#i also probably just wanted an excuse to tag Both HP and Pizza Tower to see how both fandoms would interact with each other cuz idfk
lu9 · 1 year
FUCKWARTS LEGACY - I feel like I've seen way too much about this on my dash AND twitter and I'm getting absolutely tired of it
so let me share what I've already said since it's relevant and some people here that aren't on Twitter might want to know my stances:
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To elaborate on that last point about "antisemEtism" (...from the same people who brought you "fiction -E-ffects reality"™)
it's especially cuz some people have been saying like The Exact Same Shit about some enemy characters in "Pizza Tower", so it really just feels... forced a lot. Here are some thoughts from friends who I'm sure wouldn't mind me sharing them (ALL queer like me Also, and don't fuckin go "they don't speak for the entire community!!!" when I literally just said what I think about that non-argument, many people will have different and varied experiences, get over it):
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and this was after already discussing the stupidity that was the Pizza Tower discourse over the same sort of thing:
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Bottom line, don't be like this I guess?:
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Like, "DON'T buy the game"? Yeah, I fully agree. "DON'T buy the game and then support a trans charity just to make you 'even'" (which is the context of OP the reply in the above screenshot is from)? Also agree, it's not an excuse because you'd still be supporting JK's voice, she might not be involved in making the game but it's still her IP and still gets money from it. Now, "Don't even pirate it or even play it or do Anything or else you're fucking evil and our enemy automatically because you clearly can't consume a piece of media and still be critical about it without directly financing bigotry even though you're literally pirating it"? Geez, I don't even give a shit about the game but I probably wanna stay as far away from you as possible.
Please learn some critical thinking y'all and I mean it, not just for the buzzword.
Peace out ✌️
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