#i have ggg & Printessa updates storyboarded I simply haven’t had time to actually WRITE them
sentimentalslut · 1 year
are you still updating ur fics or?
yes! the past week and the next week are slammed for ~being an attorney reasons~ and also personal reasons (i get married in a month and have so much shit to pull together before then~ but after my bachelorette party this weekend i should have time to update ❤️
also, anon, I know ur just stoked about the fics but this feels kinda aggressive for no reason? i last updated a fic five days ago which is… pretty damn recently and. also. i am a 25 y/o adult with like. academic, professional, personal, and financial responsibilities?
prioritizing my real life for *five days* isn't abandoning my creative works it's just like... being an Adult Human Being with a Whole Goddamn Life
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