#i dont even know if the math is rigth. this might be 180
dogtoling · 2 years
180 Splatoon OC Questions!
hi. So i made a bunch of questions to help develop mine and other people’s OCs i guess. these come in several tiers based (roughly) on how much you’ve already developed an OC, but in reality it’s a pick-and-choose thing,
NOTE: these are mostly applicable to cephalopod OCs. But if you pick and choose they’re fine for literally any OC, I guess. Most of them are gonna be under the cut!
Surface (Basics, Tier 0)
1. What is their full name? Do they like it?
2. Do they have any nicknames, and where do they come from?
3. OC species and special notes
4. What time of day is your OC usually active? Are they diurnal or nocturnal or maybe in-between?
5. Any particular reason for their schedule? Biological clock? Work?
6. Living situation; where do they live? How did they end up there?
7. Do they take part in ink battles? What kind and how often?
8. Favorite weapon class and why? 
9. Main tentacle color? How did they pick it?
10. Any hobbies? Where did they begin?
11. What do their hobbies mean to them?
12. Favorite type of music? 
13. Any favorite bands or idols they look up to?
14. Are they acrobatic? In-game turf war movement qualifies. 
15. What is their main weapon? How did they pick it, and is it customized?
16. Languages they speak? Any that they’ve learned or want to learn?
17. What is THE THING that they’re recognized as being good at by others?
18. Are they more positive or negative? How does it show?
19. Their BEST FRIEND, if they ABSOLUTELY had to choose one? 
20. What size are they? Are they average size for their species or not?
21. What is their relationship to ink battling? Is it a hobby, profession or just a sport?
22. Do they have an ego? Or perhaps a lack of?
23. Do they have a daily routine? Do they enjoy it?
24. What would their Splashtag title be?
25. What is something they REALLY invest in?
26. Are they temperamental? 
27. How are/were their teen years?
28. How did they do in school? Did they like it or were they a professional class skipper?
29. What’s a situation that would make them cry? Do they cry easily?
30. Are they easily amused?
Sunlight Zone (Tier 1)
1. Any pets? Do they want any?
2. How social are they?
3. What is the inside of their house like?
4. Any peculiar decoration preferences?
5. Main source of income? How is their money situation?
6. Any job? Do they want one? If they have one, what do they think of it? 
7. Everyday skill they’re unexpectedly good at
8. Everyday skill they DO NOT have
9. Any weapons they struggle to use and why?
10. How much does it take to trigger their Special Rush state? Do they get pumped fast?
11. Are they a good Super Jumper? Do they land their jumps?
12. Weapons they wish they could use but can’t? Why? 
13. Favorite clothing style? Do they care about comfort or looks?
14. Do they have a favorite clothing brand?
15. Their favorite way to listen to music? Headphones, radio, et cetera
16. Favorite kind of food? Do they like fresh foods or prefer fried?
17. Can they cook, and how do they prefer to?
18. Do they care for fruit or vegetables?
19. Any food they REALLY don’t care for?
20. How many friends do they have? Do they make surface-level friends or deeper bonds?
21. Do they ever make art? What kind and why?
22. Are they expressive? How?
23. Can they drive? When did they learn or are they going to?
24. What’s their usual role in conversations? Are they a listener or a talker?
25. How do they handle crowds or groups of people?
26. Are they good at reading between the lines? Or totally clueless?
27. Do they drink coffee? Or alcohol?
28. Anything they have too much of?
29. What are their priorities?
30. What kind of body type do they have? Are they strong, or are they frail?
Twilight Zone (Tier 2)
1. Dream house? Is it likely to happen?
2. Dream job? Are they working towards it? Do they even know?
3. Favorite subject at school? Any effect on modern day?
4. Are they prone to holding grudges? Any petty opinions that they still stick to?
5. Any phobias? 
6. How are their tentacles styled? Why?
7. Preferred way of transportation; train, car, bike etc.
8. Any details about their appearance that they’ve put a lot of thought into?
9. Do they Super Jump outside of Turf Wars?
10. How often are they in swim form? How does it feel to them?
11. Have they heard of Grizzco? Have they worked there and how much? 
12. How do they sleep? How much do they usually need to sleep?
13. What weapon did they start with? Have they changed their main over time?
14. Any particular Turf War skill they are good or bad at? Do they have good aim, for example, or are they really fast at swinging a brush?
15. Favorite time of year? Why?
16. What is their sexual/romantic orientation? How did they come to a conclusion?
17. Are they in a relationship? Do they want to be?
18. Any past relationships? Why did they end?
19. What do they order at a café if they go?
20. Are they prone to arguing? Or do they settle?
21. Do they travel? Do they want to, and where?
22. Have they had injuries in the past? What happened?
23. Are they open about their thoughts or do they keep to themself? 
24. Do they keep up with news or the media? 
25. Do they play any games? What kind and when?
26. Do they care about “being fresh”? Have they ever cared and how did it show?
27. Any body modifications they have or want to get? What’s the story behind them?
28. Can they play any instruments? How did they get started?
29. Any iconic ways of speech that they have? 
30. Do they swear?
Midnight Zone (Tier 3)
1. Opinion on Splatfests; any that they’ve been part of or remember fondly? Or bad memories, even?
2. How and where did they grow up? What was their family like?
3. Any siblings? How is their relationship?
4. Childhood habits or hobbies that stuck?
5. Do they have good ties to their family? 
6. Any found family or “school”?
7. Have they ever Krakened before? 
8. How do they feel about being splatted? Are they used to it or is it agonizing?
9. Are they sensitive to violence? Or totally desensitized? Does it depend on the context?
10. Something they feel is extraordinary about themself?
11. Something other people see in them that they don’t really see?
12. What kind of neighbors do they have? Do they get along?
13. Fight-or-flight response? Which one do they usually default to?
14. Any specific goals they have in life?
15. Any prominent interests? How do they show?
16. How do they celebrate Squidmas? Or do they celebrate Octivus?
17. Where do they shop? How often do they go to the store and what do they usually buy?
18. If they could be any other species, would they? And what would they be?
19. How is their vision? 
20. How do they handle stressful situations? Are they prone to worrying?
21. How do they relax?
22. Do they use social media actively? What do they do there? 
23. Favorite snack or candy? Do they do snacks or candy?
24. Do they enjoy “alone time”?
25. Any habits they want to kick but can’t seem to?
26. What do they have for breakfast? Do they have breakfast?
27. How do they deal with fights or arguments? Do they lose their cool or handle it by talking?
28. Are they a leader type? Or do they see themself as one?
29. Which Splatoon 3 victory pose is in-character for them?
30. Based only on their personality and skills, what in-game abilities would that give them?
Abyss (Tier 4)
1. Have they done anything criminal? Why?
2. Have they ever intentionally hurt anyone? How?
3. Any scars? How did they get them?
4. Pain tolerance? Is it good or do they cry on the floor over paper cuts?
5. How is their overall health? Are they prone to any issues? 
6. Who do they live for?
7. Do they have conversations in their head? What is their relationship with themself?
8. How confident are they in combat? Are they strong at all?
9. Any short-term color change? What emotions trigger what colors in them?
10. What would they change about themself if they instantly could? Anything?
11. Would they survive out in the wilderness? For how long?
12. Are they selfish at all? Would they put others in harm’s way for their own benefit? 
13. What kind of morals do they follow and where did they learn them?
14. Is there anyone they would risk their well-being for? Why?
15. How was school for them? Do they miss it or are they glad it’s over, if it is?
16. How do they type? Are they an active chatter?
17. Do they want kids? Do they have any now, and do they have any plans?
18. What are their earliest memories? Do they have any memories from the egg?
19. Do they make decisions based on heart or logic?
20. Any regrets? What would they do differently if they could? 
21. What do they find attractive in somebody? 
22. Are they easy to understand? Are they good at expressing themself?
23. How do they deal with bad emotions? Do they have any tried-and-true coping mechanisms?
24. Are they sick often? How do they handle it?
25. Are they more or less empathetic than average?
26. Are they one to ask for or accept help? Or do they deny it altogether?
27. Do they believe in supernatural or spiritual things? 
28. Are they a person that gives or takes more? Is it intentional?
29. Are they judgmental when it comes to other people? Or do they not really care?
30. Who do they text or call most often?
Trench (Tier 5)
1. Any specific events from their life that changed them as a person?
2. Anything they are dreading or horribly afraid of in their current life?
3. Have they had any traumatic experiences? How are they affecting them in the current day?
4. Do they have recurring dreams?
5. Anything from their childhood that they still have?
6. Have they cut ties with people before? Why?
7. Any common thing they really struggle with?
8. Are they a good liar? Do they lie often or are they strictly against it?
9. What determines how they feel about somebody? 
10. Do they respect other people as a given? Does their respect have to be earned?
11. Any medications? How long have they had them?
12. Do they adjust their personality based on the people they’re around? How does it show?
13. How hard is it to get to KNOW them? Are they an open book or does NOBODY really know them?
14. Does true love exist to them? Or is it just a stupid myth people are obsessed with?
15. Do they have a “signature” article of clothing or item that they treasure? How did they get it and why is it so important to them?
16. How would they describe themself?
17. How is their comfort zone? Do they like trying new things or are they strictly a homebody?
18. One thing that will always make them happy without fail?
19. What do they usually spend spare cash on?
20. What’s their favorite place they’ve been to? What makes it special?
21. Is their life generally going how they’d expect it to be going?
22. Who were their role models growing up? Are they still their role models or have their views changed?
23. Are there any people in their life who they have complicated feelings toward? Are they still part of their life?
24. Have they ever killed? Would they?
25. How much are they willing to give up to help another?
26. Is their trust easy to gain? Is it easy to lose?
27. Are there any sounds that they particularly like or hate? 
28. Has their appearance or character changed over the years? How and why?
29. How do they feel about life as a whole? Has their perspective changed over time?
30. Free space for a random fact about the character!
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