fhear · 3 months
well's gods easter's egg's huntinn's not's goinn's to's well's a's justices few's was's close's...I's know's why's bossalotsfhear♥'s needed's so's much's dangs isager's now's
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nuclearpigeonone · 4 years
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Just a stupid bored doodle.
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Come along with me,
And the butterflies and bees....
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Daily Doodles
Currently still trying to finish a personal project. It's emotionally significant that I do so. (So far, my attempts at this personal project have ended up less than stellar...mostly because I have been trying to rush it. So now, I am taking what I have written and slowly but surely ironing out the creases. It's coming along well.)
In the mean time, here's an updated doodle.
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"Come along with me...
"And the butterflies and bees!
"We can wander through the forest...
"And do so as we please.
"Come along with me...
"To a cliff under a tree!
"Where we'll gave upon the water as an everlasting dream!
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Why are 90% of popular minecraft youtubers british?
They be like "hallo, yewtub! Today we are gonna be playing moincroft an huntinn for herobrin"
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moonlight-monster · 6 years
People call the Finn/Huntress Wizard ship "Finntress" but it also be called "Huntinn"!
Get it?
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writtenbythevictors · 11 years
Coffee Date || Huntinn
Tagged: Quinn Fabray and Hunter Clarington
Location: Starbucks near campus
Time: Afternoon
Notes: Quinn and Hunter meet up for coffee and end up having a surprisingly in-depth conversation.
Hunter: At five in the afternoon on a Sunday, Starbucks was one of the only places near campus that was really bustling. Hunter held the door open for a woman and her toddler who were leaving, then made his way into the cafe. Standing near the door, he frowned a little as he looked around, searching for some sign of Quinn. Fortunately, her pink hair stood out almost immediately, and within moments he was pulling out the chair across from her at the table she'd taken. "Good afternoon," Hunter said politely, smiling as he took a seat. "It's nice to meet you in person, Quinn."
Quinn tried to look casual as she waited for her coffee companion to arrive. Awkwardly she changed position in her seat a few times before settling for what felt most natural. She probably looked like a big idiot to anyone if they were watching her. Rolling her eyes, she pulled her phone out and pretended like she was texting one of her five contacts. Hearing the sound of a chair behind pulled out, she looked up taking in the view of Hunter Clarington for the first time. "Uh... yeah, hi." She wasn't sure if he expected her to shake his hand or what, but that would be stupidly formal. Unsure of what to do next, she quickly pushed one of the cups of coffee sitting in front of her towards him. "I didn't poison it."
Hunter blinked slightly, taken aback by the abruptness with which she pushed the coffee toward him. "Thank you," he said quickly, wrapping his fingers around the cup. A grin turned up the corners of his mouth at her words. "Thank you, I appreciate not getting murdered by someone I just met." Hunter took a sip and made a noise of approval. "It's very good, thank you. So, you said you went to the school's fall festival today, right? Did you like it alright?"
Quinn turned her head, giving him a cocky grin. She had figured he'd be offended she had bought his coffee and spewed out some bull shit about being a gentleman, she was really glad he didn't. "At least not yet, I haven't truly decided if I like you or not." Looking to her own cup, she picked it up and took a small sip before placing it back on the table. "Yeah, Finn took me to get donuts and kept me away from all the face painted creeps... How was it for you? Enjoy escorting around that weird little girl that's obsessed with my hair?"
Hunter relished being a gentleman whenever the opportunity arose, but from his mother especially and to some degree from his sister he also had an appreciation for women who preferred to be independent. He took another slow draw on his coffee as she spoke, his grey-green eyes bright as they rested on her face over the rim of the cup. Swallowing, he arched a brow. "Antonetta? Yes, I did. She seems a bit naive and according to her she gets lost easily, so I was happy to be her chaperon, as it were. Aside from that though, the festival was pretty entertaining. Although.. hopefully it isn't too forward to say, but I'm enjoying myself more right now than I did there," he added, smiling a little playfully.
Quinn was surprised by his comment. He had just gotten here, how could he possibly be enjoying her company more than being at the festival with his real friends? The comment made her blush, as she looked down shaking her head. Quinn Fabray doesn't blush. Ever. "It must have not been exactly your thing then, huh?" Looking back to meet his eyes, she gave him a rare smile. "And just why are you enjoying yourself more now, Mr. Clarington? Is it the coffee or the company?"
Hunter watched her face closely, though his own expression was still casual, and caught the fleeting sight of a blush before she looked down. Smiling a little more softly to himself, he returned to his coffee and added some raw sugar from a few packets sitting in a container on the table. "I suppose not. I'm not so much into hayrides and getting my face painted, you know, being an adult and all." Stirring his drink, Hunter thought about her question for a moment before answering, in a tone as playful as before, "The coffee is excellent, but I was referring to your company. I like a challenge, you see, and you've been so open about disliking me that I think I'm going to have a great deal of fun attempting to change your mind."
Quinn Lifting her hand up, she ran it through her pink hair considering for a moment everything he said. "Don't you think you'd look cute with a pumpkin painted on your face?" She had forgotten about their age difference. It was only slight, the only difference was that he could purchase alcohol and where she could not he could deny doing it for her. Even though she had mocked him for being so uptight about it, she had to admire that he stuck by his morals. Maybe it wasn't just all a facade he was putting on for show. Biting her lip, she traced the lid of her coffee with one finger. "and once the challenge is over? Will I never hear from you again? That doesn't seem like a very good friendship."
Hunter could barely keep his eyes off her, off the way she tucked her hair behind her ear - a surprisingly soft gesture given the hardness of her general appearance - or the way she ran her finger delicately around the edge of her cup. He'd had an inkling of it when they'd talked before, but now the assertion that there was something much more than met the eye beneath the surface of this pink-haired rebel was growing stronger every moment. Hunter's smile faded a little before reviving, and his eyes were more serious than before when he answered, "Of course not. Then we'll be friends, and good ones I hope. But I don't drop people once I've put effort into making them like me; I like to keep them around for a good long while after that. In fact.. I'd be far more worried about you being the one to drop me."
Quinn "And is it normal for you to make a project of making every person your friend?" Quinn leaned slightly forward, her eyes studying his face. She wanted to find some flaw in him. It wasn't fair for one person to be so handsome and ridiculously charming and so completely out of reach for someone like her. Breaking her stare, she moved to sit a little straighter. "If I considered you my friend being dropped isn't something you'd have to worry about. I don't really let that many people into my life to begin with, you on the other hand already seem to have a lot of friends." Meeting his glance again she added, "I'm glad we're doing this, honestly I was expecting you to be fake or a jerk and I guess it's good to know that not everyone is an ass like I had assumed."
Hunter pulled a thoughtful expression and eventually shook his head. "Actually, no. Usually if someone's rude to me I just write them off. Disrespect and bad manners are something of a pet peeve of mine, and if someone doesn't have them I normally can't stand talking to them at all. You're a special case.. not to make you feel self-conscious or anything," he added quickly, not wanting to offend. "It's just.. no one's ever told me they flat-out disliked me before, but instead of annoying me, I suppose I just found it sort of.. interesting? I'm not sure what word to use, but I didn't feel as though I wanted to ignore you after that." Hunter's features pulled into a slight frown that puckered the little space between his eyebrows. "I have.. people with whom I'm friendly, but I'm not sure 'friends' is exactly the way I'd describe them. I enjoy talking to most people and I like to be helpful when I can, but I don't make genuine friends very easily. If I had a problem.. I can't think of anyone at this school I'd tell about it. I'm just.. more private than that. I don't know. Being friendly has never been a problem for me though. You thought I was going to be a jerk?" He stared at her, and was momentarily at a loss for what to say. Swallowing a little, Hunter finally tilted his head. "Then I'm glad to be proving you wrong.. I hope?"
Quinn "Being disrespectful and having bad manners is kinda my forte." Smiling, she grabbed a hold of her coffee, but didn't bring it to her lips. Quinn's eyes glimmered mischievously. She never really truly disliked anyone, it was just her thing to write others off as quickly as possible. Sure some actually irritated her, but Hunter was not one of them. With him it was more of a teasing thing than an actual dislike. Either way it worked in her favor, getting his attention for the moment at least. "It's hard for me to like others. I could go on about the details of why, but it's nothing really something you'd want to hear about. I guess I just had a bad experience or two." Shrugging her shoulders, Quinn brought her drink to her lips, swallowing slowly as she watched him. She hoped it really wasn't noticeable how she had hardly stopped looking at him since he had arrived. Setting the cup back down, she twisted the ring around her finger. "And you think we could be genuine friends? If we're going to start at all, we might as well go all in right? Of course things like that take time and yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I don't really share myself with others in any way, but you can't really plan on who you connect with, it just sorta of happens. " Unless you were her and kept everyone at an arm's length to make sure those connections never formed. She just wasn't sure she could be true friends with him or whatever it is he would want, something like that was hard to come by anymore. It would take a certain level of trust she hadn't given anyone in a long time and apparently he wasn't an open book either. Leaning forward, she raised her eyebrows slightly and spoke in a quieter tone as she said, "You're not a jerk, but I'm still not very fond of you. However, you could do one thing for me, that's not illegal to increase your chances of gaining my favor."
Hunter nodded slowly, committing her words and the very slight hints they gave about her history to memory to study later. He hadn't been lying or even embellishing the truth to her; Hunter Clarington rarely took more than a passing civil interest in anyone, and yet he was starting to feel fairly sure that Quinn was a puzzle he wanted to solve.. and if solving wasn't a possibility, he at least wanted to find all the pieces. Mulling over her proposition, since that was what it was, Hunter kept his expression careful. "I.. think whether or not we end up genuine friends depends for the most part on you, but yes, I think it's possible that we could be. It probably wouldn't be easy, given our respective dispositions and our tendencies toward privacy.. but I'd like to give it a try, if you're willing." He froze for half a second as she leaned toward him, but willing to play along he leaned toward her too with an air of conspiracy against the other patrons of the establishment. "Oh? And what's that?"
Quinn was sure she was having some sort of out of body experience. This definitely could not be happening to her. Why would she agree to be anyone's anything? Friendships were complicated, you had to consider other's feelings and be honest. Quinn had always felt that when you were in any type of relationship with someone it had to be taken seriously. It was just that she had been trying so hard for the past few years to bury who she truly was that giving someone the chance to uncover and really see her was beyond frightening. Deciding not to respond any further to that conversation for the moment, she grinned as he leaned forward too. "Go buy me a cake pop. Maybe with some sugar i'll feel less grouchy and we can start this," rolling her eyes "friendship."
Hunter 's feeling of trepidation, which had been almost nonexistent moments ago, was growing at the sight of her grin. It lit up her face and completely changed her appearance; suddenly he seemed to be looking at a completely different girl. Nonetheless however, he felt a definite swoop of uneasiness in the pit of his stomach as he waited for her answer. When it came, there was a moment when Hunter's face went completely blank with surprise. Then he blinked and smirked amusedly, then pushed himself to his feet. "I thought you were about to ask me for a kidney or something," he chuckled, shaking his head as he got into line. Hunter returned a few minutes later and handed her a pink frosted cake pop. "It seemed fitting," he mused with a mischievous glance at her hair.
Quinn laughed at his comment. People assumed a lot of things about her because of the way she looked and that's what she intended. Enjoying the fact that he seemed so off guard that she hadn't requested his first newborn child, but only a cake pop, the smile stayed on her face. "Actually, that was just the first part of what I wanted, Hunter. I'm actually going to need a vial of your blood to complete the ritual I'm going to do later," she joked. "Hmm, pink, huh?" Taking the treat from him, she immediately took a bite. "Do you like the pink hair, I'm surprised you haven't questioned me about it yet. Most people do. They want to know what is my natural color or why do I feel the need to have such bright hair or whatever."
Hunter wrinkled his nose at her in another teasing smirk as he regained his seat and took another sip of his now fairly cold coffee. "Sorry, I've already given all I can spare to the Red Cross. You'll have to talk to them if you want some." Hunter shrugged lightly at the question. "I don't mind the pink. It grows on you after a little while, and at least I know I'll never lose you if we go to a crowded place together. Well.. your eyebrows look like they're sort of a light brown, so I'd guess your natural color is either that or a shade of blonde. And it's not really my business why you want such bright hair, so that's why I didn't ask that." Smiling slightly, he took another sip of his drink. "You haven't asked me why I'm so uptight. Nearly everyone does."
Quinn "I guess I just accepted it as a part of your personality. I didn't really think there had to be a reason for it. I mean like the whole not wanting to buy me liquor is kinda lame and most guys would jump at the chance to seem cool, or try use it to their advantage over me somehow, but you didn't and I think that's decent, I guess. You can't really have anything with someone if you don't respect them first and I do have that for you. You stick by what you believe in as far as I've seen. Maybe I'm assuming too much and you're really a prick, but I guess I'll find out." Shrugging, she bite off the last of her cake pop. "I'm a blond."
Hunter felt distinctly surprised at hearing that she respected what everyone else seemed to see as such a negative trait of his. Perhaps she was lying, or just trying to get on his good side in the hope of reviving the alcohol proposal.. it hardly seemed possible - too good to be true, really - that she was simply being honest. "I won't lie.. there are definitely times when I try to look cooler than I really am, but I can't.. bend rules or break laws. It's even difficult to be rude, even when I'm in a bad mood. Old habits die hard, I suppose.." Shaking his head, banishing the line of thought his mind was starting to take, Hunter smiled across the table at her. "Blond hair would look very pretty on you. When did you change over?"
Quinn Something about the way he said that got to her. She wondered what kind of childhood, he must have had- she herself had been raised under the roof of a very strict father. Her rebellion hadn't come from wanting to piss her parents off, if they would have just forgiven her, still accepted her maybe her life could have gone back to normal after Beth's birth. "I think you're cool enough," she said quietly. A part of her wanted to reach out and touch him, but she kept her hands in her lap. "Don't force yourself to be anything that you're not or whatever, it never turns out well." Although this isn't the way she would see herself outwardly, Quinn felt that she was still very much herself deep down, but she knew she wasn't being completely true. The pink hair gave her the edge to say and do some things she would have never thought of before. "Thank you, it's been this way for a little over a year now. I cut it all off, dyed it pink, and got my nose pierced all in one day. Shelby thinks it's just a phase I'm going through, maybe it is."
Hunter was gripping his coffee cup a little tighter than before. In the moments after he spoke and before she picked up the thread of the conversation, his thoughts moved irresistibly back to the topic of his homelife.. or lack thereof, really. He'd been raised for a career in the military - his whole life had been geared toward it since the moment he'd hit puberty. Deference and respect for authority, careful manners, almost ridiculous formality.. it was all ingrained by now, and even though he hadn't been welcomed in his parents' home now for years, it was impossible to get away from all he'd been taught. Quinn's words brought Hunter's eyes immediately back to her face, alerted by the suddenly softer tone, and Hunter almost frowned, trying to discern what could be going through her mind.. but before he could, the subject had been changed and he was forced to let it go. "Go big or go home, I see. Who's Shelby?"
Quinn "Something like that, yeah..." Pausing for a few moments, Quinn frowned, but quickly tried to recover her facial expression. Talking about Shelby was giving him an opening to dig further into her past, one she wasn't sure he or anyone would accept. No one from her home town had, why would a stranger?Bringing a hand to her neck, she tried to rub away some of the tension she was feeling. "She's the woman I lived with from the time I turned sixteen, up until last year. I guess she's sorta my mom now. She does all the parental stuff for me at least, calls to make sure I'm brushing my teeth every night or whatever. Some stuff happened with me and... yeah, it's not something I like talking about that much."
Hunter kept his face composed, but couldn't control the way her words piqued his curiosity. Quinn's situation didn't sound too terribly different from his own. After his father had kicked him out, he'd lived with an aunt for over a year until he could get back on his own feel, and even now he still received calls from her periodically asking how he was doing. Impulsively, but well aware that there was a good chance she would throw it off, Hunter placed a hand gently over hers. He only left it there for a moment before pulling back, but he knew he needed more than simple words to express his sympathy. "I'm sorry. We don't have to talk about anything that makes you uncomfortable, Quinn. For what it's worth though, I have some idea of how you feel. My.. parents kicked me out when I was about seventeen, so I've lived with a lot of relatives since then. Not since I got into college - I live in the dorms now, obviously - but up until then, it was usually a cousin or an aunt or an uncle. Shelby sounds like a kind woman."
Quinn let his hand linger on top of her own, until he pulled it away. People generally never tried to comfort her or touch her in anyway, she supposed it had just taken her off guard, but she knew even if it hadn't she wouldn't have stopped him. Looking at him, she paid close attention to everything he said so she could think more about it later. He'd been on his own for quite some time now- it was hard not to wonder what he could have done to get kicked out by his parents. Her mind ran through multiple possibilities, but she was still unable to completely figure it out. "Thanks... for not pushing and stuff." Placing her hand around the plastic cup that was now half full of cold coffee she stared at it. "I'm sorry, it's cool you had family though. Shelby was my choir teacher." The corners of her lips upturned into a smile thinking about the older woman. "She was pretty great to me, until she got married." Looking back up, she grinned. "Then she kicked me out too. I'm not so upset about that though. I stayed with a couple people I knew, where ever and she still helped me out a lot. I guess I can't whine about it all too much, I'm here now so yeah..."
Hunter smiled gently at her. "I know.. I'm lucky to have people I could lean on, and I'm glad that that part of my life is over. It was a difficult time for a few years, but fortunately I've been able to support myself for almost two years now." His forehead creased a little as he listened to her, and he suppressed a small sigh. "I'm.. sorry to hear that, Quinn. You're not whining, don't worry about that. These kinds of things happen. Life isn't always the simple, easy thing it's made out to be when you're a kid. At least you found somewhere to go, even if it wasn't ideal."
Quinn She wasn't ready to let go of Beth, accepting that she would never see the little girl again was something she never even let her mind consider. He seemed to be doing so well for himself and to have had put it all in his past. Maybe she'd never be okay until she let go of all the things that still hurt her. "I was lucky enough, I wasn't on the street or in a shelter." Releasing a breath slowly, she looked at him as she rested back against her seat. Stretching her feet out she accidentally bumped his foot underneath the table - immediately she pulled them back. "Anyway, I don't want to like keep you all afternoon if you have things to do."
Hunter gave a nod. "Absolutely. It could almost always be worse. I used to tell myself that a lot, but things are so much better now I haven't needed to for a while." He knew there was more she wasn't telling him.. probably a great deal more, enough to fill hours and hours of conversation, but Hunter knew he didn't want to pry. He'd rather let her keep whatever secrets she had rather than make her uncomfortable. Blinking a little, he glanced down when she bumped him beneath the table and couldn't help a small smile when she seemed almost a little embarrassed by the contact. "Not at all, I'll probably just do a bit of homework after I leave here. But I could.. walk you back to campus, if that's where you're headed?"
Quinn Slipping each arm into the sleeves of her jacket, she slowly nodded. A big part of her wanted to reject his offer, but she found herself unable to form those words. "Sure, that'd be nice," she replied instead, slowly standing. Pushing her chair in, Quinn grabbed her trash from the table and waited for him to stand as well before disposing of it in the trash. "I'm used to walking where ever I need to go alone, so it's not like I need an escort or anything, but if you're that desperate to spend more time with me I guess I won't refuse you." Now that she was away from the privacy of their table she could slip on her tough girl mask more easily and it felt necessary to cover that she did actually want him to.
Hunter glanced at her for a moment, a little thrown by the immediate acceptance, and it wasn't until then that he realized he hadn't expected her to say yes at all. It was a very pleasant surprise however, and he got to his feet a little too quickly out of eagerness and tripped slightly on one of the legs of his chair. Hoping she hadn't seen but aware that he had gone at least a little red, he dumped his cup in the trash bin and followed her to the door. "Well, then thank you for indulging me," Hunter answered as he held open the door, his tone only slightly ironic as he cast her a teasing smile. "I can't imagine I'd ever turn down a chance to spend more time with you."
Quinn rolled her eyes at him. Giving him a displeased look, she narrowed her eyes as she noticed that he was at least five inches taller than herself. "Whatever, Mr. Rogers," she murmured under her breath. It was just in his nature to want to make sure she got home okay, there was nothing particularly special about the situation. Looking at the road ahead of her instead of at his stupid adorable smile, she focused on not tripping over her own feet. That was the last thing she needed to embarrass herself in front of him. "and apparently I can't turn down your company either, how unfortunate for me."
Hunter didn't take her harsh expression to heart and only returned a wider grin. "My fashion sense is infinitely better than Mr. Rogers'.. but apart from that, that's a pretty commendable comparison. He was a pretty amazing man." Following her through the door, he took a few longer strides and then fell into step beside her, tucking his hands into the pockets of his jacket as the fall air nipped at the exposed skin of his face and neck. "Is it unfortunate? I'm sorry to put you through such torture then," he said, amused. "I promise I won't take it personally if you try to lose me on the way back."
Quinn Raising an eyebrow Quinn purposely walked a little slower. "and who told you that?" It was probably Sebastian, even if he was already dating Blaine he seemed to have an eye Hunter as well, which was slightly irritating for no particular reason. Her lips settled into a pout at the way he was amused more than anything by her, she folded her arms across her chest. "I could probably not lose you if you tried. Your personality would not allow it. You'd die of guilt if you didn't know for sure whether the person you're with made it home alright, I suppose."
Hunter zipped up his jacket a little higher so that it covered more of his neck and chuckled. "No one had to tell me. I have eyes, I can see that my fashion sense is better. Plus, you'll never catch me in a patterned cardigan. Ever." He fell silent for a few moments after that, considering her words, and finally shrugged his shoulders. "I'd be uncomfortable and I might call the police to go look for you, but you're right.. you probably wouldn't really be able to shake me in the first place. I'd follow you at a distance until I knew you were safe inside your dorm."
Quinn chanced a look at him. "Are you cold? You could wear my jacket." Grinning to herself, she folded her arms over her chest she could feel her cheeks starting to burn slightly from the chill. The further they walked away from Starbucks the more the temp seemed to drop. Although fall and winter were her favorite seasons she couldn't really stand the cold. "You sound like a stalker," she added as she leaned to her side, purposely bumping into him before she could stop herself from doing it.
Hunter glanced sidelong at her and smiled, shaking his head. "No, I'm fine, but thank you. Chivalry isn't dead, I see." Although he had the urge, especially as she folded her arms over her chest, to put one of his own around her shoulders, Hunter pushed his hands deeper into his pockets to try and stifle the instinct. At the word 'stalker', Hunter's eyebrows shot up and he looked at her sharply in confusion, but he relaxed when he saw she was teasing him again. "Hm.. sorry about that," he replied, chuckling and pushing her lightly back. "I guess I'll keep my creepier habits to myself from now on."
Quinn was grateful for his company on the way back, although she was used to walking everywhere alone by now. There had only been one instance of some idiot shouting something inappropriate at her. Wearing baggier clothing and with her dyed hair she noticed she got much less attention for her outer appearance than she used to and she was perfectly okay with that. Some habits died hard though and she still couldn't bring herself to wear anything but skirts and dresses. She'd need to remember to buy thicker hose and leggings if she was going to continue to walk everywhere when it started to snow. Quinn pushed against him again and smiled. "Just as long as I don't wake up with you staring down at me, we'll be cool."
Hunter finally did step nearer and put an arm (a little tentatively at first) around her slender shoulders. He tucked her a little under his arm, using the cold as his wordless excuse both to her and to himself, and smiled at the ground as they continued to walk side by side. "I won't pull a Dobby on you, don't worry."
Quinn had a choice to make. She could either shrug him off, which was her first instinct or she could let his arm rest over her shoulder. Taking a few more steps, she leaned a little into him, as her own arm found its way around his hips. "You're much cuter than Dobby," she replied, hiding her face between their bodies as if it could protect her from feeling any embarrassment.
Hunter suddenly found that he was holding his breath, but he didn't let it out until he felt her turn her face into his side. He grinned, biting his lower lip to keep it from getting too wide, and tightened his grip around her almost protectively. "Thank you, I'm glad you think so.." They walked on in silence for some time until the big brick building that was the girls' dormitory came into view across the street. Hunter gazed up at it and tried not to sigh. "I guess this is you then."
Quinn pulled herself away from him. Trying to push that shy stupid girl she was away, she gave him a bored look. "Yeah, it was fun. Thanks for walking me home or whatever. I'll talk to you later." Without saying anything further, she quickly opened the door to her building and slipped inside needing some time alone and away from him to think about all that she had learned this afternoon.
Hunter blinked and released her at once, meeting her bored expression with one of confusion. He moved forward as if to follow, not really knowing what he would say if he succeeded in stopping her, but the door closed in his face before he'd gone two steps, his goodbye still on his lips. Hunter stood there for almost a full minute until he finally turned on his heel and paced away toward the boys' dorm a few blocks away.
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Huntress Wizard is a plant and would, thus, have green blood because she is a plant and photosynthesizes. Hunting be damned!
Woke (and mildly Nerdy):
Huntress Wizard, being the MOVING, breathing, and active plant ANIMAL that she is would not be able to generate enough energy from photosynthesis alone, especially because she would still need certain nutrients to survive that plants do not produce on their own (like protein and, nitrogen...which generally comes from, you guessed it, dead plants and dead animals in the ground); photosynthesis is the process of taking CARBON DIOXIDE and water to produce sugar and energy for the plant while giving off oxygen as waste, thus, if Huntress Wizard had blood (which she would have to unless her body is sustained by magic), it would be purplish, not green.
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Huntress Wizard's blood (and tongue) are PURPLE (and her breathe is probably like fresh air to Finn).
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Is there such a thing as having too much fun with other people’s fictional characters?
(Translation: Chapter 8 got so big...it turned into a chapter 9...and then a chapter 10 for pacing, but at least now, it feels rather complete.)
23 notes · View notes
What’s this? A double feature? My wizards! What is this sorcery!
(Translation: Chapter 8 got kind of big, so I turned it into a chapter 9......)
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I Wrote to One of the AT Crew...
Until I get clearance to quote him, I won't be copying the e-mail contents. Still, I will tell you this.
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Concerning the rumor that Huntress Wizard was never meant to appear after "Flute Spell":
There were discussions about it early on in the boarding process; however, by the time they were done with the final board for the episode, it was decided then that they would bring her back in future episodes as cameos and so on. (This is the actual question I was asking about as I was curious to hear the podcast that apparently talked about this but couldn't find it. So, I got a statement to clarify what was intended.) So, Huntress Wizard was always going to come back, Finntress or no.
Concerning Finntress:
There were no definitive plans for Finntress. For all intents and purposes the romance would have been done after "Flute Spell", but the writers had no concrete rules about Finntress not happening either. It was never off the table, so the notion that it was completely unplanned is false if anyone says it was. It really boiled down to if the crew wished to pursue it or not from there.
(I didn't really ask about this, but I did mention it since it would have ultimately come up as a question. It was just a matter of "if" and "when"; if it was decided by the writers to do something, then they picked when since boarders work from a two page outline to essentially direct the episode at that point. This is how AT is a board-driven show.)
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(This was the information I've been looking for)
The fact that they teased it (and this is just me talking) reflects the indecision to close it for good, so...take that as you will!
Based on her two eps in the last season and all the scenes she got in the finale (and this is just me talking), I am going with my interpretation that she and Finn did ultimately pair up over time as the worldview that kept them apart in "Flute Spell" is definitely something that changed behind the scenes (and probably would have changed in-universe, but this part is me speculating). All of that said, if you wanted Finntress to happen, it happened. If you didn't, then it didn't.
I hope that this brings closure to some people! It definitely gives me closure and plenty of analytic fuel. 😘 Those essays are going to be fun now. I am totally glad that I asked. :D
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Paraphrasing What I was Told
I am not allowed to quote the individual I asked for his thoughts, but I can paraphrase what I was told, so here we go. (This is way late, and I am sorry.)
So, I basically asked if it was true or not if HW was supposed to return after "Flute Spell" since I could not find the podcast with Jesse saying one way or another. This was the response I got:
There was some discussion that Huntress Wizard wouldn't come back early on in the pitch process of Flute Spell. But they changed their minds by the time the storyboards were finished. They decided that she would show up from time to time in cameos etc but that the romance would be over (although this wasn't a hard rule. They were open to changing this decision possibly).
This was based on a process one of them was personally going through with a girl who that individual had a strange involvement with (that I shall leave private for obvious reasons).
At this point in the individual's art process, he was trying to blur the line between his life and his creative output. He was also extremely skeptical of relationships at this point and had the suspicion that they inhibited individual achievement on some grand scale. He now feels like that's generally a foolish thought, but you know. The mind goes through weird phases.
And that is basically how it was written to me.
The idea or "exceptional beasts" was presented at the time, knowing that it wasn't holistic, because a certain individual was into the idea of occasionally expressing problematic ideas on TV as a way of undermining the assumption that fiction should only be used to express correct ideologies through the protagonist.
And those were the things shared with me. It was a fun conversation.
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Random Skit in My Head
*Finn's mom and the humans have arrived in Ooo*
*Huntress Wizard gets to meet Finn's mom, Minerva*
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*Minerva wonders of Huntress Wizard's name*
Minerva: Are you called Huntress Wizard all the time?
HW: Yes.
Minerva: Is that your official name or have you had another at some point in time?
HW: If I had a name before I became Huntress Wizard, I lost it. That tends to happen with magic.
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Minerva: I see. What if someone gave you a name, then, as a token of friendship or affection?
HW: I'd be down for it, I guess. It depends on the name and how it fits. I'm fine being Huntress Wizard.
Minerva: Well of course. It's a splendid name. But you see, you remind me of a friend I had named...Diana, so I was hoping I could call you so.
HW: Diana?
Minerva: Yes! You see, Diana loved animals and plants. She became a vet in life before trying to help when a virus outbreak back home and succumbing to it like the rest of us Helpers. She...did not survive I am afraid.
HW: That is an unfortunate story.
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Minerva: Ah. Yes... Oh, but you shouldn't fret of that! Diana loved her name because it belonged to a goddess of the hunt in our old legends. I don't know the tales, but it seemed fitting that a lover of animals and nature shared names with one of legend who loved much the same. I thought maybe you'd like it to.
HW: Hmmm. That's not a bad reason or name... I quite like this "Diana"
Minerva: A goddess name for a goddess Huntress I say. *winks*
HW: *smiles* *leans towards Finn* You mom's pretty cool. I see where the charm comes from.
Finn: *blushing* It takes a goddess to know a goddess name, I guess. Ha.
Minerva: Oh sweetie. Stop. I'm embarrassed.
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So, for those who don't/might not know this, in Greek Myth, you had three virgin goddesses that were associated as a group:
Athena (Minerva)
Artemis (Diana)
Hestia (Vesta)
Since Minerva is the name for Finn's mom, I thought it would be neat to have a goddess name a goddess so to speak. Thus was born the skit of Minerva giving Huntress Wizard the name Diana. (And if HW has a daughter by Finn, I guess they could name one Vesta, or a descendant could be Vesta. Or no one. I am just talking.)
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Chapter 8 is up.
I had so much fun writing this to the end that...I really cannot talk about it. Just read. And I hope that you enjoy it. :3
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Rated M. Fair warning.
Happy belated Valentines Day Finntress shippers!
I really enjoyed writing this, and it got way more intense than planned. It might even be spoilerish since it and the Huntinn Time series are in the same continuity, but I am going to just class it as some hype since you still don’t know how they get to the point of marriage, and I don’t make it an easy road.
Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy! Now, it’s back to the main series!
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*crack theory story*
I have had this idea in my head all evening, so... Huntress Wizard backstory time!
She is the illegitamate child of Magic Man and Maja the Sky Witch.
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(Look at this happy family! <--*totally not me being sarcastic*)
So why Maja? Why Magic Man?
Well, one...because it’s funny. I mean first and foremost, I’m really laughing at the idea...and I am not super serious about it, hence my calling it a crack theory backstory. But! BECAUSE it is funny, and because it’s not entirely impossible, I kind of wanted to explore it speculatively. And all three characters do technically show up in the finale because they were pretty important folks within the series in their own rights.
So let’s play with the facts on this a bit.
Huntress Wizard, Maja, and Magic Man are all green.
Yeah. I know. Big deal.
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Technically, there are green/greenish characters throughout Adventure Time, so this really doesn’t mean that much...except only Maja and Magic Man are the primary magical green characters we see throughout the series.
(I mean, there’s also Doctor Princess, but her magic seems to be less magic and more science...due to her being Science Whyzard. Honestly, her best magic is successfully turning her name into a medical profession without prior training; guess that’s why she is Science Whyzard.)
Maja is magic, a nice forest and earthy magic at that,
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...and evil. Obviously evil.
Magic Man, in his jerk days, was also magic. And a jerk.
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(That poor bird...)
Magic Man was such a jerk, that it’s not impossible he could have purposefully left a woman with a kid to raise alone (or worse), especially if it was an unplanned thing. Kind of a spur of the moment deal.
So, onto Maja...
She’s also a jerk...an evil jerk into emotionally charged items and the powerful magics that she can derive from their psychic resonance. Annnnd where do most of those items probably come from?
That’s right.
So...why not have a magic child of her own to get even stronger magical resonance from their stuff, especially if that child gets abused and only finds comfort in those items...?
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It would not be out of the question for this nut to scheme and think about (as she tends to not really think her plans through; I’m looking at you Darren).
Not to mention, some people simply see children and other people as objects themselves rather than individuals, so Maja could have totally seen a baby as a magical conduit for emotion and nothing more. I wouldn't put it past her to scheme and use a man to get a child so as to use the man's child as a source of emotional attachment and absorption as part of her schemes to get what she wants...only to learn that Magic Man was the wrong buzzkill to expect emotional attachment to a child from, especially if that child was not his or Margles’ child.
In addition to Magic Man being a bust, Maja would realize that babies aren't objects after all and not worth the troubles of raising herself.
So, with her plans up in smoke, she would abandon the child to the woods to die. (And this wouldn’t be the first baby abandoned to the trees and tree witches).
But Magic Child (as she would have possibly been called) does not die because her magics protect her and because the forest takes her in as part of it...which is how she develops into a wood nymph of the forest and trees. (If Carol can become a water nymph, then why not allow a magic child character to become a wood nymph?)
It is in this way that she becomes reborn as Huntress Child, and from then on, that's who she is. Eventually, he backstory is made clear to her by the Spirit of the Forest, and she hates learning the truth and how much it affects her emotionally, so she runs away from the forest and what it has revealed to her and leaves.
She confronts Magic Man only to discover that he is a jerk and also someone who does not wish to see her...because he and Margles never had kids, and he hates that.
She confronts Maja only for the witch to try and manipulate her for her own means until HC gets wise to her tricks after which, Maja tells her to leave because HC is of no use to her...which sends HC spiraling into madness that leads her to being captured by Forest Wizard on GMW's orders (as it could be his job to confine and control the dangerous wizards/magical beings of their world to Wizard City so as to monitor them and make sure that magic doesn't screw everything up). He helps her to stay her madness and gives her a place to stay and hone her skills as a wizard.
Not wanting to return to the forest as an emotional wreck, HC decides to stay in Wizard City to hone her powers and to forget about Magic Man, Maja, or anything to do with her past as Magic Child. Thus, she becomes Huntress Wizard, and everything after that is history.
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Eventually, she does return to the forest, no longer hung up about her past or her "bad self", and it is in this return that she runs across and falls in love with Finn and starts to really learn to become the best Huntress Wizard that she can be with help from people who care about her.
With the Spirit of the Forest's guidance, she is able to curtail her madness and sadness with the magic of forest protection and living, which runs her into Finn again overtime.
The two rekindle their casual romance with one another and become a new family as things and life in Ooo changes for the both of them...and though it never stops being awkward or hard, they equally never stop looking out for one another in the process...because that's what families do. And it’s kind of just their thing.
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And that's my crack theory backstory for our beloved Huntress Wizard. I hope that you enjoyed it!
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