#i dont like wren bc shes not jude :
me before tsh: i don't know i dont rlly like sequels bc the characters from the og story are barely ever in the spin-offs and i never like the new characters :/
me after tsh: talented brilliant incredible amazing show stopping spectacular--
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eerna · 2 months
My theory of why tpt is such a letdown is because HB had others ideas but the editor probably didnt like it and she had to change the book in the last moment,in a interview shes asked if some caracters from others series will apear and she says yes but they dont,EVERYONE WAS PUSHING THE WHOLE JURDAN VILLAINS and they used for marketing.They were to many gramatical mistakes and the book was to short,also im sorry to give you the news but holly told in one interviews that she plans to write a jurdan focused story again so probably we dont get Nicasia saphic story:(I loved the whole idea of to feel love is to feel known but i whised more from oak and wren interaction(i admit oak pining after wren was so funny and cute)Im going to be honest if the undersea story is from jurdan pov im not going to read it i love them but they story was already told,they already have they caracter arcs,The undersea book should be in the pov of somoane who has tides with that place(i will prefer to be in the pov of nicasia love intrest fighting for her hand and to be a woman)WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO NARATE????
Bro that's why I am leaving place for speculation bc it really DID feel like it took a sudden left turn into "what the people want" in a way that wasn't originally intended. Maybe by that HB meant we get to see Roiben and Kaye in the Lake of Masks, but I doubt it... And the whole villain thing? Jude wasn't even that horrible to Wren, she was very judgemental but ultimately listened to Oak right up until the final 50 pages. I too thought that it was a very nice that the point of the story was that you can't be loved without being known, I just wish we got more time with them and some kind of a breakthrough moment where Wren understands it, too.
And bro... in my Goodreads review I literally said I was terrified that she'd make the Undersea story about Jurdan... I mean. If that happens I am still gonna read it bc it's Jurdan. But I will be very annoyed. Like fr, why would I care what JUDE AND CARDAN have to say about a contest where the winner gets to marry Nicasia!!!!!!!! C'mon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna know how Nicasia feels about the fact that people keep going out of their way to avoid marrying her and then the only ones interested are in it for the title bc she is that much of an unbearably annoying bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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austenwazright · 1 year
The stolen heir review- this may contain spoilers
So, I just finished reading the stolen heir and I cannot say how happy I was to go back to Elfhame and see those characters- tho I have to admit it was a bummer to not see jude and cardan- Madoc didn't change a thing but I loved Oak, the way he's doing everything in his power(being very stupid and reckless) to protect his family just melts my stupid heart.
But now to the story, I liked it a lot and I'll totally wait for the next book biting my nails but I didn't think it was as good as the first three books. I totally called the plot twist in this one so I wasn't shocked like I was in the others what didn't make it as fun to read, and I didn't find that the plot was good enough to drop everything and not stop reading and I think it's bc I just couldn't connect with Wren the way I did with Jude, when I was reading my girl's story I would totally agree and be by her side the whole time and the fact that i don't feel the same about Suren may have gotten in the way, it's not that i dont like her or that she's not a good character it's just that it wouldn't be as thrilling to see her acting even when she had her big get to power moment i was to busy disagreeing with what she was doing to enjoy it.
Anyway, the book is great, I know y'all will read it and love it, and in here we stan Tiernan, so if you don't like him or is thinking about throwing your shady judgment on my kid we'll have words
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eerna · 1 month
After i looked closer i realised that the editor was sleeping the whole tsh duology.Since tsh there was a messed up timeline wren will say that she was ten during tqn and then eleven when holly confirmed in 2020 that oak was canonically eight in tqn and then in tpt oak says"ten years in her reign"they werent even ten years since cardan got to power and wren sayng that she lived almost 2 years in tct doesnt make sense when she told us that they took her when cardan got to power,beetwen cardan coronation and tqn there are only eleven months definetly not almost two years.In tpt oak thinks that dain is the one who posioned liriope when in tsh oak says"at dains ORDERS she got poisoned".Oriana having wings after there was a whole speech about how she doesnt.In tsh the merrow sayng that the queen and her doughter have problems and then in tpt everyone sayng QUEEN Nicasia,i dont think Nicasia got a doughter in whatever years have passed.Cardan being suprised about the geas when in TWK theres a whole scene when he test her to see if she has a geas.In tsh there was a line that got repeteadet and that bothered me a lot.The amount of times oak says "Nonthless".The gramatical errors in tpt💀.Somoane needs to ger her a new editor asap!.Also there was someone who pointed that in TWK jude will complain about the salty water while she pretendet that she was glamored but we know that salt stops the glamour.I could say some thinghs a out tqn but i think there are just minors errors compared with what happened with tsh and tpt.
LOLLLL RIGHT!!!! Yes I love these books to bits. Yes I clown on how badly edited they are. The duality!!!
(I gotta say I think the saltiness of the sea is different and I sort of like it bc realistically the sea fae shouldn't be capable of doing any magic at all since they are constantly inhaling and exhaling salt through their gills)
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