#i didn't intend to write a page and a half about akito sohma
nek0mars · 2 years
My thoughts on Akito Sohma
In the beginning, I hated Akito Sohma. Every episode made me more and more heated; I’d honestly never felt so much hate toward anything, especially not a fictional character. But the more I watched, the more I started to understand why Akito Sohma acts the way she does.
Akito has been raised knowing that people were awaiting her presence even prior to her birth, and on top of her being the “God” of the zodiacs, she feels like everyone should listen only to her. It doesn’t help that after her father’s death, her mother was insistent on telling Akito she was to be forever worthless and unloved.
In fact, Akito acts the way she does because…
She's afraid.
Afraid that someday, everyone will leave her, and that she’ll be completely and utterly alone. Afraid that she was a mistake.
And deep down, she knows her outbursts have consequences, yet she refuses to acknowledge them.
Akito is just an emotionally and mentally unstable woman. Back then, she was just an emotionally unstable little girl with no one to guide her or correct her cruelty. And so she grew up with that same instability where people were too afraid to oppose her.
She suffered emotional and psychological abuse, and because of that, she took to emotionally and mentally scarring the people around her. She felt it was her right to treat the zodiac members as she pleased because…she was their God. She believed it was her birthright, and she had every reason to act how she did toward them all.
But that never gave her the right to treat those people the way she did. Although her trauma affected her in that way, she should never have taken it out on the people around her.
She hurt people. Not only psychologically or emotionally, but physically as well. She almost killed Rin (twice). She scarred Yuki. Hurt Kisa, Hatori, Momiji, Kyo… and the list continues on. Every zodiac was affected in a negative sense by her in some way.
But it was never entirely her fault. Even though she was the one who carried out the actions, she just didn’t know when to stop. She was the victim of abuse. She was spoiled and entitled, but only because she was told she could be. And when Kureno’s curse first broke, she got scared, realizing that the zodiacs might all someday leave her; it very literally made something within her snap. She pleaded with Kureno to not leave her, and out of pity, he stayed. He couldn’t bear to leave the crying little girl who just seemed so…lost.
Someone like Akito doesn’t know how to control their feelings. Nor do they have someone to tell their worries and woes. Even if she did have the four eldest zodiacs to talk with, it never meant she’d believe they’d always be there to listen. It never meant that she really believed her own feelings either.
She truly was lost. She didn’t have anyone to turn to, and reacted the only way she knew how. With anger and outbursts and insults.
I still dislike her as a character but that means she’s just a very well-written antagonist. I told myself I wouldn’t accept her “redemption arc,” but that’s completely untrue.
I’m about to finish watching season 3 of Fruits Basket soon, and I think I’ll be content with how it all plays out.
I very honestly want Akito to finally be free. Free from the curse, and free to live her life how she really wants to. I want her to finally feel like she can love and be loved without restriction or fear that the person she loves might leave her.
Everyone deserves to know love, regardless of actions or upbringing.
And someone born into her life deserves to know what real love truly is. x-x-x Thanks for reading!! :)
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