beautiful-celebs-pics · 6 months
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Humberly Gonzalez
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Ozzy Decker played by Maxwell Acee Donovan
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Trini ‘Frostbyte’ Battson played by Sam Morelos
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Myrna Washington played by Rebecca Ablack
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Callie Deegan played by Chelsea Clark
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Patrick Jespersen played by Damian Romeo
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Analie DiLaurentis played by Humberly González
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Rafaello Stanton played by Skyler Guthrie
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Hillie Franci played by Jules LeBlanc
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Meggy Verbic  played by Avani Gregg
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Elene Kittridge played by Lily Chee
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Corly Playman played by Lexi Jayde
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Ashia Holdrege played by Francesca Capaldi
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Sharla Levin played by Emma Myers
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Sawyer Gilardoni played by Kolton Stewart
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phonemantra-blog · 2 months
The latest Star Wars Outlaws release by Ubisoft has stirred quite a buzz among players, particularly regarding the appearance of the heroine, Kay Vess. Actress Humberly Gonzalez lent her looks to the character, but players have begun to notice disparities between the in-game depiction and the real-life actress. The Divergence of Kay Vess's Appearance: Ubisoft's science-fiction action movie, Star Wars Outlaws, features Kay Vess, portrayed by actress Humberly Gonzalez. However, keen-eyed players have observed that the character doesn't consistently mirror the appearance of Gonzalez, sparking discussions within the gaming community. The Karen Controversy: Aesthetic Choices or Feminist Narrative? A peculiar observation has surfaced among players, with some attributing the apparent transformation of Kay Vess into what they describe as "Karens with zero breast size" to feminist developers. The critique centers on the alteration of the character's physical attributes, raising questions about the motivations behind such changes. Humberly Gonzalez's Role: Perception vs. Reality in Game Development: While Gonzalez served as the visual inspiration for Kay Vess, the game's portrayal seems to deviate from the actress's real-life attributes. This raises intriguing questions about the decision-making process behind character design and the impact it has on player engagement and immersion. Navigating Pronouns and Player Perception: Commentators have playfully pointed out the irony of seamless pronoun usage in profiles, showcasing screenshots from the project's narrative director Navid Khavari, and lead screenwriter Nikki Foy. This subtle nod to the controversy adds a layer of humor to the ongoing discourse surrounding Star Wars Outlaws. Khavari's Stance on Politics in Gaming: Interestingly, Navid Khavari, known for his work on Far Cry 6, has previously made public statements about intentionally infusing politics into game scripts. This deliberate choice aimed to encourage players to reflect on broader societal issues, such as imperialism and the challenges faced by various minorities. Navigating the Grey Area: Balancing Aesthetics and Player Expectations: Game developers often find themselves walking a fine line between creative expression and meeting player expectations. The controversy surrounding Kay Vess in Star Wars Outlaws exemplifies the challenges developers face when translating real-life models into virtual characters while maintaining player satisfaction. FAQs: Q1: Why are players expressing concern about Kay Vess's appearance in Star Wars Outlaws? A1: Players have noticed disparities between the in-game depiction of Kay Vess and the real-life actress, Humberly Gonzalez, sparking discussions about aesthetic choices and player expectations. Q2: Is the criticism of "Karens with zero breast size" directed towards the developers or the character design? A2: Some players attribute the perceived transformation of Kay Vess to feminist developers, expressing concerns about changes to the character's physical attributes. Q3: What role did Navid Khavari play in the controversy? A3: Screenshots of Navid Khavari's profile were shared, adding a humorous element to discussions about pronouns and player perception in the controversy surrounding Star Wars Outlaws. Q4: How does this controversy relate to Navid Khavari's work on Far Cry 6? A4: Navid Khavari's prior statement about infusing politics into game scripts, as seen in Far Cry 6, adds context to the ongoing debate about intentional choices in game development. Q5: How do game developers balance creative expression and player expectations in character design? A5: The controversy around Kay Vess highlights the challenges developers face when translating real-life models into virtual characters while maintaining player satisfaction and immersion.
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robynalomar · 4 years
hi! so i have a bunch of canon celeb urls from the show utopia falls that i’m willing to giveaway trade!!
@robynalomar (this account) @humberlygonzalez  @philliplewitski @mickeeyngyuen @devynnekoda @seanbaek @robbiegrahamkuntz @graham-kuntz
if any of these interest u just dm whichever url u want!!
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latestmodels · 4 years
#HumberlyGonzalez #Braless #Photoshoot #PhotoshootWarrenMay Humberly Gonzalez Braless Pokies in Photoshoot by Warren May – February 2020 https://t.co/i2RVDFGU9T
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beautiful-celebs-pics · 5 months
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Humberly Gonzalez
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Humberly Gonzalez
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Humberly Gonzalez
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beautiful-celebs-pics · 7 months
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Humberly Gonzalez
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beautiful-celebs-pics · 8 months
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Humberly Gonzalez
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beautiful-celebs-pics · 9 months
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Humberly Gonzalez
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Humberly Gonzalez
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Humberly Gonzalez
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Humberly Gonzalez
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Humberly Gonzalez
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Humberly Gonzalez
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