#human lives have value
lordadmiralfarsight · 7 months
Revolution fetishism is a horrible political view, especially in this context
Okay, rant incoming, partially related to recent events, but also to earlier thinking on my part.
There are, on the Left, a fair few people that romanticize or outright fetishize the concept of Revolution, of violent popular uprising to wrest power out of the hands of a corrupt elite and give it to the people. Very romantic, very righteous (self-righteous pretty often), very good and nice and sexy. And by the grace of revolutionary fervor and ideological purity, everything will be better after.
Except no.
See, a lot of this romanticization of Revolution comes, to my knowledge, from my own country of France. We have romanticized our Revolution a fair bit, and honestly, looking at the first part, fair. A serious go at giving women rights, a no-cause divorce, abolition of slavery, privileges thrown out, equality between people proclaimed loud, enfranchisement given to minorities ... in 1789. A LOT of good and progress, especially for the time.
But then it got fucky, VERY fucky. The Reign of Terror, under the caring leadership of Maximilien Robespierre, was a fucking nightmare on Earth, caracterized by mass executions on political basis, and by this I mean anyone that opposed Robespierre got beheaded. Political plurality? You mean anti-revolutionary sentiment ! Unacceptable, kill everyone.
A rumor of the time said the Place de Grève was covered in a layer of blood that was ankle deep. Is that an exageration ? Yes, certainly. But the fact it got to that point should tell you something about how intense the murdering was. And that was just one square in Paris, there was the rest of the country to consider too.
But surely, after Robespierre fell victim to his own system and was executed, something better emerged, right?
No. Sweet mother of fuck, NO.
What followed was roughly 70 years of political instability and violence, warfare and civil war, several dictatorships, including attempts to restore absolute monarchy, that undid most of the good brought by the first part of the Revolution. And finally, France stumbled onto political stability in 1870 when the temporary 3rd Republic, that was supposed to wait until the presumptive heir to the throne (who wanted an absolute monarchy) croacked did what temporary things do best and became the permanent system (until its fall).
This was not thanks to the Revolution. It was pure randomness.
Did the French Revolution bring good things? Yes, it did. In its first part. The second part brought chaos and misery for multiple decades. And it took a lot of work and efforts to bring back what the Revolution, the peaceful part, had brought in.
And far too many people on the Left fetishize and romanticize the whole thing, as if we couldn't have had the first part without the second, as if the progress and hope and betterment somehow needed the chaos and murder that came after.
Yes, there would have been a period of conflict, European monarchies would not have accepted quietly a realm the size of France doing away with monarchs. But did we REALLY need the political purges ? Did we REALLY need the paranoia ? Did we REALLY need the massacres ?
But you will find people that answer yes, and say the spilled blood somehow made it pure, or good. And those same people are looking at what Hamas is doing and are cheering. These people don't celebrate the first part, the progress and hope. They claim to be, but they aren't. They celebrate the Terror. They yearn for the unjust "popular tribunal" AKA mob "justice". They dream of executing political opponents or anyone they think is "bad" on light or even absent charges.
And That's why they cheer for Hamas rockets and massacres. That's why they sing when Israeli children are murdered. That's why they attack Jews that don't live in Israel. Because they hope to vicariously live this period of unchecked violence.
Know who was celebrating the RIGHT part of the Revolution ? The Israeli working with Gazan to build understanding. The Gazan protesting against Hamas. The Israeli Arabs risking their lives to save the lives of fellow Israeli and of foreigners, regardless of skin or creed. The Gazan trying to improve things in their homes against the wishes and efforts of Hamas.
Know who IS celebrating the RIGHY part of the Revolution ? The Israeli protesting the way the IDF is bombing Gaza. The people decrying the hypocrisy of blood-thirsty leftists. The people calling for Peace and working to make the political change to allow it.
But the Robespierres of the time, drunk on their own self-assurance, condemn and insult them, claiming that blood must be spilt. But it doesn't have to be. The French Revolution started relatively bloodlessly. It didn't need some great orgy of violence. Oh it wasn't clean, but it was far cleaner than the armchair Robespierres would like it to be. Because it didn't need to be.
And that's my point, really. The people fantasizing about and fetishizing the Revolution always dream of torrents of blood washing away the injustices, of seas of corpses forming a fertile ground upon which progress can grow. But that horseshit. All you get with that is, like the Place de Grève, a sinister place that stinks of rot and death, and flocks of scavengers gorging on your crimes.
All you get is a chance for a Napoleon to arrive. Or Stalin's USSR that so casually carried on with the crimes of the Tsars. Or Polpot who murdered 25% of his population.
If you look at the French Revolution, the right lesson to learn is that you need to know when to stop, and that's before you get to indiscriminate killing. Because once you get to that point ... people that thrive in those settings get in power and perpetuate them.
And to apply that to the situation in I/P ... knowing when to stop means realizing that Israeli are still humans, that Gazan are still humans, that their lives have worth and should be protected, that supporting child killings when it's done by "brown people" is not anymore alright than supporting child killings when done by the IDF. And you people should very well consider the possibility that people inside the IDF are doing all they can to reduce Bibi's ability to order war crimes.
And you should recognize that there are efforts on the part of the IDF, sometimes token efforts, sometimes more than just that, to limit the number of dead civilians. Point me to a case where Hamas did the same. Point me to a case where they tried to get Israeli civilians out of the way instead of targeting them.
Hamas is not a Revolution you want to succeed. It's not about being free. It's about killing. This isn't a "glorious revolutionary action", it's a prelude to the wholesale slaughter and ethnic massacre they dream of. It's a tiny window into their ideal, blood soaked world.
Violent revolution should be a last resort, when there is no other option available, when the system is so utterly broken and shattered that nothing can move, and it should be stopped as soon as the system is unfucked enough to negociate. The I/P situation is not at that stage. Look at how much efforts the fascists of both sides have to invest in maintaining this. Look at how much time and money and efforts they have to invest to keep each other in place. And despite this, people of both sides reach for peace, argue and protest for it, even at the risk of their very lives (especially true in Gaza).
And if you refuse to consider all this, if you insist on following Robespierre, remember this : La Veuve came for him too, in the end.
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 8 months
So anyway you repeatedly say we only feel corn husks and similar inedible parts to cattle but Never add a source to back it up. Having worked on farms I’m afraid for the most part the feeds I’ve seen have been parts entirely edible to humans. And like fuck man 5% of all grown soy is fed to humans or however the stat goes, do you really think the remaining 95% is inedible? really?
Anyway yeah I’m asking for a source here cause I don’t want to add this on to months old post
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Ingredients such as “grain by-products” are referring to the husks, stalks, and other “green” parts of the plant that we humans don’t actually have the digestive capabilities to eat. The breakdown of most livestock feeds looks like the above when you actually take a look at it.
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Different cattle feed, similar ingredients. Still primarily things that, and I have to stress this, you cannot eat. This one is slightly higher in quality and does indeed have actual grain products included. Some of those are edible to humans. Some are not. Generally cattle are fed cattle cubes with supplemental mineral licks and hay. Some also supplement with whole corn, but I can gladly assure you that corn is not in short supply and even if all the corn sold to animal feed was donated to the poor, you can’t actually live off of corn because there’s very little nutrition in it. Hence why in both human and animal food it’s typically seen as a filler ingredient. Keeps the mouth busy with a meal without making your stomach feel full and you end up eating more without feeling satisfied.
Soybeans are really only often used in feed for pigs because they’re a great source of protein for these animals. I would state that soy is also a terrible option to use as an emergency food for humans in need because while, yes, it is indeed a healthy bean, it’s also one of the top eight foods that humans are frequently allergic or intolerant towards. I’d also ask you for whether your 5% of all grown soy statistic is referring to the beans or the entire plant because yeah the beans are the edible part. The rest of the plant isn't especially healthy for humans to eat. I would say the beans are around 5% of a mature soy plant sure.
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peridot-tears · 3 months
During the main quests, this appears p often. It literally means "Jin's Journey":
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But the kanji for "Jin" -- 仁 -- also means "benevolence," emphasizing a respect for humanity. So 仁之道, while it means "Jin's Journey," can also be read as "the path/way of benevolence."
He isn't following the bushido, or 武士道,the way of the warrior/samurai, but rather 仁之道, the way of benevolence, a path that diverts sharply from the "honor" that samurai follow.
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primal-con · 2 years
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Having thoughts about sentience, inorganics, the inherent value of life, and the human factor because the way Transformers talks about it genuinely fucks me up sometimes
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skunkes · 7 months
doing figure drawing studies because i know thats what i should be doing right now but also ive been in a very insane deranged state for the past 2 months that leaves me like this whenever i look at a man for too long
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fluffytimearts · 1 year
Happy Black History Month pt 2 🖤♥️💛💚
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mwagneto · 10 months
also it's so funny to act like empathy or lack thereof is somehow indicative of a person's entire character and their way of dealing with life as if a lack of empathy was a moral failing someone is actively choosing to engage in, especially since being a billionaire is genuinely a moral failing someone is actively choosing to engage in
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why is job hunting.
that's it that's the post
#this is both radicalizing me even more & absolutely harshing my mellow#why. do i need. to communicate with a 'virtual assistant'. to apply at hot fucking topic#you know? maybe i Dont need to apply there. who wants em#everywhere is like you need This This and This#oh look an entry level job! aaaand i need a thousand certifications#Excuse Me Where Do People Who Have Done Nothing With Their Life Thus Far Apply???#why do jobs exist. why cant we all just vibe huh#each application feels like a new death sentence#cant wait to work myself into the ground for a company that views me as nothing but an easily replaceable part! yeehaw!#cant wait to sacrifice my personal time / hobbies / wellbeing for a nine-to-five 5 days a week job i hate!#absolutely unprompted#this world we live in is miserable and infuriating and i want to SHAKE PEOPLE#fucking!! look outside!!! value yourself!! the company is not your family!! they are not worth dying for!! we are all worth so much more!!#gonna go out in the middle of a field and SCREAM#humans are made for art and kindness and for enjoying the short life we're forced into#why make an already doomed existence even worse huh.#why subject ourselves to that. we deserve better. our pasts deserve better. our futures deserve better.#sorry sorry im just. ARGH. this world!!! this life!!! could be so good!!!#but late stage capitalism rampant corruption among Many Other Issues said noooooooo#happiness is illeeegallllll#what if i BITE you. huh. what then. die#every time i sit down to apply i have to actively Not Think About It or i'll delete all my tabs and stop before i start#we as humans are not built for this life... we did not evolve proclivity for kindness and art just to stress ourselves to death#over silly jobs that do Not require the level of dedication we are forced to apply#abolish the 5 day 40+ hour work week... decrease the horrifying amount of funding given to cops and the military... etc...#i think i need to go lie down for a minute im feeling Too Much Anger at the absolute state of things#so happy to be an american. (sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm)
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piplupod · 2 months
i feel like i am losing my mind a little bit bc i spent over half of my counselling appt talking about my fear of spiders and this lady kept telling me i should just kill them, and that the only way to get over my fear is to kill them, and i shouldnt catch and release them anymore ??
and now i am thinking about it and wondering do they actually remember how to get into the house,,,,,, if i put them way on the other side of the house in the garden under a plant where its safe, will they just... come back inside? because I don't remember ever seeing any duplicates of spiders that I caught and released, it seems to always be a different looking one each time so :|
but she just seemed so confused and kind of amused by me trying to explain how i think that like... every life has value and I don't think I should be killing spiders if I can avoid doing that. and she straight up laughed at me saying that they are fascinating very interesting little critters.
i don't know, i just feel kind of sick i think. that was just really not what i was expecting and I'm confused like... is this ... the only way I can get over my fear of them? to just start killing them whenever i find one in the house?? that doesn't seem right at all to me but maybe I'm being too soft or something
they talk about values in DBT and how you must make sure your actions don't go against your values, and this seems very backwards to that, especially since this woman started the DBT program at the hospital. so i feel like maybe it's wrong of her to be telling me this, but also maybe she's right about this. idk !!!
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dnangelic · 24 days
i've said this before but i'm STILL thinking about dark subconsciously affirming daisuke as a human and daisuke subconsciously affirming dark as a thing by the way they separate from each other. dark consistently shouting for daisuke 'not to leave him' versus daisuke consistently shouting for others 'not to take him'
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fairuzfan · 6 months
It's all just so unfair
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flowerflamestars · 5 months
Effloresce snippet
Whatever they were doing, they’d been out there all night- warrior’s sworn to her family, recklessly pulled from one nation to another- they were there on the ground, absolutely motionless. Had held the same positions for so long she could see dew, gathering across the folding shape of a battalions worth of wings. Weakness, it was pure weakness to wish Cassian with her, but Nesta felt it. Longed to turn from this newest disaster, whatever it was, see his eyes bright despite everything. There had never been room for weakness in her life. Nesta dropped her skirt, velvet settling audible on the grass, stopped before the only member of this party whose name she knew. She’d learn them all- she would, hated that she had not already. “Captain.” He did not look up. Move, those great verdigris wings drawn down so tight Nesta would have expected entrapment were they anywhere else. “It has been my honor,” Koram announced, fist over his heart white-knuckled, “To serve your house, my lady.” “It has been our honor to call you Archeron,” Nesta’s mouth answered, numb. Ritual and rote. When no reply came, she continued. “We do not penalize contracts broken. Not for this. If you wish to leave and join the rallying of the army in the mountains. To”- Clear, distinct, Kali, a full arms length of constant presence away, sucked in a breath. From above, it was easy to see the muscle, jumping on Koram’s jaw. “We would die here, Lady Archeron. With some honor left.” It took too long, seconds, to understand it was a plea. A genuine question of mercy. Nesta shook her head. “No one is dying. No one else. You never have to go back to the Night Court’s armies, as far as I’m concerned.” No wind, no air, no answers, until Kali risked that closer step, not even the beads of her braids chiming together. “Lady Archeron, if I may?” Her head hurt. Her heart, her throat, her damned leg- it hurt to stand here and it infuriated her not to know what the hell was happening. Nesta seized her dragging dress again. “Yes, this way.” It was no comfort, to breathe in rosy mist, the transplanted green scent of a hundred continental plants in a garden her grandmother had never gotten to see. “What are they doing?” Surprise looked cataclysmic on the older woman’s face, starker for the rippling tattoos along her hairline. “Waiting to die.” The books had left out too much. “Why?” Kali blinked, and after a moment, settled into a posture Nesta hatefully could not fail to recognize as familiar, three seconds of motion away from Cassian’s formal salute. “They lost two of their charges, my lady. Two girls.”
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nateriverswife · 1 year
I'm sorry, but I cannot take seriously those who say that Light and L are exactly the same or that L is as bad as Light. I just can't. My brain cannot comprehend how you can equate a mass murderer to a detective that is sometimes a jerk and did some questionable things. If you mean personality wise, they are both assholes and ruthless, but still in different manners. Only the fact that they deceive and manipulate others, as well as the core or their ideology (justice), is the same, but even there, there's a clear distinction that makes them different.
If Near and Mello are said to be two (extreme) parts of L, then you have also to think that they are parts of Light, and they are not.
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bruhstation · 2 years
Thomas Awdry Billington
Age: 23 Occupation: NWR 1's driver
Very cheeky and even nosy at times. Every time someone he dislikes gets into trouble, his immediate response is to make a joke out of their situation. Except when it’s something absolutely serious, which is rare. He always puts his best in anything he does and will excitedly prove himself to be the best person up for any job offered to him… which sometimes results in him getting into accidents and mishaps. Edward took him under his wing ever since he started working in the railways three years ago, making Thomas look up to him fondly and consider him a father figure.
He holds the Golden Whistle that is connected to the Shining Time world and stores golden dusts. It also helps control the usage of gold dusts during Lady’s time in Sodor so it won’t run out. He also runs a bulletin board called Sodor's Rumors where railway workers can write and submit the latest gossip or news to the board, whether it’s signed or anonymous. Ones about the quarry workers usually interest him because he's a curious little guy. He noticed, however, that rumors about spirits and suspicious people started popping up more and more ever since Lady joined Sodor Railways. There’s something else, though. He can’t help but feel that he might have forgotten someone important.
The shortest out of the Steam Team. Gordon sometimes calls him “little Thomas” because of this. Also because of his bed hair.
Huge fan of Depeche Mode. His favorite album is Violator.
He seems to never run out of energy.
The bottom of his huge ass shoes has retractable rollers. 6 on each sole, complete with side rods. Similar to the wheels of his steam engine!
Likes: adventures, tootsie rolls, playing elaborate pranks, locomotive anatomy Dislikes: people who are jerks for no reason, string beans
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Percival “Percy” Avonside
Age: 22 Occupation: NWR 6's driver
Thomas’ partner in gold dust hunting. He’s also his best friend even though they have their moments of disagreement. He holds the polaroid camera that can capture pictures of golden dusts and sparkling trails that are invincible to normal eyes in an area. His mail delivery is also part of Sodor’s Postal Service. Being a generally good-natured and obedient person, people who don’t know any better like to mistake his positive traits as naivety.
With his history of being treated as a doormat or stepping stone, whenever he felt like someone is being close to him just to use him for their personal gain, his perception of them can change quickly from trusting and loving to skeptical and critical. Even though he’s a generally polite and well-mannered young man to (almost) everyone, there are several moments where he snaps and just outright calls out said person who wronged or made fun of him. All of these factors result in his actions usually following what he believes can be beneficial to him and is the best for his well-being. Is he really the sweet, pouty, often snarky Percy that everyone knows and recognizes on the surface? Whatever the answer is, does it really matter as long as he’s useful?
Back in high school, he was an ace pitcher for his school team called the Sodor Sobriquets.
His magical polaroid camera works without using any films. He got it inside the wishing well when he accidentally fell inside it during his first day at work.
He gets easily annoyed at people who constantly coddle him.
He collects comic books and magazines as a hobby.
Likes: watching soccer and baseball matches, eggs Benedict Dislikes: being called “Dirty Percy”, not being taken seriously, apricots
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Edward Pettigrew
Age: 46 Occupation: NWR 2's driver
The old reliable! He’s a generally kind and patient person. He rarely ever takes insults or jokes to heart and just patiently waits for misfortune to befall whoever mocks him. Even enjoys it more whenever he gets to be the one dragging their sorry ass out of trouble. However, those who have known him for a long time know not to mess with him. Despite not submitting things to the Sodor’s Rumours Bulletin Board, he likes to smile and nod while reading the railway workers’ quips and notes. When he was younger, he was bold and brash and can never bow down to authority figures. He was also quite a charmer back in the day, something that his two closest coworkers always tease to him.
Even though he’s now a sagely man with a lot of life experiences, he seems to hide a lot of things and know matters someone like him shouldn’t have…? No need to think much about it, though! Probably nothing important, just wise Edward being wise Edward.
He’s great at ballroom dancing and skateboarding.
He used to get into street fights as a young man.
That long scarf is a gift from Henry back when they were younger.
Something about the smiles he gives whenever he’s made fun of by his friends don’t seem pleasant. Feels quite unnerving, even. What is up with that? Oh well.
Likes: old songs, folk tales, black tea Dislikes: what does he even dislike?
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Henry Stanier
Age: 42 Occupation: NWR 3's driver
Used to frown and complain about tough work a lot. He was incredibly protective of his engine and got upset at seeing any stain or dent on it. He’s also extremely worried that heavy workload can put a strain on or even damage it. A long time ago, he hid himself and NWR 3 inside a tunnel to shield from the rain. This and that happened, his engine gets bricked when he went to work the next day, he attended a church sermon for the first and only time to find inner peace, and after he learned his lesson his engine is finally free (to help out Gordon)... but the wildness of his story doesn’t simply end there!
After his first Flying Kipper delivery went horrifyingly wrong and he died in the accident, he got to meet Lady in the Shining Time world who eventually revived him. Since that event, his view on life has never been so offputtingly bright and positive. He lives life cheerfully and is now a much kinder and friendlier person, even though he has his moments of snarkiness (though it’s usually out of saying the truth bluntly instead of being mean). With that amount of epiphanies and one divine intervention, the comparison between his past self and current self can be quite jarring.
He is narcoleptic.
After Lady disguised herself as a regular railway worker and met Henry for the second time, Henry thought that his time is finally up. This is not the case however, which resulted in both of them laughing hysterically after Lady talked with him.
Every time someone mentions “beauty” and “life” in the same sentence within his earshot, he’ll go into an enlightened ramble with a bright, cordial expression.
When he’s stuck in a situation with seemingly no way out, he’ll start writing his will in his cellphone. If there’s moss, he’ll start eating that.
He doesn't remember anything from his childhood before he was adopted by two rich as hell parents. He doesn't have a birth certificate and nobody really knows where he comes from. Either these facts or his encounter with Lady is the reason why his view on life is quite… unique, to say at least.
Likes: nature, apple slices, Desi dishes, shitty reality TV shows Dislikes: people who are annoying, people who don’t do their jobs properly, people who are noisy, people who are just downright pathetic
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Gordon Gresley
Age: 41 Occupation: NWR 4's driver 
Prideful and can be rude at times. He’s very ambitious and takes his occupation as the driver of the greatest and most beloved express train in all of Sodor seriously. Because of his upbringing, he used to look down on those that he deems weak or is contributing less and less to the railways. He’s also quite competitive and always pushes himself to his limits in order to live up to his (and - when the situation calls for it - his engine’s) reputation and restore any remaining glory of the Gresley name.
A lot of people view the Gresley lineage as suspicious or even cursed because of how easily its members die out under unnatural circumstances (illness, accidents, etc.). The formerly large and respected nuclear family of nine is now reduced to just him, Scott, and his mother. The subject is frequently brought up during Scott’s interviews and reporters who recognize Gordon always try to pry information out of him (the main reason why he moved to Sodor). Even though he loves and lives off attention, the ones that are given by reporters and journalists are always met with scowls and exasperated “go away”s from him.
Despite scoffing at the idea of the Sodor’s Rumours Bulletin Board and thinking that it’s a silly idea, he submits rants whenever his brother finished calling him on the phone. He sometimes gets embarrassed in showing affection or appreciation which made people who don’t know him well assume that he’s distant and unappreciative.
The youngest Gresley. His middle name is Juniperus.
Despite not liking his mother very much, he still maintains a decent (???) relationship with Scott and his cousins just so she would stop getting worried and pestering him.
Even though he has a high image of himself, he gets easily thrown off guard whenever faced with a crowd or confronted directly.
He, Henry, and Edward used to be an incredibly tight-knit trio when they were younger. However, as the years passed, he felt like the three of them don’t have that much in common anymore (Henry slowly turned into someone quieter and more passive, Edward became more calm and less brash). They’re all still… friends, but sometimes Gordon can’t help but feel like things really aren’t the same between them as they used to.
When he smiles, it changes his entire face :]
Likes: orange-scented things, emotional movies Dislikes: being compared to the rest of his family, talking about his late brothers and sisters, admitting his weaknesses
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James Augustine Hughes
Age: 35 Occupation: NWR 5's driver
An incredibly pompous person, James thinks highly of himself. VERRRY highly. His entire design and personality just screams “Look at me. Look at how handsome and fabulous I am and praise me!”. He absolutely hates it when he sees other people getting praised or complimented for the things that he has (people who fully dress in reds and golds or wear aviators just like him and get complimented for those). Sometimes he reads complaints and worries submitted by others in the Sodor’s Rumours Bulletin Board to make him feel better about himself.
Due to the events of his childhood and teenage years, he has a habit of wanting to get into popular cliques or feared friend groups, a juxtaposition of his arrogant and self-centered personality. He looks up to people who are respected or even worshiped by their peers and even tries to be just like them. There are certain kinds of people that he believes is worthy of his respect, but he is starting to get more and more unsure of who exactly they are ever since he became proper friends with Thomas and Percy.
When he was in high school, he wanted to become a psychologist. He gave up on pursuing it after he got into a nasty fight with a teacher and got a mean scolding from the principal and his parents. He was also a bit quiet back then.
If he gets ignored a little too much, he starts to panic.
He’s good at reading others and quick to notice change.
He looks up to Gordon and respects him greatly, even going so far as to be just like him for his approval. Though as the story progresses, things really aren’t looking bright for this statement.
He’s fluent in Spanish and French.
Likes: being praised, being wanted, sweet margaritas Dislikes: things that are ugly, pulling trucks, his old self, losing support from the group(s) he’s in
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Tobias “Toby” Holden
Age: 56 Occupation: NWR 7's driver
Despite his age and his engine being considered one of the slowest in the railways, he works hard and diligently. He also has a good sense of humor and lends a good ear to anyone with interesting stories and tales. Even though he's a knowledgeable and wise driver that knows how to handle problems slowly, he can be temperamental at times and frowns at the sight of people with unchecked egos and self-righteousness. Due to experiences in the past that also got Henrietta involved, he actually distrusts youth who think they know all and act all mighty because of their new technology, engines, and even actions that have potential to harm others when used carelessly.
At day, Tobias Holden is NWR 7's driver. At night, he reads records and books about Sodor's history with anomalies and significant cultural differences compared to Mainland's. Not originally from Sodor, he is aware of the island's cultural and environmental quirkiness and can't handle the thought of his wife being involved with those sorts of things. Even though he avoids confrontations, he'll do anything to get rid of anything that threatens the harmony of his life - and to an extent - the railways. He’ll make sure ghosts and spirit don’t exist. He’ll make sure the cases of people disappearing and other ones appearing out of nowhere don’t struck him and the people he cares about. There's an itch at the back of his mind that says that a certain driver for the NWR 2 and a lady dressed in magenta aren't really as simple as they look on the surface, and he's not going to keep quiet about it… eventually.
Rumours had it that he once got arrested in his youth because he body-slammed a cop.
He wishes to live a quiet life someday. There must be no other place as pretty as this island.
He likes hearing Thomas' jokes.
He doesn't like the idea of being separated from Henrietta. He'll do anything for her. Anything.
Likes: tiramisu, slow dancing, seeing pompous young people getting into trouble, his wife <3 Dislikes: people in power.
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And that’s all for the main cast (save for Lady and D10) of Casa Tidmouth! And while we’re at it: thank you so SO much for 206 followers (during the time I’m writing this)! The support and kind words all of you have provided for me and this story are overwhelming, and I cannot thank you all enough for that. Consider this post a celebration for that milestone, if you will :]
[ The Little Western + Diesel Drivers ]
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forbiddensasuke · 2 months
Quick i need a reason to feel connected with humanity help. HEEEEEELP
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craycraybluejay · 3 months
How many great artists and scientists and iventors dyou think died in slave plantations, concentration camps, and meaningless bullshit wars and genocides?
#i think about it every now and then and feel like crying#you know?#someone who died to the cruelty of humanity could have cured cancer#and their lives matter either way but#it causes me anxiety to think that even with whatever value I have it can only mean so much#people are irrational and cruel. i could invent fucking time travel and in some spaces it simply would not matter#how do you play at stocks and mind games with someone who does not Think in that way#a smart play for power or play for anything else is only useful so long as other involved parties arent insane or stupid#how frustrating is that?#irresponsible stupid people in power make my blood boil more than just the power itself#you cant even concede to someone like that either bc they wont understand compromise or surrender#but also its like telling a bully you'll tell his mom that his dad cheated#but the bully is stupid and beats you up anyway and now you both lose because youre definitely going to tell now#you could have come out both winners if he understood your leverage and backed off#but now youre both losers cause you are still all bruised and bloody and he gets to deal with his parents messy divorce#don't negotiate with stupid people. recognize when they arent understanding and just try something else like running#dont fret sometimes an appeal to emotion will kick em into gear#'ill tell your mom' vs 'your mom will be so devastated and sad when she finds out :('#obv dont do that unless someones abusing their power over you/hurting you in a situation you cant just run from#because the best solution if possible is almost always run. leave. get away.#but if you have to fight you want to get at any angle you can#you want to corner the other person so they go from being offense to defense#and if youre just digging/prepping for a bigger thing you want to get them frazzled enough to make a mistake#again. this is for self defense especially in long term abusive/toxic situations#people who abuse using their power usually have ego problems. sometimes you can take a gamble and go for the ego#they do this to you. do it BACK.#and preferably have a weapon on hand if they are liable to violence and unpredictability#better to look for a lawyer than check on the status of your life and health insurances#it is never too late to fight back. some people will tell you helplines but they have not helped me or anyone i know#so i'm telling you how to fight back and protect yourself by any means necessary
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