#i cant wait until 4b bc i really want those dynamics
nikosasaki · 2 years
tell me what you have planned for lou and nick in season 4 👀
hee hee ho ho;
this is a pretty rocky season for them both, mostly romantically speaking. for Lou, she's still reeling from the kiss between her and Steve last season; they haven't really talked about it and if it's up to Louisa she's probably taking that conversation to the grave.
when Eddie pops into Lou's life it's not only a mess of it's own, but it also complicates things between her and Steve even more. Eddie and Lou used to be friends in high school but Eddie completely embraced the whole social outcast thing while Lou chose to keep floating safely in the middle — so they grew apart. when Louisa finds out her baby brother has been hanging out with known drug dealer Eddie Munson, she very publicly (meaning in front of the whole Hawkins crew) threatens to turn him into a human jigsaw puzzle if he ever gets Dustin in trouble. in response to this Eddie laughs, gives Lou a side-hug, and tells her she's looking good. you can imagine the kind of jealousy spiral this sends Steve into.
Nick isn't faring much better, to be honest. ever since she found out Robin likes girls she's been all over the place, to the point where she can barely get a normal sentence out whenever Robin is around, which — since Robin and Lou became really good friends during the mall incident — is all the time.
to make things worse, aside from the new monster that's rearing it's head, Nancy suddenly joins their little group to help with the investigation. what's worse then hanging out with your current crush? hanging out with both your current and past crush. Nick really just keeps making a fool out of herself, not even noticing that Robin is doing the exact same thing, because they're both love-blind idiots. in one particularly award-winning stupid moment, Nick and Robin are bonding over how intense Nancy can be when Nick accidentally admits that she used to have a crush on Nancy. Robin, missing the pretty essential 'used to' part of that statement, can't help but also become quite jealous — though she's a lot more subtle about it than Steve is.
also some fun small bits;
Steve and Eddie bond because Eddie shows Steve all of the rock music that he knows Louisa likes.
Nancy and Louisa bond over Mike and Dustin, and their weird shared history with Steve (they finally talk about it!)
Robin discovers something interesting about herself; she thinks it's really hot when Nick is all covered in blood after fighting the demobats.
Steve and Robin bond over being to halves of a very jealous dumbass.
Louisa and Steve do actually talk about the kiss. but probably not in the way you'd hope they would.
Nick and Max grow close! along with Nancy, to the surprise of everyone. nobody really gets grief like Nick and Nancy do, so they're the ones Max ends up confiding in for the first time.
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