#i found out that mantis shrimp are actually Really Fast
tanukiimo · 4 months
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i got…inspired by all of the squid miorine and shrimp suletta art on twitter so i made mermaid designs!! here’s squid and (mantis) shrimp mermaid sulemio :o
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got too excited about designs so here’s my brainrot
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shrimp-milf · 2 years
Someone on discord wanted to hear me infodump about mantis shrimp, so I made a lil write up :) Check under the read me for a wild little dive into the world of mantis shrimp!
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Okay so, mantis shrimp are a *very* cool order of shrimp. First off they’re not actually “shrimp” as we know it — they’re stomatopods! Their body is longer and their legs are all aligned much like a millipede. Whereas “regular” shrimp (or caridea) tend to have longer spindly legs that stick out like a spider.
Out of all the animals that fall under the category of shrimp, mantis shrimp are actually the most evolved. And when you see them in person you can really get it. When you watch a very intelligent creature, you can get the impression that they’re watching you back. And that’s what mantis shrimp do. Except when they watch you, they’re seeing wayyyy more than what you’re seeing.
The way that our eyes work is based off two biological structures: rods and cones. The rods detect how bright the light is, and the cones detect color. But what the cones are really detecting is how bright the light is on a specific range on the spectrum of light (such as the red range in the visible spectrum). So what happens when an animal has cone types that can detect light outside of the visible spectrum for humans?
Well okay, this is pretty typical actually in the animal kingdom. But no animal even comes close to the mantis shrimp: they have 16 different types of cones! Which means not only do they see visible light to humans, but also far into the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum. To drive this home: the colors that these shrimp are literally incomprehensible to any other animal including humans. We do not have the physical capability to understand what these shrimp colors truly look like. They have the most advanced eyes in the entire animal kingdom *by far*.
It gets crazier though. Not only do they see incomprehensible shrimp colors, they also have the most advanced eyes that are capable of seeing polarized light. What this means is that they have significantly more light and visual information available to them when hunting and living their life. They also use this specific type of light to communicate with other mantis shrimp (via parts of their body that reflect polarized light) and to hunt more efficiently.
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One other thing: they have 3 pupils per eye. Yeah. Between their two independently moving stalk eyes, they have six fucking pupils. Where humans only have two and are only capable of stereoscopic vision, mantis shrimp have significantly better depth perception. Which can be used for all kinds of terrifying things.
If mantis shrimp are starting to sound like a crazy sci fi alien predator, you’d be right. Mantis shrimp are apex predators on the coral reefs they inhabit! They can reach up to 7 inches long (though most species are only a couple inches long) and they pack a powerful punch. There are two general types of mantis shrimp: those with clubs and those with spears. The mantis shrimp with spears are more common, and they use their sharp dactyls (arms) to stab unsuspecting creatures.
Now the mantis shrimp with clubs are very interesting. They have calcified growths at the end of their dactyls, which they use to either stun or kill their target. They also punch so fast that they cause a cavitation bubble — a bubble in the water where there is a vacuum. This bubble immediately collapses and with incredible force, which serves as an additional impact to the target. Mantis shrimp are also both loved and feared in the aquarium trade for this reason, as they are known to *shatter the glass of their tanks* with their punches. Mantis shrimp are also known to divers as thumbsplitters for this reason.
Despite their aggressive and absolutely batshit insane capabilities, Mantis shrimp tend to live a very solitary life. They crave small enclosed tunnels and burrows, like most other shrimps. They’re known to be commonly found in or around their burrows. Spear type mantis shrimp are more likely to live in sandy burrows, as they can scoop up the sand with their arms and dig up a house. Whereas club type mantis shrimp are more seen in rocky coral burrows, where they use their punches to carve out their burrow inside.
Anyways, that’s about it for this writeup. If you do see a mantis shrimp in the wild, say hi to them from a healthy distance and don’t try to pet them! And if you see them in captivity, look at them through the (probably plexiglass) screen and observe this unique and beautiful animal for yourself. Happy shrimping!
and as always if you have any questions or corrections, just send me an ask or @ me on discord :)
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hippieeloquent · 5 years
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Dietary RestrictionsThinking of Going Vegetarian? This is something that I personally had problems with in my vegetarian diet. Supplements - therefore additives - to a proper diet and physical activity, which we should use when we want to ”lose extra pounds”. While it would be nice to choose where you lose fat, it isn't possible to spot-reduce and just get rid of your belly fat, and there isn't enough evidence to support the use of fat-burning supplements for this purpose. You will also get a money back guarantee of 30 days with Hiprolean XS fat burner. Caffeine is also a potent appetite suppressant for those who find that their ravenous cravings get in the way of their results. If you were to block the absorption of some key nutrients (even though this is an effective way of increasing fat loss) it can easily produce a very negative effect on the body. If this requirement isn't meet, even the best supplements and fat burners will not allow you to lose weight.
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