#i have been watching this one channel for monster hunter; unnatural history channel
spinosauridae · 2 years
One thing I will never get tired of is when people compare Tyrannosaurus to wolves and lions. Because at the end of the day they weren't these massive murder machines built for killing and killing alone, they were animals. Survival of the fittest, and fittest doesn't refer to strength or being the most perfect. It refers to being fit for your environment and working with your constraints.
We're missing so many of those day to day behaviors that get written off as "boring". And all I can really think about are those oh so important things.
A rex patrolling the edge of the group's territory, drinking water beside other theropods in very different niches, an old bull lying down for a final nap in the dying sulight, a bunch of subadults fucking with a herbivore far out of their league...
I fucking love the realistic interactions that we don't really see in mockumentaries or even many real documentaries.
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graycoin · 2 years
Tagged by @listener-blue
Last song: Oh god, why did you have to open with this, questionnaire. Look, I’ve been listening to Friday Night Funkin’ breakcore fansongs. I think I’ve seen like, ten seconds of the actual game. I don’t know shit about it, they’re just really nice to listen to when I need background music while doing something else, and the implied meta-plot of the normal-looking protagonist getting into rap battles with constantly-evolving Lovecraftian entities is fun. You’d be amazed how much mileage people can get out of warping the design of a farmer with a hat.
Last movie: I...genuinely don’t remember. I don’t really watch movies anymore. I would’ve said The Batman if I’d gotten around to watching it, but I haven’t.
Currently watching: Uh, bunch of shit on Youtube, the GDQ marathon on and off, ahhh....SpyxFamily? I need to get back to that show, actually.
Currently reading: Uh, Tumblr, I guess. I don’t read much these days.
Currently listening to: Wait, why would you list this and a last song. Oh god, you’re expecting me to be relatable. We’re on Tumblr why are you expecting this
Unnatural History Channel on Youtube. Applies scientific knowledge to Monster Hunter, primarily, which actually stands up to such scrutiny quite robustly. Poor guy kinda hates fun, though, which is a weird combination if your YouTube channel involves Monster Hunter.
Currently obsession: Evil Genius 2. The first game was my shit back in the day and I finally have a computer that can run the second one. I’ve played for like sixty hours and I keep starting my run over to try and figure out the systems and optimize my base. Do not send help. It will have to get through too many guards.
Tagging @knightoflodis and @pumpkinlumpin assuming either of you are interested in filling out a questionnaire.
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mrevaunit42 · 7 years
Butterfly, Star Butterfly (Kingsman Au part 1)
hello everyone, Mr.E here after a seriously long time of not writing full stories. Sorry, life has been pretty chaotic for me and draining. I’m fine but it’s been hard to sit down and actually write a story but here I am with my newest story and letting you know despite the fact Halloween is over, I am still going to write a few stories for starcoween (a totally silly event I made up forever ago) After that i might do a part 2 to this, might give out some birthday gifts I owe. Not really sure yet but we shall see. 
Story Prompt: Star Butterfly is a young woman that works for Disney, a humble yet successful shop located in her hometown of Mewni that sells various merchandise based on their popular retellings of classic fairy tales. At least that’s what they want you to think. In truth, they are an agency operating at the highest levels of discretion, protecting the world from any and all threats but this time Mewni’s the target and the secret organization is going to need some help.   
I absolutely love the film Kingsman. For those who don’t know it is a British spy film that’s kind of a mix of my fair lady, James Bond and some playful satire of genre. and I couldn’t resist making an au of it. that being said, it is a rated R film so don’t watch it if you’re not supposed to! Seriously just read this story and wait. Oh btw there is some cussing in this story but that’s it really I didn’t follow the plot of the movie one to one and it’s more on a personal level than it was in the film. and Yes I totally poked fun at the codenames and Disney. 
so that’s it for me. Have an amazing week! I will try to finish either Monster Hunter Marco or the corpse bride au this week along with the next two nova chapters. I was also thinking of putting up some au ideas I came up in case somebody needed some ideas or inspiration for drawing or writing and the spiderman homecoming au notes that me and my good friend @hains-mae came up with if anyone is curious. Not sure yet. oh btw she’s taking commissions if anyone is interested. I hope you enjoy the story and have a good one!
notification squad: @nerdymetalhead @hipster-rapunzel @artgirllullaby @ladyxgilex @thefandombytes @minthia-ren @burstingamerworld @isolated-frequencies
“and in other news, Lucitor electronics is proud to present….”
Click. Silence filled the void left behind the radio.
Star Butterfly stared longingly outside the cab window, the soft pitter patter of the rain echoed dully against metal was a soft, relaxing music to the 25 year old.
When was the last time she simply drove for the sake of driving? When did she last roam the streets of her beloved Mewni without the constraint of staring at minutes tick away? When was the last time she wore something she chose of her own free will rather than an obligated, yet admittedly stylish, uniform.
She was wearing her usual outfit for work: black blazer jacket with a white long sleeved collared shirt underneath, an elegant pink tie alongside practical black work pants and matching brogues loafers.
“Miss?” her cabbie driver called to her softly “Miss, you have phone call from your mother.”
“Oh!” Star slipped out her self imposed dazed and reach into her jacket pocket “Thank you John, I’ll take it….”
Star blinked quizzically upon realizing she was staring at her own reflection who held an equally surprised face: Her driver had already rose the divider between them so she could take the call in private.
“What a considerate bloke” Star murmured to herself, unfolding the thick black rimmed square glasses and slipping them over her eyes “I suppose I should give him a raise.”
“Give who a raise dear? The driver?” A familiar yet controlled voice called out to her as a ghostly image appeared in the center of the spacious vehicle.
Even the cartoonish greenish blue tint of her mother’s image did nothing to dampen the woman’s rather imposing stature: Full black coat, collared shirt, vest and tie. A long business skirt given her old fashion tendencies and unnecessarily high heels. Her periwinkle blue hair wrapped in a practical braid.
“I assure you Agent Rapunzel he is well paid for his services” Moon blinked in confusion, her eyes narrowing at Star’s surroundings “You’re not at the shop?”
“Well mum…” Star began only to falter when Moon rose a stern finger.
“Names Agent. You never know who could be listening.”
Star rolled her eyes, earning her a scowl from her mother.
“Headmistress Aurora, we’re on highly secure channels. I highly doubt anyone is currently listening.”
Moon shook her head disappointingly “Spoken like a true agent. When you get to be in my position and age, you’ll find some caution is wise.”
“Yes Mu….Headmistress. I apologize. I’m running late to shop on the count that I took a bit of a nap. Just came in from America you know. Lovely town by the name of Echo Cre…”
“I’m aware where you have been Agent Rapunzel” Moon cut in “I’ve read your mission report. Excellent work.”
“Thank you”
“Try not to be late from now on. Grumpy is a bit on edge lately.”
“Lately?” Star rose an eyebrow.
Moon pursued her lips “More than usually. Do not antagonize the poor woman love.”
“Swear on my honor she won’t hear a word out of me gov.”
Moon frowned, torn between chastising her daughter once more or simply leaving it at that.
With a flick, her mother’s image vanished from view and Star was left with her once again empty cabbie. Star remained silent, rubbing her eyes tiredly as the rain filled the void with its melody once more.
Star wasn’t too surprised the shop was still fairly busy despite the less than ideal weather conditions. Everyone near and far wanted to buy something from the humble yet widely successful Disney store.
Not that Star could blame them: Stunning outfits, well crafted toys and high quality items based on their fairy tale inspired line of merchandise. It brought in a pretty penny and was a convenient cover for the memory of a single person to blur among the countless people that could be found within on any given day.
Star patted the tired cashier reassuringly on the shoulder as she made her way past into the break room which was empty save a lone, still steaming mug of coffee sitting on the table.
“We need to really cut back the hours” Star muttered to herself, sliding the cup off to the side and gently pressing the underside of the table “Poor dearies are running themselves ragged.” A small compartment hidden within frame flipped into existence and began to boot up its programming.  
“Please remain still” a smooth, calming robotic voice asked politely while a soft green hue softly basked Star in its glow. Star complied with the machine’s request, sitting as unmoving as stone as the sensor began scanning the room with a near invisible beam.
“Identity confirmed” The voice spoke cheerily “Agent Rapunzel, please stand by”
Star rolled her eyes as the entire room slowly descended into further into the earth, the flimsy painted walls of the break room becoming smoothly elegant granite sides.
“This is so bloody unnecessary” Star muttered to herself, waiting patiently for the elevator “Whose bright idea was to turn an entire room into an elevator? A closet would’ve suffice. Typical spies.”
“I know right? It’s almost like they were overcompensating for something” a familiar voice jokingly teased “Spies, right?”
“Spies” Star nodded agreement, rising to her feet and enveloping her fellow, similarly dressed agent in a firm hug “How are you Jackie?”
Jackie clicked her tongue “Agent Rapunzel, did you just break protocol?”
“Only if you sell me out Agent Ariel” Star replied with a grin.
Jackie gave a good nature smirk “Like I would Agent Rapunzel. How are you?”
“I’m alright” Star lied “And yourself? How was Japan?”
Jackie gave a noncommittal shrug “You know how it is: No time to see the sights and there on business only.”  
Star felt the twinge of longing and for a moment, the mask fell.
“Star?” Jackie asked quizzically “Are you okay?”
“Jackie….” Star began slowly “Do…you miss it?”
“It?” Jackie was confused what Star was getting at “I’m not sure I’m following….”
Star let out a defeated sigh “Don’t worry about. Just a rouge thought. Shall we pop in and see what’s bothering Grumpy?”
Star brushed past Jackie, ignoring her friend’s concerned gaze.
Grumpy was not grumpy at Star’s tardiness: She was furious about it.
Margaret Skullnick, codename Grumpy,  was an older, trollish woman who never smiled in a day of her life. Unlike the more traditional Headmistress, Grumpy was far more lax with her appearance: overly bright red hair, two golden hoops on her ears, built like a muscular tank and had unnaturally pointed teeth.
“You are late Rapunzel” she glared deeply with growl.
Star rose her hands defensively “Ariel was here, you could’ve started without me.”
Jackie shook her head “Don’t drag me into this, I just work here.”
“Sit. NOW” Skullnick snarled, barring her teeth viciously.
Star and Jackie practically dropped into their seats.
“We have a problem” Skullnick began, making her way over to the monitor hung over the fireplace.
“Don’t we always?” Star jested
Skullnick ignored her “The criminal underworld is murmuring. Loudly I might add.”
Jackie and Star shared a worried glance. While both knew what the code-phase meant, neither had ever expected to ever actually hear the word spoken outloud. The two women straightened up in their seats at once
“Murmuring?” Jackie leaned closer “What could possibly cause that?”
“We don’t know” Skullnick answered truthfully “But the fact remains that every single mole, sleeper agent and informant has been relying the same information to us is troubling. Someone is preparing for something big and for the first time in recorded history, we haven’t the foggiest idea what it could be.”
Skullnick tapped at away at the tablet in her hands. Mewni, in all its splendid glory, appeared before them.
“What we do know is many of the murmurs repeat Mewni over and over again. It is more than possible this is the target.”
“Home?” Star rose to her feet “We need every available agent on the case! If the underground murmurs, I cannot imagine what horrible plan someone has set in motion.”
“That’s just it Agent Rapunzel” Skullnick stared directly at Star “I’m looking at all available agents.”
Jackie and Star looked at one another.
“No matter how serious the situation is” Skullnick explained “The fact remains we still have other operations that must be done. Threats to national and international security do not just come one at a time you know and all we have are rumors. Until solid proof is obtained, we cannot simply pull agents from actual credible threats.”
The girls nodded grimly.
“Go to the ground” Skullnick told them “Use every resource we have available. The informants are scouring the city for clues but so far no luck. If this threat is real, then someone is going to an awfully lot of trouble to ensure no one has all the details. And once you have a lead, no matter how small, contact me. I rather be safe than wrong. Understood?”
“Yes Grumpy” The two spoke in unison
“Mewni under attack?” Star muttered to herself in a daze “That’s a lot more terrifying than I’d like to admit.”
“Agreed” Jackie nodded “Do you think the threat is real?”
Star pursed her lips “I don’t know. I want to believe mother is simply overreacting but I’ve never been through such a short briefing before. We don’t even have leads”
“Admittedly that is highly concerning” Jackie scratched her chin “We better work quickly. The sooner we discover or debunk this, the sooner we can have a strategy ready.”
“Alright, I’ll head over to the informant’s house” Star began as stepped towards the exit “A fresh pair of eyes may be needed in case they missed anything…umm do you remember where they live? I swear they keep changing addresses every other month. It’s so….”
Star turned back to her fellow agent only to find Jackie fidgeting uneasily, guilt dancing in her eyes.
“You know” Jackie spoke softly, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear “Maybe I should go to the informant? I mean I haven’t seen them in such a long time and it’s pretty rude of me….”
Jackie bit her lip as she rubbed her sleeve anxiously.
“I…might know a guy who could help us” she murmured uneasily.
“That’s great!” Star felt a wave of relief wash over her “when can you meet up with him darling?”
Jackie remained quiet, her eyes downcast and forlorn.
“Jackie?” Star placed a comforting hand on her shoulder “What is it love? What’s the matter?”
Jackie took a deep, calming breath “He’s my ex. A bloke by the name Marco Diaz….”
“Oh….” Star muttered dumbly before the familiarity of the name hit her full force “….oh…”
Star remembered now where she heard the name before: Marco was Jackie’s boyfriend back from a few years ago when the two of them were aspiring Disney trainees. He ran with some troublemakers and did some odd jobs for unsavory people but on the whole meant well and was trying to leave his checkered past behind him. As far as she could tell, Jackie was rather happy with him. If everything had gone according to plan, Jackie might’ve married him one day…..
But fate had other plans in store. Being a Disney agent came with a heavy cost and that cost was a personal life. Marco grew increasingly suspicious of Jackie’s absences and trips but telling him the truth was out of the question so Jackie was left with no choice but to break up with him, claiming college was just too overwhelming for her to handle both it and a steady boyfriend.
Jackie used to lament how painful it was to watch his hurt face twist into a stony indifference and while she finally moved on from him, she couldn’t shake the guilt she felt about breaking his heart. He hadn’t deserved it but Jackie was left with no other choice.
“I can’t see him Star” Jackie admitted, tears lightly forming in her eyes “I’ve done far too much to him already, asked too much of him….I can’t put him through anymore…..”
“It’s alright. I’ll speak to him, alright? Do you know where I can find him?”
Star frowned at the locationn before her, eying the half cracked windows and the faded brick exterior warily
“Drunkard’s Haven” Star read the sign distastefully “I should’ve hazard a guess it would be a dive. I reckon I’ll run into an unruly lot. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Star held a firm grip on her umbrella as she took a deep breath in and pushed open the door.
The interior of the bar was dim while a light hazy smoke wafted through the air. The illuminations of various signs promoting drinks, teams and other goods. Empty mugs and half slumped, dazed drunks filled the tables. While certainly not the best pub Star has ever been in, she had seen far worse.
Star strolled up to the counter confidently, ignoring the shuffling of drunken zombies who were slowly taking notice of her disturbance.
“Hello!” Star gave a cheery wave.
The bartender awkwardly returned the greetings.
“I don’t usually get your lot around here” the bartender spoke bluntly.
“What, pretty ladies?”
“No, posh folks.” he gruffly replied.
“Ah….” Star gracelessly replied “Well your lovely pub is tucked away in some off beaten street, bit hard to come by.”
“What will you have miss?”
“Information actually. I’m looking for someone.”
It was amazing how a simple sentence could alter one’s environment: What was once a relaxed stupor became tense and suspicious as the drunks slowly shook themselves awake.
The bartender’s eyes narrowed distrustfully “And why would a pretty thing such as yourself be looking for someone?”
Star beamed “An old friend of mine. Heard he was wondering around these parts. Figured he might fancy a bit of stroll for old times sake.”
“And who…” the bartender rose an eyebrow “are you looking for specifically?”
“A bloke named Marco Diaz.”
Star fought the instinct to simply strike at the now fully awaken drunks, their eyes wide with anger and greed as they mindlessly shuffled to their feet.
“It seems I’ve said the magic words” Star mused, glancing over the other occupants of the building carefully “Bit in trouble is he?”
 “You could say that.” The bartender murmured with a glare “The local patron is not happy with the quality of his services. Mr. Diaz owes him a bit of scratch which is not including the product he was told to deliver. The fact that Mr. Diaz hasn’t been returning our boss’s phone calls is a bit concerning. They had a previous agreement that your friend has not been honoring.”
“Ah” Star gave a strained smile “I can see how that could certainly paint him in such a negative view. Well I rather guess I should be off no? I didn’t mean to so rudely awaken all your customers.”
“Actually” the bartender spoke with a menacing edge as the others closed in “Do you mind if we have a bit of a chat about your friend Marco?”
Star sighed dramatically as the dull thud of the door’s lock being clicked into place echoed through the now quiet pub.
“I rather not” Star grin charmingly
“You don’t have a choice love.”
Star shook her head disappointingly “Not respecting a lady’s decision? Rather brutish of you.”  
“Sorry darling. We’re not much on manners here.”
Star clicked her tongue “Manners maketh man. Ever heard that before?”
Silence was their answer.
“Well then” Star cracked her fingers “Let me show you how to be proper gentlemen.”
It was satisfying to watch the bartender’s face slip from cocky smugness to full blown panic as Star lashed out, gripping the back of his head tightly and smashing it against the counter. Bartender staggered backwards, a river of blood dribbling down his face and staining his clothes as he weakly clutched at his now broken nose.
“Rule the first” Star began, pivoting on the balls of her feet and driving her fist into the nearest unsuspecting throat “Always respect people. It’ll get you further in life than if you’re an arsehole”
One of the drunks lunged at her but the seasoned agent hooked the handle of her umbrella over his wrist and dragged his fist into another of his comrades and sent them both reeling to the floor.
“Oi what’s the matter with you bitch?!” the nearest drunk rambled at her before pulling back his fist.
“A true gentleman never curses at a lady” Star replied with a cocky grin while she dug her knee as far as she could into his stomach “in fact a true gentleman never would need to curse. Much more colorful ways to express your anger and frustration darlings.”
Star stepped back, narrowly avoiding the knife that swung into view as she twirled her umbrella upright like a sword.
Her foe stumbled uneasily, brandishing his deadly weapon in a rather unimpressive fashion.
“A true gentleman” Star went on, effortlessly dodging an unfocused stab sent her way
“also carries himself with grace and respect not only for himself but for others as well”
The drunkard’s attack were wide and too far to actually threaten the secret agent who playfully batted the blade away with her pseudo-sword. Her opponent growled furiously but Star’s laidback defense proved too much for the inebriated man.
Star rolled her eyes before delivering a solid whack to his skull and rendered him unconscious.
“Well then loves” Star said with a smug satisfaction “I best be off. Nothing here but a waste of time and effort.”
Star’s ear twitched as the dull sound of metal scraping wood filled the air and for the first time since the battle began, her instincts took hold.
Star flung her umbrella wide open, clutching the hilt as tightly as she could while making herself as small of a target as possible. The video feed sprung to life in a strange muted tint. She noticed the bartender lifting something to eye level but Star had little time to hazard a guess when she heard a deep click and a deafening bang.
Star was nearly knocked off her feet as her shield violently shuddered, the image blurred and static for a moment before resuming its live feed of what was occurring in front of the weaponized rain deterrent
The muggy feed showed the bartender giving a condescending smirk her way, pumping the shotgun in his hand for another shot.
Star held on as the metal joints of the umbrella groaned under the next volley, the smooth clothed surface becoming tattered and worn as an empty cartridge hollowly clattered against the floor.
“You” Another shot, the umbrella began to bend inward “Bitch” half the feed froze “You think you could come in here” Star could hear the fabric being ripped to shreds “and just knock us around silly? Well you got another thing….”
Star was saved by the most unlikely of sounds: The gentle rapping of a fist against the bolted pub door.
The bartender jumped, spontaneously aiming toward and pulled the trigger without remembering he hadn’t loaded the next shell into the gun. A satisfying hollow click was the most beautiful noise Star could ever imagine.
Star wasted no time: She flung her near useless gadget to the side and made a mad dash directly towards the fumbling bartender, his hands nervously attempting to load more ammo into his useless weapon.
His eyes went wide with fear as Star approached and in a last ditch attempt to protect himself, he held the barrel tightly and howled in agony as he recoiled from the still burning hot metal.
Star tried not to enjoy herself too much as she clobbered him with a solid hook, sending the dazed bartender sprawling into the wall of alcoholic drinks. He, along with his products, tumbled to the floor and remained still.
“That” Star murmured softly, wiping the nonexistent dirt from her suit “concludes today’s lesson.”
Star blew a strain out of her hair, picking up her discarded umbrella as she strolled towards the door, body tense for whatever lay on the other side.
She undid the bolt slowly and calmly opened the door
“Oi Ralphy, about time you open the door mate, was near freezing my arse out…you’re not Ralphy.”
Star’s heart leapt a little without warning as she found herself face to face with her target.
The police photos did not do the young man before her justice: In his mug shot he wearing plain clothes, his brown hair disheveled as his brown eyes glared angrily at the person photographing him. In person, his brown hair was a little longer and tucked under his black beanie. He wore a white undershirt which was covered by a red hoodie which was further covered by a simple black jacket. Laid back jeans and poorly choice sneakers for the current weather rounded out his attire and while Star was certainly unsure if this was the very same Marco Diaz from the photo, her glasses compared the two images and confirmed a match.
Marco shifted nervously under Star’s silent gaze “Umm…sorry luv, I was confusing you for another bloke.” he scratched his neck sheepishly “A-are you lost? Because I’ve never seen any woman willingly come in here before. The environment is a bit toxic and stale of piss ale, misogyny and outdated ideals.”
The soft pattering of rain was the only response Marco received
“Listen darling” Marco whispered with a hint of concern in his voice “These aren’t exactly good people. I reckon it’s best if you move along and pretend you didn’t see nuthing.”
“Mr. Diaz I assume?” Star asked with a preppy edge.
Marco’s jaw twitched anxiously “….maybe….depends on whose looking.”
“I would like to have a bit of sit and chat with you. If that’s alright.”
Marco shook his head, unable to keep the displeasure from his face while he chuckled “Yeah, see about that…Umm I’m a bit unfamiliar with you and you are pretty but you’re a bit too posh for my taste. Look, I just need to pop in for a sec and talk to Ralphy about an extension.”
“Don’t worry Mr. Diaz” Star replied with a matter of fact tone “You have your extension.”
Star noticed Marco’s frame tense, his jaw locked as Star gently pulled open the door all the way through, gesturing inward in a playful manner.
“Oh that’s not fucking good.” Marco stared dumbfounded at the bodies that littered the floor, the low pained moans that wailed from within.
Marco locked eyes with Star, completely unnerved by her cheerful smile and relaxed posture.
“Well Marco?” Star gave him a flirty smile “Fancy a bit of a date?”
Marco bit his lip, queasily swaying from side to side before breaking into a run.
“I’m pretty sure what you did qualified as assault.”
Star clicked her tongue disappointingly, her eyes rascally as Marco squirmed uncomfortably in his chair.
“I am hurt you didn’t want to take me out Marco” Star’s tone was conversational yet amused
“Well you’re a bit 6’s and 7's” Marco replied in a tense tone, rubbing his sore arm as his eyes darted around for anyone who could help but the cafe’s patrons were preoccupied with staying warm and what delicious meal did they want to try next than noticing the hostage situation before them .
“Hi!” Marco nearly jumped out of his skin as the waiter greeted them “What will we be having today?”
“Usual for me” Star grinned happily “and you honey, what would you like?”
Marco looked at Star, glanced at the waiting waiter then back to Star once again.
Was this a trap? A joke? Was the waiter in on whatever this was? Was everyone else? What the hell did he get himself caught up in? Was Ralphy going to blame him for crazy face’s actions? How the hell was he supposed to pay off his debt now? He was in some serious sh…
“Sir?” The waiter politely interrupted his train of thoughts “Your order?”
Marco stared blankly at the waiter “The usual….I mean her usual, I don’t usually come in to places like this. No offense.”
“None taken” The waiter rolled his eyes before disappearing into the kitchen.
“So whose on your payroll?” Marco asked breathlessly, hands clutching the edges of the table tightly “These your people? Gonna bloody kill me without a second thought? I don’t what you think I’m caught up in but I didn’t mess with no one.”
“Really?” Star seemed unmoved by Marco’s claims “Because according to your file, you’ve been arrested several times for assault, trespassing, breaking and entering and disorderly conduct.”
Marco pursed his lips “Yous with the bobbies or something? Look, I haven’t done anything. Whatever you think I did, I didn’t. After the last time, I got the message loud and clear: Stay on the straight and narrow or go to jail and I ain’t doing hard time because some crazy got me mixed up for someone else.”
Star leaned back into her seat “What did you need extension for?”
Marco’s mouth tightened “That’s a bit of personal business I’m afraid luv. And if you ain’t a cop, I’m not saying a bloody word.”
“Marco, I’m trying to help you.”
“Help me? By getting a confession out of me?” Marco snarled quietly “I ain’t going to jail just because you mixing up crooks and me.”
“Marco” Star whispered gently
“….” Marco remained silent, torn between fact and lies.
“Look” Star brushed her hair behind her ear “I’m not a cop. I need help with something but if I can help you out too, I don’t mind.”
Marco shifted anxiously, his voice low and subdued “Alright. So there’s a local….sponsor who likes to trade money for favors…..take this here, drop that there, move this across town, just….stuff.”
“Mhm” Star nodded but said nothing.
“As you can no doubt tell by my outstanding record” Marco went on “I’m having a bit of trouble coming up with the scratch I need for college. So I figured one…tiny little…delivery wouldn’t hurt….”
“Except it never made it, did it Marco?”
Marco gulped fearfully “I tried. I swear I tried but I was running out options. You high and mighty types judge us effortlessly without a care why we do what we do. I just wanted a clean life but evidently it was too much to ask for and now I’m up shit creek without a boat. I owe money I don’t have to a person you don’t want to be owing to and I got no way to pay it back. And college?”
Marco scoffed dismissively
“That’s more of a far off dream than seeing Jackie again.”
“Jackie?” Star asked curiously.
Marco’s face flushed red “Don’t you worry about that. Look, I don’t know what you were expecting looking for me but I ain’t got anything for you and I doubt you got anything for me.”
Star felt a surge of panic as Marco began to rise from his chair, his defeated weary face tugging at Star’s heartstrings and before she could help herself, the words came tumbling out of her mouth.
“I can get you the money!”
Star mentally smacked herself for blurting it out but it had done the trick: Marco stood there, a mixture of disbelief yet intrigue etched onto his face.
“You? You don’t even know how much I need bruv.” Marco scoffed yet remained still
“Take a seat and find out.”
Marco bit his cheek, unable to choose between the sweet temptation of the door and the alluring of the pretty stranger.
“Alright” Marco relented as he slowly returned to his seat “let’s say I do buy into this whole your my way out of this shitstorm I’m in cuz. If you ain’t a cop and you ain’t a crook, just what are you?”
“A Disney agent” Star replied with the smuggest of grins.
“A what now?” Marco shook his head out of its stupor “Hang on, you taking a piss? You ’re telling me you work at that glorified fairy tale shop what sells those cutesy little knick knacks and thingamajigs to fawning tourists?”
“Yes.” Star straightened in her chair “We belong to a secret organization that operates at the highest levels of discretion. Our mission is to ensure the safety and safeguard the well being of  international security and stability of our planet.”
“You….are…mental” Marco rubbed his eyes tiredly “A'ight I’m done. I don’t know what sales pitching you trying to sell or if you’re having a bit fun with me but I’m done. I got far bigger problems than a mental polish girl and her make believe…”
“Here Mr. Diaz” Star gently removed her glasses and slid them over to him “Take the red pill. It’s a real eye opener”
Marco raised an eyebrow “Really? Outdated jokes luv? You’re lucky yous cute or else you wouldn’t be getting fa….”
Marco’s jaw slackened, his eyes wide as he gazed at the world through Star’s lens but he didn’t see the beautiful 25 year old woman sitting across from him, knowing smirk and gaze but rather a series of complex codes, phrases, jargon that made no sense to him. In the upper left hand corner was a live video feed of someone narrowly avoiding gunfire and next to that the glasses focused on Star’s face, zooming and enhancing as they began to run a facial recognition scan.
“Agent Rapunzel?” Marco murmured dumbfounded before blindly groping the air as Star snatched back her glasses.
“Proof enough Mr. Diaz?”
Marco stared blankly at the secret agent, unable to wrap his mind around what just occurred.
“……why do you need me?” Marco asked bluntly “If you these James Bond types, why you gotta go looking through the gutter for help?”
“Simply put” Star sighed anxiously “Something big is going to happen here on Mewni. Soon but aside the fact we’re getting reports indicating Mewni is the intended target, we have nothing else.”
“So you need crooks who’ve got their ear to the ground to help you” Marco nodded in understanding “Why me though? I ain’t exactly the most thuggish and my record isn’t the worst compared to some other blokes.”
Star pursed her lips, conflicted between telling a lie or revealing Jackie had sent her his way.
“Never mind”
Star blinked, unsure what just happened.
“It doesn’t matter” Marco told her “Either you did your homework, someone just told you I was the biggest loser in town or you just lucked out…..so what do you need from me?”
“Well Marco, heard any big scores coming in?”
“Big scores?” Marco rolled his eyes “You spies are really out of touch with reality. No one calls them that. You might as well be running down the streets screaming how you got your life savings in your pocket! See how long that’ll last you.”
“Ooookay” Star frowned “Have you heard anything big coming in?”
“Nah uh princess, that’s not how this works.”
Star frowned “Then how does this work Mr. Diaz?”
“…I want out.”
Star stared at Marco, unsure what exactly he meant by that.
“Mean…” Marco coughed hesitantly “I don’t want…this…” he gestured to himself pathetically “…Anymore. I….I don’t want none of this. I don’t want to be looking over my shoulder in case some thugs happen to stumble on me. I miss visiting my parents. You know how hard it is not to drive their street and check up on them outta fear some nasty blokes are casing place, waiting for you to show up?”
Star thought of her mother and how often she was tucked away in some sort of secret location that only she and Miss Skullnick knew. She thought of the last time she actually saw her mother, hugged her, talked to her more beyond the scope of business.
Star gave a short but understanding nod.
“The money I’ll figure out” Marco told her gently “This ain’t the first time I’ve had to make up some scratch I ain’t got but college….they’re ain’t going to let me in, not without some recommendation and if you being them cloak and dagger companies.”
“Wait a minute” Star cut in immediately “You can’t just…”
“Whoa, chill princess” Marco waved his hand “I didn’t mean make me one of them types or nothing. Shit, I doubt I’d be kept alive two seconds during your job. But you gotta have some pull right? Ways to make them posh academic types look the other way?”  
Star shifted anxiously in her seat: She did in fact have a way to grant Marco’s request. However, it wasn’t as simple as calling the school of his choice and waving her I’m a secret agent privilege but rather…
“Do we have a deal?”
Star bit her lip. This was the closest lead she was going to get and while she would normally play for the country card, she had a sneaking suspicion Marco wouldn’t care if something happened to Mewni. Too many bad memories….
“Well do we have a deal?”
Star took a deep breath “Deal: You help stop whatever is going to happen and I’ll help you get a better life.”
“I felt like we’ve done this before” Marco muttered under his breath before offering his hand to Star.
Star stared at the gesture, unsure what exactly Marco wanted from her.
“Handsake? Ever heard of one miss posh?”
“Oh….oh” Star nodded in understanding “Of course I have Mr. Diaz, I was just confused why…”
“I don’t want you double crossing me” Marco interrupted hastily with a nervous tinge to his words “Promise me.”
“Promise me.”
Star felt guilt shift uneasily in the pit of her stomach at his plead, the vulnerability in his voice. He was at the end of his rope and he was literally taken a leap of faith on a complete stranger.
The wrong stranger.
“Okay Marco…” Star whispered softly “I promise.”
Marco’s eyes were no less guarded but his body visibly relaxed upon Star shaking his outstretched hand.
Marco took a deep calming breath “Okay. Rumor is Lucitor Electronics is looking for extra workers.”
Star raised a puzzled eyebrow “I’m sorry? I don’t quite follow…”
Marco shifted uncomfortably under Star’s gaze “Of course not, that’s the point. You see luv Lucitor Electronics have been known to….push certain products into the town. If they’re looking for extra workers then that’s street speak for we need something moved and we’ll pay great money for you to keep your moth shut.”
“Do you mean…?”
Marco gave a short nod “They’re asking for 2 dozen workers. That’s the largest amount of ‘help’ they’ve asked for in years. Only means one thing.”
“Whatever they’re moving” Star concluded “It’s big and probably dangerous.”
“Exactly. Next shipment comes in two weeks. Give me your number and I’ll contact you when it comes in.”
Star frowned at that idea but quickly scrawled her number on a napkin and gingerly handed it to Marco.
Marco seemed pretty unsure of himself. He rose to his feet quickly, his mouth opening and closing a few times before giving a curt nod and disappearing into the water veil that blanketed Star’s beloved Mewni.
Star carefully placed her glasses back onto her face, trying to ignore the sinking of her heart as Grumpy whispered quietly “She’s not going to be okay with this you know?”
“I know…..”
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