#i go feral over mom anastasia
ashpkat · 4 months
dude like.
as a fic writer and AVID fan of mgst stuff I constantly get the urge to just rewrite the whole Golden Tower. all of it. I have several pages of plot points and character changes and endings and whatever I'll randomly begin gargling at during classes
for example, take: mostly canon compliant up until the part Alex was supposed to show up as a fuckin. bitch. and then just don't have him show up.
instead why not invest some more into Anastasia's actual character cause we do NOT get as much from her as I wanted and that woman needs to go full mother rage mode??? maybe have HER be another obstacle, but not in a big final boss battle way. more in a. yeah it's a battle but it's more destabilizing to call than anything and he and Aaron fight n shit and call tries to get Aaron to maybe get a new body and Aaron just doesn't want that. he wants to pass on cause you can't reverse death.
or maybe not even that, there's so much material that you can trust and change to make a more believable solid damn ending
and maybe the golden Tower is just more character resolutions and tying up loose ends and facing everything that's come to a conclusion cleanly, giving call and Tamara space to move on and for the world to be kinder and man there's just SO MUCH that could have been changed. done better.
Alastair lives btw the man didn't deserve his ,,, Devouring (??). poor little mechanic lad.
these were so cracked up on the shot i don't even have my note pages with me but like I COULD SEE MYSELF REWRITING THIS AND AS THE ONLY STILL ACTIVE MGST TUMBLR AND AO3 I JUST NEED TO KNOW
do you see my vision. are we vision together. fix tower gold. it's possible we just need to human up and do it bro (I am talking to myself this is self motivation)
oh boy this was a doozy to decipher through my sleep deprived brain. also i can’t believe i was referred to as the only active magisterium ao3 and tumblr that’s so depressing (assuming that’s what u were doing)
and yes. i see the vision. i like the idea that tgt could’ve been used less as a ‘Cramming Every Single Plot Line We Can Into 250 Pages’ book and more as a way to see character resolution. (like callmara. excuse me but thats a trauma bond when i see one. this is the piper/jason of the mgst fandom except one got a satisfying ending that made sense and the other was a shit show in order to for the mc to have a love interest. tamara didn’t deserve to have her character stripped from her in order to be a love interest. jasper didn’t deserve to have his character growth completely stunted. call was um. call turned into generic mc. Aaron shouldn’t have come back. sigh. love me some Tragic Lovers. calron enthusiast here. i could go on and on)
also aalstair did not deserve to get devoured his ass would NOT sacrifice himself for the magisterium 🤣🤣🤣 his son SURE but nah not the whole magisterium. he would’ve scooped up call and they would’ve changed their names and moved to cuba or some shit idk.
and as an avid anastasia fan / mgst villain enthusiast YES YES YES. i need more crazy mom ana. give me toxic boy mom eliza madden. we could do it. we could team up. team up of the century. avengers assemble idfk i’ve never watched a marvel movie
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my-brain-threw-up · 1 year
König SFW Headcanons
Real name is Elias Beckenbauer.
He’s 29 years old and from the Innsbruck area. His birthday is November 10th, making him a Scorpio.
Has a big extended family, but he is an only child.
His parents are both teachers at a secondary school. His dad teaches biology and his mom teaches literature.
He was raised around tons of younger cousins that are like little siblings to him.
Very close with his grandma on his dad’s side because she used to babysit him a lot.
His family is nominally Catholic, but most are not practicing, including him. Still attends the odd Christmas mass if he’s home for the holidays, mostly to make grandma happy.
Gets his height from his mom’s side. His dad’s family are averagely sized.
His constant growth made him gawky for most of his adolescence.
He didn’t fill out and grow into his height until his very late teens, mostly because he started working out and eating right when he joined the military.
His parents did not initially accept his choice to join the military, wishing he would choose a safer line of work. They relented, though, and are very proud of his accomplishments.
He’s 6'7'' or 201 cm tall. (6'10" is not technically canon, and visually, he looks about the same height as one of my friends who is 6'6" so I rounded up)
Has very dark brown, thick hair.
Used to have long hair as a teen. Shaved it off when he joined the military. Now he lets the top grow out a bit.
Got that 90s heartthrob, Dimitri from Anastasia, middle part going on. Has an undercut to stay cool under his mask.
Freckles and sunburns easily. But he eventually tans once the burn goes away.
Keeps his face clean shaven, finds facial hair too itchy and hot.
Has a scar across the middle of his mouth from accidentally being slashed with a knife during training. The other guy felt really bad.
Had acne as a teen. It's mostly cleared up now but he gets a breakout every so often from stress. Has a few clusters of acne scars on his back.
The front of his hips have some old, faded stretch marks from his extreme growth spurts.
True to form, he's got some serious muscles. Absolute tree trunk legs.
Has kinda crooked teeth. His canines flare out slightly from his other teeth.
Wears predominately simple t-shirt and pants combos in dark colors. He does like jewelry, though. Especially rings that he can fiddle with.
Pierced ears. Wears small silver rings in them when he remembers to.
Favorite color is forest green.
Will listen to most kinds of music, but likes metal and industrial music the most. Rammstein, Type O Negative, Deftones, and KMFDM fan.
Though he doesn’t like regular crowds, he loves concerts. The loud music and the energy of the collective excitement is somewhat regulating for him. It gets his sillies out in a place where it feels acceptable.
He prefers to be in the bleachers instead of the pit, though, since he doesn't want to block the view.
He likes to cook, mostly standard German fare he learned from grandma. Makes a very good Kaiserschmarren, since that was his favorite growing up.
Coffee over tea. Treats himself to a fancy, flavored coffee periodically.
Parents got him into skiing as a child, both downhill and cross-country. Was a member of the ski club at his secondary school. Loved that he could cover his face with goggles and a balaclava. It made him feel protected from people’s eyes.
Got into marksmanship because he wanted to ski a biathlon. He has participated in three so far, getting fourth place as his personal best.
Also tried out ice hockey as a kid, but found that he didn’t like contact sports. Still enjoys watching it, though.
Extras (mostly funny):
Very clean, but couldn't organize to save his life.
Like he doesn't let dirty clothes pile up, but babes definitely lives out of laundry baskets because he forgets to fold it.
Snorts when he laughs.
Extensive mug collection.
*slightly NSFW* Batshit feral sense of humor. Definitely owns the "Don't bully me. I'll cum," t-shirt.
Owns a weighted blanket.
Uses the :3 emoji whenever possible because he thinks it's funny.
Unbeatable at Mario Kart.
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wearethekat · 2 years
Finally, here’s the much-belated writeup of my post-cover reveal “Who is Nona??” poll, as requested by @ace-and-ranty​. (sorry I was extremely busy).
Whose Body??
so! a bold 45% of responders would like to bet that Nona is in Harrow’s body. That cover art sure doesn’t look like her, and that would be suspiciously predictable! but as we don’t seem to have a strong alternative contender, it’s hard to see who else she would be. 
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The best runners-up here are Anastasia, Alecto, and The Body (other), at 20%, 13%, and 9%, respectively. It’s hard to tell what exactly everyone was thinking here, since the current State of the Fandom with regards to Who Is The Body theories is very confused. But it looks like to me that collectively, nearly half of respondents think that Nona is in the Body or a  Body-adjacent body, as it were. If we tallied these all together, we’d be at a respectable 42%, rivalling the Harrowbod voters.
Alas no one seems to think that Nona is in Silas’s body, which is a shame since that was an excellent crack theory. But the other unhinged theories include Wake’s other daughter, Samael, and Mercymorn. You can always count the Locked Tomb fandom to come through with the battiest ideas. I’m also seeing a combined 5% of people who think Nona is no one important, just a random BOE member or defrosted Niner. And 5% of respondents insist against all visual cover evidence that Nona is in Gideon’s body. I wish, but it seems unlikely.
But Who Is Nona???
Here’s where things start to get messy.
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Respondents are almost evenly split between thinking that Nona is Alecto, who’s barely winning at 27%. Right behind her is Anastasia, at 26%, and Gideon at 21%. Which is to say, the fandom at large is confused-- and in fact there were eighteen other answers, mostly write-ins, ranging from “the embodiment of Abigail Pent’s competence” to “nona :).” Thanks, anon, that really clears it up.
So! I think the big takeaway here is that we’re convinced that the Body/Anastasia/Alecto is deeply involved in all this nonsense. if only we had the slightest cohesive fanon theory to how. 
see below the cut for the best of the red-string posterboard shenanigans from the comment section!
Okay so from the whole not burning herself on hot sausages thing we can proooobably assume she's in a Lyctor's body so she automatically heals. Of the logical possibilities, that means either Harrow or Anastasia MAYBE Alecto although Alecto hasn't been confirmed to have that power AFAIK but she was basically impossible to kill so maybe she did. I'm guessing Harrow mostly because if it's not Harrow, then it's weird that Harrow is absent from the epilogue of HTN. But also then I don't know where Harrow and Gideon went because if they're ALL in there it's getting pretty damn crowded, but if they're not then??? idk it would just be weird if the main characters from the past two books weren't in this one. All this bs probably has SOMETHING to do with 'perfect lyctorhood' and Anastasia was supposed to be close to that and i don't know what that means also i feel like the dog having six legs is SOMEHOW related to nona's origins but i don't know how i'm going feral i can't possibly wait until september alternate theory: nona is ur mom lol
Bruh I think we fucked up our soup
I have completely forgotten Silas which oh no now I simply must reread the entire series over again *said like a victorian lady on a fainting couch*
I'm honestly not super confident in my vote. Gideon in Harrow's body seems like the most obvious considering where things ended - Pyrrah being with her, being in a body with yellow eyes and constantly growing hair, a ferrety high forehead face, Camilla trying to see if she likes bones and swords, etc. Plus would explain the ninth there but crossed out in the title. Sometimes the obvious answer is right, like how to me the second person narrative in 2nd book meant it was Gideon then it was. The thing that throws me off is - why would it be hard for Camilla and Pyrrah to know its her?? Palamedes also knew Gideon was in there. So that's why I think it might also be the body or some other soul from the river? Anyway I hope to find some amnesiac Gideon fanfics now
I don't get all this Anastasia stuff. Nothing in the story has suggested to me that she is any more important than she seems. Looking forward to being proved wrong.
is endless screaming a comment? i have lots of endless screaming.
harrow is half-dead, except she's 200 dying souls. bada bing bada BOOM poof you have a miniature RB, smooshed into the conveniently empty body of resident ice bimbo anastasia.
LISTEN. the book takes place over a week and also ten thousand years, according to muir, so nona is likely one of the fishstick-people god put in the freezer for later. like. she gets ice-lollied on thursday and wakes up friday on goth pluto a myriad later with a bunch of dead & dying nuns and she gets some boring basic ninth house name like nona. imagine the peppy YA-tone (which muir says is the realm the book inhabits!) of it all: "me and 200 people woke up on a strange planet! new friends! new emenies! new... lovers?!". cam & the galpals, BOE-aligned, might have picked her up on their way to complete BOE's unfinished quest to pop open the locked tomb. i'm throwing spaghetti at a wall.
The Random Defrosted Niner theory is *chef's kiss*. I love the idea of the fandom going feral trying to figure out what named character is on the cover, and then it's just like some rando
who knows bestie
(ed. ME TOO, anon. ME TOO.)
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har-rison-s · 2 years
this isn't a request but sort of a confession of some sorts. the only people who'd sort of understand and not judge are the people on tumblr.
i have a sort of oc, sort of since she's based on a multitude of marvel characters. her name's emma, emma anastasia frost. and she's wanda and loki's adulterous love child from another universe and future, that's based on the actual earth-616, and she sort of takes the place of jean grey, emma frost and illyana rasputina. but sadly in this universe, wanda and loki are shit parents who caused her so much trauma. they lit-rally hate her because her existence caused both their then current relationships to crumble, even though it was their fault. she's older sister to billy and tommy, and instead of tommy ending up being reincarnated to the shepherd family he ends up in the care of his older sister, and she and wanda end up fighting over it, since tommy loves her more hahaha.
she's a demi-god who's part mutant and part frost giant sooo she's overpowered as SHIT. omega-level telepathy and telekinesis, the literal phoenix force, chaos magic ( after her mom dies she sort of takes up the scarlet witch mantle ), asgardian magic, and sooo much more.
she is married to scott summers, and dated wolverine and that universe's peter parker as a young adult.
she was kidnapped by belasco at the age of six, just like illyana rasputin. her parents didn't even bother to look for her ( she finds that out when she gets older and it's the straw that breaks the camels back ) and learns dark magic and forges the soul sword there. she gets out at age 13 and ends up at the front door charles xavier's sort of newly built school, and she ends becoming his first student and protege. he raises her and she was one of the original x-men.
when she's a little older in her mid thirties, some overpowered ass god decides to try take over the world, kills both the avengers and the x-men ( which included her teenaged daughter ) and she's left with original x-men team. since there's no way to kill this god other than literally erasing their universe from existence, they go on a suicide mission, and she watches her best friends and husband ( which makes her go just absolutely feral, a la wanda like mother like daughter ) die right in front of her eyes. she ends up successfully erasing their universe from existing and has already accepted her fate. but subconsciously ends up doing a spell that catapults her into the mcu and de-ages her so from 35, she's back to the age of 15, and she landed in like new mexico, like her uncle thor.
she then enrolls at midtown high where she meets a younger peter parker, who she doesn't really recognize. but ends up doing so after they become lab partners. and then... idk anymore hahahaha
thanks for letting me geek out and thanks for coming to my ted talk
oooooo thank you for sharing this! this is insanely absorbant and like inclusive of sorts ??? you dare to imagine what i don't have the guts for.
this is so interesting, wow!!! can i visit your brain just for a while to see what's going on there? omg .
and i totally get u, i'm truly one of the most non-judging people ever. you can trust me wit anything because i do not see any point in shaming others about what / who they love, and i hate that people (including me, it's deeprooteDd) feel ashamed about their idols and interests. it SUCKS man but it's our daily life yk it's so deeply rooted into us that we can hardly shake it. but hey! the more you fight against it, embrace all that you love, the better you'll feel abot yourself and those interests that make you feel like a whole person.
thank you for your ted talk. have you considered writing?? like at any point in your life?? cause you're great at all the details and timeline stuff. you should definitely write this. i mena if you want to ! no rpessure.
thank yu againa. love you anon. hope you have a great night!!!! or day!!! or fuckng1!! idk. merry christmas and just happy day if you don't celebrate chrismtas. love you again. sending hugs and support and encouragement <3333
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Hey! Love your blog! Keep doing what you're doing!! I was wondering if you had any fics where Stiles is Derek's anchor and/or Stiles finding out that he is Derek's anchor? Thanks so much!
jayden-nara said:Got any post-season 3 fix-it fics after that scene where Stiles clearly has become Derek's anchor? Preferably longer, but I'll take anything, really.
Yes! (I attempted this three different times! My laptop and then the internet was being a butt.) - Anastasia
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Originally posted by girlmeetssterek
Why You by MellytheHun
(1/1 I 2,696 I Teen)
Chris Argent is still anti-werewolf, Scott has floppy hair and Derek is still an unhelpful Alpha.
Hold On, Hold Tight (make it through another night) by callunavulgari
(1/1 I 2,940 I Teen)
“You feel important,” Derek finally blurts out, the tips of his ears going red the second the words are out of his mouth.
Stiles blinks at him. “What?”
Baby-faced Derek bites his lip again, which is… distracting. “Something is wrong,” he finally says, slowly. “I don’t know what, because none of you are telling me anything—” and ah, there’s a hint of the old Derek. Stiles would recognize that scowl anywhere. “—but I know that everything smells wrong. And that I can’t feel mom anymore. I can’t feel anyone, except for you.”
The Hardest Thing In This World by yodasyoyo
(1/1 I 4,705 I Teen)
Stiles is not a wolf, but he has the heart of one.
After the Hale fire, Derek and Laura go to stay with the Stilinskis, and end up finding more there than they could ever have hoped for
Hermit and the Wildman by Green
(1/1 I 9,428 I Teen)
Since coming into his magic, Stiles lives a life of seclusion deep in the Preserve. Derek comes to him, half-feral and in trouble. Maybe Stiles needs Derek just as much as Derek seems to need him.
Timshel by jsea
(2/2 I 12,569 I Teen)
Derek lets Scott kill Peter for the cure at the end of S1. This is the story of how that choice changes everyone's fate.
"Sir, you should know..." Derek starts to say, then snaps his mouth closed when the Sheriff takes one hand off the steering wheel, and holds it up in a halting gesture.
"You're not a bad kid, Derek."
"I'm a werewolf," Derek says, before he can think about it. For the first time in his life the word feels dirty, like something to be ashamed of. It makes him feel like a little kid again, using a curse word without understanding what it means.
Sparks and shadows by Nival_Vixen
(7/7 I 21,503 I Mature)
Stiles has to figure out a way to maintain a balance between his spark and the darkness inside of him.
hope is the thing with feathers by ShanaStoryteller
(1/1 I 28,959 I Teen)
Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely.
"Then he's facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There's Mr. Hale asleep - he hopes asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that's his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man's chest so he knows he's alive, but he's not waking up.
He shoves away his hood so he can shout, "Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there's a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!" Nothing, he's not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breaths like they're having the most peaceful of rests, and Stiles is going to cry. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"
There's a moment, where all Stiles can hear is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it's all back and both of the men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet. "
Serendipity by mynamjo
(28/28 I 45,141 I Explicit)
Derek moves back to Beacon Hills to open up his new art gallery when he meets a blind boy who won't leave him alone.
You Sleep Alone by defenselesswriter
(14/14 I 54,429 I Mature)
The nemeton brings back the sacrifices...plus one more. One could say there is magic in the air.
Title and chapter titles are from the song You Sleep Alone by Hellogoodbye, my go to writing music.
Just what I wanted: Sterek. by CheekyDoodles
(23/? I 71,261 I Explicit)
What happens after Derek almost kills Stiles? Derek takes responsibility for his actions, growing closer to Stiles each day through interesting circumstances.
Warning: the plot is questionable.
Anything for the Pack: Beginning by Mishteeshim
(25/25 I 73,564 I General)
Everyone in Beacon Hills more inhuman than human knew about the new Hale Pack. If you were tired, they offered respite. If you were hunted, they offered shelter. If you were being followed, they hid your scent.
In Beacon Hills you were under the protection of the Pack, if you followed their rules.
Stiles The Teen Wolf Season One by AkemiAsh
(13/13 I 79,540 I Mature)
What if it hadn't been Scott. What if it'd actually been Stiles who was bitten that night? When the werewolf shoe was on the other foot, Stiles isn't the one supporting anymore, he is the one who needs support, but with Allison Argent capturing Scott's attention, who will support the newly turned werewolf? Sterek Werewolf!Stiles Human!Scott
A Wolf In Wolf's Clothing by alexenglish
(8/8 I 81,835 I Explicit)
The pack of Beacon Hills' past transgressions are about to converge on them, and Derek stumbles out of the forest with no recent memories and straight into a pack he doesn't know, with an alpha and an anchor he can't possibly remember.
The Masks We Wear by vixenviews (alteringviews)
(21/21 I 155,696 I Not Rated)
Three years ago, Stiles left Beacon Hills looking for answers to the magical clusterfuck he'd become. Now he's returned to find that the Alpha has changed, his best friend is a ranking pack member, and Jackson is an emotionally screwed faerie. Yet, Beacon Hills hasn't changed a bit.
Lenara says it's because it was waiting for the last piece on the board to return to its proper position. And even though she's a bit of a pervy gmilf (but seriously how old is she?), she's always right. But it can't ever be as simple as that because Stiles has been hiding behind masks for so long, he isn't sure who he is any longer.
Between Counsel designs, forgotten memories, the unstable barrier, magical catastrophes, and residual insecurities, Stiles, Derek, and the Beacon Pack must come into themselves, their place in Beacon Hills and trust each other if they want to make it out alive.
Curtains back, masks on...Let the show begin.
The Hale Pack by Francey_Pants, Missmusiclover573
(29/? I 236,834 I Teen)
Scott and Stiles weren't separated that night in the woods. Both boys were bitten and turned. With both boys struggling with the change, will things turn out differently? Or end in the same amount of pain and suffering?
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