antigonipapantoni · 28 days
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anamericaninhuaibei · 9 months
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photo-by-thomas · 11 months
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胡同 Hutong
Beijing, China 2023
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xieyaohuan · 1 year
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Beijing hutongs (ca. 2005-2011)
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milixin · 24 days
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Beijing Hutongs
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toosvanholstein · 3 months
Hoe Ai Weiwei me teleporteerde naar mijn 'The Beijing Project' in Peking
Door de grote expositie van de bekende Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei in de Kunsthal van Rotterdam werd ik regelmatig naar Peking 2008 geteleporteerd toen ik daar mijn 'The Beijing Project' had. Hoe en wat? Zie Toos&ART van deze week. #art #kunst #expo
Ai Weiwei. Van Genua (vorige week) even switchen naar Rotterdam en China. Nou ja, naar China’s beroemdste dissident dan wel. En naar Rotterdam voor zijn grote overzichtsexpositie in de Kunsthal daar (nog tot 3 maart). Die mij dan weer terugbracht naar 2008, naar mijn ‘The Beijing Project’ in Peking. in mei 2008 bezig aan mijn ‘The Beijing Project’ in Peking Kunstenaar Ai Weiwei, de man van…
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lifenmaggie · 6 months
Girls' night out with the Volders ladies - Saturday 17th June 2023
At John Volder's , dad's birthday, the female Volders cousins all got together and decided we were due for a catch up so I organised dinner and karaoke with the girls. The girls that came were Casey, Emma, Sarah, Claire, Blair and me.
The night started Hutong where we had dinner and a few drinks. After dinner we headed to the karaoke bar at Bosa bar. The girls loved karaoke and wanted to stay but we could extend our time there. We had more drinks and played Jinga. We made our way to Electric Bar for a bit of a dance. We danced the night away. The place played house music. We met a group of girls who was celebrating a birthday offered drinks all night. I also bumped into Matt's friend/ex boss there.
Overall, it was a very fun night. They want to do it again with the boys next time. It looks like another event for me to organise.
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miromov · 7 months
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dtlingo · 1 year
Beijing's Hutongs: A Window into China's Rich Cultural Heritage
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Beijing's hutongs are narrow, winding alleys lined with traditional courtyard homes, offering a glimpse into the city's past and China's rich cultural heritage.
The word "hutong" originally referred to the narrow alleys formed by the walls of traditional Chinese courtyard houses. Today, the term refers to the entire network of alleyways and courtyard homes that make up Beijing's historic neighborhoods.
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In the past, hutongs were the primary living quarters for Beijing's residents, with entire families living in one courtyard home. Today, many of these homes have been converted into trendy cafes, boutique shops, and hotels, while others remain as residences for local families.
Visitors to Beijing's hutongs can experience traditional Chinese culture and lifestyle firsthand. Many hutongs have preserved their original architecture, giving visitors a sense of what life was like in Beijing centuries ago. In addition, many of the small shops and restaurants in these neighborhoods offer authentic Beijing-style cuisine and unique handmade crafts.
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For those interested in history, the hutongs offer a wealth of knowledge about Beijing's past. Each neighborhood has its own story to tell, from the rise and fall of influential families to the impact of war and politics on the city's residents. By exploring the hutongs, visitors can gain a deeper understanding of Beijing's rich and complex history.
Despite their cultural significance, many of Beijing's hutongs are facing the threat of destruction. In recent years, many hutongs have been demolished to make way for modern developments, leading to concerns about the loss of Beijing's cultural heritage. Fortunately, there are ongoing efforts to preserve the hutongs and raise awareness about their importance.
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Life in the hutongs is vibrant and dynamic, with a strong sense of community and tradition. The narrow alleys and courtyard homes foster a close-knit social structure, where neighbors often interact and rely on each other for support.
In the mornings, the streets come alive with the sounds of vendors selling breakfast items like steamed buns, soy milk, and fried dough sticks. Elderly residents can be seen practicing tai chi in the courtyards, while children play games like hopscotch and jump rope on the streets.
In the evenings, families gather in the courtyards to share a meal and catch up on the day's events. The narrow streets are also home to a variety of small businesses, including convenience stores, hair salons, and bicycle repair shops, giving the neighborhoods a lively and bustling atmosphere.
One unique aspect of life in the hutongs is the use of communal facilities. For example, many hutongs have shared public restrooms, which are maintained by the residents themselves. This sense of shared responsibility helps foster a strong sense of community and connection among the hutong residents.
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Hutong is a window into a bygone era of Chinese culture and lifestyle, and it is a unique experience for foreigners to witness and appreciate. 
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viaggianteviaggi · 1 year
Viaggio a Pechino, la capitale della Cina
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Se vuoi conoscere la capitale della Cina, devi prenotare un viaggio a Pechino, una città ricca storia e cultura che risale a secoli fa. Dai suoi monumenti antichi ai suoi moderni grattacieli, Pechino è una città tradizionale e moderna allo stesso tempo. Ha una popolazione di oltre 21 milioni di persone.Uno dei monumenti più famosi di Pechino è la Grande Muraglia cinese, che si estende per oltre 13.000 miglia. Un altro simbolo storico è la Città Proibita, che è stata il palazzo imperiale per secoli.Il Tempio del Cielo è un sito religioso dove un tempo pregavano gli imperatori. Presenta un'architettura unica e splendidi giardini. Il Palazzo d'Estate è un vasto complesso di giardini, laghi e padiglioni che fungevano da rifugio estivo per gli imperatori.Oltre ai suoi famosi monumenti, Pechino è anche una città vivace che offre una vasta gamma di attrazioni. La città è famosa per la sua cucina, che include piatti come l'anatra alla pechinese e gli gnocchi. I visitatori possono esplorare i mercati notturni e le bancarelle di cibo di strada per provare le prelibatezze locali.
Viaggio a Pechino: dagli hutong ai grattacieli
Per quanto riguarda lo shopping, Pechino ha una vasta gamma di mercati e centri commerciali che offrono di tutto, dall'artigianato tradizionale ai prodotti di design di lusso. Il mercato della seta è una popolare destinazione per lo shopping tra i turisti, mentre la zona di Sanlitun è diventata famosa per le sue boutique di lusso e i bar e ristoranti alla moda.Una delle attività più popolari a Pechino è esplorare i suoi hutong, vicoli tradizionali che risalgono alla dinastia Ming. Queste strade strette sono fiancheggiate da case con cortile, sale da tè e negozi. I visitatori possono fare un giro in risciò o semplicemente passeggiare per gli incantevoli vicoli.Un'altra attrazione popolare è lo zoo di Pechino, che ospita oltre 14.000 animali, tra cui i panda giganti. Lo zoo ospita anche un grande acquario e una casa dei panda dove i visitatori possono vedere da vicino le creature pelose.Per chi è interessato alla storia, il Museo Nazionale della Cina è un'attrazione imperdibile. Ospita una vasta collezione di manufatti e reperti che ripercorrono la storia del paese dall'antichità ai giorni nostri. Il museo offre anche una serie di display interattivi e mostre multimediali.
Alla scoperta della storia e della cultura di Pechino
Pechino è anche una città ricca di eventi e festival culturali. Il capodanno cinese, che di solito cade a gennaio o febbraio, è una delle feste più importanti della città. I visitatori possono assistere alle danze dei draghi, gustare snack tradizionali e immergersi nell'atmosfera festosa.Altri eventi culturali includono il Mid-Autumn Festival, che si celebra a settembre o ottobre e presenta lanterne e torte lunari, e la Settimana d'oro della Giornata Nazionale, che si tiene all'inizio di ottobre e include sfilate e fuochi d'artificio.Nel complesso, Pechino è una città affascinante che offre qualcosa per tutti. Che tu sia interessato alla storia, alla cultura, al cibo o allo shopping, non mancano le cose da vedere e da fare. Con un'atmosfera vivace e gente amichevole, Pechino è una città che lascerà sicuramente un'impressione duratura sui visitatori. E se vuoi visitare altre città asiatiche clicca sul link e trova la tua destinazione preferita. Read the full article
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wulufan · 2 years
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It tells a family of three generations of women who stay true to their intentions to serve the neighborhood from the early days of the liberation to the present. Their stories capture the face of youth in each period to showcase the Hutong Culture in Beijing. Tian Zao has been engaged in grassroots work since the early days of liberation. She eventually becomes a leader of the resident's committee and serves the people for 70 years. She participated in catching spies, curbing illiteracy and led the masses to donate handicrafts to the volunteer army. During the era of reform, she encouraged her daughter to succeed her line of work. Tian Zao did not leave her post even after she retired. When she reached the age of 90, her granddaughter has become the new leader of the resident's committee.
Airs Sept 25th
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mariusczapran · 2 years
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smkelly84 · 2 years
Which Way Challenge
Here’s an alleyway in Jinan where they’re tearing down a hutong. Live goes on though. To see more alleys, paths, streets, highways, byways, rivers, waterways, signs, maps and more, click here.
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Hutong Figure
Modified A.I. image. 2024
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photo-by-thomas · 1 year
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胡同 - Hutong
Dongcheng, Beijing, China 2023
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toosvanholstein · 7 months
De Leergierige Chinese bij de Gaslamp, een ReisKunst-verhaal
Een bijzondere ervaring, artist in residence in Peking te zijn geweest. Dat levert schildersinspiratie op. En deze week een aflevering in mijn serie ReisKunst-verhalen in mijn blog TOOS&ART. Over de leergierige Chinese en haar gaslamp. #art #kunst #expo
Daar zat ze dan elke avond, in haar winkeltje in haar hutong aan de rand van Peking, op een paar honderd meter van de kunstenaarsenclave waar ik verkeerde. Vaak een boekje in de hand waaruit ze Engels probeerde te leren. Engels tellen kon ze al, voor de rest stelde ‘t nog niet veel voor. Maar de drang was er: beter, verder, hoger. Zoals ik dat in mei 2008 bij heel veel Pekinezen kon constateren…
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