#i am the wrong person to come to if u wanna slander mike
mikeslawyer · 8 months
as a will byers fan I respect byler and won’t have an issue of it happening but I don’t think it’s fair for bylers to insist that it’s the only way for will. He absolutely could do better and open his horizons he is only 15 years old, in his head he’s thinking that’s it that’s all he has but I think for his coming of age they could show that he isn’t alone out there and that he could find love somewhere. It absolutely doesn’t have to be with mike either and I know this will trigger a lot of you since your hardcore bylers, but this is coming from a person whose only looking at this from a different view. I think he deserves more then what Mike could give him cause Mike is dealing with his own stuff and has made some mistakes regarding Will, plus he has his relationship with el he’s dealing with.
Again I wouldn’t be mad if byler was endgame cause if wills happy then I’m happy, but If it’s not I understand it exactly it’s all I’m saying.
I truly don’t even know where to start telling you how wrong you are.
First off, let me address the “he’s only 15 years old and he thinks he doesn’t have perspectives” because no. Will absolutely knows he has perspectives, he just doesn’t want them. Let’s not forget he lived in California for a year and even though it’s still the 80s, it was much more open and progressive than Indiana. California passed one of the freedom laws in 1974, following with more - they basically agreed that if both parties have consented, then it’s none of their business what’s happening between two people. They allowed gay people to be open, to express themselves.
Secondly, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie and many, many others existed and spoke up regularly and openly. Look up either of their interviews. Will knows he’s not alone, he’s not the only one. He literally moved back to Lenora, but he simply doesn’t want to. My guess is he explored his sexuality there, met more gay people, learnt about himself. Mind you, he doesn’t hate himself for being gay. He knows he can’t change it - it’s Mike who’s denying his own sexuality. Will has long since come to terms with being gay.
Another thing - I hate when people say that Mike can’t give him everything he deserves, because yes, he absolutely can and will and would always. Did we watch the same show? Mike would and has walked through hell and back for Will. His first insist when they were being shot at was to literally shield Will with his own body. Mike doesn’t see the world besides Will - he literally said that his home isn’t home because Will isn’t there. He has repeatedly, time after time, proved how much Will means to him.
Yes, Mike has problems with his relationship with El, so what? Let’s not forget that he, too, is fifteen years old and he, in contrast to Will, did not spend a year in California, a place much more open than Hawkins. Another thing, as much as Nancy would protect her brother no matter the situation, they don’t exactly talk. Meanwhile, Will has unconditional love from both his mom and his brother, who have shown him support when he cried. Mike would rather die than cry around Nancy or his mom. He has no one to turn to, no one. The only person he trusts like that is Will, who not only is the problem Mike is struggling with but also seems to just not get him anymore.
Lastly, putting all of this aside. Will is in love with Mike. He doesn’t want better. He wants Mike and I cannot stress this enough. And saying that he deserves better than the closest person in his life, someone who would walk through fire for him, someone who literally would and has protected him at the cost of heir own life - saying that just proves that you don’t understand either of their characters.
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