#huninn and munnin
mendelmakes · 18 days
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First 10 cards in the Norse Major Arcna Series
Full Major Arcana
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marcellochijo · 5 years
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Ultimamente estive lendo bastante sobre mitologia escandinava, sempre gostei de mitos e lendas , mas esta em particular se tornou umas das minhas favoritas, me inspirou bastante enquanto eu lia , tanto que a pouco tempo resolvi começar um projeto pessoal, mas como são muitos personagens que tenho em mente vamos começar pelo mais "fácil". 😀 Estes são "Huginn" e "Munnin" ou pensamento e memória, são os corvos de Odin responsáveis por voar sobre os nove mundos e contar-lhe tudo o que acontece neles, essa é só a etapa de research e ainda pretendo pinta-los, embora seje apenas a primeira etapa me diverti muito em faze-los! _______________________________ Lately i've been reading a lot about scandinavian mythology, i've always liked myths and legends, but it's in became one of my favorites , it inspired me so much as I read, so i decided to start a personal project, but as there are many characters that i have in mind , so let's start with the more "easy". 😀 They are "Huginn" and "Munnin" or "thought" and "memory" , they are the ravens of Odin responsible for flying over the nine worlds and telling him everything that happens in them, this is only the research part and I still intend to paint them, although it is only the first stage i had so much fun doing them! #sketch #rough #concept #conceptart #art #charactere #characteredesign #design #raven #ravens #crow #crows #norse #mythology #norsemythology #huninn #muninn #scandinavian #scandinavianmythology #odin #wotan #artstudy #study #personagem #designdepersonagem #arte #mitologia #mitologianórdica #norte #mitologiaescandinava #estudodearte
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