#i could talk about megric for the rest of my life tbh
happyhauntt · 3 years
could you do the halloween prompt with meg and cedric?:))
absolutely !!!
(halloween) give me a ship and I'll tell you who:
chooses the pumpkin: megan megan megan she takes this very seriously
carves the pumpkin: they both get pumpkins and they get competitive about whose carving is the best ( megan goes scary, cedric goes funny, they cover each other in pumpkin guts and kiss a lot )
Gets scared and clings the other in a haunted house: right so. i don’t wanna say megan. but megan. ( she DOESN’T LIKE GORE the jump-scare stuff??? nOT HER VIBE )
Matching costume idea: I’VE THOUGHT SO MUCH ABOUT THIS okay so they go as han solo and chewbacca. EXCEPT. cedric chewbacca bc he’s so much taller than megan. also megan pulls off that harrison ford suave better than cedric could.
Makes a cozy bed-fort to cuddle in: okay so megan gets home from training and is super tired and sore and cedric has made the bed-fort and there are candles and pizza and he massages her sore shoulders and their dog jumps all over them
Steal’s the other’s candy: cedric steals megan’s candy. megan dips brussels sprouts in chocolate as revenge.
Accidentally gets lost in a corn maze: megan WOULD bc she’s impulsive and wouldn’t keep track and is also short so definitely can’t see over the hedgerows.
Tells spooky stories to scare the other: they both hate spooky stories their lives have been scary enough.
Collects cool-looking leaves: megan collects them and keeps them in a jar. she writes wishes on them w her little sister when she visits and they send them back out into the world. it’s a little tradition they’ve started.
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