#i did some research into aniridia for this wofnekdk and a few sites said that blurred vision is common but not always the case
a way to make the grian shedding scenario even worse for him but also funnier: he gets helped out by a streaming rendog. curse of rendog's terrible accidental suggestive phrasing is in full effect. bonus suckiness and a watcher biology idea: if they're a lot like centipedes or the like they might have spiracles in addition to lungs and so gotta shed part of the lining of their respiratory system when shedding their skin. naturally ren will phrase helping grian with this in the worst way possible
So i did a LOT of brainstorming on Watcher biology last night, and what ive come up with is that since they aren't actually centipedes, there's not a real reason for them to shed their skin or anything like that unless theyre in the juvenile stage and growing into full adulthood. That being said though, im really liking the idea of them sometimes having to slough off code thats been deteriorated beyond repair, and that might very well look like shedding skin in some way-- i havent fully settled on the visuals for that. Some fun new Watcher biology facts for you though: Watcher eyes are all pupil, no iris. This is because the function of an iris is to control the amount of light that enters your eye, and the in-between is essentially like deep, deep ocean in terms of light; Watchers need all the light they can possibly get in order to help them see potential threats from a long ways off, so they adapted to have no iris in their eyes :]
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