#i got so tired when i was drawing kashi so i just gave up and wrapped it up quickyl 😭😭
withoutzeuzey · 1 month
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I was sad over the fact they didnt take any pics together in dope shows but i realized that i can actually draw them together so yeah.
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imaginativeamateur · 3 years
Hey! Congrats on 200 followers! 🎊 you totally deserve it!! I was wondering if you could do a kakashi x fem!reader with 6 in which the reader is a med ninja and are overworking! THANK YOU!!!
[Kakashi Hatake X Reader] A Medic's Greatest Fear
|200 Followers Event|
Prompt: 6 — "You’re not coming home tonight?"
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x fem!Reader
Note: Hello, I'm back after quite a few days being so inactive :DD Thanks for your request, love. I legit spent so much time... changing the plot :DD This version is very different from the first one that I wrote lol. It's a bit angsty but ends with a fluff note, though. Hope you'll enjoy!
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You have been busying yourself with operation after operation. You were not in a good mood recently after you got into a fight with Kakashi, and he then left for a mission. Time fleeted, and the next time you glanced at the clock, it was already eight in the evening. Just when you were packing up to leave the hospital at the end of your shift, a nurse rushed to your office with a bewildered expression on her face.
“Y/N-san,” she stopped to catch a breath, “there are three injured Shinobi.”
“ANBU?” You questioned, immediately dropping your tote to the desk.
“It’s… you should go see for yourself,” she stammered out. There was hesitation in her voice as she spoke, and you felt uneasiness seeping into the pit of your stomach.
You rushed to the reception and spotted a sight that you never wanted to see. Your heart throbbed as the hospital staff rolled a silver-haired onto a stretcher and pushed him into the operation unit. You lost the balance on your feet, if it was not for the nurse to help you stabilize your stance, you would have fallen onto the ground. There was only one person that you could recall having the very hair color in the whole Konoha—Kakashi Hatake.
“What happened?” Your voice was hoarse as you tumbled to the reception table.
“They were ambushed,” the staff stated with a monotone and started to register their information on the computer, “Hatake’s injuries, though, are more serious.”
“Who are on call right now?”
The woman at the desk took a glance at you, quietly signaling you to calm down before she continued to speak, “One surgeon and one assistant as for Hatake. Two Medics are tending the other three.”
Your stomach flipped, “I’m going in with them.”
You spared not even a second after you gave her a verbal note to follow their trail. You bit down on your lips hard enough to draw blood. Seeing your love edging on the thin line between life and death brought tears to your eyes. You greatly regretted the venomous words you exchanged with him before Kakashi left for his mission. You did not mean them to the slightest degree, you did not mean to tell him to stop interfering with your business, you did not mean to call him intrusive and that you hated him for being like that. The silver-haired stopped quarreling almost immediately after you lashed out and closed the door behind his back. You could clearly visualize the distress and sorrow wavering in his eyes when he left, so clearly that it stabbed you in the heart. If only you could go back to that very day…
For the whole duration of the operation, you focused every single cell of your body on the task, straining every muscle to perform meticulous work. But you did not dare to look up at his face. A cursory glance already enabled you to see how pale his skin was. The thin layer of sweat that coated his forehead shook you to the core that you had to instantly glance away. Kakashi was in pain, and you knew that better than anyone, being the person invading his system with your own chakra to heal the damaged organs. The wounds littered across his body were deep cuts, and you winced as your palms moved across his battered body.
At last, it was finally over and he was now bandaged in white cloth, sleeping soundly on the bed. Fearing that the stiff hospital bed would tire his back, you went ahead and took off your sweater and laid an extra layer for him to lie on, leaving you in your thin blouse. It was the end of autumn in Konoha and nights were cooler, but you paid no mind to the skin of your forearms prickling with goosebumps when you moved to close the window. All of your attention was now focused on the resting Shinobi, watching his chest rising and falling with every breath, his brows forming the slightest pinch in his sleep.
You drifted your gaze farther away, thinking of what to say once he would be up. Just then, you head Kakashi mumble, “You’re not coming home tonight?”
You quickly directed your eyes back to check on him, but the silver-haired was still snoring softly under the blanket—he worried about you even when he just merely got his life back from the hands of Hades. And it made you even more upset with yourself. You were totally at fault. He was only concerned about you and your health when you were working days straight without rest at the hospital. He respected your work but was more or less disagreed with how careless you were with your own wellbeing.
With great attention, you reached both hands out toward him and glided your fingers across his cheeks, blinking furiously to prevent tears from strolling down your face. You gently placed a kiss on the shallow crease between his brows as though you were trying to alleviate the pain that he was enduring, “I’m sorry, Kashi. I’m sorry.”
You laid your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as if it was an assurance that he was cradling you to bed like every night. Shuddering, you shifted closer to his body to shield yourself away from the blows that managed to seep through the crack between the door and the freezing tiles. Nights at the hospital were always cold with you drifting in and out of sleep in between calls to duty. But tonight was different when he was with you, you felt at peace.
The morning came and Kakashi was wide awake before the first rays even shone through the glass window. But he did not move a muscle, letting you splay your hands across his chest and hug him with all you might. A frown sat on his lips when he noticed the eyebags underneath your heavily closed lids. Your breathing was ragged as your lips opened and sealed several times, mouthing broken sobs of his name. Kakashi slightly shook your shoulders and you shot up from your position, eyes wide after pulling yourself out of the terrifying nightmare.
“Kakashi,” you burst out and jumped out of the wooden chair, wrapping your arms around his neck, “Kakashi!”
“I’m alright, Y/N,” he embraced you and swayed your bodies back and forth, “I’m here.”
After a while, you pulled away, timidly gazing at your hands like a child at fault, “I’m sorry for the stupid argument. I was wrong for saying such things. I promise not to overwork myself again.”
“I’m sorry too, love,” he stroked your hair, “I shouldn’t raise my voice at you. You know I love you, right? That’s why I didn’t want to see you harming yourself in the first place. It’s necessary to take a break when you’re tired. And just know that I’m always here for you.”
Taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @thenightfallingstar @iam-gaaras-loveintrest @animepickle7 @rinnegankakashi @tirzamisu
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weeb-check · 4 years
Kakashi/Reader- The one
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"Tadaima," Kakashi's voice echoed in the hallway of (y/n)'s house. 
He had expected an "Okairi" resonate from your apartment but instead was met with emptiness. 
Kakashi trotted down the hallway, noticing a faint layer of dust cover the walls, the floors were carpeted with a layer of dust, even the bed was made and looked like it hadn't been slept on for days. He then proceeded to check the drawers, no groceries, not even any faint signs of cooking. 
He broke into a sweat, his heart thumping violently in his chest. He started panicking, fear taking over him instantly as he thrashed about the house, calling (y/n)'s name loudly but in vain. 
No one called out to him. He felt his heart drop in his chest. It wasn't possible. Where had (y/n) gone? Even if you had decided to leave him, after all, you should be in your apartment. Or did you fall in love with someone else so fast in these 6 months that you decided to live with him?
No, no, no.......Kakashi started hyperventilating.  (y/n) was his rock, the only thing that gave him the strength to get up in the morning and live through the day. He practically breathed just to see you smile, went on missions to save money so that he could provide you with a good future. You were his life, you were the one who gave meaning to his existence, he was incomplete without you. You filled up the deep void in his heart and being with you always made Kakashi think that everything was okay, that he too could feel happiness again. That he still had a chance at life. 
He did not deserve you though. Underneath his cocky, teasing expression always lied the insecurity that he wasn't good enough for you. That you would someday or the other realise that there we so many better people than him out there who could at least stay at home and provide you with some comfort during your distressed times, not somebody who was always away on a mission. 
But still, his chest hurt, his heart ached, everything throbbed. He wanted someone better for you, but it was still so very hard for him to let go. He remembers the day when he had told you about Obito and Rin, fearing that finally that would knock some sense into you and you would leave him for good. Instead, you had held him in your arms, kissing that very scar on his eye and that very arm that had pierced through Rin's chest. 
You had first caressed your eye injury, saying "You got this scar trying to protect the ones you love, your comrade, Obito." you said, soothing over that angry red blemish. 
"And this one," she had held his hands between her own, squeezing them with all her love. 
"You have saved countless lives with it, don't forget it. And even during that time with Rin, it was for the good of the village Kakashi. You are a shinobi who thought of his village even in the most crucial times, don't let that get you down. Don't forget that I would still love you, no matter what you did or what you will do, scars and all." 
"Why? Why someone like me?" he had retorted back. 
"Because you are you. Beneath all of your insecurities and mistakes, you are Hatake Kakashi, not the copy ninja, not Kakashi of the Sharingan, not the cold-blooded Kakashi, but the Hatake Kakashi who loves reading the smut book written by your sensei's sensei, the Hatake Kakashi who can make the best sushi ever, the Hatake Kakashi who does not ignore anyone no matter how much he shows that he tries too, the Hatake Kakashi who puts his village over everyone, is one of the, no, the best shinobi that I know, the Hatake Kakashi who is not as cold-blooded as he shows himself to be, but in fact, is a softie at heart. Hatake Kakashi who is also a human and is allowed to make mistakes. I love that Hatake Kakashi."
"But I am always on a mission, what if once there is a time when you need me but I can't be there for you. I hardly am home. You need, no you deserve someone who at least stays with you for the better part of the year." Kakashi had reflected, his eyes cast downwards.
That is when you had held his chin up to force him to look into your eyes and said-
"Hatake Kakashi, you don't even know how happy you make me. The times when you're with me is enough. I would not trade you for anyone even if you were home for only a single day in a whole year because," you had paused, kissing his temple so tenderly that Kakashi had nearly melted on the spot. 
"No one in their lifetime can make me feel so fortunate, so peaceful, so whole that you make me feel in a single moment that I spend with you."
And Kakashi couldn't hold back the tears any more. At last, after such a long time, Hatake Kakashi had finally broken down and had released all that pent up tears, that disappointment, that broken heart and you had been right there to pick all those pieces up and put them back together. 
He had made love to you the first time that night. 
That happening has been etched in his mind, detail by detail.  He had not wasted any time to devour your lips with his, his tongue already entering inside your mouth exploring it while his hands had wrapped up your knees around his waist. Barely giving you time to respond, he had begun caressing down your jaw, moving over to your collarbone where he had kissed those 3 freckles splattered across. You had desperately removed his vest, your touches over his bare skin had felt like fireworks had erupted all over and he wanted to drown in that feeling forever,  he wanted to drown himself in your love. 
When he had finally entered you, in that exact moment, he had felt impeccable, consummated. As if there were no more holes, no more cracks left. The height of ecstasy that he had felt that day had been indescribable.
That night he had finally realised that you were the one for him. 
And after 1 year since that night, he still had self-doubts that you would leave him anytime. He mostly was on missions, and the times when you were together, he always made sure to utilise it to the fullest. He wasn't very good with words, often failed to express how much he had missed you in the time when he was gone, but he knew that you understood him and that was more than okay for him. 
But for this mission had extended for a very long time. For about 6 months, he had to infiltrate the village hidden in the stone and learn about their military strength, the bond between leaf village and stone village wasn't looking very good and war could erupt any moment. It was a duty that Tsunade had personally give him and he couldn't say no to it. 
He knew he had been gone too long. Anything could have conspired in those 6 months. People could fall out of love, and be with someone else. He would not blame you if you broke up with him, only blame himself. He knew he was lacking, that his heart still had too many breaks, that he still suffered from nightmares which disturbed your sleep often, that he wasn't that romantic. It was no wonder that you had stuck with him even after a whole year. 
Suddenly Kakashi remembered something. His house. It was possible that you could be at his house. It was as if through the darkness a ray light had broken through. Immediately disregarding all his tiredness he dashed towards his house, as fast as his legs would take him. 
He opened the door with such force that he marvelled at the fact how the hinges hadn't broken off at the back of his mind. The smell of roasted beef wafted through his nose as a smile etched upon his face, a deep sighing leaving his lips. It was as if a heavyweight had suddenly been lifted off his chest and he was free. He removed his jounin vest and walked about his house towards the dining room. 
A candle was lit on the table along with a covered plate of food and a note. 
Hey Hatake, 
So, if you are reading this right now, it means you have returned from the mission. You must be tired, so I have prepared one of your favourite dishes for you to eat. Just warm it up and have your fill. And if I haven't replied with "Okairi" to your "Tadaima" means that I must have fallen asleep. Sorry for not waiting, your bed is just too comfy and smells too much like someone I love from all my heart. Just eat fast, wash up and then come and wrap yourself around me. And if you aren't reading this that means this would be my breakfast tomorrow. Yummy!!! God, I am so dumb, writing about if you aren't reading this or not. But still, I want to feel you again Kashi. Please come back to me. 
With all the love I could give you, 
Kakashi felt two wet drops fall on the paper as he furiously rubbed his eyes and smiled himself silly. What had he done to receive someone like you in life, he had always wondered. It was as if you had descended from very heaven as an angel sent to look after him. 
He quickly heated the roast and ate until he couldn't eat any more. Then we quietly went to the bathroom to freshen up and then finally stepped into his bedroom to find you snoring softly, your hands wrapped around a pillow. Kakashi's pride soared when he saw you wearing his shirt and someone beneath his stoach clenched and became hard when he saw that you were wearing nothing but his shirt and underwear. 
How on earth could he have doubted an angel like you? 
He quickly made himself comfortable under the covers and wrapped his arm around you, while the other started drawing lazy circles in your back, feather-soft touches that made goosebumps rise across your skin. 
You stirred in your sleep, your arm wounding itself around Kakashi and whispered his name in your sleep. 
"I hope I wake up tomorrow and not find the bed empty again, Kashi," you mumbled. 
Ahhh, just hearing your voice again made all his weariness go away. The deep,  rich timbre of your voice never failed to make his hair stand. He grinned to himself tucking away a piece of stray hair behind your ear and kissed the nape of you neck softy, burying himself in your shoulder and at last he felt as if he was finally home. 
"You won't, I promise," he replied even though he knew that you might have not heard it. 
"I love you Kakashi," you stated as a sigh escaped your mouth and you again fell into a deep sleep. 
It was moments like this which Kakashi truly held dear to his heart. 
"I love you too, will always," he said.
He truly did not deserve you, he thought for the tenth time that day. But you were still here with him and he wouldn't have it any other way. And with that thought, Kakashi ultimately fell into a deep slumber.
"Its good to be home again."
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