#i always talk a lot sfdhsdhf
gold-pavilion · 2 years
In your opinion based on the dozens of dialogues and moments in the manga that they have had is there something romantic going on between Mikey and Takemichi? are their moments legitimately in light of romance or are shippers misreading their relationship? Adding to the total disinterest that Takemichi showed in the Bonten arc for his "dream" wedding preparations and also for his fiancée Hina.
These asks are fun DFHSDF
To be clear, it's just my opinion that I'm throwing here! BUUUUTTTT, first things first:
As always, my man, ship absolutely anything you want. May we all do the same and have a blast. It doesn't need to be canon or canon-valid or anything to ship and go nuts.
That being said…! While I don't personally see anything explicitly romantic there up to this point (dialogue has stayed at a platonic level, many gestures that are certainly grand but open to interpretation on what their emotional significance is, no particular action that's unmistakably romantic, that kinda stuff), I can see the shipping material.
There's a million gestures and cues that make it abundantly clear that Mikey favors Takemichi a ton, and that Takemichi grew to care for Mikey immensely; so much that he'd risk the timeline where everyone but Mikey was okay in order to give him a chance at happiness too. They're close, no doubt. To each their own interpretation of that emotional bond, what is and isn't a factor in it.
Personally, I think it does speak about their bond that he's seeing Hina in the wedding dress and keeps thinking "damn this is gonna be a great day and Mikey should be in it, imagining my homie so much right now". It's kinda funny, kinda goddammit Michi respect your fiancée a lil bit more, kinda sweet, kinda woah Michi date a buddy if you're gonna be like that lmao.
One has to remember, though, that he's been in contact with a lot of traumatic events around Mikey in particular, and as the very last element left out of a 'perfect' future, it's understandable that it sticks in his mind. He both adores Mikey and is super worried about him. Humor aside, he's abundantly displayed his interest in Hina staying strong throughout the series with all he's done to make sure she lives to adulthood and how nuts he goes at anything she does, so I wouldn't quite say he's grown disinterested - he's happy to get married - but that his head isn't all there at the moment. 
If that means other developments and other things about his emotions is up to interpretation, as usual. Pretty great stuff for exploration in fanworks!
(I can leave the extra note, though, that some things with Takemichi and Hina easily fall in an area of cultural differences that translation alone can't bridge, which is partly a reason why things can seem odd between them. What I mean is, their couple behavior is easter-style and old fashioned to a fault. Both in the cute sense in which it takes a long time of relationship to arrive at a first kiss and hand-holding is still a big deal, and… old fashioned in the less pleasant way; in japanese culture, sadly, viewing a girlfriend/marriage as one thing and sex as another has historically been a thing, giving men more justification than is reasonable about cheating, to name an example. In general, I don't think Takemichi is a great boyfriend nor good with/for girls, but it's Hina's call on who she dates. I don't doubt he loves her, but he's also a fucking fool. It's a whole thing!)
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