#i also really like the prsk leoneed cover and there's a 3dmv for it so play that in the game if that's your thing!!!
aoharushiyo · 5 months
kaisei / orangestar [eng translation]
TITLE: 快晴 (Clear Weather) VOCAL: IA COMPOSITION: Orangestar LYRICS: Orangestar OFFICIAL MV: (from youtube)
When will the rainy season finally let up? you grumbled at the sight of morning dew still sparkling on the hydrangeas We can already hear summer's footsteps around the corner, you said, your hands already pushing my back, so let's go and greet it!
On your mark, we left the alleyways behind, scrambled over the hills from back then, and even crossed rainbows Nobody's left their footprints on this summer sky yet, so let's take it for ourselves, just for the two of us!
...Or so you said with a smile in that distant summer memory Though we can't meet again, nor can we ever return to that day, that's what made it so beautiful: The summer we had all to ourselves
Goodbye, I love you With that, it seems like this is the end of our story Maybe we weren't meant to be after all Some things won't change like the sky, the stars, and that crying face of yours But I hope that someday, we can laugh together once again
A lot has happened since then, and it's probably still happening But I'll keep living with a smile on my face because, as you'd say, "that's how life is", hm?
If I were so simple-minded like that, then no matter how pleasant my days are, there'd be no meaning to the days that pass If that's the case, then tomorrow's 'me' wouldn't be 'me' because that's not how it works, is it?
Though I might cry, the skies will surely clear Though my tears blur your visage, you'll always be clear as day Though we struggle, the sky will rain with falling stars, so... Yeah, I guess I'll keep living
I know this sky loves you Though everything might someday change, the sky will still be blue! I won't ever forget that. But so that I might someday meet you again, I'll keep on living and living so please smile, okay?
梅雨が明けるまであとどれくらい? まだ紫陽花の光る朝 君の愚痴 夏の足音はすぐそこまで ねぇ迎えに行こって僕を急かす
君に言われるがまま路地を抜け あの時の坂を越え 虹を越え まだ誰もいない夏の空を 全部全部二人占めにするんだ
なんて君は笑ってたよな 遠い夏の記憶 もう逢えなくても 二度と帰れなくても それは美しい 僕らだけの夏だったろう
さよならI love you それで全て 終わってしまうような 僕らじゃないだろう 変わらないな 空も星も その泣き顔も っていつか君と また笑えますように
そりゃ色々あっただろう 今もあるだろう でも笑いながら生きていく 「それが人世だ」って
そんな単細胞になれたなら どれだけ良いかって 過ぎ去っていく日々に意味はない なら明日の僕は僕じゃない そんな筈はないだろう
泣いていたって空は晴れるよ 君が濡らしたって滲まないほど あがいていたって空は星を降らすから まぁ、生きていくよ
I know this sky loves you いずれ全て 変わってしまったって 空は青いだろう! 忘れないさ でもまた出逢えますように って生きて征くよ 君は笑っていて
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