#i drew this with my mouse. no i'm not sure why i draw with my mouse so often.
rejectedaffection · 1 year
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not sure how or why but my brain registered the girl's red hair band and immediately thought of chandler
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doubleedgemode · 21 days
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super shitty mspaint doodle to check if I still got it in regards to drawing with just a mouse. The answer is no, and my hand hurts.
She started to run out of hair dye.
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jakeyp · 8 months
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Hey guys!! Here's a tutorial on how to create those little animated doodles for your gifs so that you don't have to look for the exact overlay you want for hours 👍 This tutorial was requested by @fabines :) It's a long process but it's not too difficult, you just need to know the very basics of gif making! The steps are below the cut :)
First we're going to have our gif ready, and make sure you know how many frames it is!! It should preferrably be an even number! (or a divisible number)
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Now we're going to make another gif, which will be the lil animated doodle. Go to file > new or press ctrl+n. Create a new document that's going to be 300x300 px, and we'll make the background black:
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Now we're going to use a brush to paint the doodle! We're gonna set the size to 4px-7px depending on how thick you want it to be (here i used a 4px brush) and the hardness to 100%, and we're going to trace our doodle on a new layer:
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It does not have to be perfect!! It took me a while to get that crown and it looks half assed 😭 if you can use something other than your mouse like a tablet or something i definitely recommend you do it :)
Now we're going to click on "Create Video Timeline":
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Now the bottom of our workspace is gonna look like this:
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We're going to click on those three little boxes on the bottom left to convert to frame animation:
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And there's that! Now for the slightly tricky part.
We're going to set the layer where we drew the doodle to 40% opacity:
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And on a new layer, we're going to trace the same doodle:
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As you can see it doesn't look the same and it's because it doesnt have to be, that's how we're going to make it look animated!
We're going to repeat that process a few times! What i do to not get confused is that for examples when i'm going to draw layer 3 i first make layer 2 invisble, and then for layer 4 i also make layer 3 invisible and so on
My gif here:
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is 40 frames, which means i can make 8 different variations of my doodle and duplicate each 4 times. This is why it's important that you know how many frames your gif is! And it's even much easier if it's an even number.
But what are we going to do to make it look animated? Well, it's all about using the timeline! First, make sure that the frame delay is set to the same as your base gif. I usually set it to 0,05:
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Now our first layer can go back to 100% opacity, since we're going to use it too:
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So this is what we have so far:
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Only layer 1 is visible. So what we're gonna do is click this little plus icon:
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It duplicates our frame. And on our layer section we're going to make layer 1 invisible and instead make layer 2 visible, and you'll notice that now our first two frames correspond to our first two layers:
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And we're going to do the same thing for each layer! Add a new frame, make layer a invisible, make layer b visible, and so on! Here's what my crown looks like after doing this process with my 8 layers:
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As you can see it's too fast, so that's why i'm going to duplicate each frame 4 times, so each variation has 5 frames on the timeline, and that's how we're going to get the same amount of frames as our base gif:
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So once we have our animated doodle it's very easy from here! We're going to click on the bottom left again to convert our frame animation to a video timeline:
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And we're going to select all of our layers (ctrl+alt+a in windows or just go to select > all layers) and convert them to a smart object (right click > convert to smart object):
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So we're going to select our doodle and copy + paste it on top of your base gif, and we're going to set it to lighten or screen, whichever you prefer:
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So now we place our doodle where we want it, make it whatever size we want, rotate it... and we're freaking done!
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I hope at least half of this made sense akdhsk if you have any questions feel free to send an ask! 💙
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fire-lizard-ro · 2 months
Ah yes. I've come to inquire about a certain blond fellow with the pretty eyes. Aventurine
So here's my bit. Reader is going through a break up with Aventurine and then they make up. I'm writing this while attention (females perspective)is playing in my mind. Maybe you could like incorporate it into the ask. Because I'm thinking in a way that the reader is trying to get Aventurines attention whilst keeping him at a distance. Sor of cat and mouse. And he's buying into it though he's much prefer without the sneakiness.
Also I hope this asks finds you in good spirits and a joyful mood. Caio.
Okay, okay- I have no clue what attention is. A song? I’m not good at this game help-
Anyways I will try my best.
Thank you sm for the ask. 🫶
I really do love this twinky little blond man and I’m happy to be writing about him.
It’s like two in the morning rn and I’m rambling here to distract myself from things. ANY!!! WAYS!!!
No gender is mentioned for the reader.
CW: exactly one (1) 2.1 spoiler (Aventurine’s real name- It’s at the very end), break up-make up time, mild angst bc ofc there is it’s Aventurine, hurt/comfort, happy ending hehe 🫶
Writing under the cut (SFW):
You couldn’t help but smile as you saw a certain someone’s nickname flashing across your screen. Right on time.
Though you supposed he knew what you were doing. After all, Aventurine is smart. Even if he didn’t realize it right away, he had to know by now.
You picked up the phone.
“Well hello, stranger. To what do I owe the honor?” It was hard to keep the sly lilt and inflection out of your voice when you knew he was definitely gripping his phone tightly on the other end of the line.
“I’m sure you know, dear. You’re slick but not that slick. You’ll have to do better than that to outplay me,” Aventurine said, his voice still fixed in that unhurried cadence and unbothered tone like usual despite the situation.
You rested your cheek on a hand and leaned back in your seat with a smile. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. In any case, it’s a bit odd of you to call me. After all, we did break up. You remember that, I’m sure.”
You could practically hear the leather of his gloves crunching (is it crunching I forgot-) as he clenched a fist, keeping hold of his restraint.
The two of you had been dancing around each other like cat and mouse. Though at this point, who was the cat and who was the mouse was anyone’s guess.
Despite having gotten to the point of breaking up, you ended up missing him a lot. And thus you began the dance only to find his hand already waiting for you. It was unspoken that you both wanted the same thing. But every time he drew closer, you’d pull back. A frustrating back and forth that seemed to confuse him. Aventurine was sure you wanted him back. And yet you never let the cat finally catch his prey. Why? He didn’t get it.
“Oh sweetheart- Let’s not keep pretending, yes? I know you’ve been trying to catch my attention. You can’t hide your intentions.”
“Seems it’s working, then.”
It was true. You had been doing things to keep Aventurine’s eyes on you. Despite playing a game of keep away with him with how you’d draw him in and push him away, you didn’t want him looking at anyone else. At the same time, you weren’t sure if you’d truly be willing to get together again. What if the train went off the tracks again? The first time had been rough enough with the two of you waging a passive aggressive war and pointedly ignoring each other at some points.
And thus, this odd little game of yours. One that Aventurine was growing tired of it he had finally called you.
“Let’s talk in person, shall we?” “What-?”
A knock at the door. No fucking way- You opened the door to see your favorite the blond man himself.
“Hiya, darling dearest~”
“No need to be like that. I was serious about that talk.” He then pulled a bouquet of your favorite flowers out from behind his back. “For you,” Aventurine said with that stupid charming smirk of his. You squinted at him for a moment before accepting the flowers with a huff and a faux annoyed, “Fine.”
You were a bit conflicted. You were excited that he was here. Especially because he seemed desperate enough to actually seek you out and talk to you in person. But at the same time this was not something you calculated or expected to happen.
“I know you’re glad to see me. You don’t have to pretend,” he practically purred as you shot a glare over your shoulder, still keeping up appearances. “Oh but of course- I’m absolutely just tickled pink.”
Aventurine chuckled, tipping his head down to look at you over his shades, lids low and eyes practically glowing. “You always did have a way with words, sweetheart.”
He then took off the sunglasses (and oh that was another stupid, dorky little thing about him you found oddly endearing- shades inside a building- stupid silly adorable man-) and plopped down on your couch while you put the flowers down on the counter in the kitchen. You’d deal with them later. For now you had him to deal with. You sat in the chair instead of the couch. He pouted playfully about it, but didn’t comment. “I’ll cut to the chase- I want you back. And I know you want me back, too. I just can’t figure out why you’re leading me closer and then shoving me away. I’m starting to get the feeling you just like my attention. But even so- We both know the truth. So why don’t you just give in, lovely? I know you want to,” he said, surprisingly not using the old song and dance of leading someone around to get the information he wanted. He didn’t talk in circles and didn’t even seem all that flirty despite his words. He was… oddly serious.
“And what about the reason we broke up before?” You didn’t even try to pretend anymore. Aventurine has always been able to see right through you. That ability had clearly not gone anywhere. “I can’t make promises, but we can talk. We’ll work something out. I’ll even compromise on it.” Compromise was not an Aventurine word. Any deals he made were made in his favor without the other person even knowing what they were going to lose. Your incredulity must have been showing on your face more than you thought because he laughed lightly, the sound somehow dry- tired and heavy. “I see that look. I’m serious, baby. I’m sorry I ever let you go. You’re the only one who stayed. The only one who has stuck around. I need you. I’ll give it all to you. My attention, my trust, my… my heart, even. You don’t have to play these games to make me want you.”
Now you feel a bit guilty. But at the same time, elated. Even before you broke up, he never once brought up matters of trust and love. He seemed far too uncomfortable even edging around the topic. But now Aventurine was the first one to bring it up.
You said nothing but silently stood. And his eyes dimmed, waiting for disappointment. But then you walked over and sat next to him, pulling him into a hug. “I missed you, Aven.”
He let out a shaky sigh and wrapped you up in his embrace, arms tight around you.
“You should tell me, ‘I missed you, Kakavasha,’” he (Kakavasha?) said, his voice was shaky with emotion.
“I… I missed you, Kakavasha.”
“And I love you, sweetheart.”
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inverseautotroph · 8 months
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Uploaded Feb 22, 2020
"What... is that?" "Hehe, like it? Thinkin' I'm holding our elusive little pantry thief! Trying to catch it was a bit of a struggle but courtesy of one of your hairbands, I doubt it's going anywhere quickly." "It... I'm not seeing things right? He kind of looks like a..." "Very, very, tiny little human? No, Maryam, that seems to be exactly what I'm holding. Or at least, looks like one. What do you think the chances are it's like, a toy robot or just a REALLY weird mouse?" "If... if he's the one sneaking into our cupboards, I doubt he's a doll, and the signs he was leaving behind were a little too careful to be a mouse I think. Have you tried just... asking him?" "Course I did! But the only response I get is a bunch of tiny squeaks that only almost sound like words. And anyway, there's still the chance it could try lying to me, even if it could talk with human words. Ain't that right little guy?" "God this is so weird, I... swear he looks like my college ex..." "Who, the little brat that treated you like garbage for a year and then ghosted out of nowhere?" "Well! I mean he wasn't. Always bad... but yes, that one. How did you remember--" "Looook that's not important right now. The important thing is that we're going to keep it, and so I'm handing this thing off to you!" "P-pardon??" "Oh, you think I should just throw it out or squish it? No judgement, I can do it right now, here--" "No no nonono wait no! Do not do that, please! I just meant why are you giving i-- giving him... to me?" "Well, I sure can't take care of something like this, it'd probably be dead in a day or two! Plus, I know you well enough, I figured you'd get the most enjoyment out of it, hehehe~" "I... don't know how to feel about the way you said that, but... Alright. I don't. Want you to throw him out or something." "Perfect! Well, here you go, I gotta get going somewhere I'll be back later tonight now byyyye~" ---- Drew this and the story kind of tumbled out of it. Drawing this was fun, I don't know if I got the makeshift hairband rope looking how I wanted to, but that's fine. Maybe I will draw these three again some day, but for now, hope you like it~
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bosskie · 5 months
Practicing Molluck
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Last night, I had an urge to draw Molluck with traditional art supplies since I have felt like drawing some traditional art for some days. This is basically a sketch practice thing again. I felt like drawing him from an 'unusual' perspective for practice reasons.
Last time I drew a pencil portrait of Molluck like this was about 2½ years ago:
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I'm kinda just getting tired of drawing with a computer mouse and I feel like I enjoy doing traditional art the most, even I have done it rarely during the recent years. The main reason why I haven't done more traditional art is my self-hatred since I have felt like I'm just gonna waste those art supplies for drawing/painting some trash.
Man, I got so many art supplies to try out and it would be nice to have a challenge where I draw the same thing with different art supplies; I did such a thing in high school with five different supplies for the art course. Oh, and I really wanna do a Molluck statue to myself, like a lil golden bust, like the one on his blimp!
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This is just such a nice little detail we can barely even see. I mean, I would love to take a much closer look at that bust!
But yeah, my point was that after all, I feel like I don't enjoy doing digital art so much. I used to like drawing with the mouse and that's the main reason why I have kept drawing with it but over the time I have just seen better and better how it restricts me and that's why I feel like I do draw better traditionally than digitally even I have drawn mainly digital stuff for a decade. Maybe one day I try out some proper digital art supplies but I don't know if it's truly my thing. I just feel like I can also draw more precisely when I do traditional stuff.
But yes, both medias have their own pros and cons but I do enjoy doing traditional art more. Man, sometimes I think about painting a huge portrait about Molluck... I bet that Molluck would love it too! I just kinda love it that Gluks love their own faces so much. And I also just would find it fun to paint a portrait and frame it like it was something that Molluck would have hanging on his wall. I just agree with him that he is such a beautiful Gluk and I just cannot get enough of him...
I have started yet another digital practice thing but not sure if I finish it, or I more like might redo it. It's quite a WIP to me but I can show an edited one:
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I guess that you can get it why I chose those colours (It's the logo!). I know that some spots don't look right but it feels like it would be easier to draw this traditionally, so this is what I mean with redoing this. I also haven't used reference to this one like to the those pencil sketches since I kinda wanted to practice building 'a mental 3D model' of Molluck. Yeah, practicing drawing Molluck over and over again feels like precising my mental image of him. Drawing him both without and with a reference is a part of that.
Oh, and I remember loving drawing on a black paper with colour pencils, so I would like to draw something like this traditionally. I'm still not stopping digital stuff and I got some digital WIPs to finish but I would just like to focus more on traditional art. Just screw this self-hatred; I'm gonna use those art supplies!
I do hope that this 'art year' is gonna be better than the previous one. I really need to draw more to improve and get these ideas out of my head... Yeah, even I have been drawing mainly Molluck for 2½ years, I feel like I still have a lot to learn about drawing him.
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violetvelourr · 10 months
How long I have been doing art
People occasionally ask me how long I’ve been drawing and that question gets me utterly confused 😅 um, probably since I remember myself?.. 😅
First of all, big reveal. I’m old. Much older than you probably ever guessed. Because I’ve been doing digital art since 2003, and I was not exactly a toddler at that point, he-he. Don’t ask me my age though – I’m still a lady and I consider it impolite 🤭 but that might actually answer the questions of many teenagers why I don’t particularly interact much 🙈
So anyways, now we have settled my “art career” span. But saying “I began doing digital art in 2003” – well… I don’t want to do that, because people will be like, “whoa, 20 years”?! And will freak out at such a prospect – 20 years to get to my level, which is, frankly speaking, far from professional. Not to mention that before digital art I also drew traditionally quite a bit.
But the main reason is because “doing digital art since 2003” does not equal “for 20 years”.
How about we revisit these years and look closer at my digital art journey? I can’t promise that I will recall everything 100% accurately, but I’ll do my best.
So around 2003-2004 I tried drawing in Photoshop for the first time. It was an image of a lion, and to be honest, to this day I’m hella proud of myself.
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Yes, first attempt. Yes, I drew with a freaking mouse!
My second piece from the same year span is the “Dancer”. oh yes, the remakable hepatitis skin tone 🙈
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To be honest, I don’t recall having a drawing tablet that long ago, I'm quite sure I got it only in 2008, but looking at it, despite its flaws, I can hardly believe I drew that using a mouse… I’m not sure, it’s a mystery. The Lion was definitely a mouse artwork.
From thereon I abandoned digital art for a while due to studying, then work, and finally online RPGs…
In 2008 I posted my first digital WIP after a 5 year break.
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Oh my gosh... Remind me to never try realism again, clearly not my thing 🙈
I think I was trying to draw an avatar for myself, which doesn’t exactly justify drawing a woman aged probably around 40 🙈 I was not that old!! As far as I can see from my journal, that artwork crashed and only this snippet of it was what I had left. I think it’s for the good. I ended up commissioning the avatar from a proper artist, ha-ha…
Over the span of 2 months I posted 5 more digital art pieces, none of them ever completed actually 🙈 And yes, behold how ugly they are...
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My ambitions were growing faster than my skills were improving. The piece with the couple with that naked girl is my special pain because I even attended a digital art course by an amazing artist I was really looking up to back then – Anry – to try and finish this piece, but I failed miserably. I was the only person in that course (5 day 12hr/day intense course) out of 15 people who came “just for fun” – the rest were pursuing a professional digital illustrator career.
This is what I left off with after that course.
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In this collage you see on the left what I came with, the middle – what the teacher did after I explained my concept, and on the right – my attempt to take the piece to its final form. But I could never accept that the base was made for me and not by me...
It still grips my heart when I look at it because it was one of my greatest fails. I think that to die peacefully, I need to finish this artwork 😆 If anyone is curious about the story behind this artwork, I’ll post it separately.
Anyway, as I said, I didn’t reach my goal, was hugely disappointed in myself and dropped digital art in April 2008.
However, I came back 1.5 years later, in November 2009, when I got into anime 😂
I think that’s also when I first tried Paint Tool SAI. Up until March 2012, I uploaded roughly 20+/- digital artworks/WIPs. The quality was a bit inconsistent, but I was beginning to get the hang of it a bit, finally. Here are some of them (yeah, the span of the mood is extraordinary):
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So, in 2.5 years – merely 20 artworks. Just to compare, in 2022 alone I made 75+ artworks, which doesn’t even include animations and stuff I considered to not be proper artworks.
So, my last artwork from that period was in March 2012 (the one with the winged dude blocking the way for the girl), after which I abandoned digital art again, for good this time. I actually thought - forever, to be honest.
I’m not sure what happened then. I guess I just lost my motivation, got over my fictional crushes, was depressed and not happy with myself…
Problem is that in reality, I don’t have any imagination at all. Part of the reason why I always suspected that despite being quite decent in drawing, I would never succeed as an artist, so I could only say that my dream was to draw for Disney. But I knew I never would. And I knew I can’t do original art. Fan arts – yes, subject to being highly inspired, a feeling similar to a crush. I was too dependent on the mood. But even so… my artworks never were particularly fancy or original, I admit it.
Part of the reason why I’m also so sensitive about AI now. I see people actually living my dream, and I'm so happy for them. Working as illustrators, having an income from what they create... And that is being stolen from them now. That’s why I will probably never accept AI.
Ugh, turned off the subject…
Anyway, as I said, I abandoned art in 2012 and only picked it back up in October 2021 because of Kakashi. 😆
If my math is correct, that’s a 9.5 year break. I have been going non-stop since October 2021, so I would say that my ongoing artistic journey lasts for almost 2 years now. The previous 2-year period with 20 artworks – I’m not really sure about the value of that. The previous 7 digital artworks – even more so.
If I had to sum up my entire digital art journey, – I would say it is around 5–6 years, but in reality probably won’t add up even to 3 years, because the 3 years adding up from a bit of 2003, a bit of 2008 and bits of 2009-2012 had me produce only around 30 artworks, a majority of which were never even completed.
My main progress happened between 2021 and now, so in the last 2 years. And to be honest, I understand that if I am to continue - this is only the beginning...
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mochibuni · 5 months
Watching the Cosmos films, my thoughts under the cut.
It's a lot of all caps. And lack of grammar because I gave up at some point.
some important things: wedding scene is after the end credits, so don't miss it!
the cgi is a little egregious in a distracting way
i'm only seven minutes in and i can't handle how cute their every day lives are someone help me
i like the little pink gradient they added to usagi's eyes
I prefer Usagi's original engagement ring. These new sailor crystals look great though.
and chibs is just gone bye
OMG MOUSE UHM that was fast. poor girl i wanted to see her do a little bit more, she really is just the cutest
"why haven't you sent me any letters? i'm going to be angry!" YEAH MAMORU, WHY HAVE YOU LET DEATH STOP YOU.
interesting that they used "sailor soldiers" instead of "sailor guardians."
...mina is so great with children looooooooooooooooooool
"it's my business or not if i have ugly handwriting"
michiru is truly a blessing in this high school setting
i really love everything about this galaxia, her voice is really great. also i just love the aesthetic naoko gave her, in general i love the aesthetic in the manga but oh my god is it so hard to draw.
bahahah rei mad about mina talking about getting a boyfriend JUST DATE ALREADY
oh my god that mid scream cut off of mina and rei was so good and awful
"i only trust girls" yup
seeing hotaru get into her little bubble to go to her moms and i know she isn't going to make it choked me up a bit
so far the stars arc works pretty well for a film, not at the half point yet though
"trash can't become a star" I LOVE HER
outer castle bus tour
chibs has a really cute new transformation I'M NOT BITTER HOTARU'S STILL SUCKS
i really felt a big pang when the starlights died, i'm not sure if that's nostalgia talking or not
it was so nice seeing chibs and the quartet in action
FUCKING PUT THE CATS BACK i swear to god if they stay dead in crystal
"i can tell she's not my daughter, she has too much bullshit power like my mom"
oh they were cowards about kakyuu's death GIVE US THE ACTUAL STAB THROUGH THE BACK
getting to the evil sailors part and i think this really solidifies how much this art style doesn't suit the aesthetic of this arc at all. it was pretty apparent with a lot of the shadow galactica villains, but zero sagitarius is such an elegant and foreboding place and this anime shoujo style doesn't translate it well at all. i know i've complained about the art change in crystal a lot, and i do think the movies are miles above the 3rd season and sometimes cosmos looks really fantastic, but yeah i'll stop here before i get way too negative
part of galaxia's backstory here reminds me of the rose bride witch, at least visually with the sword piercings.
"neither of us can keep fighting, all the sailor guardians have disappeared" GEE I WONDER WHY THEY DID, GALAXIA.
just knowing it's keiko's voice teared me up a little
usagi flying with all the sailor crystals begging for help really spoke to me, it's really so perfect
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glittergummy · 1 year
🌼Artist Ask meme!🌼
🖍️ When did you start drawing? Do you remember?  
a lot of artists put 'when i was born' and yeah i suppose that's true, everyone does art at some point in their life and it's encouraged at a super young age for the most part
but if we're talking when i actually wanted to work at drawing consistently then that would be may 2013, the year and month i made my deviantART account
i had my mom order a tablet and for the few days until it arrived i drew on the dA on-site drawing program and ms paint with a mouse, and when it arrived that's when i started making friends online and went on dA everyday to post drawings about whatever i was into, all done on ms paint :)
also if we're talking young artists art for me, i happened to love to draw t-rexes, dragons, and sharks. those were a recurring theme in my crayon drawings
🙃 Which is easier: faces facing left, right, or front view?
definitely 3/4's to the left, which i'm sure a ton of artists do, cause you want to do depth and make it look cool but then side views and front views tend to look wonky without much practice
i find side-views to be the hardest and sometimes i sorta cheese perspective and just call it good enough, not 100% sure why it's hard but might be lack of practice
depends on the subject, but drawing the nose and eye placement is so difficult compared to front or 3/4's
📚 How many layers do you typically use?
depends, as always lol, but basically if we're talking flat color finished, about 40 - this is because i make a new layer almost every new part on the sketch or lineart so i can erase without having to be precise, and no i don't name the layers so it gets confusing and i have to keep hiding and unhiding them to figure out which one i'm on but it seems to help if i suddenly made a decision to change something without having to painstakingly erase a whole part of the sketch/lineart
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whatchamarkallit · 1 year
What got you started to pursue drawing? What methods did you use to learn?
I never really stopped drawing from when I could first hold crayons, but I only really started to try "a style" when I was in the 5th grade. it was a BAD style mind you but it was what I drew for my friends when we would talk about anime during class asdfghj
I guess from there I started getting "serious" about art when I got my first laptop? I would make stuff in MSpaint and tbh I did a lot of stuff using bases and tracing. It was not great but I was like 12/13 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When I stopped using bases I did NOT have a very good handle on anatomy so what i made was uuuuhhhhhh
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like this. Still using MSpaint and a mouse. tbh I'm really impressed with what I managed to do during that phase in art because i managed some semi-impressive things? like managing this:
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when you don't have layers is impressive to me. In like 2013 i was given my first art tablet (a hand me down that wound up shorting my laptop and Murdering its usb outlets because it was just that old and had fucked up wiring) and started using firealpaca.
One thing i really regret as an adult is not watching more art tutorials as a kid? And the ones I watched were by people who uuuu *probably shouldn't have been teaching others yet* but like it was also the early 2010's and there were not nearly as many free art resources as there are today! Like, these were the days when it was a heinous offense to "steal someone's technique" when people didn't share how they drew and never gave advice on how to accomplish or learn art things. If you weren't buying art books or classes, you were pretty out of luck.
but i sort of just brute forced it and refused to do my school work, so i spent all of my time either playing TF2 or drawing!
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I have no idea why i was obsessed with using pixel line art with airbrushed colors but that sure was my art style at like. 16.
I never learned anatomy or did any studies and you could REALLY TELL like. good god the torsos were miles long and the heads were way too big. I got bullied a lot for my art and it sucked but also god i can see why sdfghj
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THANKFULLY my art got better with practice, but honestly? If I had done more actual studies and tried to learn instead of just doing the same stuff over and over. In the end I only actually got better at art when I made friends with other artists who I wanted to impress. Like, I grew as an artist because I wanted to be able to make art for them that would make them go "Oh wow!"
Though other sources of inspiration also helped! Dream Daddy was really inspiring to me when it came out because the art style scratched my brain in suuuuuch a good way! Like my art went from the image on the left to the one on the right over about a month or so because I just focused on it so much
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ofc it's not perfect or anything but it was so cool that i could draw something "that good" at the time asdfghj
At this point I actually started watching art tutorials and actually doing studies, as well as just being determined to get very good at drawing hands because a douchenozzle of a guy at college looked in my sketchbook and said i drew them badly. That's why they're one of the easiest things for me to draw now!
So i reckon the TLDR on my methods are
Boar headed determination
Desire to impress artists who were better than me
Seeing something cool and going "Oh i wanna try that"
Spite of wanting to make it so Teddy (fuck you theodore) could never say shit about how I drew hands ever again
Honestly the really harsh criticism/bullying I got from my peers probably helped me grow as an artist, and it made me really good at listening to real critiques, but I will never do that to someone else because it's just so yucky asdfghjk
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aspensfairylight · 2 years
A meal
tw : vampirism and blood drinking
characters : vampire!Narcissa x reader
rundown : The lady of the manor draws you in, what seems like a start of a romance isn't what it seems.
requesting status : open but slow
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The air in the manor felt cold, dead and still, the place was well taken care of, despite it's years. Still, you lingered. Uninvited in a strange manor. Something drew you here though, and the open door made up your mind. Fear stung your heart, you were breaking the law, you knew you shouldn't be here, this wasn't your home. You couldn't explain why you felt drawn to this place. You wanted to leave. Needed to leave. But you couldn't.
Your legs continued to carry you through the manor, the musky scent of the place carried a faint ting of flowers- lavender, mixed with something metallic, blood perhaps? You didn't know where your legs were taking you, but you didn't make them stop. The manor felt still as you wandered through, you felt a gae on you- a gaze that made you shiver.
You weren't alone.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves, what drew you here? This place was far from abandoned, but felt oddly empty. Not even a mouse dared to stir in this house of horrors. Here you were, unknowngly falling into the womans trap. How many others have wandered these halls to their doom? Fallen prey to her.
Still, you walked, sound of your footsteps ringing through the manor.
Something touched your arm, and violently you turned around, greeted with an empty space. But how? You could have sworn a gentle hand ran along your arm. You shook it off. Perhaps it was just youe mind playing tickes on you.
You took a deep breath and continued your unknown journey.
Your footsteps clicked as your legs carried you. Your legs carried you to a room, a living room lathered with expensive fabrics and decorations. You spotted a fire place with a painting sitting ontop. The painting held a middle aged couple with a young boy proudly sitting between them. All three had light blonde hair, all three held a proud and regal posture. Yet there was only one that you focused on.
The blonde woman.
In the dim light, she looked powerful, unforgiving and almost cruel. Yet she looked beautiful, and your heart pounded against your chest at the very sight of her.
"I seem to have an intruder," a soft hum of a womans voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you turned to look at her with wide eyes.
There she sat, back tall and proud, lips pulled into a tight smirk. Fuck. Your heart raced with fear, you weren't supposed to be here, and it seems you have stumbled to the lady of the manor. You opened your mouth to speak, but she spoke before you.
"I don't mind visitors, please, sit Dove." The woman in the painting said sweetly as she gestured to the couch across from her. Slowly, you made your way to it, taking a seat across from the woman. "I don't mind those that stumble inside, it is quite cold out, I can understand why you'd stumble away from the cold."
Her voice was like a song being strung from the finest of strings, and you felt your mouth grow dry. "I'm sorry, I really am!" You quickly said, worried that she'd get you in trouble for you wandering in.
The woman's face changed, a look of sympathy lacing her features as she saw your fear. The woman moved to get up, slowly walking to you and carefully sitting next to you. Her body pointed to you, and the scent of lavender and blood overfilled your senses.
"I have no desire to get you in trouble Dove. I promise." She assured you, a hand gently moving to take yours. You flinched at how cold her hand was, almost as cold as a corpse. "My name's Narcissa, there's no need to be afraid." Her voice was calming, and you nodded at the words, relaxing a little bit now. The woman was beautiful, and you were transfixed on her beauty.
You took in a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves.
Narcissa seemed to be transfixed on you. You were surely transfixed on her. "Tell me, Dove, do you think I'm pretty?"
You were taken back by her words, did you hear her right? The words made you examine her more, diving further into her beauty. She was a beautiful woman though, and the more you studied her, the more you thought so.
Hesitantly, you nodded at the words. However, it wasn't enough for the lady of the manor. "Words Dove." Was that an order? It made you fluster no matter what it was.
"Yes- I think you are very pretty," that still wasn't the right way to describe her. She was far more than just very pretty. She was a goddess crafted from the finest strings of silk, crafted with the most talented hands. Narcissa was a goddess walking amongst mortals.
The words seemed to please her, and you noticed her leaning closer, not much, but enough to be noticble. "Do you want to kiss me?" She seemed amused, it seemed like she was trying to rope you into a trap, but you didn't care. When offered the sweet nector of a goddess, who were you to deny? Besides, you craved the feeling of those soft lips against yours, you craved to know her taste.
Softly you nodded, "yes," you soft croaked out to the woman, transfixed on her.
The woman leaned closer, giving you room to leave, giving you room to close the space. And you did. You pressed your lips quickly against hers, leaning into the pleasent taste of her. Blood and strawberries filled your senses, why'd she taste of blood?
The taste didn't make you pull away.
Instead, you continued the kiss, craving more of the sweet goddess, she pulled away from the kiss and you whined out, a whine that stopped once her lips met your neck. Soft kisses and bites were littered your skin, till two sharp fangs dug into your neck.
"Ow!" You cried out, the pain stinging through you, you squirmed as she started draining you of your blood till you fell limp.
"Such a tasty meal, dove!"
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sushigirlali · 4 years
If You Don't Love Me, Lie To My Face - Part I (Reylo Fanfic)
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Part I | Part II | Part III | Epilogue 
Summary: Grifter!Rey helps U.S. Senator Leia Organa's son, Ben Solo, out of a jam when a couple of muggers invade her turf. Afterward, she debates robbing the rich American herself, but can she protect her heart while stealing his?
Pairing: Rey + Ben Solo | Finn + Poe Dameron
Rating: E
Continuity: Modern AU
A/N: For the first time ever, I’ve actually written most of the story before I started posting! I think it will be way less stressful since I don’t have to “keep up” with updates. New chapters will be posted each Friday. Enjoy!
Master list –> AO3 | ff.net | Tumblr
If You Don't Love Me, Lie To My Face - Part I
By: sushigirlali
Kennington, London
There are moments in life that make you question everything that came before. A look from a stranger, an incident at your job, a terrible movie... things Rey Niima was usually able to push past without pause, but tonight, she was finding it extremely difficult to ignore the feeling that her life was about to change forever.
"Hey, give us your wallet!" A pair of brawlers had cornered a man at the mouth of a nearby alley, drawing Rey's attention as soon as she stepped out the back door of her favorite pub, The Black Prince.
"Excuse me?" the would-be victim responded indignantly. His voice was deep with an American lilt, his stature intimidating.
Did these fools really think they could steal from a man like that? But then, not all criminals were as intelligent as her.
"You heard me! I want your wallet!"
Rey hung back from the potentially violent situation unfolding before her, sizing up the assailants. Their outfits were all black, including the ski masks covering their faces, but she couldn't see any identifying marks or gang affiliations. "Must be lone wolves," she thought.
There was something familiar about the tall one doing the talking, but she couldn't place them. It probably didn't matter, though, because the redwood with the nice accent looked like he could take the both of them with one hand tied behind his broad back.
Still, for some reason, she was finding it hard to walk the other way. Definitely not because the man was the most striking person she had ever seen. No, it had to be due to the fact that these bums were causing a ruckus on her turf. At least, that's what she kept telling herself, frozen to the spot as she was.
"Listen, I just got done volunteering at a shelter all day and just want to get home. Please allow me to leave unmolested."
"Volunteering at a shelter?" she muttered under her breath. "Well, fuck. But it's not your business, don't get involved." Rey was turning around to go back inside the pub when the sound of a gun cocking drew her up short.
"Don't make me repeat myself again, pretty boy."
"Whoa, hey, there's no need for that!"
"Then empty your pockets! Now!"
"No," he said crossly. "Put that thing away before somebody gets hurt."
"Dammit," Rey groaned, retrieving the silver baton clipped to her belt. Sometimes, she really hated having a conscience; in her line of work, it was a real liability.
"Hey, get your hands off me!"
"Oh, for fuck's sake," she growled, resolutely stalking toward the turbulent scene. "Oi! You lot!"
The big guy and his sidekick paused to look in her direction. "What?" the leader said in a surprisingly feminine voice.
"Not a guy," Rey mused. "Based on your absolutely abominable bullying technique, I don't think you're getting that guy's wallet any time this century, so why don't you just leave him alone and move along."
"Excuse me?" the woman said threateningly.
"I'm sorry, did I stutter?"
"You move along, little mouse, this doesn't concern you!" the shorter guy spat.
"You do know who's neighborhood this is, don't you?" Rey said tauntingly.
"Yeah?" the first one said dismissively. "So what."
"So, knock it off! We don't need the fuzz coming down here because some hooligans are roughing up a foreigner."
"Hooligans?! And who the fuck are you?"
"Me?" Rey sneered, flicking the baton out to the side so that it extended into a long poll. "I'm no one."
"Phas," the skinny guy said nervously, obviously recognizing her at last, "we should go."
Rey had never been so proud of her reputation as a grifter who was just as likely to steal an expensive piece of art from the peerage in an elaborate heist as kick a thug's ass in the street.
"But the boss—"
"He'll understand."
"Fine. But don't think this is over!" the woman yelled before running off with her companion.
"Well," the American said slowly, "that was an experience I never wish to repeat again." He smiled at her. "Thank you," he said sincerely.
"You're welcome," Rey replied gruffly, still riding high on adrenaline. "Do you always walk around by yourself at night in a city not your own?"
"Do you always save unsuspecting passersby from thieves?" he retorted.
Her phone went off, but she didn't answer it. Up close, the man was even more attractive than she had initially thought. "Suit looks expensive, too… and is that a Breitling?" Perhaps it was her lucky night after all. "Only if they're handsome," she said smoothly.
"Oh, uh…" he flushed at her compliment.
"Hmm… not the reaction I expected." It was kind of refreshing, though. "Sorry, I—ugh, one sec," she said as her cell went off again. "My brother," she explained, checking the caller ID. "I have to take this or he'll just keep phoning until I pick up."
The man shrugged, "No problem, I'll just wait over here." He stepped up onto the curb and walked a few paces away.
Rey nodded and lifted the phone to her ear. "What?" she said shortly.
"Who's the stiff?" Finn asked without preamble.
"Right," he huffed. "Are you working him?"
"Undecided, stop pushing."
"Whatever you say, Rey. Just be careful."
"I will. Where are you anyway?" she said, humored by his tough older sibling act.
"Hanging outside the pub, just around the corner. Why? You need me?" Finn teased.
"No, I'll catch you later. Don't wait up." She ended the conversation before he could respond and stuffed the phone into her back pocket. "Sorry about that, uh…?"
"Ben," the stranger supplied, moving closer again. "Ben Solo."
"I'm Rey," she said, holding out a hand.
Ben's lips quirked and he gave her a firm handshake, his huge hand dwarfing hers. Rey felt a shiver run up her spine at the brief contact, but she shook it off.
"So, what's that for?" he indicated the weapon still in her hand. "Joining the circus?"
"No," she grinned, "it's a bo staff. I use it for self defense."
"And the defense of others," he said warmly.
"On occasion." She folded the bo staff back into a baton before reattaching it to her belt.
"Can I get you a drink?" he nodded toward the pub. "To say thank you?"
"I was actually on my way home before I… bumped into you."
"I could… walk you home? If you want." He didn't sound desperate, but it was a near thing.
"I'm not from around here," she said evasively. She couldn't really bring him back to her base of operations, which was only a few blocks down the street, but she didn't want to stop talking to him either. "What a dilemma."
"No? Where are you from then?"
"Okay… Well, I promise I'm not a pervert or a serial killer or anything," he said earnestly, "so you can come back to my hotel with me if you want. It's late and I'd hate for anything to happen to you."
She crossed her arms. "Because I'm a woman?"
"Hey, I'm 6'3" and double your weight and I almost got jumped like ten minutes ago," he reminded her. "It can happen to anyone."
"Fair enough," she allowed, lowering her defenses. "Still…"
"I can call my security detail if you want verification that I'm not a psycho," he offered. "I'd just like the opportunity to get to know the woman who saved my hide."
Rey's interest sharpened. "That's sweet, but uh… security detail?"
"Yeah," he said nonchalantly. "My mother is a U.S. Senator. I'm in town on her behalf. She was supposed to come herself, but her re-election campaign is heating up and she couldn't spare the time."
"You disapprove," she said perceptively.
Ben's dark brows shot up. "Yeah, actually. You a mind reader, Rey from nowhere?"
"Something like that," she smirked. "I prefer the term grifter."
"Grifter?" he said curiously. "What does that mean, exactly?"
"Oh, you know," Rey winked for effect, assuming the privileged American was about to run in the opposite direction, "I swindle rich people out of their valuables by preying on their weaknesses. Basically, I'm a professional bad guy."
Ben looked hopelessly confused by her explanation. "But you just helped me."
"Well, sometimes I like to help out the little guy." Rey looked him over. "Little big guys too."
"Like Robin Hood?" he said, disarming her with a crooked smile.
"What? I wouldn't say I'm—I'm a hero or anything," she stuttered.
"Well, you're my hero," he said smoothly, holding out a hand. "That's my driver pulling up over there, in the black Jag. Join me? Please?"
"I… okay," she agreed, placing her hand in his, "but just for a little while." This time, she couldn't ignore the shiver.
Alarm bells should be going off in her head, but Rey felt perfectly comfortable with her new companion. It was odd, considering her trust issues, but Ben didn't seem to be only interested in her looks. And she knew she looked good tonight, her dark leather leggings were basically painted on and her lacy bra was visible through a mostly sheer black tank top. Add on her subtle smoky makeup and half-up hair style that emphasized her cheek bones and...
She loved the way he said her name, almost like a caress. "Yes?"
"Are you hungry? I haven't had dinner yet."
"Oh, sure," she said, never one to give up a free meal. Though she did kinda wish something else was on the menu… "What is wrong with you? You just met the man! Note to self: masturbate more."
"Chinese okay?"
Her mouth watered. "Perfect."
"What do you like?"
"Besides you?" she said without thinking. "Uh, I mean—anything, really. Noodles, if they have them."
Ben let her comment pass, but he was beaming. "I like noodles too. Maybe some kind of chicken? Orange?"
"Excellent," she seconded.
"You're easy," he said, but then caught himself, looking horrified. "I mean to order food for, not—"
"It's okay," she laughed, patting his thigh. "I know what you meant."
"Sorry, I haven't done this in a long time," he said sheepishly, catching her hand before she could remove it.
"Gone on a date."
"Oh." Was this a date? Rey couldn't remember the last time she had been on one. Pretty much anytime she'd been alone with a man not her brother in the past ten years it was because she intended to rob them.
"Not that this has to be a date," he said quickly, releasing her hand. "Sorry, I keep saying stupid things."
Dammit, but he was cute. "You don't have to keep apologizing," she replied lightly. "Let's just have dinner and talk and see where that takes us." Maybe the night would lead to some fun extracurricular activities, maybe not, but at least she'd be able to case his place. Based on what she knew so far, the guy definitely came from old money. "Just keep reminding yourself that he's potentially a mark, not a boyfriend, Rey."
"Sure," he smiled, looking relieved. "Hey, Poe?" he said to the driver. "Can you pick up some food after dropping us at the hotel? We're starving."
Ben fumbled a little opening the door, but quickly recovered and ushered Rey inside with a gallant sweep of his arm. The hotel was nice, but not extravagant, something she found odd for the son of a U.S. Senator. Then again, he had apparently been helping out at a shelter all day, so maybe he really was as down to earth as he seemed.
"The bathroom is through there if you need it," he pointed toward the bedroom.
"I'm fine, thanks."
"Okay, I'm just going to grab a quick shower. Poe should be back within the hour, so make yourself at home."
"Can I join you?" she was tempted to say. "Sure, I'll just watch the telly."
Ben nodded and left the room. A few seconds later, Rey heard the water start. Flipping on the TV, she left it on the cartoon channel before having a look around.
There weren't any expensive electronics or pieces of art in plain sight, so Rey could only assume that anything valuable would be in his room. "Oh, well, nothing gained, nothing lost. Better update Finn, though."
Yanking her cell out, Rey sent a quick text to her brother with Ben's name, the hotel's address, and a couple sentences about the modest state of his living room. He answered her almost immediately, sounding concerned.
Finn: Are you sure about this bloke? If you're not there to rob him, I assume that means you're interested in something else?
Rey: Yes? Maybe? I don't know. We just met, but…
Finn: At least text me later, okay? So I don't have to worry
Rey: I will. Love you 3
Finn: Love you too, peanut
Finn: ...check the room safe if you get a chance. Those types of hotels always have them and you never know what might be inside ;)
Rolling her eyes, but knowing he was right, Rey listened for a moment. It sounded like Ben was still in the shower, so she took the opportunity to pop into the bedroom and search his closet. A standard issue hotel safe was at the back, surrounded by some very nice black suits.
It wouldn't have been hard to crack the safe if she had her gear, but her heart wouldn't have been in it even if she did. She didn't want to rob Ben Solo, which was a first. Still, she did appreciate a challenge...
"Did you need something?"
Rey whipped around to see her host in nothing but a low slung white towel. "No, I—uh…"
"Would you like something to change into?" he inquired kindly.
Unable to respond with his magnificent chest and long thighs on display, Rey just shook her head in the negative. His brow creased and she felt like a kid who had been caught snooping for Christmas presents. "Shit, shit, shit, I've totally blown it!" Backtracking to the living room, she wasn't surprised when he followed. "What should I do? Oh, god, I don't want him to think…"
"Rey, what you said earlier… about being a… what did you call it? A grifter? Are you—mmph!" he started, unable to complete his thought as Rey impulsively reached up to kiss him.
But instead of pushing her away and demanding an answer, Ben threaded his fingers through her hair and dragged her closer. Taking his response as permission, Rey wrapped her arms around his waist, gripping his bare back as the kiss went on and on.
Somehow, they ended up next to the couch. Rey pushed Ben into a sitting position and climbed onto his lap, rubbing her clothed core against the tent in his towel. "Rey," he whispered, lips trailing down to her neck, "Rey, I want you."
"Yes," she responded as he reached for her waistband. Coming up on her knees, she growled when he yanked her leggings and underwear down her hips with one forceful tug. Things were getting out of control, going too far too fast, but she didn't care; she wanted him too. "Help me," she demanded, legs trapped by the constricting garments.
"I've got you," he huffed, reaching behind her to unzip her black combat boots and pull her pants the rest of the way off.
Meanwhile, Rey tore her top and bralette over her head before going to work on the towel barely covering his lap. "Wow!" she blew out a breath, zeroing in on his ardent erection when it was uncovered. He was big, maybe bigger than anyone she'd ever been with. Would he fit?
"Fuck," Ben sighed, sitting back to stare at her body, "you're beautiful, Rey."
Feeling weirdly shy about the sincerity in his sinful voice, Rey kissed him again in lieu of a response, reaching between them to spread herself for entry.
"Wait," he said, gasping for air, "what about protection?"
"Implant," she mumbled, rubbing her slit against the tip of his penis. "I'm clean, are you?"
"Yeah, I haven't—oh, god—uh, done it in a while."
"Good." She felt strangely possessive of him, this man she had just met. It pleased her that he didn't sleep around. "Fuck me, then. Raw."
Ben slammed his mouth down on hers again, positioning his dick with one hand and gripping her left buttock with the other. But he didn't ram himself home, instead he teased her hole, sliding only a fraction of the way in before retreating. He did it over and over, mimicking the action with his tongue until she was incoherent with desire, squirming, imploring him to fill her…
And then he was, and she found that he fit very well inside her indeed. His thick cock seemed to be made for her, hitting all the right spots and ones she hadn't even known existed until now. "Ben!" she cried, furiously pumping her hips in time with his thrusts. "This is—you're—"
"I feel it too!" he returned, palming her breast and teasing her erect nipple. "From the first moment I saw you, I—"
She licked his mouth, begging for entrance, not wanting to hear his sweet words even as they made her heart soar. He opened for her, but was obviously frustrated that she had cut off his declaration. Before she knew it, the hand squeezing her ass drew back and lightly smacked against her butt-cheek.
"Oh!" Rey jolted at the slight sting, but it wasn't in pain. On the contrary, she requested, "Again! Ben, do that again, please! I'm—"
Knock, knock.
"Oh, shit, Poe's at the—"
"Don't you fucking dare, Ben Solo," she growled, bouncing up and down on him with renewed vigor. But the driver started knocking harder, likely because of the guttural sounds erupting from Ben's throat. "Come on, man, can't you tell we're busy?!"
"But—shit!" Ben hauled her against him, no longer playing, just looking for relief before his friend broke the door down.
Rey found his soft grunts and swears endearing, so she took pity on him and increased her pace even further. "Come for me, Ben," she instructed, grinding down on him with all her might. "Come now and then we can eat. Or you can eat me, whichever you prefer."
The dirty talk seemed to work, because in the next minute, Ben was biting down on her shoulder, shaking with the force of his orgasm. Not far behind, Rey led his hand to her swollen nub, needing just a hair more stimulation to tip over the edge. Almost instantly, his trembling touch sent her into climax. Still vaguely aware of what's-his-name banging on the hotel room door, she pressed her mouth to Ben's pectoral to muffle her cries and came for what felt like ages…
"That—was—amazing," Ben panted, hugging her so tightly she thought she might pop. "The—best—I've—ever—had!"
"Me—too," she couldn't help but admit.
Loosening his hold, Ben cupped her cheeks and kissed her softly. "Thank you."
"Ah—you're welcome," she said, smiling like an idiot. Before she could lean in again, Poe resumed making his presence known.
"Ben? Are you okay? Answer me! Did that woman kill you? Your mother will be so pissed if you're dead." He hit the door again. "Either answer me in the next ten seconds or I'm going to get security!"
"I'm fine, great, alive, whatever!" Ben called back loudly. "And annoyed," he said to Rey. "Go into the bedroom for a minute while I get rid of him."
"Okay," she agreed, gingerly getting up. They both groaned when he slipped out of her, which Rey found gratifying. "Can I use the shower now?"
"Sure, there are towels under the sink. My sleep shirts are in the top drawer of the dresser," he offered.
"He wants me to spend the night?" she mused, feeling giddy and terrified all at once. "Alright," she said aloud, picking up her clothes and disappearing into the bedroom she'd been casing earlier, "call out if you need backup."
"Will do," he chuckled, "will do."
Ten minutes later, Rey emerged from the bathroom feeling fresh and back in control. Picking a long sleeve shirt out of Ben's dresser at random, she pulled it over her naked body before toweling off her wet hair. The black cotton was as soft as it was big, but Rey didn't mind; it smelled like Ben.
Catching her reflection in the floor length mirror by the closet, she was amused to see that the garment fell to her knees like a sack, giving her already slender body exactly zero shape. "Oh, well, it's not like I plan on wearing it lon—"
A disturbance in the living room suddenly diverted her reverie. Sneaking to the door, she carefully cracked it and peaked out.
"You can't just keep her here!" Poe nearly shouted at Ben.
"Keep your fucking voice down," he snarled back. "You're not my boss or my mother and you can't tell me what to do. I'm a grown ass man!"
"Maybe so, but you're acting like a teenager! You can't just sleep with some chick you picked up off the side of the road when Leia is counting on you to—"
"I told you," Ben said through gritted teeth, "she saved my ass and I wanted to get to know her. I didn't hire her for the fucking night!"
"Could have fooled me," Poe scoffed. "For all you know, she could have been in on the attack and—"
"Get out!" Ben ordered, clearly at his wit's end. "I'll call you when you're needed again, if you are."
"Are you firing me?!"
"Not yet," Ben said grimly, marching to the door and flinging it open. "Just go before I forget that you're my best friend and say something I regret."
"Fine," Poe said, storming out of the apartment. "Let me know when you come to your senses!"
Ben slammed the door shut, then turned around and leaned on it. Scurrying back into the bathroom before he caught her eavesdropping, she started combing her hair, attempting to look natural in case he came in after her. When he didn't, she tried not to feel disappointed.
Leaving her damp hair hanging loose around her shoulders, Rey found him sitting at the dining table in his towel with several brown paper bags in front of him. He looked lost in thought and she hoped he hadn't taken Poe's opinion about her motives to heart. "Wotcher, Ben?" she asked hesitantly.
"Hmm?" he said, looking up at her. "Sorry, I was just...uh…" The arrested look on his face made her toes curl. "Wow, you look amazing."
"This old thing?" she joked, sidling up next to him. "I borrowed it from a mate."
"He has good taste," he said, opening his arms.
"I certainly think so," she said coyly, moving to sit sideways on his lap. Rey curled one arm around his neck and placed the other one on his chest. "Are you still hungry?"
"For food?" he choked, holding her so that she wouldn't slide off.
"Food," she nodded, leaning her forehead against his, "and other things."
One of Ben's large hands inserted itself between her thighs. "These kinds of things?" he murmured. "I think we can—fuck!" he bit his lip as he discovered that she wasn't wearing anything underneath his shirt.
"We can certainly fuck," she teased, "but—oh!" Rey gasped as he stood with her in his strong arms. "Ben? What are you…?"
Before she could get the words out, he'd pushed their dinner out of the way and laid her down on the table. Placing the backs of her knees in the crook of each arm, Ben pulled her forward until her butt was on the edge of the table and her pussy was level with his mouth.
"Having dinner," he said in the most ridiculously sexy tone of voice she'd ever heard, flipping his nightshirt up so that she was bare from the waist down.
"Oh, god!" she whimpered as he lowered his head. "Ben, you don't really have to—ah!" Gripping the back of his head as he started to lick her folds, Rey shuddered every time his long nose bumped against her clit.
"Enjoying yourself?" he said a little arrogantly. "Is this why you came home with me? Cause you wanted me to make you feel good?"
Considering how very well he was treating her, and the uncertainty on his face, she decided to play along. "Yes, Ben, I wanted you the second I saw you!"
He smiled slightly, then resumed tasting her. "So, does that mean you want to come?"
"That would be lovely," she sighed, enjoying the pressure of his wide mouth.
His mouth quirked at that. "Never heard sex described that way before."
"Then you're doing it with the wrong people."
"Oh?" his gaze turned hot. "And how many people have you been doing it with?"
"Not many," she said hurriedly, "and not in a long time."
"Good girl," he said silkily. "So, if I were to put my fingers inside you, would your cunt feel… full?"
"Yes!" she panted, so wet she was dripping onto the table now.
"Let's see then."
Arching her back as he slid two fingers inside her body, Rey realized that she had never really known sexual satisfaction until tonight. She was twenty-five and still basically knew nothing about sex and relationships. "Huh."
Ben stopped moving, lifting his dark head to look at her. "Rey? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah," she said dreamily. "I guess I've just never felt this way before."
He held her eyes for an extended moment, amber striking against hazel. "Yeah, me too." And then he was fingering her again, sucking and teasing her slick opening until she was crying out his name in ecstasy.
Afterward, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind them. Needless to say, they skipped dinner that night.
Rey grunted as she felt Ben leave the bed the next morning. He had been her heater since the sheets and pillows were strewn about the room. "Come back," she said hoarsely, throat worn from use. "I'm cold."
"Just a moment," he laughed, opening the bedroom door to fetch something from the living room. "Your cell has been going off for an hour straight."
"My cell?" she yawned. Then, "Oh, no." She sat bolt upright. "Wait! Don't—"
"Rey?" Ben called in disbelief. "Who the fuck is Finn?"
A/N: I love Kingsman and always think about Rey being a punk with a heart of gold like Eggsy. I didn't include the spy angle, but I was able to visit The Black Prince, where scenes were filled for the movie, a couple years ago and have fond memories. Anyway, reviews are appreciated! <3 
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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It's a little sad we didn't get to go couch shopping today but it was an excellent day and I got a lot accomplished for moving. I slept okay. D&D last night ended not too late. And me and James went to bed. We woke up around 8:30 and he was very tired. But I had more energy and I really wanted to get some stuff accomplished since he was going to work. He made us breakfast and I got dressed. And then once we had eaten we packed up a whole bunch of stuff in the kitchen. I worked on stuff in the bathroom and we kind of made a game plan. I would go over to the new apartment after walking him to work. I would buy some clearance markers that are my favorite kind of brush pen and go work for a few hours to get the place ready for being moved into tomorrow.
So we packed and around 10:30 ish we left. Got over to darts or and every night for the clearance section. Talked a couple of James co-workers. And I bought like 15 Mercury. They're really nice and all the colors are very pretty. Actually might go back and buy a couple more because there was some thinks that I didn't get. And they're like 75% off if not more. And I want to try to start drawing more so this was a very good like serendipitous thing to happen.
I left James there and hoped he had a good day at work. And I biked over to the new place. Still having trouble with my key in the front door. I think I've kind of figured out the way you have to put it in and turn as you pull out to get it to do it. I'm going to have to ask Vistaril. Because it makes me crazy. I'm always afraid of me to break my key in the lock.
The event was pretty dirty. I'm going to admit that. The floors were really gross and the Cowboys disgusting. I turn the air conditioning really hot. I don't know why I was so overheated but I was very uncomfortable. Once I cool down I walk around the apartment and just made notes of things that I want to address. The window in the bathroom is painted shut the bedroom doesn't have a screen in the window. The hallway window is also painted shut. And I also wasn't sure if we had a medicine cabinet. And it turns out we do but it's painted shut I was able to pry off the bottom part and I can tell it opens but the top part I just couldn't get leverage on. I'm hoping if I get like a claw hammer or something I'll be able to pull it off. We'll see. I'm has terrified and excited that something cool inside of it. Or like just a dead mouse.
I have first Dustin a whole bunch. Trying to get on top list of stuff and just make sure it wasn't filthy. I dry Swiffer and all the florist. Took like four Swiffer pads because it was really dirty. The room I'm going to be using as my studio I think with someone else's Studio before because the floor was real dirty and I think it was charcoal. And once I finish that I took a break and I sprayed the bathroom down with Clorox. That ended up not working as well as I was hoping it was and later in the day I went to Rite Aid to buy a stronger bathtub cleaner. Because my God the top was dirty. The whole bathroom was dirty but the tub specifically was filthy. Very scummy. I spent a good two hours today scrubbing the tub. But it finally feels clean and I'm hoping to keep it that way.
I went through with the four wet Swiffer pads I had. But I'm going to have to buy more. I was able to get me apartments for pretty clean though. I still think I'm going to go over it after all the stuff's in and then it'll just kind of be what it is but it did take a lot.
I also put googly eyes on the microwave and the fridge. But the one googly are on the fridge won't stay on so I'm going to have to get some tape. But it looks very funny. I hope Mr will gets a kick out of it when he comes to install the microwave.
I did a lot of cleaning though. The tub took so much time and I was very exhausted. Halfway through the day I walked over to the grocery store and the Rite Aid and checked out the hardware store. I am going to have to go to the hardware store to get bolts to fix my desk and I want to get like a latch lock for the bathroom because the door doesn't stay closed and just other weird odds and ends. Had a snack and hung out in front of the air conditioner. I drew in my notebook for a little while and I was there until about 2:30 or 3. It was a good long day over there. But I'm really excited. It's such a nice space and I can't wait to have all of our stuff in it and just be decorating into making it really really beautiful. And really really us.
Oh and I left there I was pretty tired but I decided to explore the neighborhood just a little bit. I found the coffee shop and I went to the park to see what that was like. There's a flower garden over there. I think it used to be a dog run but now it has a sign that says no dogs allowed. Makes me think of no dogs in the dog park. Made me laugh. And then I came back here to the studio.
I got back here and I heated up some of the Chipotle from yesterday and made a burrito. Went through the fridge and threw out some stuff that we didn't need and had gone bad. We have like two bottles of sriracha going right now. And like a 75000 hot sauces that I've never seen James use at all. But it's fine. We'll get everything organized. The new fridge is a lot better space-wise I think bull be able to use and get rid of a little bit more effectively.
I decided to dye my hair. I used the blue and Sapphire died that I bought at Sally Beauty the other guy. I used most of the two tubes and just absolutely tried to saturate my hair as much as I could. Rinsing it out took absolutely forever but I think I got most of it. I might have to wash my hair again tomorrow but that's okay. It'll be at the new place. The one good thing about renting my hair in the tub here at the studio was that the tub was filthy and it let me see where the soap scum was easier. So it was easy to clean off.
Once the temples clean I took a bath and then I got out and I've been hanging out with sweet pea. James should be heading home from work soon. I might ask you to stop and pick up sandwiches. I don't have a lot of things that we can use to cook anything right now. But that's fine. We'll figure it out.
Tomorrow is official Moving Day. We are going to be getting a U-Haul and moving all my stuff from the garage and as much stuff from over here as James and his friends can handle. I will be at the BMI twerking. I think that's probably for the best because I'm not that strong and I feel like I might just be in the way. So what will happen was I'll come to the new place when I'm done work and I will organize and start putting things away where they're supposed to go. And hoping that around then they will be finishing up bringing stuff in. But we'll see. I just don't want to do it all exhaust themselves and I'm hoping that because James is good at managing people it'll all go smoothly and easily.
I always use a kind of bothering me right now so I'm going to go eyedrops in and I'm just going to hang out. James is supposed to be bringing back some more boxes and I'm hoping that we can get most of if not all of the stuff that we need to tonight. So that he can just grab it tomorrow. I want him to have to come back here to pick up stuff in his parents car as little as possible because parking in front of this building is impossible. So wish us luck. Good night everyone. Have fun tomorrow.
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Hi, any advice about drawing from inspiration and not from reference? I've been practicing watching tutorials and copying from real life but I've noticed that I can just draw this way and I see it imposible to draw once I remove the object I'm trying to draw (I don't know if I'm explaining myself properly) But every time I try to draw for example a hand (without an image of an actual hand) I just draw a bunch of nonsense lines but if I copy my own hand it turns well drawn
I can’t give you any advice how to draw without references. But I can give you the advice that it’s not bad to draw with references. Never feel bad about using references. This is what we do! This is what every artist does! And this is what every artist has done since the dawn of time.
We are surrounded by things and we draw what we see!If you draw the same things for a long time, over and over again…over several years…you don’t need refs for those things anymore. It’s a matter of practice and how you have branded those lines and shapes into your brain. But it comes with time and practice. And even after drawing for years and ages there will still be things you are not used to draw and you will need references again. And this is alright.You don’t need to have those things in your head! Don’t make your mind go crazy by trying to remember everything.
Take familiar icons or characters, things we have all seen and know and try to imagine them and describe them. Are you able to name all features of Mickey Mouse or Spongebob? Are you able to draw the Coca Cola lettering from scratch without looking at it again. Can you do it? I bet not. Cause even though we have seen those things many times we haven’t memorized all the lines and features. No one expects you to!So why should you be able to draw the human body, different poses and features by heart?
Just for fun I did the Spongebob thing.I drew Spongebob without having any reference at all. I haven’t watched Spongebob in years and I have never drawn him before. And even though I have a vague image of him in mind I have really NO IDEA how to draw him. After I finished this I looked at a Spongebob picture for some seconds and tried again with the things I remembered. I’m still off.Then I took a picture of him as a reference and drew what I saw.
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Sure, the next time I draw him I might remember some things…even without a reference I won’t forget his teeth the next time (as I did here the first time) But as long as I don’t draw Spongebob regularly I won’t be able to just draw him without a reference.
We can learn and memorize tricks. On how anatomy works or how we can use lines to help us with perspective. Tutorials and practice things help! And sure after time we will memorize things and won’t need references for everything anymore. But there will always be things we have to look up. Be it looking at our own hands or posing in front of a mirror to see how a certain pose works, or taking pictures and looking up stock photos or how others have done it before. We are surrounded by things and we draw what we see! We are not blind and all we see is a reference! Never feel ashamed for using them!
Ever since artist have used references and have tried to find ways to make drawing easier
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Look at those renaissance dudes using raster and ropes to get their reference/model right!How do you think the Mona Lisa was done?!
Don’t let anyone tell you references are bad!Keep going and keep drawing! And things will come with time! All the best for you!
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