#i also wanna get a xmas gift for the kiddo but ya know
sephirajo ยท 6 months
Xmas Begging Bowl of 23
Yep, here we are again. This month I am behind on rent (430), need my pain meds, have to pay my bills (power, 60 and cable 120) and buy food. I'm on SSDI, so I only get 1200/mo for two people and I've been sick enough the last month that most of my eating was eating out, being too sick to cook on top of some other expenses that came out of left field. If you can't help, please pass the bowl. If you can toss even five dollars, I promise I use every penny on things I need (and can prove it if you ask, but policing the poor like that is kinda gauche)
As always I have the p_y of p_ls at: paypal.me/Sephirajo
The app of C_sh M_ney at: $Sephirajo
And Kofi at:
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just-messing-around ยท 3 years
Me: It's probably going to take me until a week or so before Xmas to sew Sis' blanket, since I'm scared of sewing machines and will have to do it by hand....
Reality: I mean, the stitching and stuff sucks, but you ended up finishing it in one night. Plus; it's comfy. You had to lay it across your legs while you where sewing and you had to struggle to resist the urge to wrap yourself up in it when you where done and it has Harry Potter stuff on it. She'll get at least a bit of enjoyment from it.
I had Mom hold it up so I can share the results on here. Can't share it on Facebook or Sis will see it and ruin the Xmas surprise ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
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I have golden buttons on the top corners of the blanket as a type of signature. That way, in a few years, if I see it laying around her house or something, I can go-
'Omg, that's the blanket I made for her! She's still using it ๐Ÿ’–!'
Like what recently happened with Teddy's baby blanket that was then being used to keep Kindrick warm, which I recognized from the heart patch that I sewed onto the corner ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ’–
Despite the poor stitching and stuff, I hope Sis gets enjoyment from its cuddly, cozy-ness and the Harry Potter pattern. She's such a Potter head lol. She always wants HP stuff for gifts, but I already have something that I bought for her (a HP thing, obviously) that I'm waiting to give her for her b-day this month, so I wanted to get her something cheap that I could make myself for Xmas.
Saw this HP pattern in Walmart and I went-
'I gotta do it!!'
I started working on it last night, fully convinced that it would take me until close to Xmas time to finish it, but I got it done hours ago and now I just wanna give it to her, but I gotta wait so long now ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…
Hope Sis loves the HP pattern, softness of the fabrics and the fact that even if it's poorly made, it shows that I was thinking about her and put time and energy into her gift.
God, if she ends up actually loving this, I wonder what her thoughts will be if I manage to pull off what I have planned for her b-day next year.
My plan is to sew dolls that look like her kiddos ๐Ÿ’–
I already bought fabrics that resemble their skin colors. I'm currently waiting for doll sewing patterns that I ordered.
Once I get the bodies sewed, I'll only have to worry about the clothes and button eyes.
Well, I also have to look up how to add Kindrick's hair. I already looked up a method for Teddy's hair, so now I assume Kindrick's hair will be more difficult.
It went from-
'Oh, jeez, curly hair? How am I supposed to manage that?'
'Straight baby hair. How am I gonna manage this?!'
If this simple blanket manages to strike emotions in her, what will dolls that attempt to capture the memory of her children at such amazing ages do?
Dolls that she can look at and go 'ah, yeah, I remember back then โค' in a few years?
Jeez, why is it only when I'm an adult that I understand that homemade gifts are so precious? I mean, I remember always liking homemade gifts that I'd get from Gramma and stuff when I was little, but now I'm really starting to get it, ya know?
Especially since making things myself triggers flare ups from my usual pain, so it's physical proof to me that I really care.
The pain in my fingers and wrists are proof that I'm doing this for someone I love โœ‹ ๐Ÿ˜ฉ ๐ŸŽ
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