#i can’t lie i’m quite hung up on the fact that they’re focusing on anatomy in your intro class
mangoisms · 8 months
omg i’m in my first year at community college and i’m also a psychology major 🙈 i’m also taking sociology ITS SUCH A FUN CLASS i feel so enlightened after every class LMAO but i wanted to ask about your later psych classes, what’s the main thing you focus on? cause rn my intro to psych class is very anatomy focused right now and i’m not very good at that aspect of it 😟 i’ve been understanding everything else though so i just would maybe like some insight? on your experience as someone who’s actually committed to the major? if you don’t mind of course 😊
omg!!! fellow psych major 🤝🤝🤝 and also YES that’s exactly how i felt with my sociology classes they are just so fun and insightful!!! really makes you Think!!
and i don’t mind at all!! i am very much the same way, the brain scares me LMAO. that’s really interesting too, i took my intro class Several years ago but intro classes should really just be covering the history, the fields and notable figures… although there is a biology aspect in cognitive psych, which is an area that is Very Very biology/brain heavy, but unless that is a class you’re taking, it shouldn’t be too biology/anatomy heavy? very odd…
i can say, at least for me, as i got further in, it should really open up! there is a tiny bit of an inherent aspect of biology but it shouldn’t be anything super crazy and shouldn’t be, like, professors demanding you already know what regions of the brain do in your classes? like all the psych classes i had up until i graduated and even now, if biology is being brought in, they explain it again and unless it’s a cognitive/neuroscience/perception/motivation, it shouldn’t be dominated by biology.
even for like, a health psych class, it wasn’t so much about just biology as it was about the psychology of it and the motivations and thought processes and influences. that was actually one of my favorite classes i ever took! and there was some reviewing of biology but not a crazy amount. same with another class i took on stress and coping which was also super interesting and informative. incorporating psych helps a lot i think because that’s what you’re there for! and the professor is important too so ratemyprofessor is highly recommended i can’t lie HAHA
but yeah, it’s not something i constantly encounter unless by choice of class, because that stuff can be super tough. that’s how it was for me tho it might be different for you! and this is still your first year so you (hopefully!) have time to figure it out! maybe sociology will end up being more up your alley ^_^ either way, don’t feel pressured to settle immediately and if you can, explore a bit! i hope this was at least a little bit helpful and if you need any more help, i’d be happy to give it!! good luck with everything and hopefully your intro class eases into something a little easier/familiar!
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