#i gutsified spiggy basically
morguemaw · 1 year
hang on i wanna rant
Tldr of it is im also the kind of artist/creator who loves popular media/fandoms and adding it into characters either as a trait, personality, design feature, ect, but i really hate getting those comments because they trickle into my ocs that arent at all related to that and even if its obvious i really want to try and just self indulge then try and build up a actual creative character
WARNING NOTHING STARTED THIS I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SPIGGY A BROTHER WHO WAS WHITE AND PINK BECAUSE HE IS A INVERTED VERSION OF SPIGGY BUT THE ANGEL DUST COMMENTS HAUNT ME EVERYWHERE I GO HAHAHA im really shy with saying that i like certain things because then i dont want people to think EVERYTHING is inspired off that certain thing i like an example is the whole angel dust thing. I love that character, i adore the anatomy, the silhouette, even things down to the voice and how they are animated, but, when i say i like that character, some people instantly think of my ocs like Spiderguts sometimes. When, funnily enough, Gutsy isnt inspired off Angel Dust, but in some cases ocs that have no correlation with AD (anatomy, colors, ect) ARE actually inspired off him Does this matter? Oh, hell no. No one cares what i like or what i like is inspired by, its just irritating when some people comment, compare, ect, infact i know 100% no one gives a shit if i even say that my Fursona Cinder fights and acts alot like Bakugo, because its a common interest, its a common trait, and theres others like me who also like this, some who go further then i really go who have characters that are a furry version. (im one of them jsjsjsj) Sometimes it makes me feel funny, or silly, but im still just getting used to fandoms really, im very used to being near big creators who get so pissed that you even DARE draw like them, let alone have a character who has a green hoodie i guess its the whole "nothing is original anymore" shit, but im not used to the fact there are people who do what i do and like what i like and enjoy putting it into their own characters just yet AHHAHHWA
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