#i had to lay down on the floor in the backroom of my retail job once and it scared the shit out of everyone
beskad · 3 months
me every day: yes, I understand that I have ptsd. yes, it will frequently disrupt my life in sometimes (seemingly) random ways. sometimes this will necessitate leaving work or disclosing things about myself to a supervisor or friend or bystander because it's freaking them out and THEY are now panicking and often wanting to call me an ambulance. this is just a fact. it's fine. i'm dealing with it. most years are easier than the ones before them. it's fine.
me when my ptsd is actually triggered: what is happening right now. why can't I breathe. why can't I stand up. why do I feel like I'm about to throw up and die. oh, I know!!! I must be having an allergic reaction to something!!!! I'm suddenly coming down with the flu in the span of 3 minutes!!! this is so weird!!!!!!!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 6 months
Do-Over-December 8th. Threesome. "Share And Share Alike." Charles Lee Ray X Tiffany Ray Valentine X AFAB! Reader.
SO! I know this is two days late but fuck it, I had some IRL shit going on pertaining to my current shitty job not giving a single fuck about my personal safety, so shit got nuts. On we go with Kinky December 's do over. Anyway, so this is the first thing I wrote with both Chuck and Tiff a while before I even started Through The Heart Is The Only Way, it was fun coming back to it and fixing it up! I hope you all enjoy it!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 3.4K (Old Length.3.1K) Warnings: Public Sex. Exhibitionism. Voyeurism. Blood. Violence. Murder. Vaginal Fingering. Cunnilingus. Dirty Talk. Teasing. Rough Oral Sex. Blow Job. Vaginal Sex. Strap-On Sex. Sex Toys. Threesome. Smoking. Chucky Is A Bastard, Tiff Is An Angel, What Else Is New? 
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How the three of you met was quite unusual. It was most assuredly not a traditional meet-cute that lead you to getting to know them.
You were working late one night which was strange enough as it was, you normally are not one to do the closing shift, it was a long and hard day, retail work was so damn tedious and tiring. You were almost out of here though, about to pack up and leave, the mall you worked at was almost totally empty by this point, the cleaning tonight ran long after your hectic day. Cleaning like this was not even a usual task, but the dedicated cleaner called out sick, so you had to step up. You were just returning something to the back and grabbing your shit, you would be out of here. No one else was around, or so you thought. 
You were walking across the tiled floor, the back of the house finally in sight, and you started to lose your footing, something wet underneath your shoes making you slip, your arms flying out, steadying yourself quickly, you managed to avoid falling, a close call.  You breathed a sigh of relief at your near miss and looked down to see-
Your mouth feels dry, your brows furrow, and you are shocked. It was unmistakable. Thick and syrupy and deep red, near black, the smell of iron hits as you looked around and could hear something, you weren’t actually as alone as you initially thought. You swallowed thickly, and your eyes flicked to the door nearby. 
You could leave. 
Just run and go home and forget you ever saw this-
Eyes back down and you cursed under your breath. Your shoes were in the blood, you’d track footprints, how would you explain yourself? A deep breath as you thought for a moment. 
And then you decided to say fuck it and see if you could find the source. Not the smartest of ideas, but you didn’t have many options. The phone was in the backroom, you couldn’t call for help, and you’d try to be quiet. You proceeded forward carefully and quietly until you found just what you were looking for-but not what you expected to see at all.
There was a body, the source of the blood, yes, but there was something that was much more eye-catching in this aisle. Seems whoever did this wasn’t alone. Now, on an average day? You laying your eyes on this couple would have made you stare but catching them like this? You stopped dead and couldn’t move, transfixed by this couple a few feet away, thus far unaware of your presence. 
They were both a little bloody and, as it seems, currently having what looks to be very passionate and intense sex against the shelves in this aisle, mere feet away from this poor victim. 
The woman of the couple was fucking gorgeous, blond hair and dark lipstick and killer make up, dark clothes with a gothic kind of vibe with undeniable style, skirt hiked up and a heel on one of the lower shelves. She had her hands on the man, one fisted in his long red hair and the other gripping the back of his jacket, fuck, even her manicure looked perfect. And while she was something to marvel at, you were still drawn to the man currently drawing those sounds from her, hushed, but you could still hear them in the deathly quiet store. 
One hand under her thigh, holding her leg up, the other one of the shelves near her head, what you figured was the murder weapon, a bloody knife still clenched in his fist as he fucked into her. He was still mostly dressed, pants barely pulled down enough to get inside of her, his jacket still on, obviously both needing each other right then, and you were unbelievably into the sight of them together. 
Her head lolled back, the most delicious sounding moan crossing her lips as her head now rested against one of the shelves and her eyes that were previously closed open, and she caught sight of you. You should have hid a little better. The two of you made eye contact, and you contemplated running, she tugged on the sleeve of his jacket and said, “Chucky-we aren’t alone.”
Fucking God above, her voice.
The man, Chucky apparently, stilled and looked over his shoulder at you, he seemed none too pleased about being interrupted like this if that intense look was anything to go by, could you recall a time you saw eyes more blue than his? Okay, shit, what was wrong with you right now? He looked about ready to pounce and kill you for disturbing this and for catching them post murder and mid-fuck, and you were over here thinking about how fucking good they both looked. 
“Seems like we ain’t.” his voice too, yeah, you were in deep trouble.
You were frozen in place still, your mind was racing however, you noticed he clenched that knife tighter, and that beautiful blonde woman looked almost excited and urged him on, “Do it.”
You knew it was do-or-die time, you said quickly, before he could make a move,“I won’t breathe a word of this to anyone!”
A scoff and stifled laughter, your heart is hammering as he rolled his eyes, and she covered her mouth with her hand as she laughed, he spoke first, “Oh never heard that one before right, Tiff?”
That wasn’t a good sign. They were both using their names in front of you, uncensored, obviously unconcerned about you identifying them, their intention to kill you is crystal clear. 
“Oh yeah, never, ever heard that one. Real original.” He said is so sarcastically as her laughter was dying off. You need to implore them, appeal to their humanity if you have any hope of getting out of this. Yet to this day you still weren’t 100% sure where this next part came from, but you said,“I can help cover this up! I’ll help, so if I talk I’ll be in just as much trouble.”
You said it with such conviction. They shared a look, confused, clearly. She spoke first, this time looking back over to you, “Now that’s one I haven’t heard before.”
“Yeah. Now, why would you want to do somethin’ like that?”
It took a lot of guts to be honest, you weren’t sure what was making you feel so bold, you so weren’t normally like this. I mean, who does this? Stumbling upon a couple who just killed someone and instead of any normal reaction, fear or just anything, you were turned on. 
Fuck it. You might die tonight, why not lay it all out there? You had nothing to lose.
“Because I…I want in on this-” You gestured vaguely and cleared your throat, “You know?”
It took a moment for the realization to hit, but yeah, they both knew. He smirked and said, “No, I don’t think I know. Why don’t you tell us?”
They made you spell it out. 
It’s hard, but you do as they wanted, you tell them in a rush, “This, I want to be with you…Both of you, I-I want it so badly that I’ll help you cover this up, just let me prove myself, prove I’m worth your time and the trouble.”
Oh, they liked you.
Just from that they liked you, but when they had you between them, cemented it. The way you gasped when Tiffany fingered you and the way you trembled and moaned when Chucky had you bent over and gripping one of the shelves still standing in the pool of blood they had spilled was something special. You were hot and fun, and took direction well too. 
Disposing a body with three was also easier than when it’s just them. They kept seeing you, and you just kinda slipped into it, they were already together, and you ended up becoming their third. 
They filled you in on what happened that night after the fact, some asshole that they had almost taken out, but he managed to run off, he took off into the backdoor of your store, and they had caught him and killed him right there. You realized your co-worker had left the backdoor open earlier when they took the garbage out which gave the two their way in, you normally scolded said co-worker for such carelessness, but now you were thankful they fucked up that night, or you might have never met them. 
So that was how you met. 
You had been seeing them for months now, you had essentially moved in. Holidays fast approaching, they had been out earlier doing some shopping, you had been as well, fussing trying to figure out what would be the best to get for them but coming up empty thus far. You had got home before them, had started making dinner when they both came in, you heard bags dropped near the door. You had come out of the kitchen to greet them and noticed the pair of them are a little dishevelled, if it was someone else, someone who was not you, who wasn’t used to looking for those signs they might have missed it. 
But not you.
You noticed the smudged flecks of blood and the tension, the overall energy, it was always like this when they came home after another kill. It reminded you of how you met. And the other nights they came home after that kind of thing, it made you squirm.
“Hey sweet thing.”
You loved how she said that when Tiffany greeted you walked over to you first, heels clicking on hardwood and her hands on your face, her gloves felt soft and cold as she kissed you. Your hands reaching out and gripped her coat as you tilted up more into the kiss, fuck, it felt good. She pulled away, hands still on your face, and you were looking into her eyes and she asked, “How was your day?”
“Good.” You responded with a soft smile before asking,“Yours?”
“Wonderful. Better to be home.” She was always so sweet to you, so caring, your gaze broke away, and you saw Chucky there taking his scarf and jacket off and hanging them up. From the body language you could tell just where this was going, you looked back to Tiffany, and she said, “Go to the bedroom, we’ll be in a minute. Okay?”
You didn’t need to be told twice. A quick nod and her hands left you as you scurried off to the bedroom. 
Sitting on the bed, waiting like this. It always got to you. It was always intense when they came home after a kill. You didn’t like knowing all the details, but you couldn’t help being curious about it, if you asked they would tell you, but you didn’t always ask. 
Curiosity got the better of you tonight. 
Soon you were pressed between the two of them, not in a dissimilar fashion to how you were that first night and so many others afterwards. Tiffany was behind you, leaning against the headboard, her fingertips tracing lightly over exposed skin, and you had your back to her chest as your pants were being pulled off by Chucky. You could go on and on about Tiffany’s beauty, but there was something about him that couldn’t be ignored either. Something about the look in his eyes or how he spoke to you, his hair, maybe it was all of it that made him so attractive to you? A deep breath from you before you asked quietly, “How’d it go this time?”
You knew they hadn’t planned on doing anything like that when they went out today, but sometimes things just happened, it was supposed to just be shopping, not slashing more than just prices. They loved to tell you, Chucky in particular liked it, he liked it best when you asked during these times, clothes being stripped away as they touched you. He liked how much you squirmed, almost ashamed by how much you wanted to hear about it while they did this. 
Holiday shopping could always get crazy, some asshole pissed Chuck off, not like that was hard to do, and it was easy enough to get him into an alley and of course he had his knife on him and that was that. You had been stripped by this point, re-positioned, on your knees, Tiffany still leaning into your back, whispering in your ear as her hand was between your legs, touching you softly, fingers stroking through your folds, “Always get so wet when we tell you about it.”
“Mmm they must really like it.” Chucky mused.
They both liked to tease you about how into this you were and that always made it worse, made you want to hide your face and your head dipped down and Chucky didn’t like that. Grabbed by your hair, head forced back up making you look at him in the eyes and he asked, “Do you like it?”
Tiffany stopped touching you causing you to whine, she kissed your temple and she said low, “C’mon, if you want more, you gotta answer him.”
You squirmed and Tiffany slipped her other hand around to palm one of your breasts as encouragement, you forced it out, saying, “Yes I-I like it.”
That was what he wanted to hear, it made him smirk, so smug and self-satisfied, he kept gripping your hair as he pulled you down, you had one hand around him, had been stroking him while they had told you about it, and now he wanted more. You wanted to give and give as much as they gave to you, your mouth opening and tongue running over the head of his cock as you kept looking up at him, and Tiffany resumed touching you. Once you slipped his head past your lips he sucked a harsh inhale through his teeth and as Tiffany’s skilled fingers circled your clit you moaned against him and fuck, it all just felt right. 
Being shared by them was fucking amazing. You loved the dynamic of it all. Particularly for moments like this. 
You had been going at your own pace but good ol’ Chuck had gotten tired of that, pulling you towards him with his hand still on your head and his hips thrusting forward into your mouth, being rough and taking his pleasure how he wanted it from you, Tiffany touching you and being so sweet and soft, encouraging. “You take it so well, sweetheart, look at you.”
One hand stroking down your back gently as she had two fingers fucking in and out of you, one particularly hard thrust into your mouth made you gag a little and that made Tiff click her tongue disapprovingly and speak up, “Why are you always so rough with them?”
A laugh from him, another thrust, harder, another gag from you and he responded, “What? They like it! Don’tcha?”
A hard pull on your hair, another thrust that made your eyes roll back, and you clenched down on Tiffany’s fingers with a nod. You did love it, adored the dichotomy of the two of them being with you at once, “See?”
The look on his face, once again, smug as hell, a shit eating grin, he knew the effect he could have on you, how much him being so hard on you while Tiffany showed you such softness and affection, got to you. He could feel it in every look and action, every single touch and movement.
You swear you could feel Tiffany roll her eyes behind you, her thumb rubbed over your clit as her fingers curled inside of you, making you whine all over again as she said, “Asshole.”
You weren’t sure why, but you loved how they talked to each other, the light kind of teasing they did, banter and name-calling, sometimes a little too harsh, yet you could tell the undeniable love under the surface. 
Such a mess by this point, drool running down your chin from the throat fucking, hair messier from how Chucky had been holding it, deep purple lipstick marks left over your skin from Tiffany kissing you. There was mess on your thighs, shaking, already very needy.
“She ready?”
You were. She asked, “Mmm you want it sweetie?” You nodded once, mouth still stuffed full of cock, and that is how you ended up now. 
This right here was one of your favourites. On your hands and knees, getting fucked, strong hands on your hips, pulling you back onto him as your face was buried between your girlfriend’s thighs. Tiffany loved how hard you tried, it was difficult to maintain a good rhythm when you were being split open on his cock like this, but you were getting better and better at it. How you moaned against her dripping pussy was hot as Hell for her, not to mention how fun it was to watch you struggle to continue to please her, your tongue slipping up through her folds and over her twitching clit.
I mean, it was easy to see why you loved it so much, she tasted amazing and every sigh and moan you could pull from her sounded nothing short of divine. Tiffany was insanely talented with her own mouth and fingers, you only hoped you could give back half of what she did to you.
It was impossible to get over how lucky you felt, how spoiled you were, you had every single thing you could ever want. You were truly endlessly grateful. 
“Look so fuckin’ good.” Of course Chucky wasn’t going to complain about the view, his two favourite people in his life, spread in front of them, buried to the hilt in you as your hands were on Tiffany’s outer thighs as you shivered and moaned and ate her out. 
“Mmmf the best.” Tiffany confirmed, her praise meant the world to you, looking up to her, tongue running over her clit again with another moan, and it was so arousing to you that you clenched down again drawing a moan from the man behind you. 
It always seemed to work out like that, it was easy for the three of you, all feeding off of each other, it often happened, someone doing something to someone else and the reaction it pulled adding to it, making it hotter, made it feel better. And so it went. 
It usually played out like this, Chucky would love to have you first, make you a mess, almost forcing you to cum for him, pulling you over that edge like it was some kind of race. You would be left sore and well stretched, he was rough as always, and after he had cum inside you, he would watch as Tiffany had you. He would relax totally amused, cigarette in hand as Tiffany would play with you, much softer and sweeter, she wouldn’t be rough as you helped prep the strap-on, not like it needed much when your pussy was stuffed with cum. 
“Such a good mouth.” She praised, and she would gently pull you away, your mouth sliding off of the strap-on with a wet and audible pop, and she would lie you down and kiss you so sweetly as she lined up and filled you. 
Your thighs on either side of her hips as she was on top of you, and she would make you cum too of course, the build slow and gentle and damn intense in a different kind of way, and she’d be praising you all along the way.
Or it would be that way until Chucky had enough of just watching and got his hands into the toy box. Having her fuck you while he would use a vibrator on you was nearly too much to handle and they both knew it, the way you would squirm and twitch was too good to pass up, and the way it would make Tiffany lose control just a little bit and get a tad rougher was more than welcome. 
You knew the dinner preparations you had started earlier would be no good, there was no way they were close to done with you. You could always order in later, you supposed. 
It was truly a blessing and a curse having two partners, it usually meant no rest for you, one could take it easy until the other was ready for more, not to mention when they were both using you at once. 
Both of them had such presence and had such strong personalities, they seemed to fight often but again when it came to you? 
Sharing came easy.
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raendown · 7 years
Hot Mess
@gyukashito @madakaka Did someone mention MadaKaka retail au? My hand slipped.
Based off of our ramblings in this post.
It was hot. Like, melt in to the floor at any moment hot. Kakashi was fairly sure that the manager had turned the thermostat up before he left just to be a dick. He was like that. 
To make matters worse there was absolutely nothing to distract himself with. There hadn’t been a customer in four straight hours and in that time he had organized the shelves, counted the inventory in the backroom, cleaned the manager’s office, and swept the floors. He had accomplished all of that in the first two hours. Ever since then he had been sitting behind the till counter, bored out of his gourd and praying for a miracle. Whether that miracle came in the form of cool air or just something to do, he didn’t care. Either would be good.
When the bell over top of the door jingled he thought for a moment that it was only his imagination. Surely there were no gods up there nice enough to actually answer his profanity-ridden prayers? Movement in the corner of his eye proved him wrong, however. When he looked up, his heat fried brain did absolutely nothing to stop the dropping of his jaw.
The man who had just walked in was, if possible, even hotter than the current weather. His ink black hair flowed down to the top of his waist, spiking out in every direction. Dark eyes peered out from under his fringe, sharply assessing the store’s contents and deciding whether he wanted to look around. His deep purple shirt was tight enough to show the definition of the muscles underneath and his jeans – Kakashi swallowed hard. He wanted those jeans off and not because they didn’t look good. He was suddenly acutely aware of his own attire, having stripped down to just his white undershirt and still being drenched in sweat.
He was ill prepared for the customer’s gaze to turn and pin him in place, eyes moving down his form and back up in the same manner with which he had judged the merchandise. Then he moved towards the counter with a confident smirk on his face. Kakashi watched the predatory swing of his hips with what was surely an idiotic dazed expression.
“Hello, I wonder if you might help me find something.” Lord above even the man’s voice was sinful, deep and gravelly. Kakashi’s last surviving brain cells promptly gave up.
“I could help you find your way to my bed!” He blurted. His eyes widened in horror and the two of them stared at each other, open shock displayed on the stranger’s face. Kakashi’s grip on the counter between them tightened until his knuckles turned white. “What the fuck brain!?” he whimpered quietly. Unable to break eye contact, Kakashi slowly slid off his chair and ducked underneath the desk.
This is it, he thought, this is how I die; death by mortification. The silence in the store stretched as he curled up and pressed his face in to his knees, listening for any sign that the man was leaving him to die in peace. When there came no footsteps and no rustling of fabric he vowed not to move at least until his was alone. There was no way he could face this man, even at the risk of getting fired.
A throat being cleared made him jump and smash his head on the wood above him, crying out in pain.
“Ah, are you alright?”
He groaned in response, holding his head with both hands.
He stayed silent, burying his face even farther. Honestly he could have a concussion right now and he still wouldn’t dare to move. He perked up when his ears picked out light steps, then horror settled in again when he realized that they were heading around the till and in to the ‘employees only’ area. They stopped beside him and he felt a hand on his arm.
“Are you alright?” that smooth voice asked him again.
When he peeked out from under his arms there was a gorgeous face only a foot from his own, looking down at him with great concern. Whether it was concern for his physical well-being or for his mental stability he didn’t want to know. With a blush the likes of which he had never before experienced, Kakashi nodded. He would be fine. The customer grinned and placed a gentle hand on the back of his head, probing through his thick hair for signs of actual damage.
“There’s no blood,” the man informed him. “Are you dizzy? Can you see alright? Do you feel nauseous at all?”
Kakashi nodded to the first two and shook his head to the last before gathering his courage.
“I’m okay,” he managed to get out, “just very embarrassed.”
“Understandable.” That grin threatened to send him scuttling back under the desk even as he was being helped to his feet. He watched as the stranger headed over to the cooler beside the till and take out a bottle of water. “How much?” he asked, holding it up for Kakashi to see.
“Two fifty.”
He nodded and shut the cooler door, rummaging through his pockets while he came back. He lay the correct change on the counter and handed the bottle of water to Kakashi, who took it while feeling slightly more embarrassed. He could have gotten one for himself after all. It wasn’t fair that this guy seemed to be as nice as he was attractive. He was startled to be handed a small card as well, which the man quickly scribbled on first.
“My name is Madara,” he introduced himself.
“Ah, Kakashi.” He went to flip the card over and read what was written there but before he could Madara leaned in close with that devastating grin of his.
“It’s so nice to meet you Kakashi,” he said. “I usually like to have dinner before I find my way to someone’s bed.  Perhaps I can come back to do my shopping tomorrow? Say, at the end of your shift so that you might accompany me to that new restaurant just down the street?”
With his eyes threatening to pop right out of his head, Kakashi could do little more than nod dazedly. Madara winked and gave him a little wave as he turned and walked out of the shop, setting the little bell to jingling again.
Alone once again, he flipped the card over to see Madara’s name scribbled down just above a carefully inked phone number, the numbers set slightly apart so that they could easily be read. The other side of the card was an advertisement for the Uchiha Electronics Corporation that he had always wished he could get a job at. Well, at least that would be a good starting point for conversation at dinner. It seemed they might have some similar interests already. Kakashi glowed while staring at the little treasure in his hands, embarrassment finally fading away as he began to look forward to another boring shift tomorrow.
He was so busy staring at the card that he never looked up to notice the commotion outside of the store window. If he had, he might have seen Uchiha Madara, heir to the Uchiha fortune, doing a ridiculous victory dance with both hands thrown up in the air and an ecstatic expression on his smiling face.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Kinky December. Dec 8th. Threesome. Charles Lee Ray And Tiffany Ray Valentine X AFAB Reader.
So you must have seen the Kinky December list and saw the Threesome prompt and thought “Oh of course Bex is doing that one. Obviously.” But I bet you would have figured it would have been another Billy and Stu thing or hell even a Sam and Buddy thing but nope! So it’s my first time writing for these two and I am pretty happy with it! They are so fun and give an interesting dynamic with the reader I feel. I like it so much I might do a longer poly! reader insert eventually! Obviously they are both the human versions of themselves here. No doll fucking, so sorry. Big thanks again to @horrorslashergirl​ for making such a fun event!
Also this turned out longer than I initially meant it to but what else is new? Anyway let’s get it going!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 3.1K Warnings: Public Sex. Exhibitionism. Voyeurism. Blood. Violence. Murder. Vaginal Fingering. Cunnilingus. Dirty Talk. Teasing. Rough Oral Sex. Blow Job. Vaginal Sex. Strap-On Sex. Sex Toys. Threesome. Smoking. Chucky Is A Bastard,Tiff Is An Angel, What Else Is New? 
Share And Share Alike.
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How the three of you met was quite unusual. Not exactly the most traditional of meet-cutes lead you to now. 
You were working late one night, normally not one to do the closing shift, a long and hard day, retail work was so damn tedious and tiring. You were almost out of here though, about to pack up and leave, the mall you worked at was almost totally empty by this point, the cleaning tonight ran long after your hectic day, you were just returning something to the back and grabbing your shit you would be out of here. No one else around, or so you thought. 
You were walking across the tiled floor, back of house finally in sight and you started to lose your footing, something wet underneath your shoes making you slip, your arms flying out, steading yourself quickly, you managed to avoid falling, a close call.  You breathed a sigh of relief at your near miss and looked down to see-
Unmistakable. Thick and syrupy and deep red, you looked around and could hear something, you weren’t actually as alone as you initially thought. You swallowed hard and your eyes flicked to the door nearby. 
You could leave. 
Just run and go home and forget you ever saw this-
Eyes back down and you cursed under your breath. Your shoes were in the blood, you’d track footprints, how would you explain yourself? A deep breath as you thought for a moment. 
And then you decided to say fuck it and see if you could find the source. Not the smartest of ideas but you didn’t have many options. Phone in the backroom you couldn’t call for help and you’d try to be quiet. You proceeded forward carefully and quietly until you found just what you were looking for-but not what you expected to see at all.
There was a body yes but there was something that was much more eye-catching in this aisle. Seems whoever did this wasn’t alone. Now on an average day you laying your eyes on this couple would have made you stare but catching them like this? You stopped dead and couldn’t move, transfixed by this couple a few feet away, thus far unaware of your presence. 
They were both a little bloody and as it seems, currently having what looks to be very passionate and intense sex against the shelves in this aisle , mere feet away from this poor victim.  The woman was fucking gorgeous, blond hair and dark lipstick and killer make up, dark clothes with a gothic kind of vibe with undeniable style, skirt hiked up and a heel on one of the lower shelves, she had her hands on the man, one fisted in his long red hair and the other gripping the back of his jacket, fuck even her manicure looked perfect. And while she was something to marvel at you were still drawn to the man currently drawing those sounds from her, hushed but you could still hear them in the deathly quiet store, one hand under her thigh, holding her leg up, the other on one of the shelves near her head, murder weapon, a bloody knife still clenched in his fist as he fucked into her. He was still mostly dressed, pants barely pulled down enough to get inside of her, jacket still on, obviously both needing each other right then and you were so fucking into the sight of them together. 
You should have tried to hide a little better. Because her head lolled back, the most delicious sounding moan crossing her lips as her head now rested against one of the shelves and her eyes that were previously closed open and she caught sight of you. The two of you made eye contact and you swallowed hard and she tugged on the jacket sleeve of the man, 
“Chucky-we aren’t alone.”
Fucking hell her voice.
The man, Chucky apparently, stilled and looked over his shoulder to you, he seemed none too pleased about being interrupted like this if that intense look was anything to go by, could you recall a time you saw eyes more blue than his? Okay fuck, what was wrong with you right now? He looked about ready to pounce and kill you for disturbing this and for catching them post murder and mid-fuck and you were over here thinking about how fucking good they both looked. 
"Seems like we ain’t."
And his voice too, yeah you were in deep trouble.
You were frozen in place, your mind was racing however, you noticed he clenched that knife tighter and that beautiful blonde woman looked almost excited and urged him on,
"Do it."
You knew it was do or die time, you said quickly, before he could make a move.
"I won't breathe a word of this to anyone!"
A scoff and stifled laughter, you swallowed hard as he rolled his eyes and she covered her mouth with her hand as she laughed, he spoke first,
"Oh never heard that one before right, Tiff?"
That wasn’t a good sign. They were both using their names in front of you, uncensored, obviously unconcerned about you identifying them, their intention to kill you crystal clear. 
"Oh yeah, never, ever heard that one. Real original."
Said so sarcastically as her laughter was dying off and to this day you still weren't 100% sure where this next part came from but you said,
"I can help cover this up! I'll help so if I talk I'll be in just as much trouble."
You said it with such conviction. They shared a look, confused clearly. She spoke first this time looking back over to you, 
"Now that's one I haven't heard before."
"Yeah. Now why would you want to do somethin' like that?"
It took a lot of guts to be honest, you weren't sure what was making you feel so bold, you so weren't normally like this. I mean who does this? Stumbling upon a couple who just killed someone and instead of any normal reaction, fear or just anything, you were turned on. 
Fuck it. You might die tonight, why not lay it all out there? You had nothing to lose.
"Because I...I want in on this-"
You gestured vaguely and cleared your throat,
"You know?"
It took a moment for the realization to hit but yeah they both knew. He smirked and said,
"No, I don't think I know. Why don't you tell us?"
They made you spell it out. Made you say just how badly you wanted them both and that you were willing to do something as extreme to cover up a murder in your work place to do it. 
Oh they liked you.
Just from that they liked you but when they had you between them and the way you gasped when Tiffany fingered you and the way you trembled and moaned when Chucky, had you bent over and gripping one of the shelves still standing in the pool of blood they had spilled really cemented it. You were hot and fun, and took direction well too. They kept seeing you and you just kinda slipped into it, they were already together and you ended up becoming their third. 
They filled you in on what happened that night after the fact, some asshole that they had almost taken out but he managed to run off, he took off into the backdoor of your store and they had caught him and killed him right there. You realized your co-worker had left the backdoor open earlier when they took the garbage out which gave the two their way in, you normally scolded said co-worker for such carelessness but now you were thankful they fucked up that night or you might have never met them. 
So that was how you met. 
You had been seeing them for months now, you had essentially moved in. Holidays fast approaching, they had been out earlier doing some shopping, you had been as well, fussing trying to figure out what would be the best to get for them but coming up empty thus far. You had got home before them, had started making dinner when they both came in, you heard bags dropped near the door. You had come out of the kitchen to greet them and noticed, a little disheveled, if it was someone else, someone not you, who wasn’t used to looking for those signs they might have missed it. 
But not you.
You noticed, smudged flecks of blood and the tension, the overall energy, it was always like this when they came home after another kill. It reminded you of how you met. And the other nights they came home after that kind of thing, it made you squirm.
“Hey sweet thing.”
You loved how she said that when Tiffany greeted you walked over to you first, heels clicking on hardwood and her hands on your face, her gloves felt soft and cold and she kissed you, hands reaching out and gripping her coat as you tilted up more into the kiss, fuck it felt good. She pulled away, hands still on your face and you were looking into her eyes and she asked,
“How was your day?”
You responded with a soft smile before asking,
“Really good. Better to be home.”
She was always so sweet to you, so caring, your gaze broke away and you saw Charles there taking his scarf and jacket off and hanging them up. From the body language you could tell just where this was going, you looked back to Tiffany and she said,
“Go to the bedroom, we’ll be in a minute. Okay?”
You didn’t need to be told twice. A quick nod and her hands left you and you scurried off to the bedroom. 
Sitting on the bed, waiting like this. It always got to you. It was always just so intense when they came home after a kill. You didn’t like knowing all the details but you couldn’t help being a little curious about it, if you asked they would tell you but you didn’t always ask. 
Curiosity got the better of you tonight. 
Soon you were pressed between the two of them. Tiffany was behind you, leaning against the headboard, her fingertips tracing lightly over exposed skin and you had your back to her chest and your pants were being pulled off by Chucky. You could go on and on about Tiffany’s beauty but there was something about him that couldn’t be ignored either. Something about the look in his eyes or how he spoke to you, his hair, maybe it was all of it that made him so attractive to you? A deep breath from you before you asked so quietly, 
“How’d it go this time?”
You knew they hadn’t planned on doing anything like that when they went out today but sometimes things just happened, it was supposed to just be shopping. They loved to tell you, Chucky in particular liked it, liked it best when you asked during these times, clothes being stripped away as they touched you. He liked how much you squirmed, almost ashamed by how much you liked to hear about it while they did this. 
Holiday shopping could always get crazy, some asshole pissed Chuck off, not like that was hard to do, and it was easy enough to get him into an alley and of course he had his knife on him and that was that. You had been stripped by this point, re-positioned, on your knees, Tiffany still leaning into your back, whispering in your ear as her hand was between your legs, touching you softly, fingers stroking through you folds,
“Always get so wet when we tell you about it.”
“Mmm she must really like it.”
They both liked to tease you about how into it you were and that always made it worse, made you wanna hide your face and your head dipped down and well Chucky didn’t like that. Grabbed by your hair, head forced back up making you look at him in the eyes and he asked,
“Do you like it?”
Tiffany stopped touching you and you whined, she kissed your temple and she said quietly, 
“C’mon, if you want more, you gotta answer him.”
You squirmed and Tiffany slipped her other hand around to palm one of your breasts as encouragement and you forced it out, saying,
“Yes I-I like it.”
And that got him to smirk, so smug and self satisfied, he kept gripping your hair as he pulled you down, you had one hand around him, had been stroking him while they had told you about it and now he wanted more. You wanted to give and give as much as they gave to you, your mouth opening and tongue running over the head of his cock as you kept looking up to him, and Tiffany resumed touching you. Once you slipped his head past your lips he sucked a harsh inhale through his teeth and as Tiffany’s skilled fingers circled your clit you moaned against him and fuck it all just felt right. 
Being shared by them was fucking amazing. You loved the dynamic of it all. Particularly for moments like this. 
You had been going at your own pace but good ol’ Chuck had gotten tired of that, pulling you towards him with his hand still on your head and his hips thrusting forward into your mouth, being rough and taking his pleasure how he wanted it from you, Tiffany touching you and being so sweet and soft, encouraging. 
“You take it so well sweetheart, look at you.”
One hand stroking down your back gently as she had two fingers fucking in and out of you, one particularly hard thrust into your mouth made you gag a little and that made Tiff click her tongue disapprovingly and speak up,
“Why are you always so rough with y/n?”
A laugh from him, another thrust, harder, another gag from you and he responded,
“What? They like it! Don’tcha?”
A hard pull on your hair, another thrust that made your eyes roll back and you clenched down on Tiffany’s fingers with a nod. You did love it, adored the dichotomy of the two of them being with you at once,
The look on his face, once again, smug as hell, a shit eating grin, he knew the effect he could have on you, how much him being so hard on you while Tiffany showed you such softness and affection, got to you. 
You swear you could feel Tiffany roll her eyes behind you, her thumb rubbed over your clit as her fingers curled inside of you making you whine as she said,
You weren’t sure why but you loved how they talked to each other, the light kind of teasing they did, banter and name calling, sometimes a little too harsh yet you could tell the undeniable love under the surface. 
Such a mess by this point, drool running down your chin from the throat fucking, hair messier from how Chucky had been holding it, deep purple lipstick marks left over your skin from Tiffany kissing you, slick on your thighs, shaking, already so damn needy.
“She ready?”
You were.
“Mmm you want it sweetie?”
You nodded once, mouth still stuffed full of cock and that is how you ended up now. This right here was one of your favorites. On your hands and knees, getting fucked, strong hands on your hips, pulling you back onto him as your face was buried between your girlfriend’s thighs. Tiffany loved how hard you tried, it was hard to maintain a good rhythm when you were being split open on his cock like this but you were getting better and better at it, plus how you moaned against her dripping pussy was hot as hell for her, not to mention how fun it was to watch you struggle. 
I mean it was easy to see why you loved it so much, she tasted amazing and every sigh and moan you could pull from her sounded nothing short of divine, she was insanely talented with her own mouth and fingers, you only hoped you could give back half of what she did.
It was impossible to get over how lucky you felt, how spoiled you were, you had every little thing you could want.
“Look so fuckin’ good.”
And of course Chucky wasn’t going to complain about the view, the two women in his life, spread in front of them, buried to the hilt in you as your hands were on Tiffany’s outer thighs as you shivered and moaned and ate her out. 
“Mmmf the best.”
Tiffany confirmed, her praise meant the world to you, looking up to her, tongue running over her clit with another moan and it was so hot to you that you clenched down again drawing a moan from the man behind you. 
It always seemed to work out like that, it was so easy for the three of you, all feeding off of each other, it happened often, someone doing something to someone else and the reaction it pulled adding to it, making it hotter, made it feel better. And so it went. 
It usually played out like this, Chucky would love to have you first, make you a mess, almost forcing you to cum for him, pulling you over that edge like it was some kind of race, you would be sore and well stretched, he was rough as always and after he had cum inside you he would watch as Tiffany had you. He would watch relaxed and amused, cigarette in hand as Tiffany would play with you, much softer and sweeter, she wouldn’t be so rough as you helped prep the strap-on, not like it needed much when your pussy was stuffed with cum. 
“Such a good mouth.”
She praised and she would gently pull you away, your mouth sliding off of the strap-on with a wet and audible pop and she would lie you down and kiss you so sweetly as she lined up and filled you. Your thighs on either side of her hips as she was on top of you and she would make you cum too of course, the build slow and gentle and so damn intense in a different kind of way and she’d be praising you the whole way.
Or it would be that way until Chucky had enough of just watching and got his hands into the toy box. Having her fuck you while he would use a vibrator on you was nearly too much to handle and they both knew it, the way you would squirm and twitch was too good to pass up, and the way it would make Tiffany lose control just a little bit and get a tad rougher was more than welcome. 
You knew the dinner preparations you had started earlier would be no good, there was no way they were close to done with you. You could always order in later you supposed. 
It was truly a blessing and a curse having two partners, it usually meant no rest for you, one could take it easy until the other was ready for more, not to mention when they were both using you at once. 
Both of them had such presence and had such strong personalities they seemed to fight often but again when it came to you? 
Sharing came easy.
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