#i agree that scorpia had trouble respecting catra's boundaries
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oh, we've moved on from victim blaming adora, now we're doing it to scorpia?
(jk i already knew people said shit like this)
here's the thing, op. catra did lower her walls to scorpia at some point. she had started to consider and treat scorpia as a friend. scorpia did succeed in befriending her.
then after the whole portal thing, not only does she start distancing herself from scorpia, she actively started being toxic to her. she verbally abused scorpia, made her feel worthless and unhappy.
if you think scorpia is “toxic” for leaving a friend who constantly screamed at her and called her names, you need to re-evaluate your morals.
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ourlastbastion · 4 years
Etherian Mall Ch. 4
The One Where Double Trouble + The Super Pal Trio Chat
The group was seated at the food court, trays and cups from the various different shops littering the table. Double Trouble’s tail moved from side to side every few moments, a smile that promised nothing good planted on their lips as they drank from a large soda cup. Across from them was Entrapta, tearing apart an old Nokia flip phone, wires and bits all over her empty food tray. Beside her, Scorpia was animatedly talking about a recent trip, pinchers waving about, smiling so wide it was a wonder her face didn’t fall off, and beside Double Trouble was Catra, leaning against the table with a lazy smile and resting her cheek on her hand as she listened to Scorpia.
“It was amazing!” Scorpia exclaimed, throwing her arms up into the air, eyes sparkling. “Then the bird just started tugging at my mom’s hair, and the two of us couldn’t help but laugh as she tried to get it to stop. The zookeeper had to come over and help because the hawk didn’t want to leave.”
Catra chuckled, taking a sip of her cola, tail swishing back and forth in a lazy manner as she listened. “Sounds about right for your bunch,” she commented and gave a toothy grin. “I’m glad you and your moms had fun on the trip. It’s nice that you still spend time with them.”
“Of course I’d still spend time with them, they’re family. Just because I’m all grown up and out of the house doesn’t mean I have to forget about them,” Scorpia seemed rather proud as she said that, pinchers on her hips and chest puffed out. Family was important to her, just as important as her friendships were, it’s just another thing about her that made Scorpia so amazing.
Today was one of those weird days for the group, where their schedules just barely aligned. Catra and Entrapta were on break at the moment, while Scorpia had just finished her shift and Double Trouble, well, as far as the group knew, they were here early for either a shift they picked up for someone at one of the stores, or here to watch and cause trouble. It was always a gamble for which it would be.
But, they had a brief period of time to actually meet up and talk before returning to their respective areas of work, it was something they enjoyed, just eating and chatting together without the stress of needy customers or overbearing bosses hanging around them like a noose. Especially with catching back up with Scorpia after she’d been gone a week on that family trip of hers to a zoo out of state.
Abruptly, Entrapta shoved her Nokia phone, or rather all the pieces of it, into a small baggie that in turn was put inside of her larger bag. “I should be returning to the Fright Zone about now,” she declared after looking at the clock. “Break is almost over, and there’s plenty of work to do.”
“Ah, about that, how’s everything been since your sudden promotion?” Double Trouble asked with a coy smile.
Entrapta didn’t smile though, she had a thoughtful expression like she was trying to solve some sort of puzzle that was missing a few pieces. “It’s been strange, if I’m being honest. There’s a lot more work, and Hordak is trusting me with more managemental tasks, which is good. I'm getting more opportunities to learn a field I never considered before, and I have the chance to study social interactions during business meetings,” she listed, leaning on her hair like it was a counter for her.
“But?” Catra arched an eyebrow. Despite how good everything sounded, the way Entrapta said it made it seem that there was more to it.
“He’s been strange ever since he offered me the position,” she admitted. “I thought he would be happy that I agreed, but he seemed disappointed, and I can’t fathom why he'd be visibly bothered by my acceptance. My observations have also shown that he’s also been rather tense lately, and trying to limit his contact with me, particularly when it’s just the two of us. I’m worried that I may have overstepped some boundaries that I didn’t notice.”
Scorpia offered a comforting smile, reaching out to pat her hair, “I’m sure you did nothing wrong. He’s probably on edge because of Prime. You know how he gets when the big boss is involved.”
“Just give it some time and I’m sure he’ll be back to his usual stick-up-the-ass self in no time,” Catra added with a laugh.
“You’re right,” Entrapta nodded, slinging her bag over a shoulder and fishing out her recorder from one of the pockets. “Patience is key here, but if he’s upset over something Prime did, perhaps I can make him some tea to help him feel better, I hear it’s supposed to help calm people down.” She was already walking away, talking into her recorder and her voice growing distant as she made her way back to the Fright Zone’s tech store.
The group just watched her go with grins and heads shaking.
Double Trouble was the first to speak up after she left. “I feel sorry for Hordak, all his attempts and she never seems to notice.”
Shaking her heat, Catra finished off the last of her soda. “Entrapta’s smart, but she can be clueless at times. Knowing her, however, she probably never realizes he’s asking her out because she thinks they’re already a thing,” she offered and then shrugged, “Or maybe she really is that clueless when it comes to romance. Either way, my money is that they’ll become official within the year.”
“Oh, Kitten,” there was a glint is Double Troubles eyes as they spoke. “You should know better. I’ll happily take you up on that bet, knowing those two it’ll take them longer than a year if no one intervenes. Does twenty dollars sound fair?”
It was hardly a question needing an answer, the competitive spark had been lit, and Catra’s grin turned challenging, “You’re on.”
Scorpia just looked between the lizard and cat, blinking as she tried to figure out what was even going on. “Wait… Hordak has a crush on Entrapta?” she asked, eyes lighting up like it was the cutest thing she had ever heard. "Oh gosh, that's adorable, they'd make a really good couple!"
The tension was gone, replaced by sighs. Shaking her head, Catra patted Scorpia on the arm, “Oh, Scorpia, you take the trophy for most oblivious woman in the mall,” she sympathized. “Don’t worry about it too much, okay?”
“That reminds me, how have things been with you and that darling Lonnie?” Double Trouble asked, changing the topic of love from Entrapta onto Scorpia.
Instantly, the large woman’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, she waved her pinchers about in defense and shook her head. “There’s nothing going on, really,” she said and gave a sheepish laugh, “I just think that she’s really cool, and she always seems interested in listening to me and sparring with me. It’s not like we’re dating or anything, we’re just friends.” From her side of the table, Catra turned to Double Trouble mouthed ‘Oblivious’ to them.
Chuckling they stretched their arms high above their head, “Well, I will say that seeing as you finally got over your crush on Kitten here, I can say that you’ve finally developed good taste in women.”
“Hey!” Catra kicked them from under the table. “Excuse you, I am a snack!”
“Is that so? Well, I suppose some people like salty treats and bitter treats,” Double Trouble mused, earning another kick from Catra.
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