#i had a bloody nose and there was a moment b4 i had access to a tissue where i just had to let it drip into my hand and i was fumbling arou
softwarmfur · 1 year
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HELLO EVERY ONE :D ...my sona :3 .....whenever you reblog from me or like my posts this^ is who you make smile. if you even care.
This is the Iron-beest. It's a chimera-like creature that lives in a magical comfort world in my head where everyone is a wild creature that roams and forages all day. I hate absolutely fixed character design and the whole point of this animal is to be fun for me personally, so its physical traits can shift around a bit. It can have hooves, paws, or talons, but never hands or anything with prehensile thumbs. Its tail can take on a variety of forms, and sometimes I'll just draw it short. I switch between giving it a catlike head, a hoglike head, and a tapir head. Its ears tend to be small and gently rounded. It is always stocky and big, with lots of fat and muscle. I haven't colored any of these yet, but its fur changes color year round and never grows the same color pattern twice :)
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