#i do have itch.io support enabled but like. i really want to make it professional. actually offer extra content and stuff
signalhill-if · 1 year
Considering Donation Platforms
So with the demo out and the next lead well on its way, I've been thinking a lot about the future of this project and about how to dedicate more of my time to it. The honest truth is, I am a full time student and part time worker and it's difficult maintaining all three at the same time. I want to be as consistent with this game as possible, but I also don't want to sacrifice my marks, and I frankly can't afford to take fewer shifts at work right now.
The solution to this is pretty obvious- starting a Patreon or Ko-fi would allow me to make a bit of extra cash while working on the game, if I'm able to build it up enough. Obviously this is not right around the corner, as I'd like to have a bit of extra content built up by the time I launch either of those, and my primary focus right now is the main game. But I want to talk about those, which platform people generally prefer, and what kind of extra content people are interested in seeing.
Patreon has higher fees and is geared towards long term memberships. I'd be able to offer patrons early access to new updates (which will hopefully be relatively frequent, as progress during development has been pretty fast) and access to a back catalogue of art and side stories. It would also mean I could share NSFW content, like explicit stories or nude pinups, which is a bonus cause I know y'all nasty. But the biggest thing I'm excited for would be offering polls to decide what is worked on next. Because the game will be updated lead-by-lead, that means patrons would be able to directly decide what they see in early access that month.
Ko-fi has lower fees and more breadth of services, so I could use the same platform to offer commissions, sell side stories, and offer memberships for early access. However, Ko-fi doesn't allow explicit sexual content, so no sexy pinups and no sexy stories. Sorry nasty people. And since traditional romance won't exactly be the focus of the game, commissioned writing probably wouldn't be as interesting of an offer for you folks anyway. No polls, either. But the big benefit is that people may be more willing to pay a one time fee to purchase something rather than becoming a patron for a longer period of time.
Yes, I can set up both- but if I'm making content for Patreon, Ko-fi would just be a tip jar for people who don't want to use itch.io! I'm specifically thinking about which platform I want to offer content through.
I originall had a little google form here, but y'know what? I'm probably better off just doing a quick poll.
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