#i am gettinf better at this writing thing i think 😵‍💫
strawb3rryshortcak5 · 2 years
The Other Woman
john ‘soap’ mactavish x reader, simon ‘ghost’ riley x reader (unrequited love)
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Summary: You and Soap slowly develop into something more than friendship, you fall in love. The problem is, Simon loves you too.
Contains: SFW, literally all angst, some cute parts with Soap obviously, descriptions of violence, yelling, dead bodies, and anything else COD related you can think of.
A/N: Soap needs some love too! This was really fun to make. I love basing oneshots off songs, this one is based on the other woman by queen lana del rey 💞(not completely proof read, mb 😍)
Let’s cut to the chase, you and Soap have been together for a while. Only recently though did you come clean about it to the rest of 141. The both of you were nervous that it wouldn’t be allowed, maybe you would get told that your relationship is too distracting for the two of you, making you unable to get the job done. Whatever that might be.
Price reacted completely different than you thought he would, congratulating the two of you for finding love, bits of teasing all around from the rest of the team came naturally as well. Teasing from everyone except Ghost. As soon as Soap broke the news, he went silent. Giving your newly made boyfriend a quick pat on the back and then passing by, making his was to the door. Your eyes followed his fleeting form as Johnny leaned down to make commentary on the situation.
“Has he got a stick up his arse?” Soap says in a light tone, whispering it specifically so nobody else would hear but you.
“Perhaps. Maybe he is just upset i got to you before he could.” You giggle back quietly. Soap chuckled under his breath before grabbing your hand and softly kissing the knuckle.
You smile brightly as he does so, soon excusing himself from the room and lightly jogging across the room to follow Ghost wherever he had gone.
The other woman has time to manicure her nails
You always admired Simon. The way he was so explicitly put together in regards to his weapons and materials. He trains regularly, always making time to clean his guns, sharpen his knives, and you have even seen him shine his shoes in the past. At one point you could have sworn you saw an array or acrylic paint bottles and paint brushes all over his private desk in his office. But, you might be wrong. In all, you wish you could have his time management skills.
The other woman is perfect where her rival fails
On a rather foggy day you had also watch Soap and Ghost spar. This most definitely impressed you, seeing as Simon immediately had Soap on his ass. Throughout the whole session, you could’ve sworn you saw him glance at you, with eyes searching for approval every time he landed an ending hit on Soap. You didn’t pay mind to it though. Laughing at your boyfriend’s irritated excuses on how he was rusty, tired, and the reason he tripped over his own feet was because his boots were untied. They were not.
And she's never seen with pin curls in her hair, anywhere
“How come you never smile?” You had asked him, trailing him like a dog during one of the many missions you had been assigned to with him.
“I do.” He replies. Looking back at you briefly before settling down on the roof top with his sniper rifle.
You laid down next to him, ready to take down anyone that came onto the roof with plans to attack you both. Removing your pistol from your belt, you scooted up a bit to a half sitting position with your head using the wall for complete support. Turning your head to look at Ghost, you asked another question.
“And your mask? How come you never take it off?” You curiously questioned. Eyebrows raising slightly as you awaited his response.
“Classified. Apologies, sergeant.” He says, looking at you through his peripheral vision.
“You’re no fun!” You pout, crossing your arms and turning away from him. You pursed lips almost immediately being replaced by a toothy smile.
He notices this, but gets back to work. Focusing on the task at hand rather than the woman he would do anything for. Let’s just say it was a bit hard to do so.
The other woman enchants her clothes with French perfume
“We were just on the field. How does he smell so fresh?” Soap comments, walking along side you while you wipe your bloody knife off on your pants.
“He showers whenever he can. I wish i showered as much as he did. Then i wouldn’t smell like shit everyday.” You mumble the last sentence. Fake jealousy lacing your voice as your boyfriend put his arm around your shoulders.
“I think you smell fantastic. But you should shower, with me this time sweetheart.” He looks down at you and winks with a grin spread across his face.
Your cheeks flush as you shake him off and start to walk faster towards the safe house. Smiling to himself, Soap follows suit.
The other woman keeps fresh-cut flowers in each room
“You lot are pigs.” Simon states, gruffly, as he begins to pick up the dirty clothes and garbage that lace the floor of the base.
You have noticed this about his. He is constantly searching for something to do. Price mentioned Ghost said he doesn’t want to be lazy. You think it’s something else. A distraction maybe. For what? You have no idea. That doesn’t mean you appreciate it less. After a long day of fighting the last thing you want to do is make your bed, clean up, and shower. Most times when you do return back, everyones cot is made nicely, things have been picked up, and the showers have been prepped for the stinking soldiers that will soon occupy them.
There are never toys that's scattered everywhere
No man left behind. It is a common saying in the army. At some level, there is a certain time when this mantra means nothing. Of course, everyone tries their best to have the backs of the people around them. But when you are holding on to someone as they hang from a speeding helicopter, you need to take into consideration that no matter what, it is necessary to put yourself first. Simon ignores that.
“If you keep holding on to me we will both fall!” You scream as your body hangs off the side of the helicopter. Ghost tightens his grip on your wrist.
“I am not letting you go!” He bellows, roughly pulling you back into the helicopter. It had shifted slightly, giving him a perfect opportunity to launch you back onto somewhat solid ground
“Thank you!” You say after a couple minutes, adrenaline starting to slow. You look at him as you quickly wipe your leaking eyes. He just nods in confirmation that he heard you before staring out into the sky.
And when her old man comes to call
“Y/N and Ghost! Get packed up. I’m sending you to Dublin. I need you to clear up some loose ends and gather the information that was stolen from us. Here is everything you need to know.” Laswell states as she hands Simon a folder, walking away after doing so.
You both nod your heads in agreement and begin packing. It was an unusual announcement, seeing as usually everyone on the team has a place on the field. But whatever, you will get this done quickly your the combination of skill sets you both possess.
When you are both done packing, you say a quick goodbye to Soap. Kissing him softly on the lips before getting onto the plane.
He finds her waiting like a lonesome queen
It had been a couple hours since you arrived in Dublin. You set up your posts quickly. Occasionally participating in banter with Ghost as you wait for the targets to appear. You were waiting on the low level roof of an apartment building. The darkness covering you completely. Ghost was down below, waiting to take out the expected armed soldiers protecting your targets.
The plan was you snipe the targets and Ghost kills the guards. Easy enough. How wrong you were. After a couple minutes of radio silence, you call out to Ghost using the walkie talkie you were given.
“Ghost, how copy?” You whisper into the device. Continuing to look through the scope of your gun.
A couple minutes go by before you ask once again;
“Ghost. How. Copy.” You question, more firmly than last time.
A bad feeling arose in your gut after the 6th minute waiting for his response. You jump up quickly, pushing yourself through the open window you entered to reach the position on the roof, and slid against the wall all the way until you reached the room where Ghost was supposed to be. Knife in hand, you kick down the door. Eyes widening as you finally react to the situation in front of you.
Ghost. Surrounded by 8 bodies in a pool of blood. Out of the 8, two of the were the men you were sent to kill. At first it looks like some of it is Ghosts blood, but you realize he is actually fidgeting with his walkie, trying to do what you would assume is fix it.
“Simon!” You shout as you enter. “Are you hurt? What happened!” He looks at you before raising the dead communicator in his hands.
'Cause to be by her side
It's such a change from old routine
“It wont work. Dunno what happened.” He says as he tosses it to you. Standing up as he does so, using the wall as support.
“Bloody fucking hell.” You mutter, turning around with Ghost following you. Closing the door behind him he whispers a quick ‘apologies sergeant’ thinking you wouldn’t be able to pick up on it. You do.
“It’s fine. You are lucky i’m so brave, coming to find you like a good girl.” You say as you turn around grinning. Tossing him back the once broken device that you fixed.
He grabs it and attaches it back to his vest. Following you up the stairs as you both exit the building and call for an escort back to base.
“Good girl you are, Y/N.” He says, almost completely silently. This time, you don’t hear him.
But the other woman will always cry herself to sleep
“Because i love her!” Simon screams back at Soap. Eyes widening in the words he had just spoke.
Soap looked at him funny, chuckled before turning his head slightly to the side.
“What?” He says. Tightening his first until his knuckles turned white.
Ghost doesn’t know what to say after that. Nobody says anything after that. The two of them unknowingly stand there as you cover your mouth behind the door of the base. You had went to follow Soap after being bombarded with questions from Price and Gaz. Your eyes begin to water as you realize how serious this actually was. You didn’t know what to do.
The other woman will never have his love to keep
You step out from behind the wall, lowering your hands and locking eyes with Ghost. You watch as his eyes widen even more. He turns away, fast. You begin chasing after him.
“Simon!” You squeak running past your boyfriend. He wasn’t jealous of your actions. He knew that the two of you had a great friendship, he knew how this would effect it. He trusted you. So he walked away and went back inside.
And as the years go by, the other woman
Will spend her life alone
As soon as you caught up with Ghost you grabbed his arm, spinning him around so you could fully look at him. You didn’t know it, but he was sweating like crazy. You were the first person he had loved romantically in a long time. He yearned for you. He dreamt of you. He was totally in love with you and he knew it. And now, you did too.
“I can’t be with you.” You quickly blurt out. lowering your hand from his arm and breaking eye contact.
“I know.” He replies. Voice unwavering as he walks away from you again.
You want to tell him everything. You want to tell him how he could’ve been with you. You had liked him before you got with John. You really did. You didn’t notice all of his strange habits just for the fun of it. But you were with Soap now, and you really did love him. You had never been in a situation like this before and you didn’t really know what to do. This time, you let him walk away. Not before you caught him saying something else.
“Apologies, sergeant.”
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