#i feel the need to repeat that the mongols weren't good ppl bc i dont want peeps to think im justifying their actions
snickiebear · 3 years
i woke up way too early for my preference today because i agreed to do a thing for someone i love that is mostly incompatible with my essential nature (i'm taking what learning i can when i can, but it's mostly me trying to not roll my eyes audibly). but that means i get to jump into your inbox, so.
what are the weird subjects that light your brain up? not necessarily something you want to make a career or speciality out of, but just the topics that you love learning something new about and excite you so much you can't help but share specific details with everyone you meet? the world is so big and vast and unknowable, and i just think it's neat that we can hold little pieces of it in our hands to find magic and excitement and light in.
(also, death to capitalism which seeks to turn all energy and light into labour to grind under the machine of profit. but that's a "i woke up at 6:30 am to listen to some bullshit"!mouse problem.)
(so sorry this is late, my semester started and i am attempting to claw myself out from a pile of academic shit)
"trying to not roll my eyes audibly" is the most hysterical and relatable thing i've ever read omg yeah i feel you. but aaaaaa THANK YOU for jumpin into my inbox :''')))) it's always an immense pleasure to see you :D
also, agreed. fuck capitalism, let us enjoy our silly little things without pushing to make money. enjoyment should not always lead to enrichment, just like things to like em!
i'll trade you, mousey. your turn to share what your Thing(s) are >:D
okay sO
i am such a history nerd, more specifically middle eastern/asian history and historical revolutions (french and haitian are my favorites). even more specific (for asian history) i love the MONGOLS SO MUCH.
first learned about the Mongols in AP World History and i haven't looked back since, i absolutely love them. yeah they were absolute shit people! like the worst! BUT! BUT! THEY WERE SO BADASS.
And they were such good rulers? Like there was no forced conversion to islam, they would basically just conquer and leave the place alone except the people would have to pay a religion tax among other things but thATS IT. like sure they killed over half the population (and uh... do other heinous acts) but other than that the Mongols would sometimes pick up more cultural practices from the place they took over and then brought it elsewhere! which is super cool because the spread and blending of culture is interesting in of itself.
(fun fact: the mongols were also a big part of the spread of the Black Plague lmfao)
AND AND they were the only ones to go into russia IN THE WINTER and come out on top. which is fucking??? AMAZING??
literally had about 100,000 members of their "military" and they basically ruled asia. people heard they were coming and either surrendered right there or well.. uh threw themselves from the windows.
AND AND one thing that made them so successful was their horseback riding. they would ride horses into battle and fuckin trample the enemy (along with utterly slaughter them bc they were RUTHLESS and horrible people)
also wholly enamored with space and literally everything about it. THE UNIVERSE IS EXPANDING MOUSEY. EXPANDING. LIKE?? and wormholes and folding space/time and HOW TIME STOPS AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT? that is literally insane.
like i can't do any of the math for this shit but i will sit there and listen to Neil Tyson and other profs talk about it ALL DAY. like the concept of it all and just everything is so fucking cool to me aaaaaa
dont get me started on aliens because they're out there, there is NO WAY we're the only living beings in this entire universe fuck no. like space is HUGE and we're just this little dot in it!!!!! and that is mind boggling to me like WTF??
and and!!!!! how a star in the sky, that we can see, could have died like years ago and we just?? wouldn't know?? because we're so far away? so basically we might be looking at a graveyard of stars and what's left of their corpses. which is SO FUCKING COOL.
(also thank you for allowing me to go bonkers over this stuff LOL my friends have heard it all countless times and are Bored)
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