#i am so sorry everything i write turns into kandreil
pipedreil · 4 years
The foxes go to Disneyland
or as i like to call it! the foxes are nothing but a bunch of adult children and wymack deserves a bigger paycheck (made it disneyworld since that’s the only one i’ve been to)
while in orlando for a game, the foxes bus breaks down and they’re stuck there for at least another day
when everyone starts complaining, abby suggests they take advantage of the extra day off
matt is quick to suggest going to disney since he hasn’t been since he was young
all of the upperclassmen agree immediately and to the shock of the rest of the team, so does kevin
but kevin hasn’t been to an amusement park since he was younger and still living with his mother and he has a hidden desire to go with his father to get a feel of what it would’ve been like had he grown up with him
neil, despite feeling slightly uncomfortable at the thought of the large crowds, feels weirdly excited about going
growing up, he never had the chance to act like a normal kid so he wants to be able to experience all those things for the first time with his found family
andrew acts indifferent but he doesn’t voice any disagreement after seeing the almost child-like wonder on neil and kevin’s faces
not that he’d ever admit it 
wymack can feel his wallet aching at the thought of how high the admission price will be but he reluctantly gives in in hopes of keeping the team under control until they can head back to the school
it goes as well as you’d expect it to
they get drinks upon arriving due to the hot weather and matt drops his frozen lemonade almost as soon as he recieves it
he pouts about it until dan buys him a new one
the first ride they hit is the pirates of the carribbean boat ride 
halfway through, nicky and aaron start arguing about which of the films was the best. it turns into playfully shoving each other until aaron accidently pushes too hard and nicky falls off the boat and into the water
the team are asked to please not come back to this ride again 
allison has one too many bags of cotton candy and she ends up throwing up on its a small word
she threatens anyone who tries to mention it after it happens
at some point the group finds their way into one of the many gift shops
dan and matt get two of those cringy minnie and mickey couple shirts after allison dares them to
aaron buys katelyn a small dumbo stuffed animal because it was the first movie they ever watched together and he’s a big sap
neil somehow manages to talk kevin and andrew into buying matching mouse ear headbands 
allison and renee buy matching keychains and nicky complains about how expensive everything is but ends up leaving with more than the rest of the team combined (half of it is to send to erik)
the first roller coaster they ride is space mountain
andrew obviously isn’t excited bc of his fear of heights, but he stays quiet bc the last thing he wants is the rest of the team to know
neil keeps giving him side glances, but andrew ignores him
since there are only three seats per car, kandreil sit in the first one with neil up front, kevin in the middle, and andrew in the back
as soon as the ride starts and they enter darkness, kevin feels his body tense up
he’s not even really sure what it was that set him off, whether it be the fact that he can’t see where they’re going or bc the darkness reminds him of the nest but he doesn’t have the time to come up with the answer bc suddenly it’s hard to breathe and his hands are shaking where they’re wrapped tightly around the bar in front of him
despite not being able to see, neil’s hand finds his on the bar and andrew’s hand finds the back of his neck and he starts rambling about all of the stupid people he’s seen throughout the day into kevin’s ear
it’s enough to get kevin through the ride and when they get off andrew’s hand is still on the back of his neck and neil is shooting him worried looks
they ignore the rest of the team until a few minutes later kevin nods his head to signal that he’s fine and they continue on like nothing happened
they don’t go on anymore rides in the dark
at some point they pass one of the carts selling little autographs books
they all buy one and somehow end up making it a competition to see who can get the most character autographs before they leave
surprisingly, andrew (and by extension, neil and kevin) wins
(he got most of them by having kevin charm the people waiting while neil asked for the autograph. andrew stood to the side and glared at anyone who tried to say something)
nicky cries when he meets tiana and forces an unamused aaron to take a picture of them together 
eventually, they all make their way back to their hotel
kevin passes out on the bed from exhaustian as soon as they get back to their room
neil grins at andrew, “did you have fun?”
andrew doesn’t look up from where he’s digging pajamas out of his bag when he replies, “what makes you think i enjoyed myself?”
“well, for starters, you haven’t taken those mouse ears off all day.”
andrew glares at him and throws the ears at his chest
neil just laughs and collapses beside kevin while andrew heads into the bathroon for a shower
and if later that night, when he’s the only one awake, andrew sets his phone background to a picture of the three of them in front of cinderella’s castle, all of them wearing their matching ears, neil and kevin grinning widely with neil’s arm slung across kevin shoulders and kevin’s pinky wrapped around andrew’s, and andrew at first glance looking uniterested but upon closer examination has the corners of his lips turned up and warm eyes
no one but him has to know
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