#i do have something cooking for poppet but that's all i'll say
mean-scarlet-deceiver · 4 months
Canon ships in Bird you say? I’d love to know more… 
(Before I learned Nobby is aro, I wondered about him and that Queen Mab)
Queen Mab's stint on on the Furness was during the Bad Old Days when Management was not merely indifferent to engines in love but actively hostile. They did think it was cute for engines to play court with coaches but nothing besides that.
Only 'lately' - 1910s - do winds of rebellious change begin to blow. You already saw Mary and 'Sharpie' 15. (Whom you'll catch another glimpse of in the next installment, too! Although… brace yourselves… as usual with me, the ratio of fluff-to-angst is bottom-heavy lol) 
I don’t really have many romances in mind, but Mary and 15 opened the door so that possibility is always on the table in this universe. If characters are throwin' up sparks, showin' the right chemistry, yeah I'm going to go for it.
I expect we’ll see more of it in the L.M.S. and Nobby's post-Barrow days, though. It would be a shame if Poppet never had a fling... ;) 
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breelandwalker · 2 years
Hi there! I sorta have 3 questions for you (sorry if that’s too many)
So, number 1 is that I’m a hearth witch who has been short on supplies for years, but I’m finally getting to the farmer’s market my local area! I was wondering if you had any Litha recipes for simple things like fish, summer veggies and fruits (I know you said jams in your Midsummer post, which I love making anyway), breads, things like that. I'll be able to finally celebrate a holiday (for once not forgetting lol)
My second question is that, unfortunately, the place I’m currently residing in is not the best place for me, like, mentally or emotionally, and the positive aura here is very low due to that, thus making it extremely difficult to do any sort of spells or cooking. 
Because of that, I haven’t done any sort of spells in about 3 years, not even simple ones because I just don’t feel comfortable enough in this space to try anything. 
So, I’m feeling some guilt that this is going to be my first spell, ritual, thingy in forever. Do you any advice on how to maybe cleanse the area I’m with, still perform some spells anyway. 
And my third is that do you have advice on how to maybe absolve some of that guilt while I’m at it? It’s like, I feel like it’s difficult to call myself a witch when I haven’t done anything in so long (I have kept in “touch” with my deities, though we haven’t communicated in forever, it’s more just feeling their comfort around)
First of all, please know that I am sending you the BIGGEST hug. I remember all too well how hard it was to get motivated for my craft (or much of anything) when I was living in an environment with a lot of disruptive, unhappy energy hanging around. I promise it does get better and one day you'll look back on this and be proud of how far you've come.
So let's address your questions.
I don't have any recipes especially for Midsummer, since it's not a holiday that I do anything much with. Most of my summer recipes involve the inclusion of seasonal fruits, iced beverages, and hearty picnic food. This is my favorite salmon recipe and it makes a lovely centerpiece for a summertime feast. There's a book by Joanne Asala called "Celtic Folklore Cooking" that has suggested dishes and recipes for all the Wheel of the Year holidays. I've found a lot of very useful information in there. In general, just pick your summer favorites and go with what makes your heart and stomach happy.
If you feel the need to cleanse or reclaim your space before performing your Midsummer rituals or cooking food for the holiday, I say do it. If it's something that's sticking in your head, then there's probably a need. At the very least, you can clear the air and find your feet so that you feel a little more confident going in.
As for feeling guilty....my dear darling poppet, don't give it a second thought. There is NOTHING for you to feel guilty about. We all go through difficult stages when we can't do as much as we like as often as we'd like. Sometimes that means not casting spells or observing holidays or talking to our deities for weeks or months....or even years.
The good news is that you can always pick up right where you left off. You're still a witch and you will be until the day you decide that you don't want to be one anymore. Your magic and your deities will be right there waiting and they will welcome you with open arms. Start small if you need to, but START. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly it comes back.
Hope this helps and Happy Litha to you!
(Also...same hat. 💜🖤🤍)
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Dire Attention
hi darlings! my friend gave me this great idea today and i just had to write it for all of you!! the next one of my bingo prompts will be up either tomorrow or the next day, thank y'all so much for all the love on that!! -xo poppet :)
firefighter!henry x reader, rated e! this is 18+ explicit content!!
cw: hand jobs, oral sex, come eating
word count: 860
taglist: @thereisa8ella @myloveforhenrycavill @lharrietg @little-brattyangel
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"Y/N!" You heard your boyfriend call out in his husky voice. "What's burning?"
"Nothing!" you called back, frantically fanning over the burned pan in front of you on top of your stove. You had been trying to cook dinner, but had forgotten about the onions in the pan when Kal had distracted you. You had hoped that the smell would not attract your handsome, firefighter boyfriend, but he seemed to have a sixth sense for when something was burning.
"That doesn't smell like nothing," Henry boomed as he entered the kitchen. "It smells like a three alarm fire."
You turned around at the stove, a burned spatula still in your hand as you took in your boyfriend standing across the room in a white t-shirt and jeans with his hair flying every which way. He had a smirk painted across his perfectly plump lips as he looked over at Kal who was curled up in front of the fridge.
"What do you say buddy?" Henry said to Kal. "I'll check for survivors if you connect the hose."
Kal sneezed as Henry came barreling into the kitchen, switching off the burner and throwing you over his shoulder in a well practiced fireman's carry.
"Henry!" you giggled as he darted through the apartment to your shared bedroom.
"Hush," he said, throwing you down on the bed. "You could have smoke inhalation, and I'll need to check you over for burns." There was a glimmer in one of his pristine blue orbs and he winked at you.
You giggled Henry ran his hands under the hem of your shirt, silently asking for permission. You nodded enthusiastically as he he pulled off your shirt, running his large, exploring hands over your exposed skin as he unclasped your bra expertly with one hand, tossing it aside.
"Everything up here looks okay," he said as he caressed your breasts, lazily massaging your nipples as you bit back a gasp at his forwardness. His hands strayed downwards as he fingered at the waistband of your pants. "But we should probably check everywhere just to be sure."
"Only if I can check you over too," you said, desperately fighting against your own arousal as you tugged impatiently at the hem of his shirt. "I need to make sure my savior isn't in need of any dire attention."
"I always am in dire need of your attention," he groveled against your lips as he pressed his against yours. The kiss was hard and hot and tasted of sugar, soft rain and passion that lit a fire in your stomach as Henry tore off his shirt and moved to do the same to your pants after he unzipped his own, releasing his own erection.
You bucked underneath him as he dipped his long digits under the band of your underwear, stroking at your already moist folds with his experienced fingers as you grew wetter with each pass.
"Henry..." you moaned, your body wriggling at the devilish grin on his face. He shifted his fingers, hitting your sweet spot as you whined loudly.
"Fuck, Henry," you gasped desperately.
"Well, if you insist," he said teasingly, spreading your legs as his long tongue came to explore, sucking hickies onto the tops of your thighs and licking tentatively at first but slowly more aggressively and passionately as it flicked across your slit.
"Come for me, Y/N" he rasped against you, some of his words lost against your wet skin.
"I'm close, I'm close," you whimpered, rolling your hips against him as he licked again, his tongue running over your clit and sucking at the wetness there.
You gasped, utterly floored by the sensation as you reached your peak, coming hard. You felt Henry lap it up like a puppy as you groaned, falling back against the pillows, utterly spent.
"Henry..." you sighed. "Oh god, Henry."
"That good, huh?" He laughed softly as he climbed on top of you, his own come mixing with yours against your bare stomach. You hadn't even realized he had come, wrapped up in your own orgasm as you were. You swiped two fingers across his still half-hard dick and licked off the come, winking at him. You savored the way his face contorted with pleasure as he gripped the rumpled blankets on either side of you.
"You taste good," you whispered, brushing your lips against one of the many fire burns he had on his skin, this one on his shoulder, from his job.
He shivered at the contact, just like you knew he would. He loved the attention you gave them, but tonight you were too exhausted to provide much more. He had certainly taken care of you well.
"You do too," he smirked, pressing a kiss to your messy hair and then your lips, his lips sticky with come.
You pulled him against you, running your fingers through his sweat soaked hair. "You know, maybe I should burn down the kitchen more often."
He scoffed against you.
"You say that now, darling," you cooed. "But just you wait until round two." You squeezed his delicious ass for good measure.
The hungry moan he let out against your shoulder was enough of an answer.
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
From Unpredictability Comes Strength
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Are you sure you're okay babe?" Shawn, my boyfriend asked as he walked over to the bed where I was currently laying curled up.
"I'm sure, still exhausted from the jet lag, and my period is giving me grief," I told him causing him to pout. Most girls my age would probably cringe at the thought of telling their boyfriend details about their period, but not me. See Shawn my boyfriend, my older brother Connor, and their friends Dave and Brian were all well respected doctors at the local hospital here in Toronto. That was part of reason for my moving from LA to Canada, I didn't want Shawn to loose such a good job, it was an added bonus that Bri and the other two guys also lived with us so I would get to see all of them.
"Okay," he agreed, though I could tell from the tone that he wasn't completely convinced.
"Call me if you need me, I get off at 6." he added before kissing my head and leaving the now empty house, the other having already left for the hospital.
Several hours later, and the pain just wasn't getting any better. I had always had bad periods. They were made especially bad though by a cyst that I had on my left ovary, something which when I asked my old doctor about she had told me that there was nothing that could be done short of some pain relief. I had tried everything though, hot packs, cold packs, a bath, even drinking green tea, (which I hated) to no avail. Finally I decided that I would try going for a short walk, as I heard that exercise could alleviate pain.
While on the walk I got a call from Shawn, "Babe come home, we all got off early so we're having a family dinner. " he spoke.
"Be there soon, I love you." I told him, before turning around and jogging home. As I went to cross the road, a dog came out of nowhere, and me being deathly afraid of them as I was tried to avoid it, by running the other way only to mis-step and fall directly into gravel. Unfortunately for me, I ended up skinning my knees and as I stood, groaning from the painful sting tht was now emanating from my limbs I realised there was dirt caught in them. Great, just great, I thought as I made my way home slowly, tears falling as I tried to ignore (and failed) how much pain I was in.
"Ana!" Brian called coming over to greet me with a hug. "How was your run?" He asked stepping back to look at me. "Wait, " He paused looking at me more closely. "Ana, you're crying, and bleeding, " he spoke as he looked me up and down before spotting my bloody knees.
" Shawn, " he called, looking over his shoulder to the kitchen where I could hear the other guys all laughing.
"Hi babe, " he started before noticing my knees as Brian had moments earlier and pouted.
"Let me see Princess," he spoke as he helped me into the kitchen and lifted me onto the bench.
"Aw, Poppet, what happend?" My brother asked when he saw me crying as Shawn gently examined my wounds.
"There was a dog." I shivered. I hated dogs except for Tarzan. "So I ran but I tripped." I hiccuped as I tried to slow my breathing.
"One Dr.Brian at your service," Bring sang as he reappeared holding the household first aid box, pulling out tweezers, antiseptic spray, gauze, tape, bandages, cream and pills. "I'm just going to remove the dirt, clean them and then I'll bandage them up. " He explained as he positioned my leg so the kitchen lights were directly above him. "Hold Shawn and Connor's hands for me okay, this will probably hurt."
He wasn't lying it feel like fire was being rubbed into my wounds, and I found myself biting my lip to try and stop myself from crying out loud.
"Nearly done hon," Brian soothed patting my leg as he washed out the last little bits of dirt. A minute later, he stepped back with a smile.
"The worst part is over now Princess," Shawn whispered in my ear, causing me to loosen my grip on their hands just a little. I still clung to them as Brian bandaged them up though, needing the physical contact.
"And you, my fair lady, are all finished," he smiled as he tucked the last bit of bandage in. "You'll need to get me or one of the guys to change it daily for three or so days, but other than that you'll be fine. "
"Thanks Brian," I whispered reaching to give him a hug.
"Ready to get down babe?" Shawn asked, going to grab my hands again.
"Can you just hold me for a minute?" I asked feeling slightly embarrassed.
"Of course. " He smiled before wrapping me in a warm embrace, and allowing me to rest my head in the crook of his neck. "Are you okay? " He asked when I sniffed.
"Mmm," My response was muffled, but they must have heard it because Connor was the next one to speak.
"Why are you so upset Bug?" he asked, using my childhood nickname.
"I don't know!" I cried. "I'm not sleeping because of the jet lag. I'm in pain and now this." I threw my hands up.
"Tell you what, " Connor started. "you have a shower then we'll have dinner and you and your other half-" he gestured to Shawn "can go have sappy cuddles on the couch. How does that sound?" He ruffled my hair softly as he spoke before returning to the cooking.
Fifteen minutes later, I came back down the stairs wearing one of Shawn's old Zeppelin shirts, it reaching my knees and drowning me, but I didn't care. It was comfortable, and it smelt like his aftershave.
"Feeling any better Princess?" he asked coming over and kissing my forehead
"A little," I spoke. Sighing as I leant into his hold. Truth was I was feeling less of the period pain and more of a sharp ache now. But I wasn't going to tell them that, all four of them would be swarming around me like sea gulls if I did.
"I'm hungry," I spoke stealing a piece of tomato that Connor had placed on the counter to add to the salad.
He merely glared at me playfully, but didn't say anymore.
Half an hour later and we were all sat at dinner, the boys all chatting amongst themselves about their work days, discussing patients and funding. While I just pushed my food around my plate, trying to ignore the now increasingly sharp pain radiating from my stomach.
"Ana are you okay?" Dave asked worriedly, watching as I pushed my plate away.
" I don't feel good." I spoke, before grimicing in pain as a particularly bad cramp took hold.
"Dont feel good how?" Shawn asked as he came over to where I was sitting, two seats down from him, bending down.
"Just make it stop." I groaned, reaching for my stomach.
"Make what stop Princess?" he asked, searching my face, and rubbing my leg trying to comfort me.
"The pain, it's like there's a knife there!" I cried, leaning into him and breathing heavily.
"Do you think you can stand up?" Brian asked, coming over to help Shawn support me as I slumped in my chair.
I stood slowly feeling extremely shaky before nearly collapsing as dizziness took over.
"Ana you went for a run right?" Dave asked, coming to stand by my side, taking my wrist so he could take my pulse.
I nodded my head, trying to slow my breathing as the room kept spinning.
"Shit, her pulse is racing, bring her over to the couch." He told Shawn before leaving the room.
Shawn and Dave both held me tightly as we moved slowly. I could barely lift my legs as every time I did pain took hold. "Okay, lay back babe," Shawn spoke as he helped me sit down, and situated me between his legs as he sat behind me.
"Right, Ana where is the pain?" Dave questioned coming to kneel down beside the couch.
"Right here, " I spoke pointing to my left side.
"I'm just going to feel," he spoke as he hiked my shirt up to just under my chest.
Everyone was quiet as Dave concentrated, moving around to press on different sections of my stomach. Finally he said "It is a bit swollen. Do you have any pain in your back or thighs? "
I looked back at Shawn,confused. "If the cyst on your ovary has ruptured or is close to, it can cause pain in the back and thighs," he explained, helping me to pull my shirt back down.
I nodded causing him sigh.
"We'll try some heat, maybe have a bath okay, the water may help to soothe it," Dave added before standing up and taking my wrist again. "Your heart rate is a little high, but we'll just keep an eye on you." He smiled,as Shawn scooped me up into his arms, and carried me up the stairs to our en suite.
"Arms up Princess, do you want bubbles?" he asked as he deposited me onto the closed toilet seat and helped me remove my clothing.
"Please?" I asked, watching as he grabbed my favourite bath lotion, and poured a generous amount in.
"Here we go. In you get," he spoke as he helped me into the tub The difference was almost immediate.
"I think it's time my little invalid gets out," Shawn whispered after about twenty minutes of me just laying back in the water, and letting him massage my scalp from where he sat next to the tub.
"Okay," I agreed, taking his hand as he helped me out of the bath slowly.
It was a slow process getting dressed, as I couldn't make any sudden movements, but Shawn was patient. "There," he said finally. "Snug as a bug, " He had not only redressed me into the shirt I had stolen from him, but had gone and gotten a sweater that he had left lying about and pulled it on me. "Can't have you getting cold little one," he laughed, before pecking my lips.
"It is freezing!" I agreed, as we made our way down the stairs.
"How's my patient?" Dave asked as Shawn placed me gently onto the sofa, covering me with a quilt.
"Sore," I replied, pouting, causing him to laugh.
"Here,this might help," Connor called walking in from the kitchen and placing a heating pad on my stomach.
"Thanks Con," I yawned, readjusting myself so that I could lay against Shawn's side as he squished onto the sofa beside me.
"Get some sleep babe," he whispered, "You need it." He didn't need to tell me twice, it was about three seconds and I was out like a light.
When I woke I wasn't sure what time it was, but I was no longer in the couch, instead Shawn had taken me up stairs and tucked me into the bed, and judging by the lack of light and the soft snores coming from Shawn as he slept soundly beside me, it was much later.
Unfortunately for me, there was no way that I was getting back to sleep any time soon, as the pain that had been uncomfortable, but bearable earlier was now causing me agony. So much so that I was literally feeling nauseous.
"Ana, are okay?" Shawn asked, talking into my neck, sleep thick in his muffled voice.
I didn't answer, trying to focus on not passing out.
"Ana," he sighed, as I just sat there crying grabbing fist fulls of sheet as each wave of pain came over me. Sitting up and switching on the lamp beside the bed, he rubbed my arm softly.
"Hold on I'll get the guys." He got up, before quickly exiting the room. A minute or so later I heard the sound of him knocking on the other's doors, and tired voices.
"It's worse? " Dave confirmed, walking into the room closely followed by Shawn,Brian and Connor.
"It never hurts this much, it's so bad!" I cried, pressing on my stomach, wanting the pain gone. I could feel a stronger wave of nausea just as Shawn bent down so that he was at my level, Connor coming to sit with me on the bed as he saw me gag, holding my hair back just in case.
" I'm gonna be sick!" I gasped holding my hand on my mouth, feeling the bile rise.
"Okay, just a second, Bri's gone to get a bucket bub," Shawn soothed coming to rub small circles in my back.
Finally just as I nearly let myself be sick on the bed, Connor spoke, "Here let it all out, " he soothed rubbing my back as Brian held a bucket beneath me that he must have bolted to get from somewhere. I was thankful though, as I could no longer hold it.
After a few minutes, I was able to catch my breath, though I still lay there sweaty and dazed.
"Here,come here Princess." Shawn motioned for me to shuffle over, so he could wipe my face down with a wet washer he had gone and gotten from out bathroom.
"I bleed on the bed," I cried, embarrassed as I shifted and felt the leak, before seeing the masive red stain on the once white sheet
" It's okay, it's normal to have heavy bleeding when a cyst is inflamed. Honestly, we see blood every day babe," Shawn soothed, as he pushed my messy hair out of my face "Besides, they're just sheets, worst case, we'll chuck them out."
"I feel horrible," I groaned letting my head fall onto Shawn's arms half an hour later, when even after a dose of strong pain killers I could barely move.
"Do you want to try sitting in the shower?" Brian suggested as he came back into the room after going to put the dirty sheets in the washer.
"Will it help?" I asked unsure.
"It might," Dave nodded, "The constant stream of warm water may help to loosen some of the muscles in your back and help with the pain and nausea. It's worth a try. "
"Okay," I agreed, watching as Dave stood up and came to stand at the side of the bed.
He held out a hand, helping to support me as Shawn pulled me into an upright position. The room spun a little, and I could feel myself swaying slightly but I managed to stay standing. "Just move very slowly, Ana, no sudden movements honey." Dave grimaced in sympathy as my face tensed with pain as I stepped forward. "
It's okay. We've got you. Breathe Ana. Just breathe," Shawn encouraged as we finally made it to the bathroom.
... Two hours later...
I had sat on the tiled floor of the shower cubicle for almost two hours now, yet nothing was changing and I was miserable. All I wanted to do was sleep. Shawn had sat with me the whole time, holding me gently under the water, not caring that his clothes were now soaked.
"Shawnie I feel dizzy," I told him trying to stay awake. "And my stomach is burning," I groaned, trying to ignore the hot feeling that was now taking over my tummy.
He took my wrist in his hand, before gently taking my pulse.
"Ana we need to go to the hospital honey," he spoke before leaning me against the glass door of the shower and standing up.
"No please can't you just do what you need to do here," I begged crying. I hated hospitals, and he knew it, it had been that way my entire 22 years of life.
"Shhh, calm down," he consoled before calling out to the others. "Dave, Brian, Connor!"
The looks of pity on all of their faces as they stepped into the room and took in my bedraggled state was too much for me to handle.
"Oh Ana, buddy. " Brian sighed, before bending down and helping Shawn to stand me up.
"We need to go to the hospital,she's dizzy her pulse is at 130 beats a minute, she's in more pain than before, she told me a minute ago that her stomach was burning, and she's bleeding more than she should be. I think it may have burst," he told the others as he wrapped a towel around my wet-clothed body.
"Burns," I whimpered as we made our way downstairs, me in my brother's arms, allowing Shawn to run and change into dry clothes.
I heard them muttering amongst themselves, not making out much more than medical word: inflammation and gastritis,and then I was tuning them out.
I couldn't help the tears as we made the short drive to the hospital, me laying across Connor and Shawn's laps.
"I know bub,we'll sort it out okay. But just focus in staying calm. The more upset you are, the worse you'll feel." Connor explained rubbing my stomach softly.
I felt horrible as I watched my little sister in pain, desperately clinging to Shawn as we pulled into the staff carpark. Luckily for us Shawn and I worked as critical care doctors in the ICU while Brian and Dave ran the ER, meaning we could just go straight in, not having to worry about admissions, and insurance just yet.
"I thought you were off tonight? It's been one hell of a night!" Nancy one of the nurses spoke as we walked in.
"We were, but Ana has a burst cyst," I spoke pointing to Shawn who held her in his arms as we walked towards the only available exam room.
Nancy frowned sympathetically, before walking back to the nurses station "You'll need to run it, no doctors available," she called.
Normally we won't treat relatives but she was high priority as as Nancy had said there was no one else there.
"Right Ana I need to run some tests honey, I'm going to get Shawn to change you into this," Dave spoke holding out a gown, as Shawn placed my sister onto the exam table gently.
Once that was done Dave came back over, setting up the portable ultra sound machine next to the bed.
"So I'm just going to put some gel on your stomach, and have a look okay. It might be a little uncomfortable so I apologise in advance."
She whimpered slightly, grabbing Shawn's hand as Dave pressed the wand down."
"I know I'm sorry, " he apologised as he continued to move it around, finally he stopped, zooming in.
"Here it is, you've got a burst cyst on your left ovary, that's why it's hurting so much. When you were running the exertion must have caused it to burst. It also looks as though you have evidence of gastritis too."
"What's that?" she asked looking to me for help.
"Its inflammation of the stomach lining, that's the burning you were feeling.We'll run some more tests though, just to be sure-"
He was interrupted as he spoke by one of the nurses poking her head around the curtin.
"Dr. Craigen would you be able to consult in triage?"
"No," He answered politely. "I'm currently busy looking after a personal patient."
Ana laughed once she had left. "Can you do that? Just ignore?"
"For you, yes, you're our most important patient." He winked. " Good news," he added, " There's no twist, so no surgery but it did burst, and you have lost some blood. So I would like to admit you so we can give you fluids and pain relief," he explained causing her nose to crinkle in distaste.
"Can Shawn stay?" I asked worried that I'd be stuck here by myself.
"I'm not going anywhere Princess," he reassured, me, coming to sit on the side of the bed with me.
Half an hour later and I'd been officially admitted and hooked up to a blood pressure machine, oximeter, and an I.V. with pain meds which was working wonders.
"How you feeling now princess?" Shawn asked, looking at the machines briefly before focusing his attention back to me. We were now the only two in the room, Brian and Connor having gone to the Cafeteria for much needed coffee, and Dave to check my previous file notes, not that I knew how he'd get a hold of them.
"I'm cold." I shivered, trying to burrow myself further into the too think blankets.
"Here, this should help," Shawn smiled, pulling one of his jumpers out of his bag and helping me into it.
There was a knock on the door, before Dave stepped into the room,a clipboard in hand. "Sorry to interupt guys." he apologised. "Ana, I need to ask you some routine questions," he spoke coming to sit next to the bed.
"Is there any chance you could be pregnant?" he asked seriously.
I blushed, "Ummm no," I laughed hiding my face in Shawn's shoulder.
"Sorry,this is just as awkward for you as it is for me. Trust me I don't want to know the details of one of my best mates private this. But this important," he explained smiling sympathetically.
"Well, No, trust me," I laughed, just wanting to move on.
"Okay. Well I'm going to do a blood draw just to rule a couple things out. Make sure nothing additional is going on."
"The doctor basically told me there was nothing she could do," I told him, watching as he grabbed all the necessary supplies.
"Well now that you're over here Dave will take care of you princess," Shawn spoke kissing my head.
"You don't have to worry about a thing." Dave smiled before snapping on a pair of gloves and coming to sit next to me.
"Shawn move your fat bum so I can get this blood work done," he spoke, shoving Shawn off the bed with his hip where he had been sitting next to me.
"Sharp scratch Ana," he warned causing me to squeeze my eyes shut in anticipation. "Just stay nice and relaxed."
Several hours later,and nothing abnormal had shown up in my blood work, meaning that once my pain was under control I was free to go, however Dave did explain to me that he had seen evidence of gastritis as Connor had mentioned earlier a symptom of the strong medications I had been taking to manage my pain. I was prescribed an ant-acid, toldstay away from spicy food, and change medications to something a little less harsh.
"You also need to be on bed rest for a few days to give your stomach time to heal," Shawn had added, laughing when I whined in protest. He knew I hated being stuck immobile.
Days later I had been released on strict orders to rest, something which I reluctantly agreed to.
" I'm so glad your feeling better," Shawn said sitting next to me on the sofa, that had become my temporary home due to not being able to walk easily on my own.
"Well it wasn't exactly the way I wanted to spend my first few days here, but thank you guys," I spoke, looking to the other three who sat across from us. They all smiled. "Seriously. Hopefully this will be the start of a great new chapter! I can't wait to see what living in Canada brings," I shouted causing them all to laugh.
"What would I do without you babe?" Shawn chuckled, kissing me.
"I don't know, your life would certainly be more predictable though," I laughed, snuggling into his shoulder.
"But then life would be boring, besides from unpredictabiliy comes strength, and you Ana, are the strongest person I know," he smiled, kissing my temple and resting his head atop mine.
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hetaficcentral · 3 years
After the kidnapping; the darling refused to talk them, look at them, eat, and drinking water is a miracle; even that they don't really drink much of it. Of course the 2p Allies is getting tired of their darling's resistance, so the boys are about to punish them; but was stopped by a hard knocking on the door. When they opened the door.... It was the. Fucking. SWAT TEAM. Not only that but there was a camera crew ( probably the news ) and a shit ton of darling's fans surrounding their home booing, cursing, and throwing all kinds of things at the boys. Before they knew it, the boys was thrown to the ground, and hand cuffed. One of the SWAT members sayed they were under arrest for the kidnapping and brutality of ( the darling's full name ). What- How did this even happen?!?!? Then the boys saw the darling being carried bridal style by one of the SWAT members, they were passed out ( probably from the lack of food and poor treatment the boys was giving them ). Before they knew it they were sitting behind bars in a heavily secured prison. It was been at least a week since that whole incident happened, a week since their darling has been taken away from them. Some prison guards escorted them out of their cell, apparently they have a call. It was their boss. And boy were they Livid. Their boss screamed and shouted in their ear. They heard what happened and what they did. Apparently the main reason why they told the boys to take their daughter to the concert so they can talk about the government funds the darling was going to give them ( the darling has complete control of this ). So in a way the darling was helping them out big time. But since they kidnapped them and darling took back their money and gave it to charity and people in poverty ( the darling is the type of person to use their money and fame for good ). Their boss also recorded what the darling said so they can hear it. As punishment for letting such a large government fund slip through their hands because of their greed, their boss is going to let them sit in prison. And they won't be getting out of prison for a long long loooong time.
If you're curious of what the Darling's recorded message is then it pretty much went like this.
" No I'm giving you the money. Because if this is how your personification treats the people that trying to help you, Then I ain't giving SHIT away. I'll be damned if I did give a single penny of my money to some crazy. But what I will do is give my money to people who truly need it. And ( Country human's name ) if you hear this FUCK YOU AND GOOD LUCK WITH FINDING SOMEONE ELSE THAT WILL HELP WITH YOUR MILITARY FUNDS, BECAUSE I SURE AS HELL WON'T BE HELPING YOU ANY TIME SOON!!!!! "
𝙸 𝚢𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚐𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎, 𝚜𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛𝚜. 𝙸 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚋𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚠𝚊𝚢, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚒𝚏𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚜
𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑛 𝐽𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠
“Come on doll, you have to eat something.”. It was clear he was starting to worry. After all, his doll hadn’t eaten in two days, and had barely drank any water. She/he was pale, and had lost a lot of weight. “Fine then.”. He exited the room, and began to plan what to do. Maybe he could threaten her/ his parents? Even then, there was no promise she/he would eat. Would he have to make her/him eat? He didn’t know how to put in a feeding tube, so he might have to threaten her/him. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at his door. He opened it, and was immediately tackled to the ground. “What the hell are you assholes doing!” He yelled. He saw someone walk back to the room he was keeping his darling in, kick down the door, and carry his doll face out. He was hauled to his feet, with his hands cuffed behind his back. He was shoved outside, and saw the crowd that had formed around his house. He was thrown into the back of the cop car, and driven to prison. A week later, he answered the call from his boss. He was pissed at everything. How dare his boss do this to him. How dare she/he say all those things to him! He knew he would be in jail for a while, and he used this time to plan. Clearly, he had been too nice to her/him. When he got out, no matter how long it took, he was going to make her/his life a living hell. His first punishment was going to seem like heaven on earth by the time he was done with them.
𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑡 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑠
“...” He was starting to get pissed off. Yeah, he had punished her/him, but now she/he was just being unreasonable. They haven’t eaten, drank, or even looked at him in the eyes. He had tried to be nice after her/his first punishment, but it was clear that wasn’t working. Her/his leg was still healing, but it was obvious it was still sore. He walked downstairs, carrying a plate of pancakes. He sat across from her/him, and put the plate between them. When they refused to eat, he was about to re-break her/his barely healed leg, but heard a knock from upstairs. He walked upstairs, opened the door, and was tackled instantly. When he was hauled to his feet, he saw a SWAT member carrying his maple. He could barely hear what they were saying he was so pissed. He was tossed in the back of a police car, and taken to jail. He used this time to plan, and be pissed at his boss for yelling at him. He was going to show them how cruel he could be. I actually don’t think he would stay in prison long, due to his brute strength, and the fact he is a massive daddy’s boy. Oliver (and Allen, he missed his killing buddy ok!) would break him out within a month. He would get a new house no one knew about but him, and take his maple back.(and kill his boss)
𝑋𝑖𝑎𝑜 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑔
“You need to eat more, you’ve lost too much weight.” In all honesty, he was high 90% of the time, so he didn’t notice you stopped eating until you lost weight, and he only knew you lost weight because you felt boney when he cuddled you. When he demanded that you gain it back, and you ignored him, he got angry. Maybe spending more time tied up would help you? He was about to get the rope when there was a loud knock at his door. He opened the door, and was promptly tackled. A SWAT member told him,” You are under arrest for the kidnapping and brutality of (Y/N). Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” He was cuffed, and when he was led outside he could see all the people. He thrown in a cop car, and taken to jail. His boss called him a week later, yelled at him, and told him he would be in prison for a long time. I think this would either cause him to lose interest in his darling, or it would ignite a deep fury inside him. In the case of the latter, it would be best if the darling was dead, because the agony they will be in would be unbearable.
𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐̧𝑜𝑖𝑠 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑦
“Eat some food, before I make you.” In all honesty, he didn’t care that you weren’t eating. He thought you were just protesting your punishment, and you would get over it in a couple days. After three days, he began to grow concerned. It wasn’t healthy for you to go so long without eating, he knows from personal experience. He walked into the room she/he was being kept in, and tried to make her/him eat. When she/he refused, he raised his hand to slap her/him when a knock at the door interrupted him. He opened the door, and was thrown to the ground by three SWAT members. “You are under arrest for the kidnapping and brutality of (Y/N).”. He saw the crowd of people outside, yelling obscenities at him. He got in the cop car, and went to prison. His boss scolded him, and he had plenty of time to think. I think if this happened, he would lose interest in this darling. If he didn’t, it’s safe to say things were going to suck for his darling.
𝑉𝑖𝑘𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑘𝑦
“Come on подсолнечник, please eat a little bit.” This man was full on panicking. Why wouldn’t he be? His precious подсолнечник hadn’t eaten in three days! He knew it was wrong to kidnap someone, but he just wanted her/him all to himself. The fact that he was worrying was making the Baltic trio worry as well.(I hc that since the Baltic’s are scared of 1p Russia, the 2p are absolutely enamored with him and bend to his every whim). He had even gotten his chefs to make all of her/his favorite foods and she/he still wouldn’t eat. He was out of ideas. Maybe she/he just needed a little more alone time? They still might be stressed about their first punishment, and alone time always helps him destress. A loud knock at the door interrupted his thinking. He opened it, and was shoved to the ground and roughly handcuffed. Despite the protests of the Baltic trio and his sister, Belarus, he was tossed into the back of a cop car. All he could think about on the way to prison was the things those people outside his house had said. Was he really such a monster? Once he arrived at the prison, he had plenty of time to think. When his boss called him, and he heard the things his подсолнечник had said, he was angry. Mostly at his boss, but also a little bit at his s/o. He won’t be in prison for long, considering he controls the Russian mafia, and the guards are accepting bribes. Once he’s out, he will most likely kill or injure his boss, and kidnap his sunflower again. All the money she has left will be drained from her/his account, so even if they escape they won’t get far.
𝑂𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝐾𝑖𝑟𝑘𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑
“Poppet, don’t make me force you to eat”. In all honesty, it would be pretty hard to stop eating with him. He is always cooking something, and it always smells so good. He also hasn’t given you back any of your “privileges” yet, so he is still the one feeding you. You were refusing to do this the easy way, so now he had to be mean. He had had enough of your temper-tantrum, and was about to drag you back to your room to punish you again, probably via spanking, but was interrupted by a knock at the door. He opened it, and was instantly cuffed. He was led out to the cop car, but before he left, he saw someone who had dared to touch his poppet. He didn’t listen to what the crowd around his house was saying as the car pulled away. He was planning about what he was going to do. It didn’t take him long to rise in rank at the prison, and besides the phone call from his boss things were going to plan. After a month, he bribed, manipulated, and threatened his way out of prison. With his country status, it was easy to drain his s/o bank account into his own. He bought a new house, deep in the country-side, and brought his poppet home. She/he might fight now, but he was sure they would later come to appreciate all the thought he put into keeping them “safe”.
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From Unpredictability Comes Strength
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Are you sure you're okay babe?" Shawn, my boyfriend asked as he walked over to the bed where I was currently laying curled up.
"I'm sure, still exhausted from the jet lag, and my period is giving me grief," I told him causing him to pout. Most girls my age would probably cringe at the thought of telling their boyfriend details about their period, but not me. See Shawn my boyfriend, my older brother Connor, and their friends Dave and Brian were all well respected doctors at the local hospital here in Toronto. That was part of reason for my moving from LA to Canada, I didn't want Shawn to loose such a good job, it was an added bonus that Connor and the other two guys also lived with us so I would get to see all of them.
"Okay," he agreed, though I could tell from the tone that he wasn't completely convinced.
"Call me if you need me, I get off at 6," he added before kissing my head and leaving the now empty house, the other having already left for the hospital.
Several hours later, and the pain just wasn't getting any better. I had always had bad periods. They were made especially bad though by a cyst that I had on my left ovary, something which when I asked my old doctor about she had told me that there was nothing that could be done short of some pain relief. I had tried everything though, hot packs, cold packs, a bath, even drinking green tea, (which I hated) to no avail. Finally I decided that I would try going for a short walk, as I heard that exercise could alleviate pain.
While on the walk I got a call from Shawn, "Babe come home, we all got off early so we're having a family dinner, " he spoke.
"Be there soon, I love you," I told him, before turning around and jogging home. As I went to cross the road, a dog came out of nowhere, and me being deathly afraid of them as I was tried to avoid it, by running the other way only to mis-step and fall directly into gravel. Unfortunately for me, I ended up skinning my knees and as I stood, groaning from the painful sting tht was now emanating from my limbs I realised there was dirt caught in them. Great, just great, I thought as I made my way home slowly, tears falling as I tried to ignore (and failed) how much pain I was in.
"Ana!" Brian called coming over to greet me with a hug. "How was your run?" He asked stepping back to look at me. "Wait, " He paused looking at me more closely. "Ana, you're crying, and bleeding, " he spoke as he looked me up and down before spotting my bloody knees.
" Shawn, " he called, looking over his shoulder to the kitchen where I could hear the other guys all laughing.
"Hi babe, " he started before noticing my knees as Brian had moments earlier and pouted.
"Let me see Princess," he spoke as he helped me into the kitchen and lifted me onto the bench.
"Aw, Poppet, what happend?" My brother asked when he saw me crying as Shawn gently examined my wounds.
"There was a dog." I shivered. I hated dogs except for Tarzan. "So I ran but I tripped." I hiccuped as I tried to slow my breathing.
"One Dr. Brian at your service," Bring sang as he reappeared holding the household first aid box, pulling out tweezers, antiseptic spray, gauze, tape, bandages, cream and pills. "I'm just going to remove the dirt, clean them and then I'll bandage them up. " He explained as he positioned my leg so the kitchen lights were directly above him. "Hold Shawn and Connor's hands for me okay, this will probably hurt."
He wasn't lying it feel like fire was being rubbed into my wounds, and I found myself biting my lip to try and stop myself from crying out loud.
"Nearly done hon," Brian soothed patting my leg as he washed out the last little bits of dirt. A minute later, he stepped back with a smile.
"The worst part is over now Princess," Shawn whispered in my ear, causing me to loosen my grip on their hands just a little. I still clung to them as Brian bandaged them up though, needing the physical contact.
"And you, my fair lady, are all finished," he smiled as he tucked the last bit of bandage in. "You'll need to get me or one of the guys to change it daily for three or so days, but other than that you'll be fine. "
"Thanks Brian," I whispered reaching to give him a hug.
"Ready to get down babe?" Shawn asked, going to grab my hands again.
"Can you just hold me for a minute?" I asked feeling slightly embarrassed.
"Of course. " He smiled before wrapping me in a warm embrace, and allowing me to rest my head in the crook of his neck. "Are you okay? " he asked when I sniffed.
"Mmm," My response was muffled, but they must have heard it because Connor was the next one to speak.
"Why are you so upset Bug?" he asked, using my childhood nickname.
"I don't know!" I cried. "I'm not sleeping because of the jet lag. I'm in pain and now this." I threw my hands up.
"Tell you what, " Connor started. "you have a shower then we'll have dinner and you and your other half-" he gestured to Shawn "can go have sappy cuddles on the couch. How does that sound?" He ruffled my hair softly as he spoke before returning to the cooking.
Fifteen minutes later, I came back down the stairs wearing one of Shawn's old Zeppelin shirts, it reaching my knees and drowning me, but I didn't care. It was comfortable, and it smelt like his aftershave.
"Feeling any better Princess?" he asked coming over and kissing my forehead
"A little," I spoke. Sighing as I leant into his hold. Truth was I was feeling less of the period pain and more of a sharp ache now. But I wasn't going to tell them that, all four of them would be swarming around me like sea gulls if I did.
"I'm hungry," I spoke stealing a piece of tomato that Connor had placed on the counter to add to the salad.
He merely glared at me playfully, but didn't say anymore.
Half an hour later and we were all sat at dinner, the boys all chatting amongst themselves about their work days, discussing patients and funding. While I just pushed my food around my plate, trying to ignore the now increasingly sharp pain radiating from my stomach.
"Ana are you okay?" Dave asked worriedly, watching as I pushed my plate away.
" I don't feel good," I spoke, before grimicing in pain as a particularly bad cramp took hold.
"Dont feel good how?" Shawn asked as he came over to where I was sitting, two seats down from him, bending down.
"Just make it stop," I groaned, reaching for my stomach.
"Make what stop Princess?" he asked, searching my face, and rubbing my leg trying to comfort me.
"The pain, it's like there's a knife there!" I cried, leaning into him and breathing heavily.
"Do you think you can stand up?" Brian asked, coming over to help Shawn support me as I slumped in my chair.
I stood slowly feeling extremely shaky before nearly collapsing as dizziness took over.
"Ana you went for a run right?" Dave asked, coming to stand by my side, taking my wrist so he could take my pulse.
I nodded my head, trying to slow my breathing as the room kept spinning.
"Shit, her pulse is racing, bring her over to the couch." he told Shawn before leaving the room.
Shawn and Dave both held me tightly as we moved slowly. I could barely lift my legs as every time I did pain took hold. "Okay, lay back babe," Shawn spoke as he helped me sit down, and situated me between his legs as he sat behind me.
"Right, Ana where is the pain?" Dave questioned coming to kneel down beside the couch.
"Right here, " I spoke pointing to my left side.
"I'm just going to feel," he spoke as he hiked my shirt up to just under my chest.
Everyone was quiet as Dave concentrated, moving around to press on different sections of my stomach. Finally he said "It is a bit swollen. Do you have any pain in your back or thighs?"
I looked back at Shawn, confused. "If the cyst on your ovary has ruptured or is close to, it can cause pain in the back and thighs," he explained, helping me to pull my shirt back down.
I nodded causing him sigh.
"We'll try some heat, maybe have a bath okay, the water may help to soothe it," Dave added before standing up and taking my wrist again. "Your heart rate is a little high, but we'll just keep an eye on you." He smiled, as Shawn scooped me up into his arms, and carried me up the stairs to our ensuite.
"Arms up Princess, do you want bubbles?" he asked as he deposited me onto the closed toilet seat and helped me remove my clothing.
"Please?" I asked, watching as he grabbed my favourite bath lotion, and poured a generous amount in.
"Here we go. In you get," he spoke as he helped me into the tub. The difference was almost immediate.
"I think it's time my little invalid gets out," Shawn whispered after about twenty minutes of me just laying back in the water, and letting him massage my scalp from where he sat next to the tub.
"Okay," I agreed, taking his hand as he helped me out of the bath slowly.
It was a slow process getting dressed, as I couldn't make any sudden movements, but Shawn was patient. "There," he said finally. "Snug as a bug, " He had not only redressed me into the shirt I had stolen from him, but had gone and gotten a sweater that he had left lying about and pulled it on me. "Can't have you getting cold little one," he laughed, before pecking my lips.
"It's freezing!" I agreed, as we made our way down the stairs.
"How's my patient?" Dave asked as Shawn placed me gently onto the sofa, covering me with a quilt.
"Sore," I replied, pouting, causing him to laugh.
"Here, this might help," Connor called walking in from the kitchen and placing a heating pad on my stomach.
"Thanks Con," I yawned, readjusting myself so that I could lay against Shawn's side as he squished onto the sofa beside me.
"Get some sleep babe," he whispered, "You need it." He didn't need to tell me twice, it was about three seconds and I was out like a light.
When I woke I wasn't sure what time it was, but I was no longer in the couch, instead Shawn had taken me up stairs and tucked me into the bed, and judging by the lack of light and the soft snores coming from Shawn as he slept soundly beside me, it was much later.
Unfortunately for me, there was no way that I was getting back to sleep any time soon, as the pain that had been uncomfortable, but bearable earlier was now causing me agony. So much so that I was literally feeling nauseous.
"Ana, are okay?" Shawn asked, talking into my neck, sleep thick in his muffled voice.
I didn't answer, trying to focus on not passing out.
"Ana," he sighed, as I just sat there crying grabbing fist fulls of sheet as each wave of pain came over me. Sitting up and switching on the lamp beside the bed, he rubbed my arm softly.
"Hold on I'll get the guys." He got up, before quickly exiting the room. A minute or so later I heard the sound of him knocking on the other's doors, and tired voices.
"It's worse? " Dave confirmed, walking into the room closely followed by Shawn, Brian and Connor.
"It never hurts this much, it's so bad!" I cried, pressing on my stomach, wanting the pain gone. I could feel a stronger wave of nausea just as Shawn bent down so that he was at my level, Connor coming to sit with me on the bed as he saw me gag, holding my hair back just in case.
" I'm gonna be sick!" I gasped holding my hand on my mouth, feeling the bile rise.
"Okay, just a second, Bri's gone to get a bucket bub," Shawn soothed coming to rub small circles in my back.
Finally just as I nearly let myself be sick on the bed, Connor spoke, "Here let it all out, " he soothed rubbing my back as Brian held a bucket beneath me that he must have bolted to get from somewhere. I was thankful though, as I could no longer hold it.
After a few minutes, I was able to catch my breath, though I still lay there sweaty and dazed.
"Here, come here Princess." Shawn motioned for me to shuffle over, so he could wipe my face down with a wet washer he had gone and gotten from out bathroom.
"I bleed on the bed," I cried, embarrassed as I shifted and felt the leak, before seeing the masive red stain on the once white sheet
" It's okay, it's normal to have heavy bleeding when a cyst is inflamed. Honestly, we see blood every day babe," Shawn soothed, as he pushed my messy hair out of my face "Besides, they're just sheets, worst case, we'll chuck them out."
"I feel horrible," I groaned letting my head fall onto Shawn's arms half an hour later, when even after a dose of strong pain killers I could barely move.
"Do you want to try sitting in the shower?" Brian suggested as he came back into the room after going to put the dirty sheets in the washer.
"Will it help?" I asked unsure.
"It might," Dave nodded, "The constant stream of warm water may help to loosen some of the muscles in your back and help with the pain and nausea. It's worth a try. "
"Okay," I agreed, watching as Dave stood up and came to stand at the side of the bed.
He held out a hand, helping to support me as Shawn pulled me into an upright position. The room spun a little, and I could feel myself swaying slightly but I managed to stay standing. "Just move very slowly, Ana, no sudden movements honey." Dave grimaced in sympathy as my face tensed with pain as I stepped forward. "
It's okay. We've got you. Breathe Ana. Just breathe," Shawn encouraged as we finally made it to the bathroom.
... Two hours later...
I had sat on the tiled floor of the shower cubicle for almost two hours now, yet nothing was changing and I was miserable. All I wanted to do was sleep. Shawn had sat with me the whole time, holding me gently under the water, not caring that his clothes were now soaked.
"Shawnie I feel dizzy," I told him trying to stay awake. "And my stomach is burning," I groaned, trying to ignore the hot feeling that was now taking over my tummy.
He took my wrist in his hand, before gently taking my pulse.
"Ana we need to go to the hospital honey," he spoke before leaning me against the glass door of the shower and standing up.
"No please can't you just do what you need to do here," I begged crying. I hated hospitals, and he knew it, it had been that way my entire 22 years of life.
"Shhh, calm down," he consoled before calling out to the others. "Dave, Brian, Connor!"
The looks of pity on all of their faces as they stepped into the room and took in my bedraggled state was too much for me to handle.
"Oh Ana, buddy, " Brian sighed, before bending down and helping Shawn to stand me up.
"We need to go to the hospital, she's dizzy her pulse is at 130 a minute, she's in more pain than before, she told me a minute ago that her stomach was burning, and she's bleeding more than she should be. I think it may have burst," he told the others as he wrapped a towel around my wet-clothed body.
"Burns," I whimpered as we made our way downstairs, me in my brother's arms, allowing Shawn to run and change into dry clothes.
I heard them muttering amongst themselves, not making out much more than medical word: inflammation and gastritis, and then I was tuning them out.
I couldn't help the tears as we made the short drive to the hospital, me laying across Connor and Shawn's laps.
"I know bub, we'll sort it out okay. But just focus in staying calm. The more upset you are, the worse you'll feel," Connor explained rubbing my stomach softly.
I felt horrible as I watched my little sister in pain, desperately clinging to Shawn as we pulled into the staff carpark. Luckily for us Shawn and I worked as critical care doctors in the ICU while Brian and Dave ran the ER, meaning we could just go straight in, not having to worry about admissions, and insurance just yet.
"I thought you were off tonight? It's been one hell of a night!" Nancy one of the nurses spoke as we walked in.
"We were, but Ana has a burst cyst," I spoke pointing to Shawn who held her in his arms as we walked towards the only available exam room.
Nancy frowned sympathetically, before walking back to the nurses station "You'll need to run it, no doctors available," she called.
Normally we won't treat relatives but she was high priority and as Nancy had said there was no one else there.
"Right Ana I need to run some tests honey, I'm going to get Shawn to change you into this," Dave spoke holding out a gown, as Shawn placed my sister onto the exam table gently.
Once that was done Brian came over, setting up the portable ultra sound machine next to the bed.
"So I'm just going to put some gel on your stomach, and have a look okay. It might be a little uncomfortable so I apologise in advance."
She whimpered slightly, grabbing Shawn's hand as Brian pressed the wand down."
"I know I'm sorry, " he apologised as he continued to move it around, finally he stopped, zooming in.
"Here it is, you've got a burst cyst on your left ovary that's why it's hurting so much. When you were running the exertion must have caused it to burst. It also looks as though you have evidence of gastritis too."
"What's that?" she asked looking to me for help.
"Its inflammation of the stomach lining, that's the burning you were feeling. We'll run some more tests though, just to be sure-"
He was interrupted as he spoke by one of the nurses poking her head around the curtin.
"Dr. Craigen would you be able to consult in triage?"
"No," he answered politely. "I'm currently busy looking after a personal patient."
Ana laughed once she had left. "Can you do that? Just ignore?"
"For you, yes, you're our most important patient." He winked. " Good news," he added, " There's no twist, so no surgery but it did burst, and you have lost some blood. So I would like to admit you so we can give you fluids and pain relief," he explained causing her nose to crinkle in distaste.
"Can Shawn stay?" I asked worried that I'd be stuck here by myself.
"I'm not going anywhere Princess," he reassured, me, coming to sit on the side of the bed with me.
Half an hour later and I'd been officially admitted and hooked up to a blood pressure machine, oximeter, and an I.V. with pain meds which was working wonders.
"How you feeling now Princess?" Shawn asked, looking at the machines briefly before focusing his attention back to me. We were now the only two in the room, Brian and Connor having gone to the Cafeteria for much needed coffee, and Dave to check my previous file notes, not that I knew how he'd get a hold of them.
"I'm cold." I shivered, trying to burrow myself further into the too think blankets.
"Here, this should help," Shawn smiled, pulling one of his jumpers out of his bag and helping me into it.
There was a knock on the door, before Dave stepped into the room,a clipboard in hand. "Sorry to interupt guys." he apologised. "Ana, I need to ask you some routine questions," he spoke coming to sit next to the bed.
"Is there any chance you could be pregnant?" he asked seriously.
I blushed, "Ummm no," I laughed hiding my face in Shawn's shoulder.
"Sorry, this is just as awkward for you as it is for me. Trust me I don't want to know the details of one of my best mates private this. But this important," he explained smiling sympathetically.
"Well, no, trust me," I laughed, just wanting to move on.
"Okay. Well I'm going to do a blood draw just to rule a couple things out. Make sure nothing additional is going on."
"The doctor basically told me there was nothing she could do," I told him, watching as he grabbed all the necessary supplies.
"Well now that you're over here Dave will take care of you Princess," Shawn spoke kissing my head.
"You don't have to worry about a thing." Dave smiled before snapping on a pair of gloves and coming to sit next to me.
"Shawn move your fat bum so I can get this blood work done," he spoke, shoving Shawn off the bed with his hip where he had been sitting next to me.
"Sharp scratch Ana," he warned causing me to squeeze my eyes shut in anticipation. "Just stay nice and relaxed."
Several hours later,and nothing abnormal had shown up in my blood work, meaning that once my pain was under control I was free to go, however Dave did explain to me that he had seen evidence of gastritis as Connor had mentioned earlier a symptom of the strong medications I had been taking to manage my pain. I was prescribed an ant-acid, told to stay away from spicy food, and change medications to something a little less harsh.
"You also need to be on bed rest for a few days to give your stomach time to heal," Shawn had added, laughing when I whined in protest. He knew I hated being stuck immobile.
Days later I had been released on strict orders to rest, something which I reluctantly agreed to.
" I'm so glad your feeling better," Shawn said sitting next to me on the sofa, that had become my temporary home due to not being able to walk easily on my own.
"Well it wasn't exactly the way I wanted to spend my first few days here, but thank you guys," I spoke, looking to the other three who sat across from us. They all smiled. "Seriously. Hopefully this will be the start of a great new chapter! I can't wait to see what living in Canada brings," I shouted causing them all to laugh.
"What would I do without you babe?" Shawn chuckled, kissing me.
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astralastrid · 5 years
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Hi @snowfairy909 ! I was your @usuknetwork holiday exchange Secret Santa! Happy holidays and enjoy!
Title: I'll Be Home For Christmas Prompt: Arthur coming over to London to surprise Alfred for Christmas Summary: Separated by distance, both Alfred and Arthur long for each other. Rating: general audiences Warnings: n/a Holidays were always a magical time for Alfred. He loved them as a child, and loved them still. He loved the certain feeling everything would get, the quiet serenity that came with snow, the holiday songs, the food, exchanging gifts, and the warm atmosphere of family. And even as everyone got older and went their separate ways, he still enjoyed calling everybody and seeing what they were up to. Unfortunately, this year, Alfred found himself spending these special days alone. 
His brother, Matthew, lived in Canada and couldn't make the trip, and he rather not bother his parents, even if he knew they'd always welcome him with open arms.
But mostly Alfred found himself longing for his boyfriend, Arthur. Alfred had met Arthur in a café, and the two had kept running into each other, which had sparked a friendship. The two texted back and forth, and even started to hang out, sometimes at the very café where they had first met.The two would discuss all sorts of things, often complaining about work. And while Alfred's own work stories were subpar, Arthur's, on the other hand, were extremely entertaining, and Alfred always looked forward to Arthur's latest tirade about his French co-worker. Over time, Alfred and Arthur became close, and friendship soon turned into love. 
 Unfortunately, Arthur had been working in London for the past year, and because of this, the two had rarely seen each other in person, Arthur visiting only when he could get the vacation time, and often he would just stay in England. Alfred dearly missed the sound of his angelic laugh, his rare, small smile, his doting yet brash personality, and especially his embrace. Webcam could only capture so much. 
Alfred decided to call Arthur. The phone rang and rang, but there was no response. His boyfriend's voice usually brought him joy, but this time, Arthur's familiar voicemail only added to the pang of loneliness he felt.
Alfred sighed, deciding to call his brother instead, who thankfully picked up. "Hey Al, everything alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, just relaxing you know? Anyway what's up bro? Have you put up your decorations?" Alfred looked around at his house, all decked out in holiday garb. His eyes lingered on the tree, and he felt a new wave of sadness come over him. Decorating was one of his favorite things to do with Arthur, and it was the first year in a while that they hadn't done it together.
"Well actually we're doing that now." The sound of a grunt came over the line as Matthew probably picked up something heavy. 
"Oh" Alfred said dejectedly. "Is now a bad time to call?" 
"No, no it's fine! It's always nice to hear from you, especially since I know you're busy this time of year." Matthew was too polite for his own good, and wouldn't admit that it was probably a hassle to balance the phone on top of putting things up. 
"No Mattie it's fine, I can call you back." There was a pause, and Alfred could almost see the worried expression on his sibling's face. 
"Alfred, I know you miss Arthur, but try not to let it take over your life eh? Order some pizza and watch a Hallmark movie or something. You love the holidays. Don't let this ruin it." 
alfred tried to smile. "Your right Matt, thanks. Love you."  
"Love you too. Talk to you later." Matthew had a point. Holidays were supposed to be fun! And by god, he was going to enjoy them! Alfred ordered a pizza, putting on "Elf," one of his favorite Christmas movies, and watching the snow fall. Maybe he'd make a snowman later... 
Over the next few days, Alfred tried to not think about Arthur too much, but it was hard when they did almost everything together during the season. It was strange to not smell burnt food coming from the oven or hear scathing remarks on the "cheesiness of American movies," (even if Arthur secretly enjoyed them.) Everything reminded Alfred of Arthur, and the holidays were going to be hard without the other half of his heart. 
 Arthur Kirkland had mixed feelings about holidays. He despised the commercialism of it all, the same bloody songs playing over and over, and above all, the crowds. And yet, he did enjoy the general giving spirit mankind was prone to at this time of year. Everyone and everything seemed a little brighter and a little kinder. Even his brothers seemed to tease him less during the holiday season. 
But this year, Christmas was turning out to be a little different. His job has asked him to work abroad for a year, and Arthur had happily accepted, eager to return to his homeland after years of being away from it. The experience was incredible: so much was the same, yet everything was a little bit different. So many of the shops he had known as a child were still there, but unfortunately a few had been closed down or demolished. Despite being busy with his work, Arthur had taken the time to "sightsee," refamiliarizing himself with the joys of his younger years, even taking the time to see his parents and catch up with them.
However, while it was great to see it all again, he found himself missing Alfred a lot, and the conversation he had with his parents didn't help. They were overjoyed to see him "across the pond," so to speak, and Arthur was thankful that they were so supportive of his relationship with Alfred, but it soon because all that they wanted to talk about: 'How was Alfred?' 'When was the last time you saw him?' 'Have you called him recently?' 'Don't you miss him?' 
 And yes, Arthur missed him dearly. London seemed much more gloomy and quiet than he remembered. He used to enjoy that aspect of London, but after meeting Alfred it was strange to go back to a less boisterous life. Everything seemed colder and lonelier without Alfred's warm touch, his larger-than-life laugh, his brighter-than-the-sun smile, and his overall sunny personality that filled whatever room he was in. Alfred had become a bigger part of Arthur's life than he realized, and he cursed the fact he couldn't always afford the plane ticket to see him. 
 Admittedly, Arthur had been so busy with work lately that he had missed numerous calls from Alfred, forgetting to call him back and mostly replying to him via text. It was all going to be worth it, but he still felt immensely guilty and decided to give Alfred a ring. 
 "Hello? Alfred?" 
 "Artie!" He could clearly picture the smile on his boyfriend's face. "Is everything ok? You hadn't called in a while..." His words were like a stab in the gut. 
 Arthur coughed awkwardly. "Yes, sorry about that love. I've been busier than I anticipated. But I'm fine I promise. Anything ah, new over there?" 
 "Nope! Just the usual: ice, snow, hot coco, and the "overly cliché" movies you love to hate. Oh and the oven isn't on fire for once." 
 Arthur reddened. "You leave me and my perfectly fine cooking skills alone!" 
Alfred laughed. "Whatever you say." There was a pause. "Hey Arthur?" 
 "Yes love?"
"It's really good to hear your voice. I really miss you." 
 Arthur smiled. "I miss you too poppet." They said their goodbyes and it was really hard for Arthur not to tell Alfred that he'd see him soon. See, the reason that Arthur had been so busy is that he had been working hard so that when he requested to go home for the holidays, it would seem like a reasonable request. It had taken a bit of wheedling on Arthur's part, but his boss had agreed to let him go. Arthur was scheduled to arrive on Christmas Eve, and he couldn't wait to surprise his boyfriend.
Alfred had been watching "The Polar Express" and eating ice-cream when there was a knock on the door. Strange, he hadn't been expecting anyone... He paused the movie and put the ice-cream down, opening the door carefully. Seeing who it was, he swung the door wide open and crushed his boyfriend in a bear-hug. "Artie!" Arthur, while a little irritated at the lack of a warning, hugged back tightly. "I missed you so much it hurt Arthur!"  
"Merry Christmas Alfred. I missed you too. Now can we please go inside before we catch out deaths out here?" Alfred laughed, quickly letting him go and helping him with his belongings. 
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming home? I would've prepared something special!" And wouldn't have left the place in such a mess, Alfred added silently in his head. 
"I wanted to surprise you. Plus I knew you'd be all overly extravagant about it, and while I appreciate it, I rather just spend a few relaxing evenings with you." 
Alfred nodded. "I understand, but promise you'll let me take you out for New Year's! If you're staying that long. When are you going back? Are you here for good?" Alfred became frantic. "Or are they making you stay in London for good? Please don't tell me it's true Arthur! This year has been hard enough already! Another second without you and I'd die!" 
 Arthur scoffed. "Stop being so overdramatic." He gestured to the various trash scattered about. "You seem just fine. You sure you'd missed me?" At Alfred's indignant look, Arthur waved his hand dismissively. "I'm just joking. I'm home until after New Year's and then I have to return. But after that I should be wrapping up everything and returning for good before the month is out, promise." He went over and kissed him on the cheek. "But we can worry about that later. It's Christmas Eve! Let's just relax." 
 Alfred beamed. "You don't have to tell me twice!" Alfred made popcorn while Arthur brewed his tea, and the two soon returned to the couch, continuing to watch movies and cuddling up to each other. It didn't take long for them to fall asleep in the other's embrace. 
The next morning, Alfred shook Arthur excitedly. "Wake up Artie! It's Christmas!" Arthur groaned, trying to go back to sleep, but Alfred insisted, pulling the blankets off. 
 "Fine, fine, I'm up!" Arthur grumbled. 
 Alfred was smiling sheepishly as he handed him breakfast."I'm sorry I couldn't get you a proper gift this year. I wasn't expecting you to be home and frankly, I didn't know what to get you regardless. You have plenty of mugs and tea, and all your knitting stuff is in working condition-" 
 "Oh hush." Arthur interrupted. "It's okay love. Being with you is already the perfect gift." 
 Alfred smirked. "I thought you hated cheesy lines like that." Arthur scoffed and hit him playfully. "Seriously though. I'll make it up to you."
 Arthur smiled. "It's fine, don't worry. And don't you want to know what I got you?" He went over to his suitcase and brought out two wrapped presents. "I know how much you love Harry Potter, so I got you a robe, a wand, chocolate frogs, and Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans." He explained as Alfred opened the presents.
 Alfred hugged him tightly. "Oh I love this! Thank you thank you!" Alfred put them out of harm's way. "So what now?" 
 "I just want to spend the day with you dearest." And that they did. They baked and cooked together, (Alfred being careful to watch Arthur's every move,) ate together, and Alfred even convinced Arthur to have a snowball fight with him. After that, they warmed back up with hot drinks and spent the rest of the evening snuggled up, watching whatever was on tv. 
 And later, Alfred did fulfill his promise to make it up to Arthur, taking him out on New Year's Eve and buying whatever he wanted from the stores that weren't closed, (despite Arthur's protests.) They went ice skating, and walked around town eating ice-cream. At night, they toasted to each other, sharing a kiss at midnight. And staring into each other's eyes lovingly, they both knew that their holidays would always be complete, so long as they had the other at their side.
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