#i could not get erwin in2 the hazmat this is the best we have
starry-simming · 1 year
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Jared had been able to make another spore filter for Erwin, who fashioned it into a gas mask. It was easy goings on the clean section of the lab, and Lilith showed Erwin around a bit. Getting down further might be harder.
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They both made it through the spores and through another door, down another flight of stairs.
“This place goes down forever, geez.” Lilith muttered.
“It’s freaking me out. This place is spooky.”
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“What’s all this stuff?” Lilith peered through the glass of one of the many cases. This new room held lots of alien-looking plants and several screens beeping uselessly on the walls. 
“I dunno.” Erwin tapped on the glass, waiting for a reaction from the tentacle inside. “You think this has something to do with...well. Maybe they were studying alien flora and it got out of hand.”
“That...actually might make sense.” Lilith nodded, taking another look at the place. “Let’s go. See how far we can go.”
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The only other hallway was choked with those creepy purple vines, and spores leaking from the cracks under the door. There was something eerie about this place that Lilith couldn’t put a finger on.
“You got the keycard.” Erwin gestured at the door. “So, uh. Ladies first.”
“Fuck you, man.” Lilith grinned and held the keycard up to the lock. She half thought it wouldn’t work here, but it did and the doors slid open.
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Lilith didn’t understand what she was seeing. A giant, glowing plant, thrashing around like it was alive. Was it alive? It screeched like it was, like an animal. Lilith felt pure panic take over. One glance at Erwin and they were both running out of the lab.
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