#i don’t pity seviathan and helsa at all
shortbreadly · 1 year
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introducing leviathan (von eldritch???) and his wife vepar. king and queen of envy, and less-than-loving aunty and uncle of seviathan and helsa
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bleachanimefan1 · 3 years
Oblitus Part 38
I Can't Help Falling In Love With You
25 Days Until Extermination...
Four hours ago...
A giant fish monster roared as everyone stared with shocked and surprised looks on their faces as they stood at the shore from the beach, watching. The monster tossed someone high into the air as they tried to fight it. It was Lucifer. It wrapped it's tentacles around him and shocked the fallen angel, knocking him unconscious for a moment. His eyes began to feel heavy as he tried to fight off the sleep.
His gaze drifted over to the hotel guests, seeing his daughter, Vaggie, Alastor, he was wearing one of those old 1920's swim suits except it was red and black stripes and a large sunhat, Anna, who was wearing a black two piece, Angel, Husk and the rest, watching. Helsa and her brother Seviathan were lying on the sand, unconscious and beaten up. Then Lucifer's gaze stopped at Lilith who had a horrified look on her face. He smiled with a dazed look, drifting in and out of consciousness. She was still beautiful, as the day he first saw her, especially now in that sexy swimsuit of hers.
The monster tossed Lucifer high to the air and opened it's mouth as he began to fall, ready to eat him. Lucifer felt time began to slow down around him as he stared at everyone on the beach.
"I guess, you're wondering how I got into this situation. It is all because I fell in love. Let me rewind it a couple of hours back, leading to this moment."
Loud noises were heard as a couple of demons jumped, startled, as they passed by Lucifer and Lilith's mansion. Lucifer dodged an ancient looking vase as it was thrown at him. He quickly used his magic to stop it before it shattered on the floor, setting the fragile vase down, gently.
"Lilith, you know that this is an ancient relic from the past and a favorite of mine-" His eyes widened as he saw his wife picked up his angel sword and tossed it, nearly hitting him when she did. It stabbed the wall beside him, inches from his cheek.
"Lily, I don't know what else there is to say. I'm sorry!"
"I won't forgive you until you apologize to our daughter!" Lilith screamed. "I want you to take your stuff and get out!" She picked up some of Lucifer's clothes and a suitcase and tossed them at him and shoved him right out the door.
"Lily-" Lucifer was cut off as Lilith slammed the door in his face. "Please..."
In the city, two owl demons with dark black feathers walked out of a taxidermy shop. They had a majestic and graceful appearance to them, like royalty, in fact, they were. They were the Ars Goetia. It was Stolas and his daughter, Octavia. The prince stopped when he noticed someone lying on the ground, realizing that it was Lucifer. Octavia saw him as well. He looked so sad and pitiful that it was pathetic.
"Dad?" she asked. Stolas handed his daughter some money and she took it from him, confused.
"Via, why don't you go buy yourself something nice? Maybe, one of those songs that you like so much. I'll be right with you after I have a talk with him." he told her. Octavia shrugged and walked off heading towards a music shop while Stolas turned back to the king and walked over to him. As he got closer, Stolas saw that the king was in the process of digging a hole in the ground.
"Lucifer, what are you doing?" the prince questioned, concerned. Lucifer stopped and turned to the owl prince, now noticing him, but then he went back to what he was doing.
"What does it look like? I'm digging my grave," he replied. "Want me to dig you one, too?"
The Ars Goetia prince stared at the king with a shocked look. The poor guy. He's absolutely lost his marbles...Stolas sat down on the ground, after brushing the dirt and a few pebbles out of the way, next to the king who was literally digging his own grave. Lucifer was lying face first on the ground, as he was shoveling dirt on top of his head. Stolas sighed.
"Let me guess, your little wifey kicked you out?" he asked, softly. Lucifer made a muffled whining noise.
"I guess by that noise, I'm right," Stolas confirmed. Lucifer growled and pulled his head up, now glaring at the prince, sneering.
"Don't act all so high and mighty, considering your own situation. Your wife hates you! All because you slept with an imp, an imp of all people! A lower class rank citizen!" Stolas' eyes began to glow red. Lucifer's eyes widen as he saw his feet slowly began to turn to stone, now slowly going up to his knees, stopping.
"I know! And I don't regret it, not a single bit. My marriage was miserable but the only good thing that came out of it was my daughter. Should I say the same for yours?" Lucifer said nothing.
"I don't care what other people think of me, they can say all the shit about me that they want. But, I'm not going to let you talk about my Blitzy like that, not after what's he's been through. So I'd advise you to shut up." Then he release his power that he had on Lucifer, his legs turning back to normal.
"Why are you even here?" Lucifer asked. Then he noticed Stolas staring at him, his eyes widen in realization. "You fucking knew this entire time that this would happen!" he shouted.
"Well, yes! And who do you think is to blame? Certainly, not that little human at your daughter's hotel," Stolas answered. Lucifer silently looked down as Stolas continued. "You've gotten no one else but yourself to blame. All because you can't let go of what happened to you in the past."
"Shut the fuck up, Stolas!" Lucifer growled.
"I know what's going to happen because I've seen it," the prince explained. "You're daughter's hotel is going to succeed. But, I also see something very troubling as well. A great battle is going to happen. An army is coming. Mass destruction and chaos is happening in the city, followed by time being destroyed. Someone's life, who's going to be in danger...yours." Lucifer's eyes widen.
"What?" he asked, shocked. Time being destroyed? How is that possible?
"I see you fighting one of your brothers, a crazy one but also very paranoid at that, but losing very badly, trying to defend your wife and daughter. However, someone intervenes...the human woman from the living world."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me..." Lucifer replied in disbelief. "That meddlesome pet?" Stolas smirked and chuckled.
"That "meddlesome pet" is the only thing to stop you from getting killed." he explained. "Oh, and by the way I will need my grimoire eventually given back, once you've used it to return the human back to the living world."
"What do you mean "your grimoire?" Lucifer asked. "It was mine, before you stolen it!"
"Stolen is such a strong word, I'd prefer "borrowed without permission." Stolas replied. "And speaking about the human, her life's in danger at this very moment right now, as well as your daughter's." Lucifer's eyes widen.
"They're at a beach...-" Stolas tried to explain but Lucifer quickly got up. Two large white wings sprouted from his back and he quickly flew off. "I know which one that you're talking about. Thank you for the talk!"
Stolas coughed as dirt scattered around him when Lucifer took off and waved it away with his hand. He sighed.
"Angels always in such a rush." he murmured under his breath. Then he frowned when he saw something as a vision flashed in his eyes. It was a disturbing vision of Angel Dust.
"That poor soul doesn't have much time left..."
Four hours later...
Time sped back up as Lucifer began to fall, landing right into the sea monster's mouth and it's jaws slammed shut. Charlie's eyes widened in horror as well as Lilith's.
"Mom?" the princess asked worried.
"He'll be fine," Lilith answered her. "He will be." Nothing happened and they saw the monster starting to swim away.
"I'm going over there if he doesn't come out." she muttered under her breath.
The monster was getting further away as nothing happened. Lilith's eyes turned red and she quickly ran, heading towards the beast. She jumped high into the air until she reached the creature, hitting it right in it's eye. It let out a loud bellowing shriek and open it's mouth. Lilith leaned over, looking inside of the creature's mouth. Her eyes widen as her mouth dropped slightly in disbelief when she saw Lucifer sprawled out on it's tongue as he rested his head with his head, with a smug grin on his face.
"Took you long enough, beautiful." he said. Lilith frowned and reached out to him.
"You asshole!" she screamed. Lucifer laughed and reached out grabbing her hand and she pulled him out of the monster's mouth. She slapped him across the cheek with her hand. Lucifer grabbed it before she could hit him again.
"I know," he told her. "And I'm really sorry. Now, let's go back over to our daughter so I can tell her that, as well as apologize to that human pet of hers."
Lilith's eyes widen shock before she smiled.
"What changed your mind?" she asked.
"I had a talk with an old friend," he told her.
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