconscious
Eddie: Okay, we'll take care of this!
we will get you out of here and your friend
Hen and Eddie help Catalina get out of the car to facilitate Hen's entry and thus verify the status of the other victim
Hen: he has vital signs !!
has received a heavy blow to the head, we need an immobilizer !!!
Buck: How did it happen?
Catalina changes her expression to be captivated with Buck's presence
Catalina: we were driving and from one moment to another one of the car's tires exploded, we lost control and we fell into this void was so horrible
Catalina pretends to be very scared and throws herself into Buck's arms to be comforted !!
Eddie immediately perceives the scene !!
which deconcentrates it a bit
Hen and Eddie manage to get the girl out, immobilize her and get her up so she can be transferred to the hospital
Next up is Catalina who is still captivated with Buck!
this one begins to speak in a language which Hen and Buck do not understand which is very familiar to Eddie
Catalina: estĂĄ como el doctor me lo recetĂł !!
Me casarĂŠ contigo !!!
Eddie frowns
Hen: what did you just say?
He seems to like Buck and a lot !!
Eddie gives the signal to start uploading
After putting everything in order
Catalina approaches the group of young people in search of Buck before being sent to the hospital
Catalina : Hi !!!
I wanted to thank you for everything you did for us has saved our lives !!!
then stare at Buck:
this is my number if you want to write me handsome
Buck smiles (thanks)
the girl walks away
Hen: it seems that Buck has a new girlfriend and Latina
Bobby: well done Buck !!!
Eddie walks away a little obfuscated but trying to calm his emotions, he repeats himself again and again (this is a signal to get Buck out of my head once)
The day passes and they attend a couple more emergencies,
when everyone is at the station ready for the shift change Buck looks for Eddie who is in the locker room
Buck: You hardly talked to me all day long!
I've come to see if you're okay, you haven't even told me how you did in therapy
Eddie: I'm fine, Buck!
As for my problems, I don't have to get involved with them.
Buck: come on man !!!
I am your best friend I am here to support you in whatever is necessary
Eddie frowns !!
0 notes
codango ¡ 7 years
I'd love anything (100) with Aone! or 3. 'You don’t have to worry, I’m here.' with anyone from Haikyuu if you're not feeling Aone rn. I'm excited for the drabbles regardless of what you write!
EDIT: It occurred to me, Anon, that you might not have asked this because you knew about my Aone fic on AO3 (That’s not what he’s saying). Hence, a short explanation: I answered your prompt as Chapter 2 of a short fic about Aone falling in love with an OC of mine, Tatsu. Tatsu makes his first appearance in another Haikyuu fic of mine (Wingmen are supposed to be supportive).
I really hope this clears up any confusion I may have caused!
You don’t have to worry, I’m here (2,432 words)
It began with breakfast.
Aone didn’t think anything of it beyond how the conversation was somewhat awkward. How could it not have been? Breakfast the morning after, with Tatsu and Tatsu’s sister and Tatsu’s sister’s boyfriend, who happened to be the best friend of one of Aone’s teammates, was plenty to be dealing with on its own.
Aone didn’t even realize Tatsu had paid for breakfast until Tanaka started protesting. Loudly, as was his nature.
“You aren’t paying for shit,” Tanaka insisted. He was behind the bar, cleaning up the last of the breakfast he’d made for the four of them in his father’s pub.
“Of course not. I’m paying for an excellent breakfast prepared by a professional chef.” Tatsu shrugged on his coat, not so much as glancing at the cash on the bar. He looked at Aone. “Ready?” So casual. Like friends leaving a once-a-month get-together.
Tanaka ran a hand over his shaved head, clearly exasperated. “Look, you can’t—I mean, I just—not when I—” He waved his hand helplessly at the tall blonde woman bringing the last dishes from their table.
Tatsu raised a delicate eyebrow at her. “I can’t pay for our meals because you’re banging my sister? Need a hand there, Shizuku love?”
Shizuku set the plates down on the bar with a touch more force than necessary. “Always lovely to see you, Tatsu, bye now.” Her face was staining pink.
“But he can’t—” Tanaka tried.
“Let him leave his entire goddamn wallet if he wants to!” Shizuku barked. She shot Aone a look, half pleading, half threatening. “Nice to meet you, Aone-san. Get him out of here.”
Aone did not think for a moment of disobeying. He cupped Tatsu’s elbow, bowed his gratitude to Tanaka, and walked Tatsu firmly out the door. Reaching for his back pocket, Aone opened his mouth to say something about paying his own way when Tatsu put a hand to his chest and stretched up for a kiss.
Visions of last night exploded behind Aone’s closed eyes, and his hand reached for that pale ponytail. He wanted to pull it loose again, wanted to feel it against his face like he had hours before.
Tatsu stepped back, hand still flat on Aone’s chest. His smile was pleased. “I have to get back to the gallery,” he said softly, gray eyes roaming Aone’s face at leisure. “I have a client meeting first thing tomorrow morning I have to prepare for.”
“Oh.” Aone willed his hand to drop from Tatsu’s hair. It wasn’t easy. Of course he had to go back. His work, his life, was two hours away from the college campus. Tatsu was an adult, with responsibilities Aone had yet to know. Of course he couldn’t while a Sunday away. Frankly, Aone couldn’t afford to either, there were exams to consider—
“I can hear you thinking,” Tatsu teased.
“My apologies, Tatsu-san.” Aone bowed his head. “I’ve kept you from your obligations far too long. I can show you the nearest station.”
Tatsu blinked. “I know I should be used to your abruptness by now, but I confess my ego is reeling.” He brushed the back of his hand against Aone’s jacket collar. “You want me away so quickly?” His voice was low, with a tone that sent shivers up Aone’s spine.
“It’s not what I want,” Aone managed.
Tatsu looked up at him. “Do tell?”
“I want…” to take you back to my room. To be lazy with you today. To forget what our Mondays will bring. “…to see you again.” Aone held his gaze firm. “If I may.”
Tatsu’s eyes went wide. “Well,” he said after a moment, “it has been quite some time since someone asked so sweetly for my company.” He slipped his arm through Aone’s, his lean frame pressed tight against Aone’s side. “Show me to that station?”
Aone might have been disappointed that Tatsu really did leave so quickly. If, that is, he hadn’t pulled Aone off to the side for a long kiss and some heavy breathing. If Aone hadn’t felt Tatsu get half hard against him. If Tatsu hadn’t whispered, “I’ll call you tonight,” with his lips against Aone’s ear. Then, yes, Aone might have been disappointed.
As it was, he was staring sightlessly into his textbooks that afternoon before he realized that he had never paid Tatsu back for breakfast.
A couple days later, a box arrived at the house. Kuroo delivered it to Aone’s door with his dinner balanced on top. “Kawatabi made curry and way overestimated how much. You can grab a bowl if you drop some cash in the jar next to the stove.”
Aone nodded but wasn’t really listening. He hadn’t ordered anything recently. His mother always sent him an email ahead of time if she was sending a package. He set it on his bed.
Inside the cardboard shipper was a sleek black box. It was stamped with silver in a brand name he didn’t recognize. The lid lifted to reveal, nestled in un-dyed tissue paper, the most beautiful briefcase Aone had ever seen. Soft-sided, it was made of leather worked over so finely as to feel like velvet. He took a moment, exploring the pockets, testing the zippers, admiring the tooled strap, before he noticed the small card in the bottom of the box.
A-To aid in your pursuit of knowledge. Best luck in your studies,T
Aone set the bag aside immediately and reached for his phone. Two hours later, Aone was staring red-faced at the ceiling of his room, wondering if he could make it to the shower or if he had to jerk off right there. He’d intended to make a simple thank-you call. Tatsu’s voice over the phone had a way of making more complicated things happen.
Aone clenched his eyes shut, bit into the flesh of his thumb, and slid a hand down his jeans. At least he knew he wasn’t as loud as Kuroo.
Spring came, and so did a selection of fine shirts from a brand Aone did recognize. His father favored the workmanship but only indulged in one a year.
A-Will you be viewing the cherry blossoms with friends?The blue one would be stunning against the flowers.T
Aone went with Kuroo, Azumane, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Shizuku, and two of Shizuku’s friends to a nearby park that weekend. He handed Shizuku his phone and asked her quietly if she could take a photo. She was a little less likely to tease than the others, and he wanted to look as relaxed as he could. Not an easy feat.
“Ohhh.” Shizuku cooed over the first photo. “That blue is amazing against the blossoms!” She held up the phone to take another, and Aone felt himself smile.
Aone sent the photo late that night. Tatsu texted him immediately after. Thirty minutes later, Aone sent another photo of himself wearing the blue shirt. Technically wearing the blue shirt.
During one late-night call, Aone confessed to nearly sleeping through a class.
“You’re not getting enough rest?” Tatsu sounded concerned.
Aone wiped a hand over his face. “Practice, workouts, end-of-year projects. It adds up.” He would not breathe a word about how his deplorable sleep schedule was mostly down to Tatsu and his sinful phone calls.
“Ah.” Tatsu apparently bought the excuse. “It’s important to stay organized with your time management in these situations.”
Kuroo raised an eyebrow when Aone wore his new smart watch to practice that week, but didn’t say anything.
The team’s house didn’t have a wine cellar. It would never have occurred to Aone to let Tatsu in on this fact. When the industrial wine rack showed up with an assortment of fifty vintages ranging from rare to trendy, Kuroo rolled his eyes and helped Aone clear out some space in the garage.
A- Would love to hear your opinion on the 2004 Kaesler shiraz.T
“Surprisingly floral for something so dry and smooth,” Aone said. He’d brought a bottle to Tanaka’s pub one night, with serious instruction that it was to be enjoyed with intentionality over a careful menu. Tanaka had risen to the occasion masterfully, and he and Shizuku had been fabulous to compare notes with about the wine. The three of them had gotten a tiny bit buzzed from finishing the bottle themselves that night, but what else was to be done really?
“Exactly what I thought. I wasn’t as put off by the bouquet as I thought I might be.” Tatsu laughed. “But perhaps it was where I had it? The Barossa Valley would make anything taste like heaven.”
“It must be gorgeous.” Aone had mixed feelings when Tatsu shared stories about all the places he’d been. It made him feel at once far too young for him and far too excited about all the wonder the world held for him to see.
“It was like nowhere I’d seen before.” Tatsu was quiet for a moment. “We should go someday.”
Aone caught his breath. The statement had been casual. Light. There was too little there to read into.
“Perhaps,” Tatsu went on. “After graduation of course? And if you’d rather go somewhere else first, we should talk about that.”
Aone’s lungs released softly. “The Barossa Valley sounds wonderful.”
Tatsu hummed, low and sensuous and just right for setting Aone’s skin on fire.
The last game of the season ended with a sound victory but at the expense of Aone’s shoulder. He’d come down from the winning block, slipped on a sweaty patch of floor, and the ligaments, overworked from three hard matches, let go on impact.
Through the ambulance, the ER, the manhandling required to set a dislocated shoulder, Aone had kept up his impassive face. Inside, his mind was a spiderweb, crawling with worry.
Dislocated joints are always weaker.
The scholarship is no good without volleyball.
The therapy will take time, but at least this happened at the end of a season.
Months of hard work and maybe I’ll be back up to everyone else’s level by fall.
I’m not ready to be done with volleyball.
I’m not ready for this to be over.
I’m not ready.
They sent him home with massive painkillers and dire threats about any activity remotely resembling athleticism for a month. Aone wanted to scream, but Kuroo kept shooting him looks as he drove them away from the hospital. He kept his mouth shut.
“Need anything?” Kuroo finally asked when they reached Aone’s room.
Aone didn’t turn around. “I’m fine.” He struggled to unlock the door with his left hand. Dropped his key on the floor. He stared at it, his throat getting tight.
Kuroo had the key in hand in a moment, pushing the door open, setting Aone’s phone and water bottle next to his bed, turning on a lamp. It was when he began fluffing a pillow that Aone reached out his left hand. “Kuroo.”
“Yes! Right, yeah.” He backed away from the bed, hands raised, grin sheepish. He was nearly out the door when he turned, chewing on his lip. “Um. Just so you know.”
Aone looked at him and tried to focus. It was probably time for another pain pill.
Kuroo ran a hand over his perpetual bedhead. “I called him. Your, uh, boyfriend? I looked up his number on your phone while you were…while we were at the hospital.”
Aone stared at him.
“Yeah, so, anyway, he’s coming? I guess?”
“You guess? What…what does that mean, you guess?”
“Ahahaha, okay, you’re right.” Kuroo edged farther out the door. “He’s totally coming. Said he’d get a train tonight. So. Yay?”
Aone’s mind latched onto something concrete to keep from spinning out of control. “Tatsu-san isn’t my boyfriend.”
Kuroo’s face lost its tension, his expression going flat.
Aone held his gaze and refused to give in.
“…sugar daddy?” Kuroo enunciated neatly.
Aone glared at him.
“Whatever he is, he’s staying in your room.” Kuroo walked out the door. Popped his head back in. “And I know that’s not gonna be a problem. I’m just saying I’ve gone through a pack of ear plugs.”
Aone walked calmly to the door and shut it in his face. If someone was going to lecture someone else about intimate noise, that someone had no business being Kuroo.
He’d had every intention of staying awake until Tatsu arrived. Unfortunately, the pain meds had other plans. When he opened his eyes, the room was dark except for the small lamp on his desk. His shoulder throbbed. His mouth was dry. He tried to sit up, groaning. How was everything in his entire body connected to his shoulder?
“Wait, hang on, what do you need?” A soft voice, a rustling sound.
Aone blinked sleep from his eyes, and there was Tatsu, getting to his feet from the floor. His jacket was folded neatly as a seat cushion against the wall, two or three overstuffed bags nearby.
“Tatsu…san?” Aone croaked.
Tatsu grabbed the water bottle on the desk. “Is this what you want? Do you need something for the pain?” He glanced over the desk, reached for a small pill bottle. “These?”
Aone watched him, silent and glowing inside. The lamp turned Tatsu’s ponytail gold. They’d seen each other a couple times since that night in Tanaka’s pub, always both of them impeccably dressed until they weren’t, both striving to impress the other until they forgot to. Never like this…Tatsu in jeans and a thin T-shirt that was probably never expensive. Aone incapable of dazzling anyone with his body at the moment.
Tatsu offered a pill and water. “You don’t have to move, I’ve got it.” Aone lifted his good hand, but Tatsu frowned. “Just open your mouth.” His voice was quiet. It lacked the tone that Aone knew was meant to arouse, but nonetheless his heart picked up the pace.
“You don’t have to worry.” Tatsu dropped the pill on Aone’s tongue with no sensuality, just care. “I’m here.”
Aone would speak. Eventually. He would get the words out that were crowding his throat. He’d ask the questions that refused to leave his brain—will you? do you want to? could we? am i? are you? do you? please? But for this moment, he scooted over on the bed. Patted the sheets next to him, never taking his eyes off Tatsu, glowing in lamplight.
The way Tatsu’s face softened was beautiful. He settled on the bed, every movement graceful, and curled into Aone’s side without a single jostle.
Aone leaned his head back and closed his eyes, smiling.
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