#i cant rhyme to save my life so theres like. one change
whats-it-mean · 6 months
YES OMG UR A GENIUS what should it be though ..... hmmmm
one sec imma edit the team rocket one for us and we ca become a true duo
Prepare for trouble! And make it double! To protect the world from devastation! To unite all peoples within our nation! To denounce the evils of being boring or plain! To make sure everyone is as cute as can be! Crepe!!! Kyoi!!! Team momoiro blasts off at the speed of light! Surrender now, or prepare to fight!
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rootiebaga · 3 years
im also sorry for uploading this twice-
sorry for not doing much
B U T- i have ideas for abnormality ocs, these are mostly related to nursery rhymes and stories i remember,
these might not be original ideas so,, bear with me
(tiny tw for: murder, death, comas and mass disappearances,)
just a reminder i dont know what these guys risk classes would be, so bear with me on this one
so lets start off with the story one, more specifically, the pied piper
so i read an article of its disturbing truth and its said that the piper is the personification of death, you know what that means?
i make the piper a gentleman with a wife and 2 sons who are twins (isabel and gregory, see? their important) named mori (”i apologize to my sons that i couldn’t control myself, i hope you two are doing well,”)
mori’s life before his death basically played out like the pied piper, but it took a much different turn
he decided to put the rats who were infesting the town into an abandoned clock tower, before they all starved and died, some of the rats, with all the strength they had left, formed 2 rat kings that were both merged together, (fun fact: this is another abnormality i thought of thats well- a clock filled with undead and decomposing mice, you probably know where im going with this)
what happened to the children? (except for his two sons) he murdered them and he went insane and murdered himself aswell, the police found the children and also his body many months later, and he moves on as a restless spirit, if any children have been bad a snake-like spirit with an angler fish’s face will rise up from their bodies, these guys dont do much harm, (theres a 30% chance that a plague (i thought inner demon was kinda cliche so uh) will rise from an employee’s body after they were killed) (tiny little thing i wanna add but i may not, if there are 5 plagues then they’ll merge with mori, making him even more dangerous) (also off topic to the story but mori himself wasn’t diagnosed with anything before he died, he didn’t have any mental trauma, in fact, he was generally a nice person to talk to, but rumour has it the flute might’ve caused this murders to happen)
he was basically locked in the cabin for well- months, until someone (isabel who was training to be a flute player) played the song his father usually plays on his flute every new year
that was.. a bit dark, holy shit-
heres the next one for this post
you know the nursery rhyme hey diddle diddle?
well i thought of 4 different abnormalities for this one, that usually switch randomly from one abnormality to another every day, reset, or if you had them first in one of the departments, every memory repository
the least harmful (dammit, accidentally put harmless instead of harmful) one is the laughing dog (”with every cry the spirit made, the kingdom’s castle broke more and more, until the residents of the kingdom disappeared, even himself.”)
basically its a regular pet dog but its in a jester outfit like its halloween or something, the dog was said to be a reincarnation of a medieval jester
basically, kinda like crumbling armour except with attachment, if you do attatchment, you’ll get a gift that gives you more work success
but, dont get your hopes up! if you do attachment too much the person with the gift will laugh until they cant breathe and eventually die (hi yes i didn’t notice that library of ruina has a jester related abnormality, im not kidding. i really didn’t know that it already existed)
the next one is moon jumper (”who knew the moon orbiting the earth would also have something orbiting it? it would seem pretty crazy to believe!”)
this guy is an astronaut with cow horns that hasn’t succumbed to space even though the glass thats protecting their face from space, has cracked a little, they were found circling the moon for some reason and even trying to jump over it
when they breach, they do it passively, usually, everywhere they go theres an effect that causes the room to have the gravity of the moon, meaning abnormalities (even himself) including employees go very slow (heres a thing i added, sometimes an employee may float upwards, they will soon fall down. the fall causes red damage, because you know- they fell-)
moon jumper can be very helpful when suppressing abnormalities due to this power, and after a few minutes he will slowly walk back to his containment
the next one is the cat’s fiddle (”people have thought the instrument was a curse made for the person wielding it,”) a lady with cat eyes, if you zoom in you can hear the sound of someone playing the fiddle. theres a new special work for this abnormality called “trade” for if the person wants to trade their weapon for the fiddle for a while, if you forget to bring it back by the end of the day, dont worry as the weapon that was traded for the fiddle will return back to the employee the next day, if the person wielding the fiddle ever goes insane, they’re eyes will become cat-like (mostly like the woman’s) and they’ll begin slicing the throats of people.
and the last one from the hey diddle diddle gang is the dish that ran with the spoon, (”wake up! please! its not over yet..”) it is a widower who sees illusions of his wife and the wedding disaster, he usually thinks his wife is still breathing. what this wedding disaster means is unknown.
when he breaches his illusion (aka his wife) will appear from another department, on top of a random department’s room will be a wedding ring, they are harmless at first, but if they finally see each other, and the wedding starts, the wedding will abruptly end with the wife’s neck bleeding, her falling onto the floor and fading out of existence, and the widower quickly snapped back to real life, with the realization that his wife is long gone, madness takes over him and he starts to attack the guests that partook in the wedding
next one! its another nursery rhyme related abnormality,
old man coma! (”whatever they said, whatever they tried to do, they couldn’t save him from eternal rest, I already took his last moments away.”)
basically its an old man, who appears to be sleeping in a bed.
his qliphoth counter is at 2, when its at 1, (either bad result, prudence level 3 and lower or repression work, it’ll also go down if the person was damaged by white damage in any way the day they’re working on old man coma) the containment will start to glitch a bit, likes its slipping back into reality, when its at 0, a flat-line can be heard, the containment will change again and the old man will now be lying in a hospital bed thats right next to a heart monitor,
the actual abnormality is his condition, which takes the form of a shadow with bleeding eyes, although its sort of calm, its violent to those who had previous head injuries, (example: hitting your head on things) since head injuries remind it of the old man
when it escapes from the containment it will search for employees with prudence 3 or lower, after it finds one it will soon go into the employee’s brain and make them pass out by just bumping either an employee or an abnormality, they will stay passed out till the end of the day, they will only go for one person, then they’ll be back in containment, but that doesn’t mean the employee will still live! at the next day the employee will be missing, and a notification will pop up that the employee is dead.
i keep getting alot of ideas so heres the final one: missing persons busride! (its based off of glitch in the matrix stuff,) (”so.. this is the thing that caused the mass disappearances?”)
this is a tool abnormality i thought of. like the name says its a bus with grayscale colors,  when an employee gets onto the bus (aka uses it) it’ll drive to a portal and come back. there is a chance that the employee will get a work speed boost, but theres also a chance that the person will go missing, you’ll know this if the person comes back as a sorta visible glitchy shadow, there will be no notification specifying the person’s death, and if they are gone, they are gone forever, even if you try to reset or memory repository, they will still be gone. you will have to create the employee again if you want them back.
so thats all for now! i hope that this is alright,
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comicteaparty · 5 years
March 7th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on March 7th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on 2 for Joy by Abi Watson.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing 2 for Joy by Abi Watson~! (https://tapas.io/series/2-for-joy)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
i think at the moment that my fave scene is when art goes to the library. cause before the comic possibly toed the line about whether everything was conspiracy or coincidence. and thats the scene that says "nope conspiracy." i just also found it to be this really tense scene cause of the librarians talking about art like he was some super threat. which brave to making an activity like visiting library archives seem test. overall though, the part i like best is that it still leaves the question of what the one librarian guarding the archives wouldve done had art's rouse come to light
I have returned
hey super~!
I'm... kinda here for now. I did like the library scene, the librarian conspiracy was interesting.
I liked the cast moment there too, for the amusement value.
(Which arm was it? Whoa hoa...)
yeah the cast moment was great, partly cause i was no expecting this random moment of humor to roll up
As to my fave scene though, I think interestingly I'll need to go with the nametag thing. Because it was just kind of funny at the time, but had some significance later, with the gender change thing, and the not wanting to get him a new tag. Also explains (kind of) why he wears it upside-down.
It also gave me flashbacks to when I broke some fingers on one of my hands and had to go into a cast for about a month
back in middle school
Ouch. I've never actually needed a cast for anything.
Also, maybe Tec is just waiting for the cast to heal before the fight, humm.
Yeah it was not pleasant. I'd go into detail about it more but this is a CTP
yeah i really liked that on the side the nametag was made to be more relevant. it wasnt just some quirky character thing. which i mean the latter wouldve been fine, but i just like the element that these are characters who have been living their lives without art and the town didnt suddenly exist again just cause art showed up
https://tapas.io/episode/1121842 less a scene but i also really enjoy this page because of all the character reactions. like you got the whole circus of emotions going on and it conveys so much without needing any sort of dialogue
https://tapas.io/episode/1128546 and this one two pages later
Also weird how Jack's name has dual significance.
"it means that makes a liar"
I see what you mean there. (I'm not always good at picking up on artistic choices.)
yeah. although that has gotta kind of suck. i mean i wouldnt want to find out a person i was named after was actually dead and i was just never told XD
https://tapas.io/episode/1296840 The latest bit also sparked my interests
tbh, mike is probably just dumb/evil and not a liar. cause i severely raised an eyebrow to anyone who thinks they can cull birds from an area and theyll just never ever come back even for a short period of time
i really love art's dumb conspiracy journal
i am jealous and want one
but also someone needs to teach jack journalism does not actually involve journals XD
Yeah, I don't think Mike's really got it out for anyone though. Maybe he's related to the librarians.
Art draws pretty well. He makes... art.
an unfortunate nickname well suited to puns
"What did you name your son?" "Art"
"Is that really his name?" "No it's just a nickname he likes."
but i really like how the journal shows art's thought processes and everything. like its a great way to build character without art smacking you with dialogue to put you in his head
I never actually thought of that- to give a character a journal
and just have them jot down in it every once in a while
and show you what they write/doodle
That's a good point. A little window into his view of the plot.
QUESTION 2. One of the central features of the story is the vast conspiracy that seems to haunt Art’s hometown. Are the birds truly leading Art somewhere, or are they really just a coincidence? If the former, where are they leading Art to? Why were all the magpies culled and what does this have to do with murders and supposed cults? What was the one librarian scared of Art finding in the archives? Why is the other librarian willing to help Art? What does all this have to do with the forest and the various people who have gone missing in it? How do you think everything connects in general?
I think the birds are leading Art somewhere but im skeptical theyre actually birds. Cause conveniently nobody but Art sees them UNTIL Alice and Jack get involved. And then suddenly cause theyre part of the plot they can see them. So I kind of wonder if they arent birds but supernatural entities that look like birds
I feel like that title "2 for joy" has something to it; I've never heard of the saying (rhyme?) before about the magpies, but there was a reference made. So turning it around, you need to have two people or the birds will get you.
Ohh, that's an interesting theory. I like it.
Maybe the missing people got turned into birds.
and then the birds haunt more people
and turn them into birds
it's how they spread
thats an interesting idea. or more optimistically the birds are trying to lead art to a cure
A cure for what though? He's not sick.
actually if this was true itd explain why jack kind of got dragged in
one of those birds is his uncle
Or a cure for the thing that turns the eyes white?
i meant a cure for them
to be not birds
Ohh, now I'm with you.
The librarians also used to be birds. That's why they're in on the conspiracy, they don't want to have to be birds again.
the family secrets that cant be told are that art was patient 0 and really a ghost bird all along
on a more serious guess, maybe theyre leading art to ground zero though. like assuming there is supernatural stuff at work, when things like whats going on in the town happen, theres usually like an origin point. like a pentagram in the woods though probably not that.
That's why they saved his life!
Good thinking.
Maybe, could be something silver, what with the bird connection.
arent magpies the ones who like shiny stuff?
I think so? I don't know much about birds.
google tells me yes but that this is a myth
and that scientifically them stealing the shiny things is not backed up by dedicated observation and testing
which now leaves me torn cause i was gonna guess that theyre just leading art to their silver pile of treasure
As Jack said, the true treasure was the friends they made along the way.
ya know, given the title, that is probably all that matters
that through their quest theyre going to find joy
And Joy will be the wife of that guy who was blamed for all the murders?
(Seriously though, it's interesting how deep the rabbit hole seems to go.)
Actually, now that I think of it, there was an X-Files reference too. Possibly just in the author's notes though.
ya know
i would not be surprised if the wife's name did turn out to be joy
although id also find that kind of funny
(off to crib)
aside from birds though, im turning my attention to the archives. cause from the convo i gathered that besides other things, there were things with births and deaths art wasnt supposed to find? and given the one extra side page, i really wonder if it has to do with art's birth since hes adopted
(good luck)
but maybe i misread the conversation. i mean maybe theyre just trying to cover up exactly how many people have gone missing in the forest. cause its too shameful or a high risk for crashing that small town tourism cash cow
or theyre trying to cover up the fact that the cult is still sort of active and something in the archives proves how deep the cult runs
(back-ish) Yeah, I noticed the adoption thing and wondered briefly about it.
You think maybe the "murders" were just lots of missing people?
Yeah I wouldn't want that getting out inot the public
A birb cult.
QUESTION 3. In the recent pages, Jack and Art have decided they need to go into the forest and look around. What do you think will happen to the two while in the forest? Will they see more birds? Will the silver compass come into play? Do you think the two will be in danger considering the possessions that seem to have occurred to certain individuals? In regards to the conspiracy, what answers do you think the two might find directly in the forest? Lastly, do you think going into the forest will have other consequences? What if members of the town find out about their little expedition? What about Alice?
and it could be. that there are less murders than we think and everyone is just missing.
i do think the adoption thing is significant
more birds definitely
i think what will happen in the forest is theyll get jumpscared a lot but then learn nothing. outside of the forest is spooky af. although i also think theyre gonna find something they dont think is significant until later and theyre like "le gasp signs of the missing ppl"
"forests are spooky"
the moral of the story
(back-ish again) I wonder if going into the woods will cause a replay of the Hec stuff. Like Jack will have his eyes go white and try to beat up Art and then won't remember about it. Could put their relationship on the rocks a bit.
Or jumpscares with birds.
tbh i actually assume if that were to happen alice would be the more likely possession target
like shell show up
suddenly rolled back eyes
beat art up
Ooooh. That'd definitely shake up the character dynamics. I wonder if the birds tried to talk to her first, but she didn't listen? Since she also left town for a while.
maybe. although now im wondering how she and art both happen to coincientally be back in town. like we know kind of why art is there. but alice too seems a huge coincidence in a story where coincidences are actually conspiracies
Hmmmm. Maybe she's not really there? Has anyone other than Art and Jack mentioned actually seeing Alice?
Maybe she's Jack's guardian angel or something in disguise.
im trying
to recall a moment
i mean shes gone half the time and not able to interact with outside ppl
there was the one scene where theyre all eating together
but i dont remember if any outside person approached them
Did Mike comment on her though? Because she only turned up when Art admitted to Jack that he was waiting for her.
(Is she a bird? Man, I can't tell if my conspiracy theories are totally crazy or not.)
the only reference mike makes is later on when hes scolding jack and ask if its going to become another summer where he ignores customers to gossip with his "little friends"
so specifically plural
the context does not imply that there has to be multiple
more like the implication that more friends could show up even tho just the one is there
so it could go either or
Oh, wait! The guy in the compass shop. He saw her, in the hat.
Mustache man... maybe he's in on it?
darn it compass guy
(Nice subtle detail in that scene by the way, him not recognizing Jack after the transition.)
ruining our good alice isnt there theory
Alice and Art do prove that you can leave the town without just vanishing then.
yes. until the town pulls you back
by crashing your car
i think jack and art going into the forest is going to attract unwanted town attention
i can hear that one librarian now going "i told you he was up to something!"
They went swimming without incident though. As long as they play it off as camping or whatever, who would care.
suspicious librarians
thats who would care
"They just went swimming who goes swimming that much they must be suspicious!"
I wonder what the librarians do in their off hours.
sme tbh
QUESTION 4. Among the conspiracies are a lot of emotional conflicts and changing relationships. Do you think Art and Jack’s flirting will go anywhere? Whether it does or not, how might their investigations and the revealing of certain secrets affect how they view each other? How might it change Art’s relationship with Alice given Alice is reluctant to buy into the conspiracies as much as Art or Jack? Also, how will learning more help or hurt Art’s ability to deal with Hec? Do you think Hec is in on the conspiracy or is Jack right and Hec just wants to fight? Lastly, why do you think Art was the one targeted by the birds, and how does Jack play into the ultimate roles that the supernatural events seem to have intended for them? How might Jack’s missing uncle come into play and change how Jack deals with the situation?
the nice librarian goes home and reads books. the mean one is obviously part of HOA and the neighborhood watch
Related to the relationship stuff, it's nice how the gay angle was put in as a sidebar, just a statement of fact. I wonder a little bit if younger Art had a thing for Hec, which is partly why he sees the best in the guy.
Related to the bird stuff, the second appearance of the birds related to a baby. Not sure how that fits in.
i was surprised to see the gay comment, I'll admit
did Art drop that fact earlier on in the story?
Yeah, when it was the four birds for Jack I think.
yeah its pretty super early on
like not first page
but very early
Like maybe birth as the opposite of death? :/
i worried it meant the baby was gonna die tbh XD
Oooh, super serious.
mostly cause so far the birds have an omen sort of tone and omens arent good
and they caused art to crash his car
and put him in a cast?
But he was going to crash anyway, right?
maybe? i mean art says the birds saved his life or something but that doesnt mean thats the objective fact of what happened
Art and Jack seem destined to get together though, after the bit with Hec in the alley.
True. Wishful thinking?
i do think in this case maybe
at the very least i dont think alice and jack are wrong in thinking some of this bird thing is about art kind of not coping with what happened
cause i def dont think art is dealing with it and that even though something is going on, hes also using it as a distraction
cause both can be true
maybe this comic is just the labyrinth and the birds are gonna spirit the baby away to turn it into a troll
The baby is really Art. It's all time travel. He takes the baby back and gets himself adopted.
so does that make the librarians the time police?
...That would be a pretty epic twist(edited)
One of them is a grown up Jughead.
As to why Art was targeted, maybe Art has unfinished business in town.
well id say hec is unfinished business. although maybe thats why. that art encountered the supernatural and lived to tell the tale and didnt disappear in the forest
so that proves he has magical supernatural immunity
Oh, immunity, that's an interesting idea. Maybe it's because he was adopted and didn't grow up in town or something?
Maybe everyone has silver poisoning.
Can that make your eyes go white?
art is just the chosen one
lets see
I hope the Art and Jack thing works out. Art needs some grins in his life, and I gather the transition wasn't easy for Jack either.
“Silver poisoning, medically termed argyria, causes ashen gray discoloration of the skin (and other tissues of the body).”
thats what the first result tells me
i think itll work out just cause its called 2 for joy and theyre the ones in all the banners
and they do seem to be mutually attracted to each other. although i do wonder if they solve the conspiracy if that will remain
That's true... maybe the two of them will adopt a baby, whence the "2 for joy" relates to the birds too?
I suppose the specific species of bird is related too, but I don't know from specifics.
The real conspiracy, of course, is how that diner manages to have the best pancakes in town.
That'd be cute, just sayin
(or a young child)
i liked the bit where jack was criticizing alice for making up ppl
but then art joins in
with an even more ridiculous chain
Yeah, that helps to show the sibling angle too.
I guess since there's only a few minutes left, I'd like to take the time to say good luck to abi on getting this story worked on, it's looking great so far.
Yeah, the characters are interesting along with the plot, like I don't think I've ever seen this sort of mix before.
Well said.
Hope they bring pancakes into the woods to appease the birds.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Abi Watson, as well, for making 2 for Joy. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Abi Watson’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/2-for-joy
Abi Watson’s Redbubble Shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/abiwatson
Abi Watson’s Society 6 Shop: https://society6.com/abiwatsonillustration/s?q=new
Abi Watson’s Gumroad Shop: https://gumroad.com/abiwatson
Abi Watson’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/abiwatsonart?lang=en
0 notes
libidomechanica · 4 years
Llnever as natures
The scorn the embraces  mixt with due 
precision, and shape, her  alone did breeding or 
a walk, and eke you  do deeds of distance, theres 
no more silently done elsewhere  apple doth move silent sandaled 
for my pass, which  your young fellow as 
your land, for though in  an aged gossip 
led Scarce secure, and she been  vast, shes prows put on 
would really the need  he was written 
by its own. To the  weary… full length the 
heard, sharp eyes, except through— we  two were still german, I 
will breaking sun of me and  dine from the 
deeps— of life is drear, her  wilt, I know of earth; while 
these wall. Of dazzling  dart, so as I avowed 
at wind, in so fall,  in the English 
lily, “Think of a  virgin came in such with 
honeyd rainbow robes flaunt,  to mind a sad 
thine ear, she strict to nature  was no loved, 
the world of the  contributes too were too 
strong sweet: and scent theology.  And, like blank-verse, and 
sore at the meadow that  in your way ‘to 
swerve. Try and soft and  here. At such a common; 
for she said, “Heaven is  casement ashore will 
continued still chaste kissing—which  our debt of 
tissue she cool me where  are little book to 
me; while I was  old wolf, for still by 
two, althought of Matter when  on your colours 
away ’‘t is all that  benefactress, but tears, 
at the grieve, where she panted,  a woe-worn cheek of 
a captive Jews by whole; and  stir,’ so that” from 
her, through every sorry  you, may fly—’ surely be 
the more inquisitions  the dreams. ‘Fly, Juan, 
after leave to soldier-laddie,  and that: you have should 
griefes the riches  it would all Styx throughout: 
im very couch is acquaint a  sweetest leaves will not 
the wet; water light of  the isles of Time, 
when a boy to  my rhymes, or was 
fair Madeline: give a  butter fades, innumerary 
beauty was the  moor, and whateer was 
changed through these ravishd, until  his licence, the 
smart, with golden sand—  how few! ’S brows I crept: I 
cant help thinken agayne.” One morning  steed in size, it 
would neer end wine; and not you silently  wrecks were but the 
pearls, whose in one belong  gladly blindness. 
The winds woke with  laurels at the 
tricks, teapot, tray, a Lambe, or  all was curse I 
vent my life is worthy proud lived  respect to 
public merit, a terribly  sad You are all that 
sike mine eyes of my serene!  And wreck. but one, save 
that basest jewels one  whose that lures, for 
air. Kept up disclose on me  say but to see you: 
She kept he, he was  yet with coins of 
earth was meant to  know, then can be 
calld her way, were robust and  what was.
0 notes
caredogstips · 7 years
Top 10 pas in envision books
Dads often get a raw deal in image volumes – often absent or else caricatured as the not-very-smart or the fix-it-all-with-my-toolbox papa. Here Sean Taylor picks the best well-rounded daddies in a selection of fabulous image volumes for papas day
You get more mums than dads in visualize journals. Perhaps thats intelligible. Mums still tower largest in the living conditions of numerous picture-book-aged juveniles. But perhaps it shows our world, in which absent-minded father-gods are ever more common. One route or the other, it would be good to have more papas present in the lives of children, and it would be good to have more papas in word-painting journals.
Sean Taylor with his son Rafa.
And theres something else. The pas who do appear in stories for young children can be quite restricted references. Theres the above-it-all daddy, speaking the newspaper. Theres the not-very-smart father, whos simply a pun. Theres the fix-it , daddy with his toolbox. Theres the about-to-be-absentdad , off to employment. Even the all-loving , Guess-How-Much-I-Love-You kind of dad can feel one-dimensional.
So for my top 10, Ive chosen works peculiarity father-gods who are both at the center of the tale and more alive than the caricatures. The notebooks are ordered approximately by age of reader: younger firstly, older last-place. I hope theres something new for you to find and enjoy.
1. Some Dogs Do by Jez Alborough
A special tale told( as Jez Alborough brilliantly does) in few words and with verses that read just right. A young hound announced Sid is so filled with happiness that he moves! But he cant persuade anyone that this has happened. Hes tittered at. bird-dogs dont fly it cant be done, says his teach. Dogs dont fly! reproduce his friends. This leaves Sid alone and lamentable. But his father comes by. He asks whats wrong, and it saves the day. Sids dad believes in him. He understands Sids free spirit because he shares it. And these two things( literally) lift Sid up again. Its a wonderful image of the magical a father-son alliance can do.
2. The Parent Who Had 10 Children by Bndicte Guettier
A whimsical fable, first are presented in France. The papa in question does everything for his 10 brats. He takes them to institution. He cooks their snacks. He tells them storeys. He caresses them good night. Then, requiring a crack, he constructs a secret ship. He says hell leave the children with their grandma, and sail away for a long vacation. But he cant live without his minors. Hes back soon. The ten babes connect him in the ship. Its an engaging depiction of what it is to have( or be) a affectionate mother. The ludicrous realism outline you in like a nursery rhyme. Precisely right for younger painting volume readers.
3. Petes a Pizza by William Steig
Its raining. Pete cant go out to play ball with the guys. So hes in a bad humor. His father thinks it might clap Pete up to be made into a pizza. Hes right, of course! Dad kneads him and twirls him up in the air. He disperses on cheese( actually torn up fragments of paper) and applies him in the oven( actually the sofa ). This is a celebration of the parents ruse of distracting a grouchy brat with a little bit of zany comedy.( Good maneuver in the book, as far as Im concerned .) And what a wonderfully affection, inventive, energetic father William Steig has created! Pete titters like crazy. And the sunshine comes out at the end.
4. Oscars Half Birthday by Bob Graham
One of many memorable situation volumes from a master of creating papa, mums, children and all human being.( Too fairies, in fact .) A household become strolling to a green slope in the city to celebrate newborn Oscars six-month birthday. Bob Graham covers “the worlds” as a jumble of various types of lives, done beautiful by the excitement that can come between them. And in this story, theres special attention paid to minutes of prayer that children and mothers can conjure up, if they require. I enjoy the dirty-old-town give, with its colourful graffiti. And I like the spiky-haired daddy. He realise the sandwiches. He goes on with the stuff of the family daytime. He does it with love. And hes concerned one of my favourite of all situation work completes. When the kids are asleep, he pushes back the furniture and dances with Mum
5. At the Crossroads by Rachel Isadora
A brilliant volume( who are able dare publish this today ?) by the author of the evenly brilliant Bens Trumpet. In a South African township, some infants expect their migrant-labourer parents to arrive home after 10 months “. They wait, in celebratory mood at first, but with increasing tiredness and uncertainty as the day and the night go by. They tell legends to stay awake. But a very young drops-off asleep. A truck plucks up. Its not their fathers. Then the working day sunups. And, with it, the parents arrive. Theres hardly any characterisation of the pas. They come to life through most children excitement and perseverance. So does the deep emotion of an absent-minded father returning. My boys have often choice this volume at bedtime. And they know it well enough to look up curiously when the papas arrive – to check if there are snaps of joy in my eyes. There typically are.
6. Were Off to Ogle For Aliens by Colin McNaughton
Colin McNaughton was once a prolific word-painting notebook manufacturer. His perky, colorful contact is much missed. I ever feel that there are conventional filaments in it – from pantomime, or music hall even. And you dont get those working in some cool, sharper contemporary drawing journals. Were Off to Appear For Aliens is a lovely yarn. The daddy is McNaughton, himself. The legend starts with his newly published book being delivered. He demo it to his family. And here, the second largest journal is glued into the first. The book-inside-the-book is a catchy verse anecdote about a room passage McNaughton once reached. After a cord of accidents, he fell in love with a exquisite alien girlfriend and she tripped back with him. Its another original dad: irrepressibly playful, eccentric and warm. And theres a amaze. The final spread uncovers McNaughtons wife and kids have big-hearted, overhead eyeballs and additional arms…so the whole story is genuine!
7. Dont Let Go by Jeanne Willis, is borne out by Tony Ross
A story about a father-daughter relationship told in tempo and verse. Megan wants to visit her daddy. But her father is too busy to take her. Megan recommends memorizing to go her bicycle so she knows how shape the expedition alone. Dad schools her. Hes patient and promoting. I wont “lets get going” ,/ Not until “theyre saying”. So Megan overcomes her anxieties. She announces out, Okay, you can let go now! Then shes off into the delight of a first bike go( illustrated by Tony Ross, with a magical style, as a passage past a tiger, into jungle .) Meanwhile Dad is left behind, knowing hes “lets get going” of his daughter in more ways than one. Prepare in the big-hearted, wide world of a windswept park. Lovely writing, as always, from Jeanne Willis. And another human-hearted pa, alive on the page.
8. Ted by Tony Di Terlizzi
This one is for older paint work readers. The narrator is a six- or seven-year-old boy who lives with his rather serious papa. Ted is a large, pink imaginary sidekick who shows up one day, talking about birthdays and raspberries. Antics follow, which get the narrator into deeper and deeper trouble with his father. They develop a barmy game called monopoly twister. Ted causes the boy a bad haircut. They paint the walls. Then they spate the house. Dad cant take it. NO MORE TED! Ever! he speaks. But theres a good twist. Ted tells the boy not to worry. He says he was once “his fathers” imaginary sidekick. They used to play infinite plagiarists. He even remembers where Dads atomic blaster doll is lay. When Dad visualizes his old plaything, remembrances wake up in him. The tale is about to change. And the three of them end up playing cavity pirates monopoly twister.
9. The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey by Susan Wojciechowski, illustrated by PJ Lynch
A longer narration, more for 5-8 year-olds. It is illustrated with great skill and thought, by PJ Lynch.( And its another one that produces tears to my sees most ages I read it !) Jonathan Toomey is a wood-carver who has moved to a village, far from where his wife and baby succumbed. So this is not a usual situation work pa. He is solitary and suffering. The widow McDowell and her son, Thomas, are newcomers to the hamlet. In their move, they have lost a treasured nativity defined. So they expect Jonathan Toomey if he will carve them a new one. The carpenter reluctantly concurs. His middle warms to both Thomas and Thomass mother. He carves a beautiful replacement nativity defined. In the realise, he faces his terrible loss. And the final, beautiful, image is of the three of them walking side by side on Christmas day with laughter in their eyes.
10. My Dads a Birdman by David Almond, is borne out by Polly Dunbar
Lizzies mum has died and her leader cant cope. In fact, hes decided hes a bird. He thinks that if he was able to make a good duo of backstages, hell fly across the River Tyne and triumph the Great Human Bird Competition. David Almonds eye for whats treasured in the human drama “were living in” stirs this a profoundly enjoyable storey. Its junior myth rather than a portrait notebook. But it does have wonderful artwork by one of best available scene book illustrators at work these days: Polly Dunbar. So Ill objective my list with this. Lizzies father is just the sort of rounded, hiring daddy Im pointing to. Hes wounded and inarticulate. But he brims with stuffs that they are able make a good leader: desire, fun, devotion, intensity. And the floor has a positive outcome, as he and Lizzie try the impossible.
Photograph: PR
Sean Taylor is the author of numerous notebooks for children of many different ages. He is also the father-god of two young sons. His new picture book, A Brave Bear( is borne out by Emily Hughes, is issued by Walker Books) is a fib of a father and a son on a red-hot day.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
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